Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpHeaders; class HttpResponse extends Response { public const STORE_COOKIE_NAME = 'STORE_COOKIES'; /** @var \Bitrix\Main\Web\Cookie[] */ protected $cookies = []; /** @var Web\HttpHeaders */ protected $headers; /** @var \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime */ protected $lastModified; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setHeaders(new Web\HttpHeaders()); } /** * Flushes the content to the output buffer. All following output will be ignored. * @param string $text */ public function flush($text = '') { //clear all buffers - the response is responsible alone for its content while (@ob_end_clean()) { ; } if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) { //php-fpm $this->writeHeaders(); $this->writeBody($text); fastcgi_finish_request(); } else { //apache handler ob_start(); $this->writeBody($text); $size = ob_get_length(); $this->addHeader('Content-Length', $size); $this->writeHeaders(); ob_end_flush(); @ob_flush(); flush(); } } /** * Adds an HTTP header field to the response. * * @param string $name Header field name * @param string $value Header field value * @return $this * @throws ArgumentNullException */ public function addHeader($name, $value = '') { if (empty($name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException('name'); } $this->getHeaders()->add($name, $value); return $this; } /** * Sets a collection of HTTP headers. * @param Web\HttpHeaders $headers Headers collection. * * @return $this */ public function setHeaders(Web\HttpHeaders $headers) { $this->headers = $headers; return $this; } /** * Adds a cookie to the response. * * @param Web\Cookie $cookie The cookie. * @param bool $replace Replace an existing cookie or not. * @param bool $checkExpires Check expires value of the cookie or not. * @return $this */ public function addCookie(Web\Cookie $cookie, $replace = true, $checkExpires = true) { $key = $cookie->getName() . '.' . $cookie->getDomain() . '.' . $cookie->getPath(); if ($replace || !isset($this->cookies[$key])) { if ($checkExpires && $cookie->getExpires() > 0) { //it's a persistent cookie; we should check if we're allowed to store persistent cookies static $askToStore = null; if ($askToStore === null) { $askToStore = Config\Option::get('main', 'ask_to_store_cookies'); } if ($askToStore === 'Y') { if (Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getCookiesMode() !== 'Y') { //user declined to store cookies - we're using session cookies only $cookie->setExpires(0); } } } $this->cookies[$key] = $cookie; } return $this; } /** * Remembers user's choice about storing persistent cookies. * @param bool $mode */ public function allowPersistentCookies($mode) { if ($mode === true) { //persistent cookie to remember $cookie = new Web\Cookie(self::STORE_COOKIE_NAME, 'Y'); } else { //session cookie: we're not allowed to store persistent cookies $cookie = new Web\Cookie(self::STORE_COOKIE_NAME, 'N', 0); } $this->addCookie($cookie, true, false); } /** * @return Web\Cookie[] */ public function getCookies() { return $this->cookies; } /** * @return Web\HttpHeaders */ public function getHeaders() { return $this->headers; } /** * Flushes all headers and cookies */ public function writeHeaders() { $this->flushStatus(); if ($this->lastModified !== null) { $this->flushHeader(['Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->lastModified->getTimestamp()) . ' GMT']); } foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $this->flushHeader([$name, $value]); } } elseif ($values !== '') { $this->flushHeader([$name, $values]); } else { $this->flushHeader($name); } } $cookiesCrypter = new Web\CookiesCrypter(); foreach ($this->cookies as $cookie) { if (!$cookiesCrypter->shouldEncrypt($cookie)) { $this->setCookie($cookie); } else { /** @var Web\CryptoCookie $cookie */ foreach ($cookiesCrypter->encrypt($cookie) as $cryptoCookie) { $this->setCookie($cryptoCookie); } } } } protected function flushStatus() { if (($status = $this->headers->getStatus()) > 0) { $reasonPhrase = $this->headers->getReasonPhrase(); if ($reasonPhrase != '') { $status .= ' ' . $reasonPhrase; } $httpStatus = Config\Configuration::getValue('http_status'); $cgiMode = (stristr(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi') !== false); if ($cgiMode && !$httpStatus) { header('Status: ' . $status); } else { header($this->getServerProtocol() . ' ' . $status); } } } protected function flushHeader($header) { if (is_array($header)) { header($header[0] . ': ' . $header[1]); } else { header($header); } return $this; } protected function setCookie(Web\Cookie $cookie) { if ($cookie->getSpread() & Web\Cookie::SPREAD_DOMAIN) { $params = [ 'expires' => $cookie->getExpires(), 'path' => $cookie->getPath(), 'domain' => $cookie->getDomain(), 'secure' => $cookie->getSecure(), 'httponly' => $cookie->getHttpOnly(), ]; if (($sameSite = $cookie->getSameSite()) !== null) { $params['samesite'] = $sameSite; } setcookie( $cookie->getName(), $cookie->getValue(), $params ); } return $this; } /** * Sets the HTTP status of the response. * * @param string | int $status * @return $this */ public function setStatus($status) { if (preg_match('#^(\d+) *(.*)#', $status, $find)) { $this->headers->setStatus((int)$find[1], trim($find[2])); } return $this; } /** * Returns the HTTP status of the response. * @return int */ public function getStatus() { return $this->getHeaders()->getStatus(); } protected function getServerProtocol() { $context = Context::getCurrent(); if ($context !== null) { $server = $context->getServer(); if ($server !== null) { return $server->get('SERVER_PROTOCOL'); } } return 'HTTP/1.0'; } /** * Sets the latest time for the Last-Modified header field. * * @param Type\DateTime $time * @return $this */ public function setLastModified(Type\DateTime $time) { if ($this->lastModified === null || $time->getTimestamp() > $this->lastModified->getTimestamp()) { $this->lastModified = $time; } return $this; } /** * @param $url * @return Engine\Response\Redirect */ final public function redirectTo($url): HttpResponse { $redirectResponse = new Engine\Response\Redirect($url); return $this->copyHeadersTo($redirectResponse); } public function copyHeadersTo(HttpResponse $response): HttpResponse { $httpHeaders = $response->getHeaders(); foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $headerName => $values) { if ($this->shouldIgnoreHeaderToClone($headerName)) { continue; } if ($httpHeaders->get($headerName)) { continue; } $httpHeaders->add($headerName, $values); } foreach ($this->getCookies() as $cookie) { $response->addCookie($cookie, false); } $status = $this->getStatus(); if ($status !== HttpHeaders::DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS) { $response->setStatus($status); } return $response; } private function shouldIgnoreHeaderToClone($headerName) { return in_array(strtolower($headerName), [ 'content-encoding', 'content-length', 'content-type', ], true); } }