Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Diag; class ExceptionHandler { private $debug = false; private $handledErrorsTypes; private $exceptionErrorsTypes; private array $trackModules = []; private $catchOverflowMemory = false; private $memoryReserveLimit = 65536; /** @noinspection PhpPropertyOnlyWrittenInspection */ private $memoryReserve; private $ignoreSilence = false; private $assertionThrowsException = true; private $assertionErrorType = E_USER_ERROR; /** @var ExceptionHandlerLog */ private $handlerLog = null; private $handlerLogCreator = null; /** @var IExceptionHandlerOutput */ private $handlerOutput = null; private $handlerOutputCreator = null; private $isInitialized = false; /** * ExceptionHandler constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->handledErrorsTypes = E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR; $this->exceptionErrorsTypes = E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR; } /** * Sets debug mode. * Should be used for development install. * * @param boolean $debug If true errors will be displayed in html output. If false most errors will be suppressed. * * @return void */ public function setDebugMode($debug) { $this->debug = $debug; } /** * Whenever to try catch and report memory overflows errors or not. * * @param boolean $catchOverflowMemory If true memory overflow errors will be handled. * * @return void */ public function setOverflowMemoryCatching($catchOverflowMemory) { $this->catchOverflowMemory = $catchOverflowMemory; } /** * Sets error types to be handled. * * @param integer $handledErrorsTypes Bitmask of error types. * * @return void * @see */ public function setHandledErrorsTypes($handledErrorsTypes) { $this->handledErrorsTypes = $handledErrorsTypes; } public function getTrackModules(): array { return $this->trackModules; } public function setTrackModules(array $trackModules): void { $this->trackModules = $trackModules; } /** * Sets assertion types to be handled. * * @param integer $assertionErrorType Bitmask of assertion types. * * @return void * @see */ public function setAssertionErrorType($assertionErrorType) { $this->assertionErrorType = $assertionErrorType; } /** * Whenever to throw an exception on assertion or not. * * @param boolean $assertionThrowsException If true an assertion will throw exception. * * @return void */ public function setAssertionThrowsException($assertionThrowsException) { $this->assertionThrowsException = $assertionThrowsException; } /** * Sets which errors will raise an exception. * * @param integer $errorTypesException Bitmask of error types. * * @return void * @see */ public function setExceptionErrorsTypes($errorTypesException) { $this->exceptionErrorsTypes = $errorTypesException; } /** * Whenever to ignore error_reporting() == 0 or not. * * @param boolean $ignoreSilence If true then error_reporting()==0 will be ignored. * * @return void */ public function setIgnoreSilence($ignoreSilence) { $this->ignoreSilence = $ignoreSilence; } /** * Sets logger object to use for log writing. * * @param ExceptionHandlerLog|null $handlerLog Logger object. * * @return void */ public function setHandlerLog(ExceptionHandlerLog $handlerLog = null) { $this->handlerLog = $handlerLog; } /** * Sets an object used for error message display to user. * * @param IExceptionHandlerOutput $handlerOutput Object will display errors to user. * * @return void */ public function setHandlerOutput(IExceptionHandlerOutput $handlerOutput) { $this->handlerOutput = $handlerOutput; } /** * Adjusts PHP for error handling. * * @return void */ protected function initializeEnvironment() { if ($this->debug) { error_reporting($this->handledErrorsTypes); @ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); @ini_set('display_startup_errors', 'On'); @ini_set('report_memleaks', 'On'); } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); } } /** * Returns an object used for error message display to user. * * @return IExceptionHandlerOutput|null */ protected function getHandlerOutput() { if ($this->handlerOutput === null) { $h = $this->handlerOutputCreator; if (is_callable($h)) { $this->handlerOutput = call_user_func_array($h, []); } } return $this->handlerOutput; } /** * Returns an object for error message writing to log. * * @return ExceptionHandlerLog|null */ protected function getHandlerLog() { if ($this->handlerLog === null) { $h = $this->handlerLogCreator; if (is_callable($h)) { $this->handlerLog = call_user_func_array($h, []); } } return $this->handlerLog; } /** * Initializes error handling. * Must be called after the object creation. * * @param callable $exceptionHandlerOutputCreator Function to return an object for error message formatting. * @param callable|null $exceptionHandlerLogCreator Function to return an object for log writing. * * @return void */ public function initialize($exceptionHandlerOutputCreator, $exceptionHandlerLogCreator = null) { if ($this->isInitialized) { return; } $this->initializeEnvironment(); $this->handlerOutputCreator = $exceptionHandlerOutputCreator; $this->handlerLogCreator = $exceptionHandlerLogCreator; if ($this->catchOverflowMemory) { $this->memoryReserve = str_repeat('b', $this->memoryReserveLimit); } set_error_handler([$this, "handleError"], $this->handledErrorsTypes); set_exception_handler([$this, "handleException"]); register_shutdown_function([$this, "handleFatalError"]); if ($this->debug) { assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, [$this, "handleAssertion"]); } else { assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 0); } $this->isInitialized = true; } /** * Writes exception information into log, displays it to user and terminates with die(). * * @param \Exception|\Error $exception Exception object. * * @param int $logType * @return void * @see ExceptionHandler::writeToLog * @see ExceptionHandler::initialize */ public function handleException($exception, $logType = ExceptionHandlerLog::UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) { $this->writeToLog($exception, $logType); $out = $this->getHandlerOutput(); $out->renderExceptionMessage($exception, $this->debug); die(); } /** * Creates and exception object from its arguments. * Throws it if $code matches exception mask or writes it into log. * * @param integer $code Error code. * @param string $message Error message. * @param string $file File where error has occurred. * @param integer $line File line number where error has occurred. * * @return true * @throws \ErrorException * @see ExceptionHandler::setExceptionErrorsTypes */ public function handleError($code, $message, $file, $line) { $exception = new \ErrorException($message, 0, $code, $file, $line); if (!$this->ignoreSilence) { $errorReporting = error_reporting(); if ( $errorReporting === 0 //Prior to PHP 8.0.0 || $errorReporting === (E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_PARSE) ) { return true; } } if (!$this->isFileInTrackedModules($file)) { return true; } if ($code & $this->exceptionErrorsTypes) { throw $exception; } else { $this->writeToLog($exception, ExceptionHandlerLog::LOW_PRIORITY_ERROR); return true; } } private function isFileInTrackedModules(string $file): bool { $modules = $this->getTrackModules(); if (!$modules) { return true; } foreach ($modules as $module) { $moduleDir = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "modules" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $module . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (str_contains($file, $moduleDir)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates and exception object from its arguments. * Throws it if assertion set to raise exception (which is by default) or writes it to log. * * @param string $file File where error has occurred. * @param integer $line File line number where error has occurred. * @param string $message Error message. * * @return void * @throws \ErrorException * @see ExceptionHandler::setAssertionThrowsException */ public function handleAssertion($file, $line, $message) { $exception = new \ErrorException($message, 0, $this->assertionErrorType, $file, $line); if ($this->assertionThrowsException) { throw $exception; } else { $this->writeToLog($exception, ExceptionHandlerLog::ASSERTION); } } /** * Gets error information from error_get_last() function. * Checks if type for certain error types and writes it to log. * * @return void * @see error_get_last * @see ExceptionHandler::setHandledErrorsTypes */ public function handleFatalError() { $this->memoryReserve = null; if ($error = error_get_last()) { if (($error['type'] & (E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR))) { if (($error['type'] & $this->handledErrorsTypes)) { $exception = new \ErrorException($error['message'], 0, $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line']); $this->handleException($exception, ExceptionHandlerLog::FATAL); } } } } /** * Writes an exception information to log. * * @param \Throwable $exception Exception object. * @param integer|null $logType See ExceptionHandlerLog class constants. * * @return void * @see ExceptionHandler::initialize */ public function writeToLog($exception, $logType = null) { $log = $this->getHandlerLog(); $log?->write($exception, $logType); } }