Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
if(typeof window.JIconset === 'undefined'){ window.JIconset = function(rand, code, arConfig){ this.rand = rand; this.code = code; this.config = {}; this.popup = false; this.block = false; this.form = false; this.selectButton = false; this.eventListners = []; if(typeof arConfig === 'object'){ this.config = arConfig; this.init(); } } window.JIconset.prototype = { init: function(){ var that = this; BX.ready(function(){ if(that.block = BX('iconset-' + that.rand)){ that.block.iconset = that; if(that.popup = that.block.closest('.bx-core-window')){ that.selectButton = that.popup.querySelector('.adm-btn-save[id=iconset_button--select]'); if(!that.popup.querySelector('.iconset_item--selected')){ that.disableSelectButton(); } } if(that.form = that.block.querySelector('.iconset_form')){ that.formUrl = that.form.getAttribute('action') || location.href } that.bindEvents(); } }); }, bindEvents: function(){ var that = this; if( typeof that.onDocClick !== 'function' && that.block ){ // live click on document that.onDocClick = function(e){ if(!e){ e = window.event; } var target = || e.srcElement; var block = target.closest('#iconset-' + that.rand); if(block){ // is click on delete button var buttonDelete = target.closest('.iconset_btn--delete'); if(buttonDelete){ var icon = buttonDelete.closest('.iconset_item'); if(icon){ var id ='.iconset_item'), 'id'); var value ='.iconset_item'), 'value'); that.deleteIcon(id, value, function(bSuccess){ if(bSuccess){ BX.addClass(icon, 'iconset_item--deleted'); // wait animation 0.5s setTimeout(function(){ BX.remove(icon); }, 490); if(that.popup){ if(!that.popup.querySelector('.iconset_item--selected')){ that.disableSelectButton(); } } } }); } } else{ // is click on item var item = target.closest('.iconset_item'); if(item){ var items =; for(var i in items){ if(items[i] === item){ BX.addClass(items[i], 'iconset_item--selected'); } else{ BX.removeClass(items[i], 'iconset_item--selected'); } } that.enableSelectButton(); } else{ // is click on load button var buttonLoad = target.closest('.iconset_btn--load'); if(buttonLoad){ if(that.form){ BX.fireEvent(that.form, 'submit'); } } else{ var subtabs = target.closest('.adm-detail-subtabs'); if(subtabs){ var addIconTab = that.block.querySelector('.adm-detail-subtabs[id=view_tab_iconset_add_icon]'); if(addIconTab){ if(BX.hasClass(addIconTab, 'adm-detail-subtab-active')){ that.disableSelectButton(); } else{ that.enableSelectButton(); } } } } } } } } document.addEventListener('click', that.onDocClick); // sumbmit form if(that.form){ that.onFormSubmit = function(e){ if(!e){ e = window.event; } BX.PreventDefault(e); var errorMessage = ''; var fd = new FormData(); fd.set('code', that.code); fd.set('value', that.form.querySelector('input[name=value]').value); fd.set('action', 'add_icon'); var fileInputs ='input[name=iconset_new]')); var fileInput = fileInputs.length ? fileInputs[fileInputs.length - 1] : null; if(fileInput){ var bFile = fileInput.getAttribute('type') === 'file'; if(bFile){ var files = fileInput.files || [fileInput.value]; var filename = files.length ? 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'icon_file' : 'icon_path', bFile ? files[0] : fileInput.value ); } } if(errorMessage.length){ that.showError(errorMessage); } else{ that.addIcon(fd, function(id){ if(id){ that.getIcon(id, function(response){ if(response){ var child = BX.create({ tag: 'div', html: response, }); child = child.querySelector('.iconset_item'); if(child){ that.openItemsTab(); var wrap = that.block.querySelector('.iconset_wrap'); if(wrap){ wrap.scrollTop = 0; var emptyItem = wrap.querySelector('.iconset_item--empty'); if(emptyItem){ BX.insertAfter(child, emptyItem); } else{ BX.prepend(child, wrap); } // wait animation 0.5s setTimeout(function(){ BX.removeClass(child, 'iconset_item--added'); }, 1000); } } else{ that.showError(BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST')); } } }); } }); } } } that.form.addEventListener('submit', that.onFormSubmit); } }, unbindEvents: function(){ if(typeof this.onDocClick === 'function'){ document.removeEventListener('click', this.onDocClick); } if( typeof this.onFormSubmit === 'function' && this.form ){ this.form.removeEventListener('submit', this.onFormSubmit); 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}, hideLoader: function(){ BX.removeClass(this.form.closest('.iconset'), 'iconset--sending'); }, enableSelectButton: function(){ if(this.selectButton){ this.selectButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }, disableSelectButton: function(){ if(this.selectButton){ this.selectButton.setAttribute('disabled', ''); } }, openItemsTab: function(){ var tab = this.block.querySelector('.adm-detail-subtabs[id=view_tab_iconset_items]'); if(tab){ BX.fireEvent(tab, 'click'); } }, openFormTab: function(){ if(this.form){ var tab = this.block.querySelector('.adm-detail-subtabs[id=view_tab_iconset_add_icon]'); if(tab){ BX.fireEvent(tab, 'click'); } } }, resetFileInput: function(){ if(!this.form){ return; } var openers ='.add-file-popup-btn')); var opener = openers.length ? openers[openers.length - 1] : null; if(opener && typeof opener.OPENER === 'object'){ var menu = opener.OPENER.GetMenu(); if(typeof menu === 'object'){ if(menu.DIV){ var menuItem = menu.DIV.querySelector('.adm-menu-delete') ? menu.DIV.querySelector('.adm-menu-delete').parentNode : null; if(menuItem){ = 'hidden'; menu.Show(); var interval = setInterval(function(){ BX.fireEvent(menuItem, 'click'); if(!opener.closest('.iconset')){ = ''; clearInterval(interval); } }, 100); } } } } }, addIcon: function(data, callback){ if(this.form){ var that = this; if(data instanceof FormData){ data.set('action', 'add_icon'); } else{ data.action = 'add_icon'; } that.showLoader(); BX.ajax({ url: that.formUrl, method: 'POST', data: data, dataType: 'html', processData: false, preparePost: false, emulateOnload: false, start: true, async: true, cache: false, onsuccess: function(response){ errorMessage = ''; try{ var result = JSON.parse(response); if(result.error.length){ errorMessage = result.error; } else if(!{ errorMessage = BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST'); } } catch(e){ errorMessage = BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST'); } that.resetFileInput(); that.hideLoader(); if(errorMessage.length){ that.showError(errorMessage); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } else{ if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(; } } }, onfailure: function(error){ that.hideLoader(); that.showError(BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST')); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } }); } else{ if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } }, deleteIcon: function(id, value, callback){ var that = this; if(confirm(BX.message('ICONSET_CONFIRM_DELETE'))){ var iconset_values ='.iconset_value')); if(iconset_values){ for(var i in iconset_values){ var input = iconset_values[i].querySelector('input'); if(input && input.value === value){ this.showError(BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_DELETE_ICON_IS_SAVED_AS_OPTION_VALUE')); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } return; } } } that.showLoader(); BX.ajax({ url: that.formUrl, method: 'POST', data: { action: 'delete_icon', code: that.code, id: id }, dataType: 'html', processData: false, preparePost: true, emulateOnload: false, start: true, async: true, cache: false, onsuccess: function(response){ errorMessage = ''; try{ var result = JSON.parse(response); if(result.error.length){ errorMessage = result.error; } } catch(e){ errorMessage = BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST'); } that.hideLoader(); if(errorMessage.length){ that.showError(errorMessage); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } else{ if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(true); } } }, onfailure: function(error){ that.hideLoader(); that.showError(BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST')); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } }); } }, getIcon: function(id, callback){ var that = this; that.showLoader(); BX.ajax({ url: that.formUrl, method: 'POST', data: { action: 'get_icon', code: that.code, id: id }, dataType: 'html', processData: false, preparePost: true, emulateOnload: false, start: true, async: true, cache: false, onsuccess: function(response){ that.hideLoader(); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(response); } }, onfailure: function(error){ that.hideLoader(); that.showError(BX.message('ICONSET_ERROR_REQUEST')); if(typeof callback === 'function'){ callback(false); } } }); } } // click on iconset icon value window.JIconset._onValueClick = function(e){ if(!e){ e = window.event; } BX.PreventDefault(e); var icon = this; if(icon){ if(BX.hasClass(icon, 'iconset_value--readonly')){ return false; } var code =, 'code'); var input = icon.parentNode.querySelector('input'); var value = input.value; var lang = BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID'); var iconsetUrl = '/bitrix/admin/aspro.allcorp3_iconset.php'; var iconsetDialog = new BX.CAdminDialog({ content_url: iconsetUrl, content_post: { code: code, value: value, lang: lang, }, title: BX.message('ICONSET_POPUP_TITLE'), draggable: true, resizable: true, width: 300, min_width: 300, height: 142, min_height: 142, buttons: [ { title: BX.message('ICONSET_POPUP_SELECT'), id: 'iconset_button--select', name: 'select', className: 'adm-btn-save', action: function(){ var selected = this.parentWindow.DIV.querySelector('.iconset_item--selected'); if(selected){ var value =, 'value'); var content = selected.querySelector('.iconset_item_middle').innerHTML.trim(); icon.querySelector('.iconset_value_wrap').innerHTML = content; icon.querySelector('input').value = value; } this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, { title: BX.message('ICONSET_POPUP_CLOSE'), id: 'iconset_button--cancel', name: 'close', action: function(){ this.parentWindow.Close(); } } ] }); // unset popup height on show BX.addCustomEvent(iconsetDialog, 'onWindowRegister', function(){ BX.WindowManager.Get().DIV.querySelector('.bx-core-adm-dialog-content').style.height = ''; }); // unbind popup iconset events BX.addCustomEvent(iconsetDialog, 'onWindowClose', function(){ var iconset = BX.WindowManager.Get().DIV.querySelector('.iconset'); if(iconset){ if(typeof iconset.iconset === 'object' && iconset.iconset){ iconset.iconset.unbindEvents(); } } }); // show dialog iconsetDialog.Show(); } } BX.ready(function(){ BX.bindDelegate(document.body, 'click', {class: 'iconset_value'}, window.JIconset._onValueClick); }); }