Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/

$MESS ['MAIN_T_EDIT_TEMPL_LIST'] = "List of Templates";
$MESS ['MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_ERR'] = "Error importing the template";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_ERR_LOAD'] = "Please select file to upload";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_ERR_ID'] = "Please enter template identifier";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_ERR_EX'] = "The template #TEMPLATE_NAME# already exists.";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_OK'] = "The template #TEMPLATE_NAME# uploaded successfully.";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TITLE'] = "Import template";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_FILE'] = "Template file for upload (*.gz):";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_SITE_ID'] = "Make template default for the site:";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_GOTO_EDIT'] = "Go to template editing page after save:";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_WARN_UTF'] = "Please note that all site template files should have UTF-8 encoding.";
$MESS ['MAIN_TEMPLATE_LOAD_WARN_NON_UTF'] = "Please note that site template files encoding should match the site encoding.";