Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); use Bitrix\Main\Config\Ini; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Security\VirusTable; use Bitrix\Main\EventLog\Internal\EventLogTable; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Security\WhiteListTable; /* Here is testing code: $s=<<<EOT Place tested html here EOT; CModule::IncludeModule('security'); $Antivirus = new CSecurityAntiVirus("pre"); $Antivirus->replace=1; $Antivirus->Analyze($s); echo htmlspecialcharsbx($s),'<hr><pre>',htmlspecialcharsbx(print_r($Antivirus,1)); */ class CSecurityAntiVirus { var $place = ""; var $stylewithiframe = false; // this properties may be changed after object creation var $maxrating = 20; //������� ������ ������ var $useglobalrules = 1; //���������� �������� ������� var $replace = 1;// var $replacement = "<!-- deleted by bitrix Antivirus -->"; //�� ��� �������, ���� �������.. //�������� var $resultrules; //������ ��������� ������ var $whitelist_id; //������������� �������� var $data = ''; //����� ��� �����, ���� ����������� ���� var $type = ''; //��� ����� var $body = ''; // ���� �����. var $bodylines = false; // ������ ����� �� body var $bodyWOquotes = ''; var $atributes = ''; // ������������ ������� (������ � src) var $cnt = 0; //����� ���������� ������ var $prev = ''; var $next = ''; private $quotes = array(); function __construct($place = "body") { $this->place = $place; global $BX_SECURITY_AV_ACTION; if($BX_SECURITY_AV_ACTION === "notify_only") $this->replace = false; } public static function IsActive() { $bActive = false; foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnPageStart", true) as $event) { if( isset($event["TO_MODULE_ID"]) && $event["TO_MODULE_ID"] === "security" && isset($event["TO_CLASS"]) && $event["TO_CLASS"] === "CSecurityAntiVirus" ) { $bActive = true; break; } } return $bActive; } public static function SetActive($bActive = false) { if($bActive) { if(!CSecurityAntiVirus::IsActive()) { //Just pre compression RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnPageStart", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnPageStart", -1); RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnEndBufferContent", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnEndBufferContent", 10000); //Right after compression RegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterEpilog", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnAfterEpilog", 10001); } } else { if(CSecurityAntiVirus::IsActive()) { UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnPageStart", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnPageStart"); UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnEndBufferContent", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnEndBufferContent"); UnRegisterModuleDependences("main", "OnAfterEpilog", "security", "CSecurityAntiVirus", "OnAfterEpilog"); } } } public static function GetAuditTypes() { return array( "SECURITY_VIRUS" => "[SECURITY_VIRUS] ".GetMessage("SECURITY_VIRUS"), ); } public static function OnPageStart() { if (CSecuritySystemInformation::isCliMode()) return; if (self::isSafetyRequest()) //Check only GET and POST request return; global $APPLICATION, $BX_SECURITY_AV_TIMEOUT, $BX_SECURITY_AV_ACTION; $BX_SECURITY_AV_TIMEOUT = COption::GetOptionInt("security", "antivirus_timeout"); $BX_SECURITY_AV_ACTION = COption::GetOptionInt("security", "antivirus_action"); //user white list global $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST, $CACHE_MANAGER; if($CACHE_MANAGER->Read(36000, "b_sec_white_list")) { $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get("b_sec_white_list"); } else { $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST = array(); $res = CSecurityAntiVirus::GetWhiteList(); while($ar = $res->Fetch()) $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST[] = $ar["WHITE_SUBSTR"]; $CACHE_MANAGER->Set("b_sec_white_list", $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST); } //Init DB in order to be able to register the event in the shutdown function //Check if we started output buffering in auto_prepend_file //so we'll have chances to detect virus before prolog if(defined("BX_SECURITY_AV_STARTED")) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if($content <> '') { $Antivirus = new CSecurityAntiVirus("pre"); $Antivirus->Analyze($content); echo $content; } } //Initiate monitoring of output that can be after working antivirus. register_shutdown_function(array('CSecurityAntiVirus', 'PHPShutdown')); //Check notification from previous hit $fname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/managed_cache/b_sec_virus"; if(file_exists($fname)) { $rsInfo = VirusTable::getList(["filter" => ["=SENT" => "N"]]); if($arInfo = $rsInfo->Fetch()) { $connection = Application::getConnection(); if($connection->lock("b_sec_virus")) { $SITE_ID = false; do { $SITE_ID = $arInfo["SITE_ID"]; if($arInfo["INFO"] <> '') { $arEvent = unserialize(base64_decode($arInfo["INFO"]), ['allowed_classes' => false]); if(is_array($arEvent)) { $arEvent["TIMESTAMP_X"] = $arInfo["TIMESTAMP_X"]; $arEvent["USER_ID"] = null; $arEvent["GUEST_ID"] = null; EventLogTable::add($arEvent); } } VirusTable::update($arInfo["ID"], ["SENT" => "Y"]); } while ($arInfo = $rsInfo->Fetch()); $date = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(); $date->add("-{$BX_SECURITY_AV_TIMEOUT} minutes"); VirusTable::deleteList(["<=TIMESTAMP_X" => $date]); CEvent::Send("VIRUS_DETECTED", $SITE_ID? $SITE_ID: SITE_ID, array("EMAIL" => COption::GetOptionString("main", "email_from", ""))); $connection->unlock("b_sec_virus"); @unlink($fname); } } } } public static function OnEndBufferContent(&$content) { if (self::isSafetyRequest()) //Check only GET and POST request return; //��������� ��������� ����� $Antivirus = new CSecurityAntiVirus("body"); $Antivirus->Analyze($content); } public static function OnAfterEpilog() { if (self::isSafetyRequest()) //Check only GET and POST request return; //start monitoring of output that can be after working antivirus. ob_start(); define("BX_SECURITY_AV_AFTER_EPILOG", true); } public static function PHPShutdown() { if(defined("BX_SECURITY_AV_AFTER_EPILOG")) { $content = ob_get_contents(); if($content <> '') { ob_end_clean(); if(mb_substr($content, 0, 6) == "<html>" && preg_match("#</html>\\s*\$#is", $content)) { $Antivirus = new CSecurityAntiVirus("body"); } else { $Antivirus = new CSecurityAntiVirus("post"); } $Antivirus->Analyze($content); echo $content; } } } public static function GetWhiteList() { $res = WhiteListTable::getList(["order" => "ID"]); return $res; } public static function UpdateWhiteList($arWhiteList) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; WhiteListTable::deleteList([]); $i = 1; foreach($arWhiteList as $white_str) { $white_str = trim($white_str); if($white_str){ WhiteListTable::add(["ID" => $i++, "WHITE_SUBSTR" => $white_str]); } } $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_sec_white_list"); } // function returns 1, if current block is in white list and needs not processing. function isInWhiteList() { if(mb_strpos($this->atributes, 'src="/bitrix/') !== false) return 1; if(preg_match('#src="http[s]?://(api-maps\\.yandex|maps\\.google|apis\\.google|stg\\.odnoklassniki)\\.[a-z]{2,3}/#', $this->atributes)) return 2; if(mb_strpos($this->body, 'BX_DEBUG_INFO') !== false) return 3; if(preg_match('#(google-analytics\\.com/ga\\.js|openstat\\.net/cnt\\.js|autocontext\\.begun\\.ru/autocontext\\.js|counter\\.yadro\\.ru/hit)#', $this->body)) return 4; if(preg_match('/var\s+(cmt|jsMnu_toolbar_|hint|desktopPage|arStructure|current_selected|arCrmSelected|arKernelCSS|lastUsers|arStore)/', $this->body)) return 5; if(preg_match('/(arFDDirs|arFDFiles|arPropFieldsList|PROP)\[/', $this->body)) return 6; if(preg_match('/(addPathRow|MoveProgress|Import|DoNext|JCMenu|AttachFile|CloseDialog|_processData|showComment|ShowWarnings|SWFObject|deliveryCalcProceed|structReload|addForumImagesShow|rsasec_form_bind|BX_YMapAddPolyline|BX_YMapAddPlacemark|CloseWaitWindow|DoChangeExternalSaleId|AjaxSend|readFileChunk|EndDump|createMenu|addProperty)\(/', $this->body)) return 7; if(mb_strpos($this->body, 'window.operation_success = true;') !== false) return 8; if(preg_match('/(jsAjaxUtil|jsUtils|jsPopup|elOnline|jsAdminChain|jsEvent|jsAjaxHistory|bxSession|BXHotKeys|oSearchDialog)\./', $this->body)) return 9; if(preg_match('/new\s+(PopupMenu|JCAdminFilter|JCSmartFilter|JCAdminMenu|BXHint|ViewTabControl|BXHTMLEditor|JCTitleSearch|JCWDTitleSearch|BxInterfaceForm|Date|JCEmployeeSelectControl|JCCatalogBigdataProducts|JCCatalogSection|JCCatalogElement|JCCatalogTopSlider|JCCatalogTopSection|JCCatalogSectionRec|JCCatalogSectionViewed|JCCatalogCompareList|JCCatalogItem|JCSaleGiftProduct|B24\.SearchTitle)/', $this->body)) return 10; if(mb_strpos($this->body, 'document\.write(\'<link href="/bitrix/templates/') !== false) return 11; if(preg_match('/(BX|document\.getElementById)\(\'session_time_result\'\).innerHTML/', $this->body)) return 12; if(preg_match('/(structRegisterDD|bx_adv_includeFlash|BXSnippetsTaskbar|BXPropertiesTaskbar|oBXDialogControls|editComment|taskManagerForm|SLtestParamsSetValue|SLshowError|arUsers|arImages|itm_name|form_tbl_dump|bx_template_params|GetAdminList|WDAddUser2Filter|pBXEventDispatcher|orderCallback|disableAddToCompare)/', $this->body)) return 13; if(preg_match('/(iblock_element_edit|iblock_element_search|posting_admin|fileman_file_view|sale_print|get_message|user_edit)\.php/', $this->body)) return 14; if(preg_match('/BX\.(WindowManager|reload|message|browser|ready|tooltip|admin|hint_replace|CDebugDialog|adjust|ajax|bind|loadScript|addCustomEvent|timeman|Finder|Access|loadCSS|CrmProductEditor|COpener|file_input|setKernelJS|TreeConditions|PULL|runSitemap|setCSSList|setJSList)/', $this->body)) return 15; if(preg_match('/window\.parent\.(InitActionProps|Tree|buildNoMenu)/', $this->body)) return 16; if(preg_match('/document\.forms\.meeting_edit/', $this->body)) return 17; if(preg_match('/top\.(jsBXAC|bx_req_res|BX|bxiu_simple_res|bxiu_wm_img_res|SetForumAjaxPostTmp|SetVoteAjaxPostTmp|SetReviewsAjaxPostTmp|bxBlogImageError|replaceKeys|FILE_UPLOADER_CALLBACK|setAuthResult)/', $this->body)) return 18; if(preg_match('/var\s+dates\s+=\s+(new\s+Array|\[\];)/', $this->body)) return 19; if(preg_match('/(updateURL|bx_incl_area|basketTotalWeight|iNoOnSelectionChange|arGDGroups|phpVars)\s+=/', $this->body)) return 20; if(preg_match('/^\s*__status\s+=\s+true;\s*$/', $this->body)) return 21; if(preg_match('/window\.(bx_load_items_res|oPhotoEditIconDialogError|bxph_error|bxph_action|bxphres|bx_req_res|MLSearchResult|arUsedCSS|arComp2Templates|arComp2TemplateProps|arComp2TemplateLists|arComp2Elements|arSnippets|JCCalendarViewMonth|JCCalendarViewWeek|JCCalendarViewDay|_bx_result|_bx_new_event|_bx_plann_mr|_bx_ar_events|_bx_calendar|_bx_plann_events|_bx_existent_event|_ml_items_colls|MLCollections|fmsBtimeout|fmsResult|arSnGroups|BXFM_result|BXFM_NoCopyToDir|oPhotoEditAlbumDialogError|structOptions|__bxst_result|_bx_def_calendar|GLOBAL_arMapObjects|autosave_|oPhotoEditDialogError|bxPlayerOnload|LHE_MESS|MLItems|fmPackTimeout|fmUnpackSuccess|BXFM_archiveExists|BXHtmlEditor)/', $this->body)) return 22; if(preg_match('/\s*(self|window)\.close\s*\(\s*\)\s*;*\s*$/', $this->body)) return 24; if($this->body === 'window.location.reload();') return 25; if($this->body === 'window.location = window.location.href;') return 26; if(preg_match('/^parent\.window\.(End\(\d+\)|EndTasks\(\)|buildNoMenu\(\));\s*$/', $this->body)) return 27; if(preg_match('/parent\.window\.|Start\(\s*\d+,\s*\d+\s*\);\s*$/', $this->body)) return 28; if(preg_match('/^top\.location\.href\s*=\s*([\'"])[^\'"]*\1;{0,1}$/', $this->body)) return 29; if(preg_match('/\.setTimeout\(\'CheckNew\(\)\'/', $this->body)) return 30; if(preg_match('/function\s+twitter_click_\d+\(longUrl\)/', $this->body)) return 31; if(preg_match('/(window\.)*parent\.document\.getElementById\(["\'](COUNTERS_UPDATED|div_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_VALUE)["\']\)\.innerHTML/',$this->body)) return 32; if(preg_match('/(TasksUsers|IntranetUsers).arEmployees/',$this->body)) return 35; if(preg_match('/window\.location\s*=\s*[\'"]\/bitrix\/admin\/iblock_bizproc_workflow_edit.php/', $this->body)) return 36; if(preg_match('/window\.parent\.location\.href\s*=\s*[\'"]\/bitrix\/admin\/sale_order_new.php/', $this->body)) return 43; if(preg_match('/^window\.open\(/', $this->body)) return 44; if(preg_match('/^\s*window\.__bxResult\[\'\d+\'\]\s*=\s*\{/', $this->body)) return 46; if(mb_strpos($this->body, 'showFLVPlayer') !== false) return 37; if(preg_match('/var\s+formSettingsDialogCRM_(LEAD|DEAL|COMPANY|CONTACT)_SHOW/', $this->body)) return 38; if(preg_match('/parent\.(FILE_UPLOADER_CALLBACK)/', $this->body)) return 39; if(preg_match('/bxForm_CRM/', $this->body)) return 40; if(preg_match('/\$\(([\'"])[^\'"]*[\'"]\)/', $this->body)) return 41; if(preg_match('/document\.documentElement\.className/i', $this->body)) return 42; //site checker if(preg_match('/var\s*fix_mode\s*=/i', $this->body)) return 43; //Voximplant && powerBi && gtm if($this->type == 'iframe' && preg_match('#\s*src=[\'"]https://(verify\.voximplant\.com|lookerstudio\.google\.com|datastudio\.google\.com|app\.powerbi\.com|www\.googletagmanager\.com)/#i', $this->atributes)) return 45; if(preg_match('#function\s+bizvalChange#', $this->body)) return 46; if($this->type === "script") { if(preg_match('#type="application/json"#is', $this->atributes)) return 44; if(preg_match('#type="application/ld\+json"#is', $this->atributes)) return 44; if(preg_match('#type="text/x-template"#is', $this->atributes)) return 44; $filter = new CSecurityXSSDetect(array("action" => "none", "log" => "N")); $this->bodyWOquotes = trim($filter->removeQuotedStrings($this->body, false), " \t\n\r"); $this->bodyWOquotes = preg_replace("/\\s*(window\\.top|top|window|window\\.document|document)\\.(strWarning|location\\.href|location|action_warning|__bx_res_sn_filename|title|title[\\d]+\\s*=\\s*title[\\d]+|text[\\d]+\\s*=\\s*text[\\d]+)\\s*=\\s*(|\\s*\\+\\s*)+;{0,1}\\s*/s", "", $this->bodyWOquotes, -1, $count); $this->bodyWOquotes = preg_replace("/\\s*(alert|SelFile)\\s*\\((|[0-9]+|\\s*\\+\\s*)+\\)\\s*;{0,1}\\s*/", "", $this->bodyWOquotes); $this->bodyWOquotes = trim($this->bodyWOquotes, "\n\r\t "); $this->bodyWOquotes = preg_replace("/^\\/\\/[^\n]*\$/", "", $this->bodyWOquotes); if($this->bodyWOquotes === "") return 33; } //user defined white list global $BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST; if(is_array($BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST)) foreach($BX_SECURITY_AV_WHITE_LIST as $white_substr) if(mb_strpos($this->data, $white_substr) !== false) return 34; return 0; } //�������. ��������� ������� ��������� ������� ����� �� ���, ��� FALSE // ������� ����� ��������� ��������, ��������� ����������� ���������. function returnfromcache() { // ��� ����� ������� ����������. �� ���������� ����� � ������ �� �� $this->data return false; } //�������. �������� ������� ��������� �� ������� ����� � ��. function addtocache() { // ��� ����� ������� ����������. �� ���������� ����� � ������ �� �� $this->data return true; } //������� �� ����� ������� �� ������������ ������������� ������ ����� function dolog() { global $BX_SECURITY_AV_TIMEOUT; if(defined("ANTIVIRUS_CREATE_TRACE")) $this->CreateTrace(); $uniq_id = md5($this->data); $arLog = VirusTable::getByPrimary($uniq_id)->fetch(); if($arLog && ($arLog["SENT"] == "Y")) { $date = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(); $date->add("-{$BX_SECURITY_AV_TIMEOUT} minutes"); VirusTable::deleteList(["SENT" => "Y", "<TIMESTAMP_X" => $date]); $arLog = VirusTable::getByPrimary($uniq_id)->fetch(); } if(!$arLog) { $ss = $this->data; if(defined("ANTIVIRUS_CREATE_TRACE")) foreach($this->resultrules as $k=>$v) $ss .= "\n".$k."=".$v; if(defined("SITE_ID") && !defined("ADMIN_SECTION")) { $SITE_ID = SITE_ID; } else { $arDefSite = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList([ "select" => ["LID"], "filter" => ["=ACTIVE" => "Y"], "order" => ["DEF" => "DESC", "SORT" => "ASC"] ])->fetch(); $SITE_ID = $arDefSite ? $arDefSite["LID"] : null; } $s = serialize(array( "SEVERITY" => "SECURITY", "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => "SECURITY_VIRUS", "MODULE_ID" => "security", "ITEM_ID" => "UNKNOWN", "REMOTE_ADDR" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], "USER_AGENT" => $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "REQUEST_URI" => $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "SITE_ID" => defined("SITE_ID")? SITE_ID: false, "USER_ID" => false, "GUEST_ID" => array_key_exists("SESS_GUEST_ID", $_SESSION) && ($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"] > 0)? $_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]: false, "DESCRIPTION" => "==".base64_encode($ss), )); VirusTable::add([ "ID" => $uniq_id, "TIMESTAMP_X" => new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(), "SITE_ID" => $SITE_ID, "INFO" => base64_encode($s) ]); @fclose(@fopen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/managed_cache/b_sec_virus","w")); } } // ������� ����� ���, ����� ��������� ����� �������� � ���� ������� ��������. // ����� ������ ��������� ���������� �����. function end_okblock() { return $this->data; } function end_whiteblock() { return $this->data; } // ������� ����� ���, ����� ��������� ����� �������� � ���� ������� ������. // ����� ������ ��������� ���������� �����. function end_blkblock() { if($this->replace) return $this->replacement; else return $this->data; } function CreateTrace() { $cache_id = md5($this->data); $fn = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/cache/virus.db/".$cache_id.".vir"; if(!file_exists($fn)) { CheckDirPath($fn); $f = fopen($fn, "wb"); fwrite($f, $this->data); fwrite($f, "\n------------------------------\n\$_SERVER:\n"); foreach($_SERVER as $k=>$v) fwrite($f, $k." = ".$v."\n"); fwrite($f, "\n------------------------------\n\$this->resultrules:\n"); foreach($this->resultrules as $k=>$v) fwrite($f, $k." = ".$v."\n"); fclose($f); @chmod($fn, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } function Analyze(&$content) { static $arLocalCache = array(); $content_len = strlen($content) * 2; Ini::adjustPcreBacktrackLimit($content_len); $this->stylewithiframe = preg_match("/<style.*>\s*iframe/", $content); $arData = preg_split("/(<script.*?>.*?<\\/script.*?>|<iframe.*?>.*?<\\/iframe.*?>)/is", $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $cData = is_array($arData) ? count($arData) : 0; if($cData < 2) return; $bDataChanged = false; for($iData = 1; $iData < $cData; $iData += 2) { $this->data = $arData[$iData]; //����� ��� �����, ���� ����������� ���� // < 1 2 > 3 4 if(!preg_match('/^<(script|iframe)(.*?)>(.*?)(<\\/\\1.*?>)$/is', $this->data, $ret)) continue; if($iData>1) $this->prev = $arData[$iData-2].$arData[$iData-1]; else $this->prev = $arData[$iData-1]; if($iData < $cData-2) $this->next = $arData[$iData+1].$arData[$iData+2]; else $this->next = $arData[$iData+1]; $this->resultrules = array(); $this->bodylines = false; $this->atributes = $ret[2]; if(mb_strtolower($ret[1]) == 'script') { $this->body = $this->returnscriptbody($this->data); $this->type = 'script'; } else { $this->body = ''; $this->type = 'iframe'; } $this->whitelist_id = $this->isInWhiteList(); if(!$this->whitelist_id) { $cache_id = md5($this->data); if(!isset($arLocalCache[$cache_id])) $arLocalCache[$cache_id] = $this->returnblockrating(); if($arLocalCache[$cache_id] >= $this->maxrating) { $this->dolog(); $arData[$iData] = $this->end_blkblock(); if($this->replace) $bDataChanged = true; } } $this->cnt++; } if($bDataChanged) $content = implode('', $arData); } /* ��������� ������� ��������� ����� (������ ��� ������) ����� �������� ������ ����� �� �������. */ function returnblockrating() { if($this->type=='iframe') { if(!preg_match("/src=[\'\"]?http/", $this->atributes)) return 0; } $r = $this->returnfromcache(); if($r === false) { $r = 0; //������ ��� �������� ���������� ������� if($this->type=='iframe') { $r += $this->ruleframevisiblity(); } elseif($this->type=='script') { $r += $this->rulescriptbasics(); $r += $this->rulescriptvbscript(); $r += $this->rulescriptwhiterules(); $r += $this->rulescriptnamerules(); } $r += $this->ruleallsources(); $this->addtocache($r); } // ���������� ������� �������.. $r += $this->rulescriptglobals(); $r += $this->rulescriptblocks(); return $r; } // ����� // �������� � ������ ��������� �� ������� ������� (�������� � ��������� ��������) function rulescriptglobals() { return 0; $r = 0; if(!$this->useglobalrules) { return 0; } if($this->type=='script' && $this->stylewithiframe ) { $val = 4; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptglobals_styleiframe'] = $val; } if($this->place == "post") { $val = 12; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptglobals_blockafterend'] = $val; } if($this->place == "pre") { $val = 12; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptglobals_blockprestart'] = $val; } return $r; } //�������, ������� ��������� ������� function rulescriptblocks() { $r = 0; $strp = preg_replace('/<!\-\-.*?\-\->$/', '', $this->prev); $strn = preg_replace('/^<!\-\-.*?\-\->/', '', $this->next); //������� �������� �����������, ���� ������.. if($this->cnt == 0) //������������ ������ ���������... { if(preg_match("/^\s*$/is", $strp)) { $val = 1; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_blockinstart'] = $val; } } if(preg_match("/^\s*$/is", $strn)) { $val = 1; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_endofhtml'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/<body[^>]*?>\s*$/is", $strp)) { $val = 3; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_postbody'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/^\s*<\\/body[^>]*?>/is", $strn)) { $val = 3; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_preendofbody'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/<\\/html[^>]*?>\s*$/is", $strp)) { $val = 10; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_postendofhtml'] = $val; } if($this->type == 'iframe') { if(preg_match("/<div[^>]+((visibility\s*:\s*hidden)|(display\s*:\s*none))[^>]*>\s*$/is", $strp)) { $val = 11; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_inhideddiv'] = $val; } } if(preg_match("/^\s*<noscript/is", $strn)) { $val = -3; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptblocks_prenoscript'] = $val; } return $r; } //�������, ����������� "����������" ����� function ruleframevisiblity() { $r = 0; if( preg_match('/visibility\s*:\s*hidden/is', $this->atributes) || preg_match('/display\s*:\s*none/is', $this->atributes) ) { $val = 20; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleframevisiblity_invisible'] = $val; } if( preg_match('/width=[\'\"]?[10][\'\"]?/is', $this->atributes) && preg_match('/height=[\'\"]?[10][\'\"]?/is', $this->atributes) ) { $val = 20; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleframevisiblity_sizes'] = $val; } if(preg_match('/position\s*:\s*absolute/is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 2; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleframevisiblity_position'] = $val; } return $r; } //�������, ����������� ���������� ����������� ����� � ������� function rulescriptbasics() { $r = 0; if(preg_match("/\<iframe/is", $this->body)) { $val = 11; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_iframe'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/eval\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 7; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_eval'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/replace\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 4; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_raplace'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/unescape\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 6; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_unescape'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/fromCharCode\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 5; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_fromcharcode'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/parseInt\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 2; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_parseInt'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/substr\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 1; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_substr'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/substring\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 1; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_substring'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/document\.write\(/is", $this->body)) { $val = 1; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_documentwrite'] = $val; } if(preg_match("/window\.status/is", $this->body)) { $val = 3; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_windowstatus'] = $val; } if( preg_match('/visibility\s*:\s*hidden/is', $this->body) || preg_match('/display\s*:\s*none/is', $this->body) ) { $val = 8; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptbasics_invisible'] = $val; } return $r; } //�������, ����������� vbscript function rulescriptvbscript() { $r = 0; if(preg_match('/vbscript/is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 8; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescript_vbscript'] = $val; } return $r; } //�������, ����������� ������ ����� �������� ������ function ruleallsources() { $r = 0; static $bl = array( "/gumblar\.cn/is", "/martuz\.cn/is", "/beladen\.net/is", "/38zu\.cn/is", "/googleanalytlcs\.net/is", "/lousecn\.cn/is", "/fqwerz\.cn/is", "/d99q\.cn/is", "/orgsite\.info/is", "/94\.247\.2\.0/is", "/94\.247\.2\.195/is", "/mmsreader\.com/is", "/google-ana1yticz\.com/is", "/my2\.mobilesect\.info/is", "/thedeadpit\.com/is", "/internetcountercheck\.com/is", "/165\.194\.30\.123/is", "/ruoo\.info/is", "/gogo2me\.net/is", "/live-counter\.net/is", "/klinoneshoes\.info/is", "/protection-livescan\.com/is", "/webexperience13\.com/is", "/q5x\.ru/is", ); foreach($bl as $url) { if(preg_match($url, $this->atributes)) { $val = 12; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_url'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } } if(preg_match('/src=.*anal.*google/is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 12; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_url'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } if( preg_match('/src=.*google.*anal/is', $this->atributes) && !preg_match('/src=.*google\-analytics\.com/is', $this->atributes) ) { $val = 12; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_url'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } if(preg_match('/src=.*\:\/\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 10; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_ip'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } if(preg_match('/src=.*\:\d+\//is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 10; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_port'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } if(preg_match('/src=[\'\"]?http\:\/\//is', $this->atributes)) { $val = 9; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['ruleallsources_extern'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } return $r; } //�������, �������� ������������ ���� ����� � ������� function rulescriptlenghts() { if(!$this->bodylines) $this->bodylines = explode("\n", $this->body); $r = 0; if(count($this->bodylines) == 1) { $ll = mb_strlen(bin2hex($this->body)) / 2; if($ll > 500) { $val = 9; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_sl'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } elseif($ll > 300) { $val = 7; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_sl'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } elseif($ll > 100) { $val = 5; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_sl'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } } else { $ll = 0; $mxl = 0; foreach($this->bodylines as $str) { $ll = mb_strlen(bin2hex($str)) / 2; if($mxl < $ll) $mxl = $ll; } if($ll > 500) { $val = 7; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_ml'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } elseif($ll > 300) { $val = 5; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_ml'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } elseif($ll > 100) { $val = 3; $r += $val; $this->resultrules['rulescriptlenghts_ml'] = $val; return $r;//����� ���� ������� �� ����� } } return $r; } // ������ ������� �������� ��������... function rulescriptfrequensy() { if(!$this->bodylines) $this->bodylines = explode("\n", $this->body); $all = array("MAXCHAR"=>0, "D"=>0,"H"=>0, "NW"=>0, "B"=>0, "LEN"=>0 ); $maxes = array("MAXCHAR"=>0, "D"=>0,"H"=>0, "NW"=>0, "B"=>0, "LEN"=>0 ); foreach($this->bodylines as $str) { $ret = $this->getstatchars($str); $all['MAXCHAR'] += $ret['MAXCHAR']; $all['D'] += $ret['D']; $all['H'] += $ret['H']; $all['NW'] += $ret['NW']; $all['B'] += $ret['B']; $all['LEN'] += $ret['LEN']; if($ret['LEN'] > 30) { $ret['MAXCHAR'] = $ret['MAXCHAR']*100/$ret['LEN']; $ret['D'] = $ret['D']*100/$ret['LEN']; $ret['H'] = $ret['H']*100/$ret['LEN']; $ret['NW'] = $ret['NW']*100/$ret['LEN']; $ret['B'] = $ret['B']*100/$ret['LEN']; if($ret['MAXCHAR'] > $maxes['MAXCHAR']) $maxes['MAXCHAR'] = $ret['MAXCHAR']; if($ret['D'] > $maxes['D']) $maxes['D'] = $ret['D']; if($ret['H'] > $maxes['H']) $maxes['H'] = $ret['H']; if($ret['NW'] > $maxes['NW']) $maxes['NW'] = $ret['NW']; if($ret['B'] > $maxes['B']) $maxes['B'] = $ret['B']; } } if($all['LEN'] > 0) { $all['MAXCHAR'] = $all['MAXCHAR']*100/$all['LEN']; $all['D'] = $all['D']*100/$all['LEN']; $all['H'] = $all['H']*100/$all['LEN']; $all['NW'] = $all['NW']*100/$all['LEN']; $all['B'] = $all['B']*100/$all['LEN']; } $g3=$g4=$g5=$g6=0; // ������� ���� $g3s=$g4s=$g5s=$g6s=0; // ������� ���� if($all['LEN'] > 30) { //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� ����� ��� � ps1% ps1=17 [3] //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� ����� ��� � ps2% ps2=19 [5] //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� ����� ��� � ps3% ps3=20 [7] if($all['MAXCHAR'] > 17) { $val = 2; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensy_maxchar"; } } if($all['MAXCHAR'] > 19) { $val = 4; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensy_maxchar"; } } if($all['MAXCHAR'] > 20) { $val = 6; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensy_maxchar"; } } //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� ����� ��� pc1% pc1= 20 [6] //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� ����� ��� pc2% pc2= 25 [8] //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� ����� ��� pc3% pc3= 30 [9] if($all['D'] > 20) { $val = 6; if($g3 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensy_D"; } } if($all['D'] > 25) { $val = 8; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensy_D"; } } if($all['D'] > 40) { $val = 9; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensy_D"; } } //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� ����� ��� ph1% ph1=35 [5] //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� ����� ��� ph2% ph2=45 [7] //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� ����� ��� ph3% ph3=55 [9] if($all['H'] > 35) { $val = 5; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s="rulescriptfrequensy_H"; } } if($all['H'] > 40) { $val = 7; if($g3 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensy_H"; } } if($all['H'] > 55) { $val = 9; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensy_H"; } } //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� pnw1% = 23 [3] //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� pnw2% = 26 [5] //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� pnw3% = 30 [7] if($all['NW'] > 23) { $val = 2; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensy_NW"; } } if($all['NW'] > 26) { $val = 4; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensy_NW"; } } if($all['NW'] > 30) { $val = 6; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensy_NW"; } } //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) ���� ��� pb1% 0.1 [7] //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) ���� ��� pb2% 0.5 [8] //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) ���� ��� pb3% 1.0 [9] if($all['B'] > 0.1) { $val = 7; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensy_B"; } } if($all['B'] > 0.5) { $val = 8; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensy_B"; } } if($all['B'] > 1) { $val = 9; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensy_B"; } } };// if($all['LEN']>30) //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psslss1 =30��������) ����� ��� � pss1% 20 [3] //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psslss2 =30��������) ����� ��� � pss2% 24 [5] //G3 ����� ���� ������ ��������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psslss3 =30��������) ����� ��� � pss3% 28 [6] if($maxes['MAXCHAR']>20) { $val = 3; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_MAXCHAR"; } } if($maxes['MAXCHAR'] > 24) { $val = 5; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_MAXCHAR"; } } if($maxes['MAXCHAR'] > 28) { $val = 6; if($g3 < $val) { $g3 = $val; $g3s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_MAXCHAR"; } } //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psclss1=30 ��������) ����� ��� psc1% 50 [4] //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psclss2=30 ��������) ����� ��� psc2% 65 [5] //G4 ��������� ���������� ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� psclss3=30 ��������) ����� ��� psc3% 80 [6] if($maxes['D'] > 50) { $val = 4; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_D"; } } if($maxes['D'] > 65) { $val = 5; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_D"; } } if($maxes['D'] > 80) { $val = 6; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_D"; } } //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss1=30��������) ����� ��� psh1% 30 [4] //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss2=30��������) ����� ��� psh2% 50 [6] //G4 ��������� ���������� HEX ���� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss3=30��������) ����� ��� psh3% 70 [8] if($maxes['H'] > 40) { $val = 3; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_H"; } } if($maxes['H'] > 55) { $val = 5; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_H"; } } if($maxes['H'] > 70) { $val = 7; if($g4 < $val) { $g4 = $val; $g4s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_H"; } } //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss3 =30��������) ����� ��� psw1% = 23 [3] //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss3 =30��������) ����� ��� psw2% = 26 [5] //G5 ��������� ���������� �������������� �������� � ����� ������ (������ ����� pshlss3 =30��������) ����� ��� psw3% = 30 [7] if($maxes['NW'] > 23) { $val = 3; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_NW"; } } if($maxes['NW'] > 26) { $val = 5; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_NW"; } } if($maxes['NW'] > 30) { $val = 7; if($g5 < $val) { $g5 = $val; $g5s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_NW"; } } //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) � ����� ������ (������ ����� psblss1=30 ��������) ���� ��� psb1% 0.1 [7] //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) � ����� ������ (������ ����� psblss2=30 ��������) ���� ��� psb2% 0.5 [8] //G6 ��������� ���������� �������� � ����� ���� ��� 20 (hex) � ����� ������ (������ ����� psblss3=30 ��������) ���� ��� psb3% 1.0 [9] if($maxes['B'] > 0.1) { $val = 7; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_B"; } } if($maxes['B'] > 0.5) { $val = 8; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_B"; } } if($maxes['B'] > 1) { $val = 9; if($g6 < $val) { $g6 = $val; $g6s = "rulescriptfrequensystr_B"; } } if(!empty($g3s)) $this->resultrules[$g3s] = $g3; if(!empty($g4s)) $this->resultrules[$g4s] = $g4; if(!empty($g5s)) $this->resultrules[$g5s] = $g5; if(!empty($g6s)) $this->resultrules[$g6s] = $g6; return ($g3+$g4+$g5+$g6); } // ��������, ������� ������� ��������� ������� function rulescriptwhiterules() { if(!$this->bodylines) $this->bodylines = explode("\n", $this->body); $ll = mb_strlen(bin2hex($this->body)) / 2; $r = 0; $lstr = count($this->bodylines); if(!preg_match("/src=/", $this->atributes)) { if($ll < 100) { $val = -6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_len"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($ll < 200) { $val = -4; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_len"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($ll < 400) { $val = -1; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_len"] = $val; $r += $val; } $ok = 0; $ok2 = 0; $i = 0; $lstr=sizeof($this->bodylines); while((!$ok || !$ok2) && $i<$lstr) { if(!$ok && preg_match("/^[\\s\\r\\n]*$/", $this->bodylines[$i])) { $val = -6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_nullines"] = $val; $r += $val; $ok = 1; } if(!$ok2 && preg_match("/^(( )|(\t))/", $this->bodylines[$i])) { $val = -6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_tabs"] = $val; $r += $val; $ok2 = 1; } $i++; } } if($lstr > 30) { $val = -20; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_lines"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($lstr > 15) { $val = -14; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_lines"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($lstr > 7) { $val = -6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptwhiterules_lines"] = $val; $r += $val; } return $r; } //������ ��������� � ����� ������ � �������� function rulescriptnamerules() { $rr = $this->getnames($this->body); $cc = 0; $cn = 0; $r = 0; foreach($rr['f'] as $k=>$v) { $cc++; if(!$this->isnormalname($v, $l)) $cn++; } $mxl = 0; foreach($rr['n'] as $k=>$v) { $cc++; if(!$this->isnormalname($v, $l)) $cn++; if($l > $mxl) $mxl = $l; } if($mxl > 35) { $val = 6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nlen"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($mxl > 25) { $val = 4; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nlen"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($mxl > 15) { $val = 2; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nlen"] = $val; $r += $val; } $mxs = 0; foreach($rr['s'] as $k=>$v) { $l = mb_strlen(bin2hex($v)) / 2; if($l > $mxs) $mxs = $l; } if($mxs > 400) { $val = 7; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_str"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($mxs > 200) { $val = 4; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_str"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($mxs > 100) { $val = 2; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_str"] = $val; $r += $val; } if($cc > 3) { $nspp = 100*$cn/$cc; if($nspp > 40) { $val = 9; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nnormnam"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($nspp > 25) { $val = 8; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nnormnam"] = $val; $r += $val; } elseif($nspp > 10) { $val = 6; $this->resultrules["rulescriptnamerules_nnormnam"] = $val; $r += $val; } } return $r; } // ������������� ������.. // ��������� �������� ��������� �������� � ������ function getstatchars(&$str) { static $arCharClasses = false; if(!$arCharClasses) { $arCharClasses = array( 'D' => array(), 'H' => array(), 'B' => array(), 'NW' => array(), ); for($i = ord('0'), $end = ord('9'); $i <= $end; $i++) $arCharClasses['D'][] = $i; for($i = ord('a'), $end = ord('f'); $i <= $end; $i++) $arCharClasses['H'][] = $i; for($i = ord('A'), $end = ord('F'); $i <= $end; $i++) $arCharClasses['H'][] = $i; for($i = 0;$i < 32; $i++) $arCharClasses['B'][] = $i; $strPunct = "`~!@#$%^&*[]{}();:'\",.\/?\|"; $len = mb_strlen($strPunct); for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) $arCharClasses['NW'][] = ord(mb_substr($strPunct, $i, 1)); } $chars = count_chars($str, 1); $len = array_sum($chars); unset($chars[9]); unset($chars[10]); unset($chars[13]); unset($chars[32]); unset($chars[208]); unset($chars[209]); $out = array( 'MAXCHAR' => $len && count($chars)? max($chars): 0, "D" => 0, "H" => 0, "B" => 0, "NW" => 0, "LEN" => $len, ); if(count($chars)) { foreach($arCharClasses as $class => $arChars) foreach($arChars as $ch) if(isset($chars[$ch])) $out[$class] += $chars[$ch]; $out["H"] += $out["D"]; } return $out; } function getnames_cb($m) { $this->quotes[] = ($m[2]); return $m[1].$m[3]; } function getnames($str) { $flt = new CSecurityXSSDetect(array("action" => "none", "log" => "N")); $flt->removeQuotedStrings($str); $this->quotes = $flt->getQuotes(); $r = array('f'=>array(), 'n'=>array(), 's'=>array()); if(preg_match_all("/(?<=[^\w\d\_\'\"]|^)([a-z][\w\d\_]*)([^\w\d\_\'\"])/is", $str, $ret)) { $added = array(); foreach($ret[1] as $k => $v) { if(!array_key_exists($v ,$added)) { if($ret[2][$k] == '(') $r['f'][] = $v; else $r['n'][]=$v;; $added[$v] = 1; } } } $r['s'] = $this->quotes; return $r; } function isnormalname($nm, &$l) { $lnm = mb_strtolower($nm); if($lnm == 'ac_fl_runcontent') return 1; if($lnm == 'innerhtml') return 1; if(preg_match("/[a-z]\d+[a-z]+\d+[a-z]+/is", $nm)) return 0; static $cache = array(); if(!isset($cache[$nm])) { $chars = count_chars($nm, 1); $l = array_sum($chars); $cs = 0; $start = ord('a'); $end = ord('z'); for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if(isset($chars[$i])) $cs += $chars[$i]; } $cz = 0; $start = ord('A'); $end = ord('Z'); for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if(isset($chars[$i])) $cz += $chars[$i]; } $cc = 0; $start = ord('0'); $end = ord('9'); for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if(isset($chars[$i])) $cc += $chars[$i]; } if($cs<$cz && $cs>2 && $l>5) $cache[$nm] = 0; elseif($cs>$cz && $cz>3 && $l>6) $cache[$nm] = 0; elseif($l>0 && $cc*100/$l>50 && $l>5) $cache[$nm] = 0; else $cache[$nm] = 1; } return $cache[$nm]; } function returnscriptbody($str) { if(preg_match("/<script.*?>((\s*<!\-\-)|(<!\[CDATA\[))?\s*(.*?)\s*((\/\/\s*\-\->\s*)|(\/\/\s*\]\s*\]\s*))?<\/script.*>/is", $str, $ret)) return $ret[4]; return $str; } public static function isSafetyRequest() { return (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) || !in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'],array('GET','POST'))); } }