Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php use Bitrix\Main\Diag; class CSecurityEvent { private static $instance = null; private $isDBEngineActive = false; /** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface */ private $fileLogger; /** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface */ private $sysLogger; private $syslogPriority = LOG_WARNING; /** @var CSecurityEventMessageFormatter $messageFormatter */ private $messageFormatter = null; private static $syslogFacilities = array( LOG_SYSLOG => "LOG_SYSLOG", LOG_AUTH => "LOG_AUTH", LOG_AUTHPRIV => "LOG_AUTHPRIV", LOG_DAEMON => "LOG_DAEMON", LOG_USER => "LOG_USER" ); private static $syslogPriorities = array( LOG_EMERG => "LOG_EMERG", LOG_ALERT => "LOG_ALERT", LOG_CRIT => "LOG_CRIT", LOG_ERR => "LOG_ERR", LOG_WARNING => "LOG_WARNING", LOG_NOTICE => "LOG_NOTICE", LOG_INFO => "LOG_INFO", LOG_DEBUG => "LOG_DEBUG" ); /** * @return CSecurityEvent */ public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); } return self::$instance; } /** * @param string $severity * @param string $auditType * @param string $itemName * @param string $itemDescription * @return bool */ public function doLog($severity, $auditType, $itemName, $itemDescription) { $result = false; if ($this->isDBEngineActive) { $result = CEventLog::log($severity, $auditType, "security", $itemName, $itemDescription); } if ($this->sysLogger || $this->fileLogger) { $message = $this->messageFormatter->format($auditType, $itemName, $itemDescription); if ($this->sysLogger) { $level = Diag\SysLogger::priorityToLevel($this->syslogPriority); $this->sysLogger->log($level, $message); } if ($this->fileLogger) { $message = static::sanitizeMessage($message); $message .= "\n"; $this->fileLogger->warning($message); } $result = true; } return $result; } /** * @return array */ public static function getSyslogPriorities() { return static::$syslogPriorities; } /** * @return array */ public static function getSyslogFacilities() { if (static::isRunOnWin()) return array(LOG_USER => "LOG_USER"); else return static::$syslogFacilities; } /** * Return WAF events count for Admin's informer popup and Admin's gadget * @param string $timestamp - from date * @return integer */ public function getEventsCount($timestamp = '') { if (!$this->isDBEngineActive) return 0; /** * @global CCacheManager $CACHE_MANAGER * @global CDataBase $DB */ global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $ttl = 3600; $cacheId = 'sec_events_count'; $cacheDir = '/security/events'; if ($CACHE_MANAGER->read($ttl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $result = $CACHE_MANAGER->get($cacheId); } else { if ($timestamp == '') { $days = COption::getOptionInt("main", "event_log_cleanup_days", 7); if ($days > 7) $days = 7; $timestamp = convertTimeStamp(time()-$days*24*3600+CTimeZone::getOffset()); } $arAudits = array( "SECURITY_FILTER_SQL", "SECURITY_FILTER_XSS", "SECURITY_FILTER_XSS2", "SECURITY_FILTER_PHP" ); $strAuditsSql = implode("', '",$arAudits); $strSql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) AS COUNT FROM b_event_log WHERE AUDIT_TYPE_ID in ('".$strAuditsSql."') AND (MODULE_ID = 'security' and MODULE_ID is not null) AND TIMESTAMP_X >= ".$DB->charToDateFunction($DB->forSQL($timestamp))." "; $res = $DB->query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br>LINE: ".__LINE__); if ($arRes = $res->fetch()) $result = $arRes["COUNT"]; else $result = 0; $CACHE_MANAGER->set($cacheId, $result); } return $result; } public function getMessageFormatter() { return $this->messageFormatter; } private function __construct() { if (COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_db_active") === "Y") $this->initializeDBEngine(); if (COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_syslog_active") == "Y") $this->initializeSyslogEngine(); if (COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_file_active") == "Y") $this->initializeFileEngine(); $this->messageFormatter = new CSecurityEventMessageFormatter( COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_format"), COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_userinfo_format") ); } private function initializeFileEngine() { $filePath = COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_file_path"); if ($filePath && checkDirPath($filePath)) { $this->fileLogger = new Diag\FileLogger($filePath, 0); } } private function initializeDBEngine() { $this->isDBEngineActive = true; } private function initializeSyslogEngine() { if (self::isRunOnWin()) { $facility = LOG_USER; } else { $facility = (int) COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_syslog_facility"); } $this->syslogPriority = COption::getOptionString("security", "security_event_syslog_priority"); $this->sysLogger = new Diag\SysLogger('Bitrix WAF', LOG_ODELAY, $facility); } /** * @return bool */ private static function isRunOnWin() { return (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === "WIN"); } /** * @param string $message * @return string mixed */ private static function sanitizeMessage($message) { return str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array("\\r", "\\n"), $message); } }