Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Diag; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ScalarField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\IntegerField; class PgsqlConnection extends Connection { protected int $transactionLevel = 0; public function connectionErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = 0, $errcontext = null) { throw new ConnectionException('Pgsql connect error: ', $errstr); } protected function connectInternal() { if ($this->isConnected) { return; } $host = $this->host; $port = 0; if (($pos = strpos($host, ":")) !== false) { $port = intval(substr($host, $pos + 1)); $host = substr($host, 0, $pos); } $connectionString = " host='" . addslashes($host) . "'"; if ($port > 0) { $connectionString .= " port='" . addslashes($port) . "'"; } $connectionString .= " dbname='" . addslashes($this->database) . "'"; $connectionString .= " user='" . addslashes($this->login) . "'"; $connectionString .= " password='" . addslashes($this->password) . "'"; if (isset($this->configuration['charset'])) { $connectionString .= " options='--client_encoding=" . $this->configuration['charset'] . "'"; } set_error_handler([$this, 'connectionErrorHandler']); if ($this->options & self::PERSISTENT) { $connection = @pg_pconnect($connectionString); } else { $connection = @pg_connect($connectionString); } restore_error_handler(); if (!$connection) { throw new ConnectionException( 'Pgsql connect error ['.$this->host.']', error_get_last()['message'] ); } $this->resource = $connection; $this->isConnected = true; $this->afterConnected(); } protected function disconnectInternal() { if ($this->isConnected) { $this->isConnected = false; try { pg_close($this->resource); $this->resource = null; } catch (\Throwable) { // Ignore misterious error // pg_close(): supplied resource is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource (0) } } } protected function createSqlHelper() { return new PgsqlSqlHelper($this); } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function queryInternal($sql, array $binds = null, Diag\SqlTrackerQuery $trackerQuery = null) { $this->connectInternal(); $trackerQuery?->startQuery($sql, $binds); $result = pg_query($this->resource, $sql); $trackerQuery?->finishQuery(); $this->lastQueryResult = $result; if (!$result) { throw new SqlQueryException('Pgsql query error', $this->getErrorMessage(), $sql); } return $result; } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function createResult($result, Diag\SqlTrackerQuery $trackerQuery = null) { return new PgsqlResult($result, $this, $trackerQuery); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function add($tableName, array $data, $identity = "ID") { $insert = $this->getSqlHelper()->prepareInsert($tableName, $data); if( $identity !== null && ( !isset($data[$identity]) || $data[$identity] instanceof SqlExpression ) ) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$tableName."(".$insert[0].") VALUES (".$insert[1].") RETURNING ".$identity; $row = $this->query($sql)->fetch(); return intval(array_shift($row)); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$tableName."(".$insert[0].") VALUES (".$insert[1].")"; $this->query($sql); return $data[$identity]; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getInsertedId() { try { return (int)$this->query('SELECT bx_lastval() as X')->fetch()['X']; } catch (SqlQueryException) { return 0; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getAffectedRowsCount() { return pg_affected_rows($this->lastQueryResult); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isTableExists($tableName) { $result = $this->query(" SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '".$this->getSqlHelper()->forSql($tableName)."' "); $row = $result->fetch(); return is_array($row); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isIndexExists($tableName, array $columns) { return $this->getIndexName($tableName, $columns) !== null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getIndexName($tableName, array $columns, $strict = false) { if (empty($columns)) { return null; } $tableColumns = []; $r = $this->query(" SELECT a.attnum, a.attname FROM pg_class t LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = t.oid WHERE t.relname = '".$this->getSqlHelper()->forSql($tableName)."' "); while ($a = $r->fetch()) { if ($a['ATTNUM']> 0) { $tableColumns[$a['ATTNUM']] = $a['ATTNAME']; } } $r = $this->query(" SELECT relname, indkey, pg_get_expr(pg_index.indexprs, pg_index.indrelid) full_text FROM pg_class, pg_index WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_index.indexrelid AND pg_class.oid IN ( SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index, pg_class WHERE pg_class.relname = '".$this->getSqlHelper()->forSql($tableName)."' AND pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid ) "); $indexes = []; while ($a = $r->fetch()) { $indexes[$a['RELNAME']] = []; if ($a['FULL_TEXT']) { $match = []; if (preg_match_all('/,\s*([a-z0-9_]+)/i', $a['FULL_TEXT'], $match)) { foreach ($match[1] as $i => $colName) { $indexes[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($colName); } } } else { foreach (explode(' ', $a['INDKEY']) as $i => $indkey) { $indexes[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($tableColumns[$indkey]); } } } return static::findIndex($indexes, $columns, $strict); } protected static function findIndex(array $indexes, array $columns, $strict) { $columnsList = mb_strtolower(implode(",", $columns)); foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $indexColumns) { ksort($indexColumns); $indexColumnList = mb_strtolower(implode(",", $indexColumns)); if ($strict) { if ($indexColumnList === $columnsList) { return $indexName; } } else { if (str_starts_with($indexColumnList, $columnsList)) { return $indexName; } } } return null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getTableFields($tableName) { if (!isset($this->tableColumnsCache[$tableName]) || empty($this->tableColumnsCache[$tableName])) { $this->connectInternal(); $sqlHelper = $this->getSqlHelper(); $query = $this->query(" SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_catalog = '" . $sqlHelper->forSql($this->getDatabase()) . "' and table_schema = 'public' and table_name = '" . $sqlHelper->forSql(mb_strtolower($tableName)) . "' ORDER BY ordinal_position "); $this->tableColumnsCache[$tableName] = []; while ($fieldInfo = $query->fetch()) { $fieldName = mb_strtoupper($fieldInfo['COLUMN_NAME']); $fieldType = $fieldInfo['DATA_TYPE']; $field = $sqlHelper->getFieldByColumnType($fieldName, $fieldType); if ( $fieldInfo['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'] && is_a($field, '\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\StringField') ) { $field->configureSize($fieldInfo['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH']); } $this->tableColumnsCache[$tableName][$fieldName] = $field; } } return $this->tableColumnsCache[$tableName]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function createTable($tableName, $fields, $primary = array(), $autoincrement = array()) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$this->getSqlHelper()->quote($tableName).' ('; $sqlFields = array(); foreach ($fields as $columnName => $field) { if (!($field instanceof ScalarField)) { throw new ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Field `%s` should be an Entity\ScalarField instance', $columnName )); } $realColumnName = $field->getColumnName(); if (in_array($columnName, $autoincrement, true)) { $type = 'INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; // size = 4 if ($field instanceof IntegerField) { switch ($field->getSize()) { case 2: $type = 'SMALLINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; break; case 8: $type = 'BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; break; } } } else { $type = $this->getSqlHelper()->getColumnTypeByField($field); } $sqlFields[] = $this->getSqlHelper()->quote($realColumnName) . ' ' . $type . ($field->isNullable() ? '' : ' NOT NULL') ; } $sql .= join(', ', $sqlFields); if (!empty($primary)) { foreach ($primary as &$primaryColumn) { $realColumnName = $fields[$primaryColumn]->getColumnName(); $primaryColumn = $this->getSqlHelper()->quote($realColumnName); } $sql .= ', PRIMARY KEY('.join(', ', $primary).')'; } $sql .= ')'; $this->query($sql); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $columnNames, $columnLengths = null, $indexType = null) { if (!is_array($columnNames)) { $columnNames = array($columnNames); } $sqlHelper = $this->getSqlHelper(); foreach ($columnNames as &$columnName) { $columnName = $sqlHelper->quote($columnName); } unset($columnName); if ($indexType === static::INDEX_UNIQUE) { return $this->query('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ' . $sqlHelper->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $sqlHelper->quote($tableName) . '(' . implode(',', $columnNames) . ')'); } elseif ($indexType === static::INDEX_FULLTEXT) { return $this->query('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ' . $sqlHelper->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $sqlHelper->quote($tableName) . ' USING GIN (to_tsvector(\'english\', ' . implode(',', $columnNames) . '))'); } else { return $this->query('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ' . $sqlHelper->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $sqlHelper->quote($tableName) . '(' . implode(',', $columnNames) . ')'); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function renameTable($currentName, $newName) { $this->query('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getSqlHelper()->quote($currentName).' RENAME TO '.$this->getSqlHelper()->quote($newName)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function dropTable($tableName) { $this->query('DROP TABLE '.$this->getSqlHelper()->quote($tableName)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function startTransaction() { if ($this->transactionLevel == 0) { $this->query("START TRANSACTION"); } else { $this->query("SAVEPOINT TRANS{$this->transactionLevel}"); } $this->transactionLevel++; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function commitTransaction() { $this->transactionLevel--; if ($this->transactionLevel < 0) { throw new TransactionException('Transaction was not started.'); } if ($this->transactionLevel == 0) { // commits all nested transactions $this->query("COMMIT"); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function rollbackTransaction() { $this->transactionLevel--; if ($this->transactionLevel < 0) { throw new TransactionException('Transaction was not started.'); } if ($this->transactionLevel == 0) { $this->query("ROLLBACK"); } else { $this->query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT TRANS{$this->transactionLevel}"); } } /********************************************************* * Global named lock *********************************************************/ /** * @inheritDoc */ public function lock($name, $timeout = 0) { $timeout = (int)$timeout; $name = $this->getLockName($name); $sql = 'SELECT bx_get_lock(' . $name . ', ' . $timeout . ') as L'; $lock = $this->query($sql)->fetch(); return ($lock['L'] == 0); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function unlock($name) { $name = $this->getLockName($name); $sql = 'SELECT bx_release_lock(' . $name . ') as L'; $lock = $this->query($sql)->fetch(); return ($lock['L'] == 0); } protected function getLockName($name) { $unique = \CMain::GetServerUniqID(); return crc32($unique . '|' . $name); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getType() { return "pgsql"; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getVersion() { if ($this->version == null) { $this->connectInternal(); $version = trim(pg_version($this->resource)['server']); preg_match("#^.*?([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)#", $version, $ar); $this->version = $ar[1]; } return array($this->version, null); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getErrorMessage() { return pg_last_error($this->resource); } }