Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? ############################################## # Bitrix Site Manager Forum # # Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Bitrix # # # # # ############################################## use Bitrix\Main\Error; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllVote { public static function err_mess() { $module_id = "vote"; return "<br>Module: ".$module_id."<br>Class: CAllVote<br>File: ".__FILE__; } public static function GetFilterOperation($key) { return CGroup::GetFilterOperation($key); } public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { $aMsg = array(); $ID = intval($ID); $arVote = array(); if ($ID > 0): $db_res = CVote::GetByID($ID); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()): $arVote = $res; endif; endif; unset($arFields["ID"]); if (is_set($arFields, "CHANNEL_ID") || $ACTION == "ADD") { $arFields["CHANNEL_ID"] = intval($arFields["CHANNEL_ID"]); if ($arFields["CHANNEL_ID"] <= 0): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "CHANNEL_ID", "text" => GetMessage("VOTE_EMPTY_CHANNEL_ID")); else: $rChannel = CVoteChannel::GetList('', '', array('ID' => intval($arFields['CHANNEL_ID']))); if (! ($rChannel && $arChannel = $rChannel->Fetch())) { $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "CHANNEL_ID", "text" => GetMessage("VOTE_WRONG_CHANNEL_ID")); } endif; } if (is_set($arFields, "C_SORT")) $arFields["C_SORT"] = intval($arFields["C_SORT"]); if (is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE") || $ACTION == "ADD") $arFields["ACTIVE"] = ($arFields["ACTIVE"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"); unset($arFields["TIMESTAMP_X"]); $date_start = false; if (is_set($arFields, "DATE_START") || $ACTION == "ADD") { $arFields["DATE_START"] = trim($arFields["DATE_START"]); $date_start = MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_START"]); if (!$date_start): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "DATE_START", "text" => GetMessage("VOTE_WRONG_DATE_START")); endif; } if (is_set($arFields, "DATE_END") || $ACTION == "ADD") { $arFields["DATE_END"] = trim($arFields["DATE_END"]); if ($arFields["DATE_END"] == ''): if ($date_start != false): $date_end = $date_start + 2592000; $arFields["DATE_END"] = GetTime($date_end, "FULL"); else: $date_end = 1924984799; // '31.12.2030 23:59:59' $arFields["DATE_END"] = GetTime($date_end, "FULL"); endif; else: $date_end = MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_END"]); endif; if (!$date_end): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "DATE_END", "text" => GetMessage("VOTE_WRONG_DATE_END")); elseif ($date_start >= $date_end && !empty($arFields["DATE_START"])): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "DATE_END", "text" => GetMessage("VOTE_WRONG_DATE_TILL")); endif; } if (empty($aMsg) && (is_set($arFields, "DATE_START") || is_set($arFields, "DATE_END") || is_set($arFields, "CHANNEL_ID") || is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE"))) { $vid = 0; if ($ACTION == "ADD" && $arFields["ACTIVE"] == "Y") { $vid = CVote::WrongDateInterval(0, $arFields["DATE_START"], $arFields["DATE_END"], $arFields["CHANNEL_ID"]); } elseif ($ACTION != "ADD" && !(is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE") && $arFields["ACTIVE"] != "Y")) { $res = array( "DATE_START" => (is_set($arFields, "DATE_START") ? $arFields["DATE_START"] : false), "DATE_END" => (is_set($arFields, "DATE_END") ? $arFields["DATE_END"] : false), "CHANNEL_ID" => (is_set($arFields, "CHANNEL_ID") ? $arFields["CHANNEL_ID"] : false)); $vid = CVote::WrongDateInterval($ID, $res["DATE_START"], $res["DATE_END"], $res["CHANNEL_ID"]); } if (intval($vid) > 0): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "DATE_START", "text" => str_replace("#ID#", $vid, GetMessage("VOTE_WRONG_INTERVAL"))); endif; } if (is_set($arFields, "IMAGE_ID") && $arFields["IMAGE_ID"]["name"] == '' && $arFields["IMAGE_ID"]["del"] == '') { unset($arFields["IMAGE_ID"]); } elseif (is_set($arFields, "IMAGE_ID")) { if ($str = CFile::CheckImageFile($arFields["IMAGE_ID"])): $aMsg[] = array( "id" => "IMAGE_ID", "text" => $str); else: $arFields["IMAGE_ID"]["MODULE_ID"] = "vote"; if (!empty($arVote)): $arFields["IMAGE_ID"]["old_file"] = $arVote["IMAGE_ID"]; endif; endif; } if (is_set($arFields, "COUNTER")) $arFields["COUNTER"] = intval($arFields["COUNTER"]); if (is_set($arFields, "TITLE")) $arFields["TITLE"] = trim($arFields["TITLE"]); if (is_set($arFields, "DESCRIPTION")) $arFields["DESCRIPTION"] = trim($arFields["DESCRIPTION"]); if (is_set($arFields, "DESCRIPTION_TYPE") || $ACTION == "ADD") $arFields["DESCRIPTION_TYPE"] = ($arFields["DESCRIPTION_TYPE"] == "html" ? "html" : "text"); if (is_set($arFields, "EVENT1")) $arFields["EVENT1"] = trim($arFields["EVENT1"]); if (is_set($arFields, "EVENT2")) $arFields["EVENT2"] = trim($arFields["EVENT2"]); if (is_set($arFields, "EVENT3")) $arFields["EVENT3"] = trim($arFields["EVENT3"]); if (is_set($arFields, "UNIQUE_TYPE")) $arFields["UNIQUE_TYPE"] = intval($arFields["UNIQUE_TYPE"]); if (is_set($arFields, "OPTIONS")) { $arFields["OPTIONS"] = intval($arFields["OPTIONS"]); } if (is_set($arFields, "DELAY") && array_key_exists("DELAY_TYPE", $arFields)) { $arFields["DELAY"] = intval($arFields["DELAY"]); $type = in_array($arFields["DELAY_TYPE"], array("S", "M", "H", "D")) ? $arFields["DELAY_TYPE"] : "D"; $typeMultiplier = array( "S" => 1, "M" => 60, "H" => 3600, "D" => 86400 ); $arFields["KEEP_IP_SEC"] = $arFields["DELAY"] * $typeMultiplier[$type]; } else if (array_key_exists("KEEP_IP_SEC", $arFields) || $ACTION == "ADD") { $arFields["KEEP_IP_SEC"] = intval($arFields["KEEP_IP_SEC"]); } unset ($arFields["DELAY"]); unset ($arFields["DELAY_TYPE"]); if (CVote::IsOldVersion() != "Y") { unset($arFields["TEMPLATE"]); unset($arFields["RESULT_TEMPLATE"]); } if (is_set($arFields, "TEMPLATE")) $arFields["TEMPLATE"] = trim($arFields["TEMPLATE"]); if (is_set($arFields, "RESULT_TEMPLATE")) $arFields["RESULT_TEMPLATE"] = trim($arFields["RESULT_TEMPLATE"]); if (is_set($arFields, "NOTIFY")) $arFields["NOTIFY"] = (in_array($arFields["NOTIFY"], array("Y", "N", "I")) ? $arFields["NOTIFY"] : "N"); if (is_set($arFields, "REQUIRED")) $arFields["REQUIRED"] = ($arFields["REQUIRED"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"); if (is_set($arFields, "AUTHOR_ID")) $arFields["AUTHOR_ID"] = intval($arFields["AUTHOR_ID"]); if(!empty($aMsg)) { global $APPLICATION; $e = new CAdminException(array_reverse($aMsg)); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } /** * @deprecated 18.5.1 * @param array $arFields * @param bool $strUploadDir * @return array|bool|int * @throws Exception */ public static function Add($arFields, $strUploadDir = false) { $result = \Bitrix\Vote\VoteTable::add($arFields); if (!$result->isSuccess()) { $aMsg = []; $errCollection = $result->getErrorCollection(); for ($errCollection->rewind(); $errCollection->valid(); $errCollection->next()) { /** @var Error $error */ $error = $errCollection->current(); $aMsg[] = ["id" => $error->getCode(), "text" => $error->getMessage()]; } if (!empty($aMsg)) { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ThrowException((new CAdminException(array_reverse($aMsg)))); } return false; } return $result->getId(); } /** * @deprecated 18.5.1 * @param $ID * @param $arFields * @param bool $strUploadDir * @return bool|int */ public static function Update($ID, $arFields, $strUploadDir = false) { $result = \Bitrix\Vote\VoteTable::update($ID, $arFields); if (!$result->isSuccess()) { $aMsg = []; $errCollection = $result->getErrorCollection(); for ($errCollection->rewind(); $errCollection->valid(); $errCollection->next()) { /** @var Error $error */ $error = $errCollection->current(); $aMsg[] = ["id" => $error->getCode(), "text" => $error->getMessage()]; } if (!empty($aMsg)) { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ThrowException((new CAdminException(array_reverse($aMsg)))); } return false; } return $result->getId(); } public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: Delete<br>Line: "; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0): return false; endif; /***************** Event onBeforeVoteDelete *************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onBeforeVoteDelete", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$ID)) === false) return false; /***************** /Event ******************************************/ @set_time_limit(1000); $DB->StartTransaction(); // delete questions CVoteQuestion::Delete(false, $ID); \Bitrix\Vote\AttachTable::deleteByFilter(array("OBJECT_ID" => $ID)); // delete vote images $strSql = "SELECT IMAGE_ID FROM b_vote WHERE ID = ".$ID." AND IMAGE_ID > 0"; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($zr = $z->Fetch()) CFile::Delete($zr["IMAGE_ID"]); // delete vote events $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID='$ID'", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); // delete vote $res = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_vote WHERE ID='$ID'", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Commit(); /***************** Event onAfterVoteDelete *************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onAfterVoteDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); /***************** /Event ******************************************/ return $res; } public static function Reset($ID) { \Bitrix\Vote\Event::resetStatistic($ID); unset($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$ID]); if (array_key_exists("VOTE", $_SESSION) && array_key_exists("VOTES", $_SESSION["VOTE"])) unset($_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$ID]); return true; } public static function Copy($ID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: Copy<br>Line: "; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0): return false; endif; $rCurrentVote = CVote::GetByID($ID); if (!$arCurrentVote = $rCurrentVote->Fetch()) return false; unset($arCurrentVote["ID"]); $arCurrentVote['ACTIVE'] = "N"; $newImageId = false; if (intval($arCurrentVote['IMAGE_ID'] > 0)) { $imageId = $arCurrentVote['IMAGE_ID']; $newImageId = CFile::CopyFile($imageId); $arCurrentVote["IMAGE_ID"] = NULL; } $newID = CVote::Add($arCurrentVote); if ($newID === false) return false; $DB->Update("b_vote", array("COUNTER"=>"0"), "WHERE ID=".$newID, $err_mess.__LINE__); if ($newImageId) { $DB->Update("b_vote", array("IMAGE_ID"=>$newImageId), "WHERE ID=".$newID, $err_mess.__LINE__); } $state = true; $rQuestions = CVoteQuestion::GetList($ID); while ($arQuestion = $rQuestions->Fetch()) { $state = $state && ( CVoteQuestion::Copy($arQuestion['ID'], $newID) !== false); } if ($state == true) return $newID; else return $state; } public static function IsOldVersion() { $res = "N"; $arr = GetTemplateList("RV"); if (is_array($arr) && count($arr["reference"])>0) $res = "Y"; else { $arr = GetTemplateList("SV"); if (is_array($arr) && count($arr["reference"])>0) $res = "Y"; else { $arr = GetTemplateList("RQ"); if (is_array($arr) && count($arr["reference"])>0) $res = "Y"; } } return $res; } public static function GetByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return CVote::GetList("s_id", "desc", array("ID" => $ID)); } public static function GetByIDEx($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0) return false; if (!isset($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE"]["VOTE"][$ID])) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; if (!!VOTE_CACHE_TIME && $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(VOTE_CACHE_TIME, $ID, "b_vote")) { $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE"]["VOTE"][$ID] = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($ID); } else { $db_res = CVote::GetListEx(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("ID" => $ID)); if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) { $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE"]["VOTE"][$ID] = $res; if (!!VOTE_CACHE_TIME) $CACHE_MANAGER->Set($ID, $res); } } } $db_res = new CDBResult(); $db_res->InitFromArray(array($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE"]["VOTE"][$ID])); return $db_res; } public static function UserAlreadyVote($voteId, $VOTE_USER_ID, $UNIQUE_TYPE, $delay, $USER_ID = false) { global $DB, $USER; $err_mess = (CAllVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: UserAlreadyVote<br>Line: "; $voteId = intval($voteId); $UNIQUE_TYPE = intval($UNIQUE_TYPE); $VOTE_USER_ID = intval($VOTE_USER_ID); $USER_ID = intval($USER_ID); if ($voteId <= 0 || $UNIQUE_TYPE <= 0) return false; //One session if (($UNIQUE_TYPE & 1) && IsModuleInstalled('statistic') && array_key_exists($voteId, $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"])) return 1; $return = array(); $arSqlSearch = array(); $arSqlSelect = array("VE.ID"); //Same cookie if ($UNIQUE_TYPE & 2 && ($VOTE_USER_ID > 0)) { $arSqlSelect[] = "VE.VOTE_USER_ID"; $arSqlSearch[] = "VE.VOTE_USER_ID='".$VOTE_USER_ID."'"; } // Same IP if ($UNIQUE_TYPE & 4) { $tmp = \CVote::CheckVotingIP($voteId, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $delay, array("RETURN_SEARCH_ARRAY" => "Y")); $arSqlSelect[] = $tmp["select"]; $arSqlSearch[] = $tmp["search"]; } // Same ID if ($UNIQUE_TYPE & 8) { if ($USER_ID <= 0 || $USER_ID == $USER->GetID() && isset($_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId])) { $return[] = 8; } else { $arSqlSelect[] = "VU.AUTH_USER_ID"; $arSqlSearch[] = "VU.AUTH_USER_ID=".$USER_ID; } // Register date if (($UNIQUE_TYPE & 16) && ($arUser = \CUser::GetByID($USER_ID)->fetch()) && is_array($arUser) && ($userRegister = MakeTimeStamp($arUser['DATE_REGISTER'])) && ($vote = \CVote::GetByID($voteId)->Fetch()) && is_array($vote) && ($voteStart = MakeTimeStamp($vote['DATE_START'])) && ($userRegister > $voteStart) ) { $return[] = 16; } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) { $db_res = $DB->Query("SELECT ".implode(",", $arSqlSelect)." FROM b_vote_event VE LEFT JOIN b_vote_user VU ON (VE.VOTE_USER_ID = VU.ID) WHERE VE.VOTE_ID=".$voteId." AND ((".implode(") OR (", $arSqlSearch)."))", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { if ($USER_ID > 0 && $USER_ID == $USER->GetID()) $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId] = $res["ID"]; // $UNIQUE_TYPE & 2 if (isset($res["VOTE_USER_ID"]) && $res["VOTE_USER_ID"] == $VOTE_USER_ID) { $return[] = 2; } //$UNIQUE_TYPE & 4 if (isset($res["IP"]) && $res["IP"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && ($delay <= 0 || !isset($res["KEEP_IP_SEC"]) || $delay > $res["KEEP_IP_SEC"])) { $return[] = 4; } // $UNIQUE_TYPE & 8 if (isset($res["AUTH_USER_ID"]) && $res["AUTH_USER_ID"] == $USER_ID) { $return[] = 8; } } } $return = empty($return) ? 0 : min($return); return ($return > 0 ? $return : false); } public static function UserGroupPermission($CHANNEL_ID) { global $USER; return CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($CHANNEL_ID, $USER->GetUserGroupArray()); } public static function SetVoteUserID() { return \Bitrix\Vote\User::getCurrent()->setVotedUserId(); } public static function UpdateVoteUserID($VOTE_USER_ID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: UpdateVoteUserID<br>Line: "; $VOTE_USER_ID = intval($VOTE_USER_ID); $arFields = array( "DATE_LAST" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "COUNTER" => "COUNTER+1" ); return $DB->Update("b_vote_user", $arFields, "WHERE ID='".$VOTE_USER_ID."'", $err_mess.__LINE__); } public static function keepVoting() { global $USER; /** @var $r \Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest */ $r = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $request = array_merge($r->getQueryList()->toArray(), $r->getPostList()->toArray()); $PUBLIC_VOTE_ID = intval($request["PUBLIC_VOTE_ID"]); $errorCollection = new \Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection(); try { if (empty($request["vote"]) || $PUBLIC_VOTE_ID <= 0 || !check_bitrix_sessid()) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException(GetMessage("VOTE_NOT_FOUND"), "bad_params"); $vote = new \Bitrix\Vote\Vote($PUBLIC_VOTE_ID); if (\CVote::UserGroupPermission($vote["CHANNEL_ID"]) < 2) throw new \Bitrix\Main\AccessDeniedException(); $channel = $vote->getChannel(); if ($channel["USE_CAPTCHA"] == "Y" && !$USER->IsAuthorized()) { include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/captcha.php"); $cpt = new CCaptcha(); if ((!empty($request["captcha_code"]) && !$cpt->CheckCodeCrypt($request["captcha_word"], $request["captcha_code"])) || empty($request["captcha_code"]) && !$cpt->CheckCode($request["captcha_word"], 0)) { $GLOBALS["BAD_CAPTCHA"] = "Y"; throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException(GetMessage("VOTE_BAD_CAPTCHA"), "captcha"); } } if (!$vote->voteFor($request)) $errorCollection->add($vote->getErrors()); else $GLOBALS["VOTING_ID"] = $vote->getId(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errorCollection->add(array(new \Bitrix\Main\Error($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()))); } if ($errorCollection->isEmpty()) { $GLOBALS["VOTING_OK"] = "Y"; return true; } global $APPLICATION, $VOTING_OK; $VOTING_OK = "N"; $m = []; for ($errorCollection->rewind(); $errorCollection->valid(); $errorCollection->next()) $m[] = $errorCollection->current()->getMessage(); $APPLICATION->ThrowException(implode("", $m), "CVote::KeepVoting"); return false; } public static function GetNextSort($CHANNEL_ID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetNextSort<br>Line: "; $CHANNEL_ID = intval($CHANNEL_ID); $strSql = "SELECT max(C_SORT) MAX_SORT FROM b_vote WHERE CHANNEL_ID='$CHANNEL_ID'"; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $zr = $z->Fetch(); return intval($zr["MAX_SORT"])+100; } public static function WrongDateInterval($CURRENT_VOTE_ID, $DATE_START, $DATE_END, $CHANNEL_ID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllVote::err_mess())."<br>Function: WrongDateInterval<br>Line: "; $CURRENT_VOTE_ID = intval($CURRENT_VOTE_ID); $CURRENT_VOTE_ID = ($CURRENT_VOTE_ID > 0 ? $CURRENT_VOTE_ID : false); $CHANNEL_ID = intval($CHANNEL_ID); $CHANNEL_ID = ($CHANNEL_ID > 0 ? $CHANNEL_ID : false); $DATE_START = ($DATE_START == false ? false : (trim($DATE_START) == '' ? false : trim($DATE_START))); $DATE_END = ($DATE_END == false ? false : (trim($DATE_END) == '' ? false : trim($DATE_END))); if($CURRENT_VOTE_ID == false && $CHANNEL_ID == false) { return 0; } elseif($CHANNEL_ID > 0) { $db_res = CVoteChannel::GetByID($CHANNEL_ID); if($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) if($res["VOTE_SINGLE"] != "Y") return 0; } $st = ($DATE_START == false ? "VV.DATE_START" : $DB->CharToDateFunction($DATE_START, "FULL")); $en = ($DATE_END == false ? "VV.DATE_END" : $DB->CharToDateFunction($DATE_END, "FULL")); if($CURRENT_VOTE_ID <= 0) { if($DATE_START == false) $st = $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(); if($DATE_END == false) $en = $DB->CharToDateFunction(ConvertTimeStamp(1924984799, "FULL"), "FULL"); // '31.12.2030 23:59:59' } $strSql = " SELECT V.ID FROM b_vote V ".($CURRENT_VOTE_ID > 0 ? "LEFT JOIN b_vote VV ON (VV.ID = ".$CURRENT_VOTE_ID.") " : "")." INNER JOIN b_vote_channel VC ON (V.CHANNEL_ID = VC.ID AND VC.VOTE_SINGLE = 'Y') WHERE V.CHANNEL_ID=".($CHANNEL_ID == false ? "VV.CHANNEL_ID" : $CHANNEL_ID)." AND V.ACTIVE='Y' AND ".($CURRENT_VOTE_ID > 0 ? "V.ID<>'".$CURRENT_VOTE_ID."' AND " : "")." ( (".$st." between V.DATE_START and V.DATE_END) OR (".$en." between V.DATE_START and V.DATE_END) OR (V.DATE_START between ".$st." and ".$en.") OR (V.DATE_END between ".$st." and ".$en.") )"; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) return intval($res["ID"]); return 0; } } class _CVoteDBResult extends CDBResult { public function __construct($res, $params = array()) { parent::__construct($res); } function Fetch() { if($res = parent::Fetch()) { if ($res["LAMP"] == "yellow" && !empty($res["CHANNEL_ID"])) { $res["LAMP"] = ($res["ID"] == CVote::GetActiveVoteId($res["CHANNEL_ID"]) ? "green" : "red"); } } return $res; } } ?>