Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Web\DOM; class DisplayProperties { const DISPLAY = 'display'; const FONT = 'font'; const DISPLAY_HIDDEN = 'hidden'; const DISPLAY_BLOCK = 'block'; const DISPLAY_INLINE = 'inline'; const FONT_NORMAL = 'normal'; const FONT_BOLD = 'bold'; const FONT_ITALIC = 'italic'; const FONT_UNDERLINED = 'underlined'; const FONT_DELETED = 'deleted'; protected $properties = []; public function __construct(Node $node, array $properties = [], array $defaultProperties = []) { $this->properties = array_merge( $this->getDefaultProperties(), $defaultProperties, $this->getNodeProperties($node), $properties ); } /** * @return bool */ public function isHidden() { return isset($this->properties[static::DISPLAY]) && $this->properties[static::DISPLAY] === static::DISPLAY_HIDDEN; } /** * @return bool */ public function isDisplayBlock() { return isset($this->properties[static::DISPLAY]) && $this->properties[static::DISPLAY] === static::DISPLAY_BLOCK; } /** * @return bool */ public function isDisplayInline() { return isset($this->properties[static::DISPLAY]) && $this->properties[static::DISPLAY] === static::DISPLAY_INLINE; } /** * @return bool */ public function isFontBold() { return ( isset($this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_BOLD]) && $this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_BOLD] === true ); } /** * @return bool */ public function isFontItalic() { return ( isset($this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_ITALIC]) && $this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_ITALIC] === true ); } /** * @return bool */ public function isFontUnderlined() { return ( isset($this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_UNDERLINED]) && $this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_UNDERLINED] === true ); } /** * @return bool */ public function isFontDeleted() { return ( isset($this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_DELETED]) && $this->properties[static::FONT][static::FONT_DELETED] === true ); } /** * @return array */ public function getProperties() { return $this->properties; } /** * @return array */ protected function getDefaultProperties() { return [ static::DISPLAY => static::DISPLAY_INLINE, 'font' => [], ]; } /** * Returns true if this node should be rendered. * * @param \Bitrix\Main\Web\DOM\Node $node * @return bool */ protected function isHiddenNode(Node $node) { static $hiddenNodeNames = [ '#comment' => true, 'STYLE' => true, 'SCRIPT' => true, ]; return isset($hiddenNodeNames[$node->getNodeName()]); } /** * Returns true if html-tag with this $tagName displays as block by default. * * @param string $tagName * @return bool */ protected function isBlockTag($tagName) { $blockTagNames = [ 'address' => true, 'article' => true, 'aside' => true, 'blockquote' => true, 'details' => true, 'dialog' => true, 'dd' => true, 'div' => true, 'dl' => true, 'dt' => true, 'fieldset' => true, 'figcaption' => true, 'figure' => true, 'footer' => true, 'form' => true, 'h1' => true, 'h2' => true, 'h3' => true, 'h4' => true, 'h5' => true, 'h6' => true, 'header' => true, 'hgroup' => true, 'hr' => true, 'li' => true, 'main' => true, 'nav' => true, 'ol' => true, 'p' => true, 'pre' => true, 'section' => true, 'table' => true, 'ul' => true, ]; return isset($blockTagNames[mb_strtolower($tagName)]); } /** * Returns true if html-tag with this $tagName has bold font-weight by default. * * @param string $tagName * @return bool */ protected function isBoldTag($tagName) { $boldTagNames = [ 'b' => true, 'mark' => true, 'em' => true, 'strong' => true, 'h1' => true, 'h2' => true, 'h3' => true, 'h4' => true, 'h5' => true, 'h6' => true, ]; return isset($boldTagNames[mb_strtolower($tagName)]); } /** * Returns true if html-tag with this $tagName has italic font-style by default. * * @param string $tagName * @return bool */ protected function isItalicTag($tagName) { $italicTagNames = [ 'i' => true, 'cite' => true, 'dfn' => true, ]; return isset($italicTagNames[mb_strtolower($tagName)]); } /** * Returns true if html-tag with this $tagName has underlined font-decoration by default. * * @param string $tagName * @return bool */ protected function isUnderlinedTag($tagName) { return mb_strtolower($tagName) == 'u'; } /** * Returns true if html-tag with this $tagName renders as 'deleted' by default. * * @param string $tagName * @return bool */ protected function isDeletedTag($tagName) { $deletedTagNames = [ 'del' => true, 's' => true, ]; return isset($deletedTagNames[mb_strtolower($tagName)]); } /** * @param Node $node * @return array */ protected function getNodeProperties(Node $node) { $result = []; if($this->isHiddenNode($node)) { $result[static::DISPLAY] = static::DISPLAY_HIDDEN; return $result; } if($node instanceof Element) { $styles = $node->getStyle(); $display = false; $font = []; if($styles) { $stylePairs = explode(';', $styles); foreach($stylePairs as $pair) { list($name, $value) = explode(':', $pair); if($name && $value) { $name = trim($name); $value = trim($value); if($name == static::DISPLAY) { if($value == 'none') { $display = static::DISPLAY_HIDDEN; } elseif($value == 'block') { $display = static::DISPLAY_BLOCK; } elseif($value == 'inline') { $display = static::DISPLAY_INLINE; } } elseif($name == 'font-weight') { if(intval($value) > 500 || $value == 'bold') { $font[static::FONT_BOLD] = true; } elseif(intval($value) < 500 || $value == 'normal') { $font[static::FONT_BOLD] = false; } } elseif($name == 'font-style') { if($value == 'italic' || mb_strpos($value, 'oblique') === 0) { $font[static::FONT_ITALIC] = true; } elseif($value == 'normal') { $font[static::FONT_ITALIC] = false; } } elseif($name == 'text-decoration') { if(strpos($value, 'underline') !== false) { $font[static::FONT_UNDERLINED] = true; } if(strpos($value, 'line-through') !== false) { $font[static::FONT_DELETED] = true; } if($value == 'none') { $font[static::FONT_UNDERLINED] = false; $font[static::FONT_DELETED] = false; } } } } } if($display == static::DISPLAY_HIDDEN) { $result[static::DISPLAY] = $display; return $result; } if(!$display && $this->isBlockTag($node->getTagName())) { $display = static::DISPLAY_BLOCK; } if(!isset($font[static::FONT_BOLD]) && $this->isBoldTag($node->getTagName())) { $font[static::FONT_BOLD] = true; } if(!isset($font[static::FONT_ITALIC]) && $this->isItalicTag($node->getTagName())) { $font[static::FONT_ITALIC] = true; } if(!isset($font[static::FONT_UNDERLINED]) && $this->isUnderlinedTag($node->getTagName())) { $font[static::FONT_UNDERLINED] = true; } if($this->isDeletedTag($node->getTagName())) { $font[static::FONT_DELETED] = true; } if($display) { $result[static::DISPLAY] = $display; } $result['font'] = $font; } return $result; } }