Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php class CPerfomanceTableList extends CDBResult { public static function GetList($bFull = true) { global $DB; $rsTables = $DB->Query(" select table_name ,pg_table_size(quote_ident(table_name)) data_length ,pg_indexes_size(quote_ident(table_name)) index_length ,pg_catalog.pg_class.reltuples row_count from information_schema.tables left join pg_catalog.pg_class on pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = quote_ident(table_name)::regclass::oid where table_schema = 'public' " . ($bFull ? '' : "and table_catalog = '" . $DB->ForSql($DB->DBName) . "'") . ' '); return new CPerfomanceTableList($rsTables); } public function Fetch() { $ar = parent::Fetch(); if ($ar) { $ar = [ 'TABLE_NAME' => $ar['TABLE_NAME'], 'ENGINE_TYPE' => '', 'NUM_ROWS' => $ar['ROW_COUNT'], 'BYTES' => $ar['DATA_LENGTH'], 'BYTES_INDEX' => $ar['INDEX_LENGTH'], ]; } return $ar; } } class CPerfomanceTable extends CAllPerfomanceTable { public function Init($TABLE_NAME) { $TABLE_NAME = trim($TABLE_NAME, '`'); $this->TABLE_NAME = $TABLE_NAME; } public function IsExists($TABLE_NAME = false) { global $DB; if ($TABLE_NAME === false) { $TABLE_NAME = $this->TABLE_NAME; } if ($TABLE_NAME == '') { return false; } $TABLE_NAME = trim($TABLE_NAME, '`'); return $DB->TableExists($TABLE_NAME); } public function GetIndexes($TABLE_NAME = false) { global $DB; static $cache = []; if ($TABLE_NAME === false) { $TABLE_NAME = $this->TABLE_NAME; } if ($TABLE_NAME == '') { return []; } $TABLE_NAME = trim($TABLE_NAME, '`"'); if (!array_key_exists($TABLE_NAME, $cache)) { $tableColumns = []; $r = $DB->Query(" SELECT a.attnum, a.attname FROM pg_class t LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = t.oid WHERE t.relname = '" . $DB->ForSql($TABLE_NAME) . "' "); while ($a = $r->fetch()) { if ($a['ATTNUM'] > 0) { $tableColumns[$a['ATTNUM']] = $a['ATTNAME']; } } $r = $DB->Query(" SELECT relname, indkey, pg_get_expr(pg_index.indexprs, pg_index.indrelid) full_text FROM pg_class, pg_index WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_index.indexrelid AND pg_class.oid IN ( SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index, pg_class WHERE pg_class.relname = '" . $DB->ForSql($TABLE_NAME) . "' AND pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid ) "); $arResult = []; while ($a = $r->fetch()) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']] = []; if ($a['FULL_TEXT']) { $match = []; if (preg_match_all('/,\s*([a-z0-9_]+)/i', $a['FULL_TEXT'], $match)) { foreach ($match[1] as $i => $colName) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($colName); } } } else { foreach (explode(' ', $a['INDKEY']) as $i => $indkey) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($tableColumns[$indkey]); } } } $cache[$TABLE_NAME] = $arResult; } return $cache[$TABLE_NAME]; } public function GetUniqueIndexes($TABLE_NAME = false) { global $DB; static $cache = []; if ($TABLE_NAME === false) { $TABLE_NAME = $this->TABLE_NAME; } if ($TABLE_NAME == '') { return []; } $TABLE_NAME = trim($TABLE_NAME, '`"'); if (!array_key_exists($TABLE_NAME, $cache)) { $tableColumns = []; $r = $DB->Query(" SELECT a.attnum, a.attname FROM pg_class t LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = t.oid WHERE t.relname = '" . $DB->ForSql($TABLE_NAME) . "' "); while ($a = $r->fetch()) { if ($a['ATTNUM'] > 0) { $tableColumns[$a['ATTNUM']] = $a['ATTNAME']; } } $r = $DB->Query(" SELECT relname, indkey, pg_get_expr(pg_index.indexprs, pg_index.indrelid) full_text FROM pg_class, pg_index WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_index.indexrelid AND pg_class.oid IN ( SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index, pg_class WHERE pg_class.relname = '" . $DB->ForSql($TABLE_NAME) . "' AND pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid ) AND (indisprimary OR indisunique) "); $arResult = []; while ($a = $r->fetch()) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']] = []; if ($a['FULL_TEXT']) { $match = []; if (preg_match_all('/,\s*([a-z0-9_]+)/i', $a['FULL_TEXT'], $match)) { foreach ($match[1] as $i => $colName) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($colName); } } } else { foreach (explode(' ', $a['INDKEY']) as $i => $indkey) { $arResult[$a['RELNAME']][$i] = mb_strtoupper($tableColumns[$indkey]); } } } $cache[$TABLE_NAME] = $arResult; } return $cache[$TABLE_NAME]; } public function GetTableFields($TABLE_NAME = false, $bExtended = false) { static $cache = []; if ($TABLE_NAME === false) { $TABLE_NAME = $this->TABLE_NAME; } if ($TABLE_NAME == '') { return false; } $TABLE_NAME = trim($TABLE_NAME, '`'); if (!array_key_exists($TABLE_NAME, $cache)) { global $DB; $strSql = " SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = '" . $DB->ForSql($TABLE_NAME) . "' "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql); $arResult = []; $arResultExt = []; while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $canSort = true; $match = []; switch ($ar['DATA_TYPE']) { case 'character varying': $DATA_TYPE = 'string'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'string'; break; case 'character': $DATA_TYPE = 'string'; if ( $ar['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'] == 1 && ( substr($ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 0, 3) === "'N'" || substr($ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 0, 3) === "'Y'" ) ) { $ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] = $ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'][1]; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'boolean'; } else { $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'string'; } break; case 'text': case 'bytea': $canSort = false; $DATA_TYPE = 'string'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'string'; break; case 'bigint': case 'bigserial': case 'int': case 'int2': case 'int4': case 'int8': case 'integer': case 'serial': case 'serial2': case 'serial4': case 'serial8': case 'smallint': case 'smallserial': $DATA_TYPE = 'int'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'integer'; break; case 'double precision': case 'float4': case 'float8': case 'numeric': case 'real': $DATA_TYPE = 'double'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'float'; break; case 'timestamp without time zone': $DATA_TYPE = 'datetime'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'datetime'; break; case 'date': $DATA_TYPE = 'date'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'date'; break; default: $canSort = false; $DATA_TYPE = 'unknown'; $ORM_DATA_TYPE = 'UNKNOWN'; break; } $arResult[mb_strtoupper($ar['COLUMN_NAME'])] = $DATA_TYPE; $arResultExt[mb_strtoupper($ar['COLUMN_NAME'])] = [ 'type' => $DATA_TYPE, 'length' => $ar['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'], 'nullable' => $ar['IS_NULLABLE'] !== 'NO', 'default' => preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'::/', $ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], $match) ? $match[1] : $ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 'sortable' => $canSort, 'orm_type' => $ORM_DATA_TYPE, 'increment' => strpos($ar['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], 'nextval(') !== false || $ar['IS_IDENTITY'] === 'YES', 'info' => $ar, ]; } $cache[$TABLE_NAME] = [$arResult, $arResultExt]; } if ($bExtended) { return $cache[$TABLE_NAME][1]; } else { return $cache[$TABLE_NAME][0]; } } public static function escapeColumn($column) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', mb_strtolower($column)) . '"'; } public static function escapeTable($tableName) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', mb_strtolower($tableName)) . '"'; } public function getCreateIndexDDL($TABLE_NAME, $INDEX_NAME, $INDEX_COLUMNS) { $tableFields = $this->GetTableFields($TABLE_NAME, true); foreach ($INDEX_COLUMNS as $i => $field) { if ($tableFields[trim($field, '`[]"')]['orm_type'] === 'text') { $INDEX_COLUMNS[$i] = $field . '(100)'; } } return parent::getCreateIndexDDL($TABLE_NAME, $INDEX_NAME, $INDEX_COLUMNS); } }