Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\Security; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CRestUtil { const GLOBAL_SCOPE = '_global'; const EVENTS = '_events'; const PLACEMENTS = '_placements'; const HANDLER_SESSION_TTL = 7; const BATCH_MAX_LENGTH = 50; const METHOD_DOWNLOAD = "download"; const METHOD_UPLOAD = "upload"; const TOKEN_DELIMITER = "|"; const BITRIX_1C_APP_CODE = 'bitrix.1c'; const PLACEMENT_APP_URI = 'REST_APP_URI'; public static function sendHeaders() { Header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); Header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, content-type, accept'); Header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'); } public static function getStandardParams() { return array( "PARAMETERS" => array( "VARIABLE_ALIASES" => Array( "method" => Array("NAME" => GetMessage('REST_PARAM_METHOD_NAME')), ), "SEF_MODE" => Array( "path" => array( "NAME" => GetMessage('REST_PARAM_PATH'), "DEFAULT" => "#method#", "VARIABLES" => array("method" => "method"), ), ), ) ); } public static function getRequestData() { $request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer(); $query = $request->toArray(); if($request->isPost() && $request->getPostList()->isEmpty()) { $rawPostData = trim($request->getInput()); if(isset($server['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $requestContentType = $server['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']; } else { $requestContentType = $server['CONTENT_TYPE']; } $requestContentType = trim(preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $requestContentType)); $postData = array(); switch($requestContentType) { case 'application/json': try { $postData = \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::decode($rawPostData); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException $e) { $postData = array(); } break; default: if($rawPostData <> '') { parse_str($rawPostData, $postData); } break; } if (!is_array($postData)) { $postData = []; } $query = array_replace($query, $postData); } return $query; } /** * @param int|null $userId - if not set - check system user * @return bool */ public static function isAdmin(?int $userId = null): bool { global $USER; if ($userId > 0) { if (is_object($USER) && $USER instanceof \CUser && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { return $USER->CanDoOperation('bitrix24_config', $userId); } return in_array(1, \CUser::GetUserGroup($userId)); } if(!is_object($USER) || !($USER instanceof \CUser)) { return false; } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { return $USER->CanDoOperation('bitrix24_config'); } return $USER->IsAdmin(); } /** * @param $appInfo * @param int|null $userId - if not set - check system user * @return bool|mixed */ public static function canInstallApplication($appInfo = null, ?int $userId = null) { global $USER; if ( !empty($appInfo['HOLD_INSTALL_BY_TRIAL']) && $appInfo['HOLD_INSTALL_BY_TRIAL'] === 'Y' && \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Client::isSubscriptionDemo() ) { return false; } if (static::isAdmin($userId)) { return true; } if ( is_array($appInfo) && $appInfo['TYPE'] === \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::TYPE_CONFIGURATION && !empty($appInfo['MANIFEST']['CODE']) ) { $access = \Bitrix\Rest\Configuration\Manifest::checkAccess( \Bitrix\Rest\Configuration\Manifest::ACCESS_TYPE_IMPORT, $appInfo['MANIFEST']['CODE'] ); return $access['result']; } $hasAccess = $USER->CanAccess(static::getInstallAccessList()); if ($hasAccess && is_array($appInfo)) { return static::appCanBeInstalledByUser($appInfo); } return $hasAccess; } public static function appCanBeInstalledByUser(array $appInfo) { return $appInfo['USER_INSTALL'] === 'Y'; } public static function getInstallAccessList() { $accessList = \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get('rest', 'install_access_list', ''); return $accessList === '' ? array() : explode(",", $accessList); } public static function setInstallAccessList($accessList) { if(is_array($accessList)) { $value = implode(',', $accessList); } else { $value = ''; } \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::set('rest', 'install_access_list', $value); } public static function notifyInstall($appInfo) { global $USER; if (Loader::includeModule('im')) { $userName = \CUser::FormatName("#NAME# #LAST_NAME#", array( "NAME" => $USER->GetFirstName(), "LAST_NAME" => $USER->GetLastName(), "SECOND_NAME" => $USER->GetSecondName(), "LOGIN" => $USER->GetLogin() )); $adminList = \CRestUtil::getAdministratorIdList(); foreach($adminList as $id) { $messageFields = array( "TO_USER_ID" => $id, "FROM_USER_ID" => $USER->GetID(), "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_SYSTEM, "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "rest", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "REST|APP_INSTALL_NOTIFY|".$USER->GetID()."|TO|".$id, "NOTIFY_SUB_TAG" => "REST|APP_INSTALL_NOTIFY", "NOTIFY_MESSAGE" => GetMessage( "REST_APP_INSTALL_NOTIFY_TEXT", array( "#USER_NAME#" => $userName, "#APP_NAME#" => $appInfo['APP_NAME'], "#APP_CODE#" => $appInfo['CODE'], "#APP_LINK#" => \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Url::getApplicationDetailUrl(urlencode($appInfo['CODE'])), )), ); \CIMNotify::Add($messageFields); } } } public static function signLicenseRequest(array $request, $licenseKey) { if(Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') && defined('BX24_HOST_NAME')) { $request['BX_TYPE'] = 'B24'; $request['BX_LICENCE'] = BX24_HOST_NAME; $request['BX_HASH'] = \CBitrix24::RequestSign(md5(implode("|", $request))); } else { $request['BX_TYPE'] = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet') ? 'CP' : 'BSM'; $request['BX_LICENCE'] = md5("BITRIX".$licenseKey."LICENCE"); $request['BX_HASH'] = md5(md5(implode("|", $request)).md5($licenseKey)); } return $request; } public static function ConvertDate($dt) { return $dt ? date('c', MakeTimeStamp($dt, FORMAT_DATE) + date("Z")) : ''; } public static function ConvertDateTime($dt) { return $dt ? date('c', MakeTimeStamp($dt) - CTimeZone::GetOffset()) : ''; } /** * @param string $iso8601 date in ISO-8601 format (for example: '2013-05-14T12:00:50+04:00') * @return string date in Bitrix format, or FALSE (bool) on error */ public static function unConvertDate($iso8601) { if(is_array($iso8601)) { foreach($iso8601 as $key => $value) { $iso8601[$key] = self::unConvertDateTime($value); } return $iso8601; } else { $date = false; $timestamp = strtotime($iso8601); if ($timestamp !== false) $date = ConvertTimeStamp($timestamp, 'SHORT'); return ($date); } } /** * @param string $iso8601 Datetime in ISO-8601 format (for example: '2013-05-14T12:00:50+04:00'). * @param bool $enableOffset Add user timezone offset. * If $enableOffset == false, time in server timezone will be returned. * If $enableOffset == true, time in user timezone will be returned. * @return string datetime in Bitrix format, or FALSE (bool) on error */ public static function unConvertDateTime($iso8601, $enableOffset = false) { if(is_array($iso8601)) { foreach($iso8601 as $key => $value) { $iso8601[$key] = self::unConvertDateTime($value, $enableOffset); } return $iso8601; } else { $date = false; $timestamp = strtotime($iso8601); if ($timestamp !== false) { if($enableOffset) { $timestamp += CTimeZone::GetOffset(); } $date = ConvertTimeStamp($timestamp, 'FULL'); } return ($date); } } public static function getMemberId() { if(CModule::IncludeModule('bitrix24')) { return \CBitrix24::getMemberId(); } else { return \Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::getMemberId(); } } public static function isStatic($url) { return preg_match("/^http[s]{0,1}:\/\/[^\/]*?(\.apps-bitrix24\.com|\.bitrix24-cdn\.com|cdn\.bitrix24\.|app\.bitrix24\.com|upload-.*?\.s3\.amazonaws\.com\/app_local\/)/i", $url); } public static function GetFile($fileId , $resizeParam = false) { $fileSrc = array(); $bMult = false; if(is_array($fileId)) { $fileId = implode(',', $fileId); $bMult = true; } if($fileId <> '') { $files = \CFile::GetList(array(), array('@ID' => $fileId)); while($file = $files->Fetch()) { if($resizeParam !== false) { $resizeResult = \CFile::ResizeImageGet($file["ID"], $resizeParam, BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL_ALT, false, false, false); $fileSrc[$file['ID']] = \CHTTP::URN2URI($resizeResult['src']); } else { $fileSrc[$file['ID']] = \CHTTP::URN2URI(\CFile::GetFileSrc($file)); } } } return $bMult ? $fileSrc : $fileSrc[$fileId]; } protected static function processBatchElement($query, $arResult, $keysCache = '') { $regexp = "/\\$(".$keysCache.")([^\s]*)/i"; if(preg_match_all($regexp, $query, $arMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach($arMatches as $arMatch) { $path = $arMatch[2]; if(preg_match_all("/\\[([^\\]]+)\\]/", $path, $arPath)) { $r = $arResult[$arMatch[1]]; while(count($arPath[1]) > 0) { $key = array_shift($arPath[1]); if(isset($r[$key])) { $r = $r[$key]; } else { break; } } if($arMatch[0] === $query) { $query = $r; } else { if (is_numeric($r)) { $r = (string)$r; } if (!is_string($r)) { continue; } $query = str_replace($arMatch[0], $r, $query); } } } } return $query; } protected static function processBatchStructure($queryParams, $arResult, $keysCache = null) { $resultQueryParams = array(); if(is_array($queryParams)) { foreach($queryParams as $key => $param) { if($keysCache === null) { $keysCache = implode('|', array_keys($arResult)); } $newKey = self::processBatchElement($key, $arResult); if(is_array($param)) { $resultQueryParams[$newKey] = self::processBatchStructure($param, $arResult, $keysCache); } else { $resultQueryParams[$newKey] = self::processBatchElement($param, $arResult, $keysCache); } } } return $resultQueryParams; } public static function ParseBatchQuery($query, $arResult) { $resultQueryParams = array(); if($query) { $queryParams = array(); parse_str($query, $queryParams); $resultQueryParams = self::processBatchStructure($queryParams, $arResult); } return $resultQueryParams; } /** @deprecated */ public static function getAuthForEvent($appId, $userId, array $additionalData = array()) { return \Bitrix\Rest\Event\Sender::getAuth($appId, $userId, $additionalData, \Bitrix\Rest\Event\Sender::getDefaultEventParams()); } /** * @deprecated * * use \Bitrix\Rest\OAuth\Auth::get */ public static function getAuth($appId, $appSecret, $scope, $additionalParams, $user_id = 0) { global $USER; if(CModule::IncludeModule('oauth')) { if(is_array($scope)) { $scope = implode(',', $scope); } $oauth = new \Bitrix\OAuth\Client\Application(); $authParams = $oauth->getAuthorizeParamsInternal($appId, COAuthConstants::AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE_AUTH_CODE, '', '', $scope, array(), $user_id > 0 ? $user_id : $USER->GetID()); if(is_array($authParams) && isset($authParams[COAuthConstants::AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE_AUTH_CODE])) { $res = $oauth->grantAccessTokenInternal($appId, COAuthConstants::GRANT_TYPE_AUTH_CODE, '', $authParams[COAuthConstants::AUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE_AUTH_CODE], $scope, $appSecret, '', $additionalParams, $user_id > 0 ? $user_id : $USER->GetID()); return $res; } } return false; } public static function checkAuth($query, $scope, &$res) { // compatibility fix: other modules use checkAuth instead of /rest/download if(!is_array($query)) { $query = array('auth' => $query); } foreach(GetModuleEvents('rest', 'OnRestCheckAuth', true) as $eventHandler) { $eventResult = ExecuteModuleEventEx($eventHandler, array($query, $scope, &$res)); if($eventResult !== null) { return $eventResult; } } $res = array( "error" => "NO_AUTH_FOUND", "error_description" => "Wrong authorization data", ); return false; } public static function makeAuth($res, $application_id = null) { global $USER; if($res['user_id'] > 0) { $dbRes = CUser::GetByID($res['user_id']); $userInfo = $dbRes->fetch(); if($userInfo && $userInfo['ACTIVE'] === 'Y' && $USER->Authorize($res['user_id'], false, false, $application_id)) { setSessionExpired(true); return true; } } elseif($res['user_id'] === 0) { setSessionExpired(true); return true; } return false; } public static function checkAppAccess($appId, $appInfo = null) { global $USER; $hasAccess = \CRestUtil::isAdmin(); if(!$hasAccess) { if($appInfo === null) { $appInfo = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::getByClientId($appId); } if($appInfo) { if(!empty($appInfo["ACCESS"])) { $rights = explode(",", $appInfo["ACCESS"]); $hasAccess = $USER->CanAccess($rights); } else { $hasAccess = true; } } } return $hasAccess; } public static function updateAppStatus(array $tokenInfo) { if(array_key_exists('status', $tokenInfo) && array_key_exists('client_id', $tokenInfo)) { $appInfo = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::getByClientId($tokenInfo['client_id']); if($appInfo) { $dateFinish = $appInfo['DATE_FINISH'] ? $appInfo['DATE_FINISH']->getTimestamp() : ''; if($tokenInfo['status'] !== $appInfo['STATUS'] || $tokenInfo['date_finish'] != $dateFinish) { \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::update($appInfo['ID'], array( 'STATUS' => $tokenInfo['status'], 'DATE_FINISH' => $tokenInfo['date_finish'] ? \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp($tokenInfo['date_finish']) : '', )); } } } } public static function saveFile($fileContent, $fileName = "") { if(is_array($fileContent)) { list($fileName, $fileContent) = array_values($fileContent); } if($fileContent <> '' && $fileContent !== 'false') // let it be >0 { $fileContent = base64_decode($fileContent); if($fileContent !== false && $fileContent <> '') { if($fileName == '') { $fileName = Security\Random::getString(32); } $fileName = CTempFile::GetFileName($fileName); if(CheckDirPath($fileName)) { file_put_contents($fileName, $fileContent); return CFile::MakeFileArray($fileName); } } else { return null; // wrong file content } } return false; } public static function CleanApp($appId, $bClean) { $arFields = array( 'APP_ID' => $appId, 'CLEAN' => $bClean ); foreach (GetModuleEvents("rest", "OnRestAppDelete", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arFields)); } \Bitrix\Rest\EventTable::deleteByApp($appId); \Bitrix\Rest\PlacementTable::deleteByApp($appId); if($bClean) { $dbRes = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::getById($appId); $arApp = $dbRes->fetch(); if($arApp) { // delete app settings COption::RemoveOption("rest", "options_".$arApp['CLIENT_ID']); CUserOptions::DeleteOption("app_options", "params_".$arApp['CLIENT_ID']."_".$arApp['VERSION']); // delete app user settings CUserOptions::DeleteOption("app_options", "options_".$arApp['CLIENT_ID'], array()); // clean app iblocks CBitrixRestEntity::Clean($arApp['CLIENT_ID']); } } } /** * Simple app installation without checks. * * @param string $appCode Application code. * * @return boolean */ public static function InstallApp($code) { $result = false; if(!\Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::getEngine()->isRegistered()) { try { \Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::register(); \Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::getEngine()->getClient()->getApplicationList(); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\SystemException $e) { $result = array('error' => $e->getCode(), 'error_description' => $e->getMessage()); } } if(\Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::getEngine()->isRegistered()) { $appDetailInfo = \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Client::getInstall($code); if($appDetailInfo) { $appDetailInfo = $appDetailInfo['ITEMS']; } if($appDetailInfo) { $queryFields = array( 'CLIENT_ID' => $appDetailInfo['APP_CODE'], 'VERSION' => $appDetailInfo['VER'], 'BY_SUBSCRIPTION' => $appDetailInfo['BY_SUBSCRIPTION'] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', ); $installResult = \Bitrix\Rest\OAuthService::getEngine() ->getClient() ->installApplication($queryFields); if($installResult['result']) { $appFields = array( 'CLIENT_ID' => $installResult['result']['client_id'], 'CODE' => $appDetailInfo['CODE'], 'ACTIVE' => \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::ACTIVE, 'INSTALLED' => !empty($appDetailInfo['INSTALL_URL']) ? \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::NOT_INSTALLED : \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::INSTALLED, 'URL' => $appDetailInfo['URL'], 'URL_DEMO' => $appDetailInfo['DEMO_URL'], 'URL_INSTALL' => $appDetailInfo['INSTALL_URL'], 'VERSION' => $installResult['result']['version'], 'SCOPE' => implode(',', $installResult['result']['scope']), 'STATUS' => $installResult['result']['status'], 'SHARED_KEY' => $appDetailInfo['SHARED_KEY'], 'CLIENT_SECRET' => '', 'APP_NAME' => $appDetailInfo['NAME'], 'MOBILE' => $appDetailInfo['BXMOBILE'] == 'Y' ? \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::ACTIVE : \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::INACTIVE, ); if( $appFields['STATUS'] === \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::STATUS_TRIAL || $appFields['STATUS'] === \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::STATUS_PAID ) { $appFields['DATE_FINISH'] = \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp($installResult['result']['date_finish']); } else { $appFields['DATE_FINISH'] = ''; } $existingApp = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::getByClientId($appFields['CLIENT_ID']); if($existingApp) { $addResult = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::update($existingApp['ID'], $appFields); \Bitrix\Rest\AppLangTable::deleteByApp($existingApp['ID']); } else { $addResult = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::add($appFields); } if($addResult->isSuccess()) { $appId = $addResult->getId(); if(is_array($appDetailInfo['MENU_TITLE'])) { foreach($appDetailInfo['MENU_TITLE'] as $lang => $langName) { \Bitrix\Rest\AppLangTable::add(array( 'APP_ID' => $appId, 'LANGUAGE_ID' => $lang, 'MENU_NAME' => $langName )); } } if($appDetailInfo["OPEN_API"] === "Y" && !empty($appFields["URL_INSTALL"])) { // checkCallback is already called inside checkFields $result = \Bitrix\Rest\EventTable::add(array( "APP_ID" => $appId, "EVENT_NAME" => "ONAPPINSTALL", "EVENT_HANDLER" => $appFields["URL_INSTALL"], )); if($result->isSuccess()) { \Bitrix\Rest\Event\Sender::bind('rest', 'OnRestAppInstall'); } } \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::install($appId); $result = true; } } } } return $result; } /** * @deprecated * * use \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::update */ public static function UpdateApp($appId, $oldVersion) { $arApp = CBitrix24App::GetByID($appId); $arFields = array( 'APP_ID' => $appId, 'VERSION' => $arApp['VERSION'], 'PREVIOUS_VERSION' => $oldVersion, ); foreach (GetModuleEvents("rest", "OnRestAppUpdate", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arFields)); } \Bitrix\Rest\EventTable::deleteAppInstaller($appId); CUserOptions::DeleteOption("app_options", "params_".$arApp['APP_ID']."_".$arApp['VERSION']); } /** * @deprecated */ public static function getScopeList(array $description = null) { return \Bitrix\Rest\Engine\ScopeManager::getInstance()->listScope(); } public static function getEventList(array $description = null) { if($description == null) { $provider = new \CRestProvider(); $description = $provider->getDescription(); } $eventList = array(); foreach($description as $scope => $scopeMethods) { if( array_key_exists(\CRestUtil::EVENTS, $scopeMethods) && is_array($scopeMethods[\CRestUtil::EVENTS]) ) { $eventList[$scope] = array_keys($scopeMethods[\CRestUtil::EVENTS]); } } return $eventList; } public static function getApplicationToken(array $application) { if(!empty($application['APPLICATION_TOKEN'])) { return $application['APPLICATION_TOKEN']; } else { $secret = array_key_exists("APP_SECRET_ID", $application) ? $application["APP_SECRET_ID"] : $application["CLIENT_SECRET"]; return md5(\CRestUtil::getMemberId()."|".$application["ID"]."|".$secret."|".$application["SHARED_KEY"]); } } /** * Generates link to file download * * @param array|string $query Params, which will be transferred to download handler * @param CRestServer $server REST Server object * * @return string Absolute file download URL. * * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getDownloadUrl($query, \CRestServer $server) { return static::getSpecialUrl(static::METHOD_DOWNLOAD, $query, $server); } public static function getLanguage() { $languageId = ''; $siteIterator = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('LANGUAGE_ID'), 'filter' => array('=DEF' => 'Y', '=ACTIVE' => 'Y') )); if($site = $siteIterator->fetch()) { $languageId = (string)$site['LANGUAGE_ID']; } if($languageId == '') { if(\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { $languageId = \CBitrix24::getLicensePrefix(); } else { $languageId = LANGUAGE_ID; } } if($languageId == '') { $languageId = 'en'; } return $languageId; } /** * Generates link to file upload * * @param array|string $query Params, which will be transferred to upload handler * @param CRestServer $server REST Server object * * @return string Absolute file download URL. * * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getUploadUrl($query, \CRestServer $server) { return static::getSpecialUrl(static::METHOD_UPLOAD, $query, $server); } public static function getSpecialUrl($method, $query, \CRestServer $server) { if(is_array($query)) { $query = http_build_query($query); } $query = base64_encode($query."&_=".RandString(32)); $scope = $server->getScope(); if($scope === static::GLOBAL_SCOPE) { $scope = ''; } $signature = $server->getTokenCheckSignature(mb_strtolower($method), $query); $token = $scope .static::TOKEN_DELIMITER.$query .static::TOKEN_DELIMITER.$signature; $authData = $server->getAuthData(); if($authData['password_id']) { $auth = $server->getAuth(); return static::getWebhookEndpoint( $auth['ap'], $auth['aplogin'], $method )."?".http_build_query(array( 'token' => $token, )); } else { $urlParam = array_merge( $server->getAuth(), array( 'token' => $token, ) ); return static::getEndpoint().$method.".".$server->getTransport()."?".http_build_query($urlParam); } } public static function getWebhookEndpoint($ap, $userId, $method = '') { return static::getEndpoint().urlencode($userId).'/'.urlencode($ap).'/'.($method === '' ? '' : urlencode($method).'/'); } public static function getEndpoint() { return \CHTTP::URN2URI(\Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get('rest', 'rest_server_path', '/rest').'/'); } public static function getAdministratorIdList() { $adminList = array(); $dbAdminList = \CGroup::GetGroupUserEx(1); while($admin = $dbAdminList->fetch()) { $adminList[] = $admin["USER_ID"]; } return $adminList; } public static function getApplicationPage($id, $type = 'ID', $appInfo = null) { if($appInfo === null) { $appInfo = \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::getByClientId($id); } if($type !== 'ID' && $type !== 'CODE' && $type !== 'CLIENT_ID') { $type = 'ID'; } if( empty($appInfo['MENU_NAME']) && empty($appInfo['MENU_NAME_DEFAULT']) && empty($appInfo['MENU_NAME_LICENSE']) || $appInfo['ACTIVE'] === \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::INACTIVE || (isset($appInfo['TYPE']) && $appInfo['TYPE'] === \Bitrix\Rest\AppTable::TYPE_CONFIGURATION) ) { $url = \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Url::getApplicationDetailUrl(urlencode($appInfo['CODE'])); } elseif($appInfo['CODE'] === static::BITRIX_1C_APP_CODE) { $url = SITE_DIR.'onec/'; } else { $url = \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Url::getApplicationUrl(urlencode($appInfo[$type])); } return $url; } public static function isSlider() { return (isset($_REQUEST['IFRAME']) && $_REQUEST['IFRAME'] === 'Y' && $_REQUEST['IFRAME_TYPE'] == 'SIDE_SLIDER'); } }