Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2022 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main\Authentication; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Web; use Bitrix\Main\Security; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\Internal; use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\Internal\EO_UserDevice; use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\Internal\EO_UserDeviceLogin; use Bitrix\Main\Web\UserAgent\Browser; use Bitrix\Main\Web\UserAgent\DeviceType; use Bitrix\Main\Service\GeoIp; use Bitrix\Main\Service\GeoIp\Internal\GeonameTable; use Bitrix\Main\Mail; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\LanguageTable; class Device { protected const COOKIE_NAME = 'UIDD'; public const EMAIL_EVENT = 'NEW_DEVICE_LOGIN'; public static function addLogin(Context $context, array $user): void { $device = static::findByCookie($context); if ($device === null) { $cookable = false; $device = static::findByUserAgent($context); } else { // found by a cookie = supports cookies $cookable = true; } if ($device === null) { // add a new device for the user $device = static::add($context); $deviceLogin = static::addDeviceLogin($device, $context); if (Option::get('main', 'user_device_notify', 'N') === 'Y') { // send notification to the user static::sendEmail($device, $deviceLogin, $user); } } else { // update to actual data static::update($device, $cookable); static::addDeviceLogin($device, $context); } static::setCookie($device->getDeviceUid()); } protected static function findByCookie(Context $context): ?EO_UserDevice { $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $deviceUid = $request->getCookie(static::COOKIE_NAME); if (is_string($deviceUid) && $deviceUid != '') { return Internal\UserDeviceTable::query() ->setSelect(['*']) ->where('USER_ID', $context->getUserId()) ->where('DEVICE_UID', $deviceUid) ->fetchObject() ; } return null; } protected static function findByUserAgent(Context $context): ?EO_UserDevice { $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $userAgent = $request->getUserAgent(); // only user agents not supporting cookies $query = Internal\UserDeviceTable::query() ->setSelect(['*']) ->where('USER_ID', $context->getUserId()) ->where('COOKABLE', false) ->exec() ; while ($device = $query->fetchObject()) { $pattern = preg_replace('/\\d+/i', '\\d+', preg_quote($device->getUserAgent(), '/')); if (preg_match("/{$pattern}/i", $userAgent)) { return $device; } } return null; } protected static function add(Context $context): EO_UserDevice { $browser = Browser::detect(); $device = Internal\UserDeviceTable::createObject(); $device ->setUserId($context->getUserId()) ->setDeviceUid(Security\Random::getString(32)) ->setDeviceType($browser->getDeviceType()) ->setBrowser($browser->getName()) ->setPlatform($browser->getPlatform()) ->setUserAgent($browser->getUserAgent()) ->save() ; return $device; } protected static function update(EO_UserDevice $device, bool $cookable): void { $browser = Browser::detect(); $device ->setDeviceType($browser->getDeviceType()) ->setBrowser($browser->getName()) ->setPlatform($browser->getPlatform()) ->setUserAgent($browser->getUserAgent()) ->setCookable($cookable) ->save() ; } protected static function setCookie(string $value): void { $cookie = new Web\Cookie(static::COOKIE_NAME, $value, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12); Main\Context::getCurrent()->getResponse()->addCookie($cookie); } protected static function addDeviceLogin(EO_UserDevice $device, Context $context): EO_UserDeviceLogin { $ip = GeoIp\Manager::getRealIp(); $login = Internal\UserDeviceLoginTable::createObject(); $login ->setDeviceId($device->getId()) ->setLoginDate(new Main\Type\DateTime()) ->setIp($ip) ->setAppPasswordId($context->getApplicationPasswordId()) ->setStoredAuthId($context->getStoredAuthId()) ->setHitAuthId($context->getHitAuthId()) ; if (Option::get('main', 'user_device_geodata', 'N') === 'Y') { $ipData = GeoIp\Manager::getDataResult($ip, '', ['cityGeonameId']); if ($ipData && $ipData->isSuccess()) { $data = $ipData->getGeoData(); $login ->setCityGeoid($data->cityGeonameId) ->setRegionGeoid($data->subRegionGeonameId ?? $data->regionGeonameId) ->setCountryIsoCode($data->countryCode) ; } } $login->save(); return $login; } protected static function sendEmail(EO_UserDevice $device, EO_UserDeviceLogin $deviceLogin, array $user): void { $site = $user['LID']; if (!$site) { $site = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getSite(); if (!$site) { $site = \CSite::GetDefSite(); } } $currentLang = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getLanguage(); $lang = $user['LANGUAGE_ID'] != '' ? $user['LANGUAGE_ID'] : $currentLang; // Devices $deviceTypes = DeviceType::getDescription($lang); // City and Region names $geoids = array_filter([$deviceLogin->getCityGeoid(), $deviceLogin->getRegionGeoid()]); $geonames = GeonameTable::get($geoids); $city = ''; $region = ''; if (!empty($geonames)) { $langCode = ''; if ($user['LANGUAGE_ID'] != '' && $user['LANGUAGE_ID'] != $currentLang) { $language = LanguageTable::getList([ 'filter' => ['=LID' => $user['LANGUAGE_ID'], '=ACTIVE' => 'Y'], 'cache' => ['ttl' => 86400], ])->fetchObject(); if ($language) { $langCode = $language->getCode(); } } if ($langCode == '') { $langCode = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getLanguageObject()->getCode(); } if (($cityCode = $deviceLogin->getCityGeoid()) > 0) { $city = $geonames[$cityCode][$langCode] ?? $geonames[$cityCode]['en'] ?? ''; } if (($regionCode = $deviceLogin->getRegionGeoid()) > 0) { $region = $geonames[$regionCode][$langCode] ?? $geonames[$regionCode]['en'] ?? ''; } } // Country name $country = ''; if (($countryCode = $deviceLogin->getCountryIsoCode()) != '') { $countries = \GetCountries($lang); $country = $countries[$countryCode]['NAME']; } // Combined location $location = implode(', ', array_filter([$city, $region, $country])); $fields = [ 'EMAIL' => $user['EMAIL'], 'LOGIN' => $user['LOGIN'], 'NAME' => $user['NAME'], 'LAST_NAME' => $user['LAST_NAME'], 'DEVICE' => $deviceTypes[$device->getDeviceType()], 'BROWSER' => $device->getBrowser(), 'PLATFORM' => $device->getPlatform(), 'USER_AGENT' => $device->getUserAgent(), 'IP' => $deviceLogin->getIp(), 'DATE' => $deviceLogin->getLoginDate(), 'COUNTRY' => $country, 'REGION' => $region, 'CITY' => $city, 'LOCATION' => $location, ]; Mail\Event::send([ 'EVENT_NAME' => self::EMAIL_EVENT, 'C_FIELDS' => $fields, 'LID' => $site, 'LANGUAGE_ID' => $lang, ]); } }