Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
/* eslint-disable */ this.BX = this.BX || {}; this.BX.UI = this.BX.UI || {}; (function (exports,ui_bbcode_encoder,main_core) { 'use strict'; function getByIndex(array, index) { if (!main_core.Type.isArray(array)) { throw new TypeError('array is not a array'); } if (!main_core.Type.isInteger(index)) { throw new TypeError('index is not a integer'); } const preparedIndex = index < 0 ? array.length + index : index; return array[preparedIndex]; } const privateMap = new WeakMap(); const nameSymbol = Symbol('name'); class BBCodeNode { constructor(options = {}) { this[nameSymbol] = '#unknown'; this.children = []; privateMap.set(this, { delayedChildren: [] }); this.setName(; privateMap.get(this).scheme = options.scheme; this.setParent(options.parent); this.setChildren(options.children); } static get ELEMENT_NODE() { return 1; } static get TEXT_NODE() { return 2; } static get ROOT_NODE() { return 3; } static get FRAGMENT_NODE() { return 4; } static freezeProperty(node, property, value, enumerable = true) { Object.defineProperty(node, property, { value, writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable }); } static makeNonEnumerableProperty(node, property) { Object.defineProperty(node, property, { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false }); } static flattenChildren(children) { if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(children)) { return children.flatMap(node => { if (node.getType() === BBCodeNode.FRAGMENT_NODE) { return node.getChildren(); } return node; }); } return []; } setScheme(scheme, onUnknown) { privateMap.get(this).scheme = scheme; } getScheme() { return privateMap.get(this).scheme; } getTagScheme() { return this.getScheme().getTagScheme(this.getName()); } getEncoder() { return this.getScheme().getEncoder(); } prepareCase(value) { const scheme = this.getScheme(); const currentCase = scheme.getOutputTagCase(); if (currentCase === 'upper') { return value.toUpperCase(); } return value.toLowerCase(); } setName(name) { if (main_core.Type.isString(name)) { this[nameSymbol] = name.toLowerCase(); } } getName() { return this[nameSymbol]; } getDisplayedName() { return this.prepareCase(this.getName()); } setParent(parent = null) { const mounted = !this.hasParent() && parent; privateMap.get(this).parent = parent; if (mounted) { this.onNodeDidMount(); } } getParent() { return privateMap.get(this).parent; } getType() { return privateMap.get(this).type; } hasParent() { return Boolean(privateMap.get(this).parent); } remove() { if (this.hasParent()) { this.getParent().removeChild(this); } } setChildren(children) { if (main_core.Type.isArray(children)) { this.children = []; this.appendChild(...children); } } getChildren() { return [...this.children]; } getLastChild() { return getByIndex(this.getChildren(), -1); } getLastChildOfType(type) { return this.getChildren().reverse().find(node => { return node.getType() === type; }); } getLastChildOfName(name) { return this.getChildren().reverse().find(node => { return node.getType() === BBCodeNode.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getName() === name; }); } getFirstChild() { return getByIndex(this.getChildren(), 0); } getFirstChildOfType(type) { return this.getChildren().find(node => { return node.getType() === type; }); } getFirstChildOfName(name) { return this.getChildren().find(node => { return node.getType() === BBCodeNode.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getName() === name; }); } getPreviewsSibling() { if (this.hasParent()) { const parentChildren = this.getParent().getChildren(); const currentIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); if (currentIndex > 0) { return getByIndex(parentChildren, currentIndex - 1); } } return null; } getPreviewsSiblings() { if (this.hasParent()) { const parentChildren = this.getParent().getChildren(); const currentIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); return parentChildren.filter((child, index) => { return index < currentIndex; }); } return null; } getNextSibling() { if (this.hasParent()) { const parentChildren = this.getParent().getChildren(); const currentIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); if (currentIndex !== -1 && currentIndex !== parentChildren.length) { return getByIndex(parentChildren, currentIndex + 1); } } return null; } getNextSiblings() { if (this.hasParent()) { const parentChildren = this.getParent().getChildren(); const currentIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); return parentChildren.filter((child, index) => { return index > currentIndex; }); } return null; } getChildrenCount() { return this.children.length; } hasChildren() { return this.getChildrenCount() > 0; } isEmpty() { return this.getChildrenCount() === 0; } adjustChildren() { this.setChildren(this.getChildren()); } setDelayedChildren(children) { if (main_core.Type.isArray(children)) { privateMap.get(this).delayedChildren = children; } } addDelayedChildren(children) { if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(children)) { this.setDelayedChildren([...this.getDelayedChildren(), ...children]); } } hasDelayedChildren() { return privateMap.get(this).delayedChildren.length > 0; } getDelayedChildren() { return [...privateMap.get(this).delayedChildren]; } appendChild(...children) { const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); flattenedChildren.forEach(node => { node.remove(); node.setParent(this); this.children.push(node); }); } prependChild(...children) { const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); flattenedChildren.forEach(node => { node.remove(); node.setParent(this); this.children.unshift(node); }); } insertBefore(...nodes) { if (this.hasParent() && main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(nodes)) { const parent = this.getParent(); const parentChildren = parent.getChildren(); const currentNodeIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); const deleteCount = 0; parentChildren.splice(currentNodeIndex, deleteCount, ...nodes); parent.setChildren(parentChildren); } } insertAfter(...nodes) { if (this.hasParent() && main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(nodes)) { const parent = this.getParent(); const parentChildren = parent.getChildren(); const currentNodeIndex = parentChildren.indexOf(this); const startIndex = currentNodeIndex + 1; const deleteCount = 0; parentChildren.splice(startIndex, deleteCount, ...nodes); parent.setChildren(parentChildren); } } propagateChild(...children) { if (this.hasParent()) { this.insertBefore(...children.filter(child => { return !['#linebreak', '#tab'].includes(child.getName()); })); } else { this.addDelayedChildren(children); } } onNodeDidMount() { const delayedChildren = this.getDelayedChildren(); if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(delayedChildren)) { this.propagateChild(...delayedChildren); this.setDelayedChildren([]); } } removeChild(...children) { this.children = this.children.reduce((acc, node) => { if (children.includes(node)) { node.setParent(null); return acc; } return [...acc, node]; }, []); } replaceChild(targetNode, ...children) { this.children = this.children.flatMap(node => { if (node === targetNode) { node.setParent(null); const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); return => { child.remove(); child.setParent(this); return child; }); } return node; }); } replace(...children) { if (this.hasParent()) { const parent = this.getParent(); parent.replaceChild(this, ...children); } } clone(options = {}) { const children = (() => { if (options.deep) { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.clone(options); }); } return []; })(); return this.getScheme().createNode({ name: this.getName(), parent: this.getParent(), children }); } toPlainText() { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.toPlainText(); }).join(''); } getTextContent() { return this.toPlainText(); } getPlainTextLength() { return this.toPlainText().length; } removePreviewsSiblings() { const removePreviewsSiblings = node => { const previewsSiblings = node.getPreviewsSiblings(); if (main_core.Type.isArray(previewsSiblings)) { previewsSiblings.forEach(sibling => { sibling.remove(); }); } const parent = node.getParent(); if (parent) { removePreviewsSiblings(parent); } }; removePreviewsSiblings(this); } removeNextSiblings() { const removeNextSiblings = node => { const nextSiblings = node.getNextSiblings(); if (main_core.Type.isArray(nextSiblings)) { nextSiblings.forEach(sibling => { sibling.remove(); }); } const parent = node.getParent(); if (parent) { removeNextSiblings(parent); } }; removeNextSiblings(this); } findByTextIndex(index) { let currentIndex = 0; let startIndex = 0; let endIndex = 0; const node = BBCodeNode.flattenAst(this).find(child => { if (child.getName() === '#text' || child.getName() === '#linebreak' || child.getName() === '#tab') { startIndex = currentIndex; endIndex = startIndex + child.getLength(); currentIndex = endIndex; return index >= startIndex && endIndex >= index; } return false; }); if (node) { return { node, startIndex, endIndex }; } return null; } split(options) { const { offset, byWord = false } = options; const plainTextLength = this.getPlainTextLength(); const leftTree = (() => { if (plainTextLength === offset) { return this.clone({ deep: true }); } if (offset <= 0 || offset > plainTextLength) { return null; } const tree = this.clone({ deep: true }); const { node, startIndex } = tree.findByTextIndex(offset); const [leftNode, rightNode] = node.split({ offset: offset - startIndex, byWord }); if (leftNode) { node.replace(leftNode); leftNode.removeNextSiblings(); } else if (rightNode) { rightNode.removeNextSiblings(); rightNode.remove(); } return tree; })(); const rightTree = (() => { if (plainTextLength === offset) { return null; } if (offset === 0) { return this.clone({ deep: true }); } const tree = this.clone({ deep: true }); const { node, startIndex } = tree.findByTextIndex(offset); const [leftNode, rightNode] = node.split({ offset: offset - startIndex, byWord }); if (rightNode) { node.replace(rightNode); rightNode.removePreviewsSiblings(); } else if (leftNode) { leftNode.removePreviewsSiblings(); if (leftNode.hasParent()) { const parent = leftNode.getParent(); leftNode.remove(); if (parent.getChildrenCount() === 0) { parent.remove(); } } } return tree; })(); return [leftTree, rightTree]; } static flattenAst(ast) { const flat = []; const traverse = node => { flat.push(node); if (node.hasChildren()) { node.getChildren().forEach(child => { traverse(child); }); } }; if (ast.hasChildren()) { ast.getChildren().forEach(child => { traverse(child); }); } return flat; } toJSON() { return { name: this.getName(), children: this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.toJSON(); }) }; } } const voidSymbol = Symbol('void'); class BBCodeElementNode extends BBCodeNode { constructor(options = {}) { super(options); this.attributes = {}; this.value = ''; this[voidSymbol] = false; privateMap.get(this).type = BBCodeNode.ELEMENT_NODE; const tagScheme = this.getTagScheme(); this[voidSymbol] = tagScheme.isVoid(); this.setValue(options.value); this.setAttributes(options.attributes); } setScheme(scheme, onUnknown) { this.getChildren().forEach(node => { node.setScheme(scheme, onUnknown); }); if (scheme.isAllowedTag(this.getName())) { super.setScheme(scheme); const tagScheme = this.getTagScheme(); this[voidSymbol] = tagScheme.isVoid(); } else { super.setScheme(scheme); onUnknown(this, scheme); } } filterChildren(children) { const filteredChildren = { resolved: [], unresolved: [] }; const scheme = this.getScheme(); children.forEach(child => { if (scheme.isChildAllowed(this, child)) { filteredChildren.resolved.push(child); } else { filteredChildren.unresolved.push(child); } }); return filteredChildren; } convertChildren(children) { const tagScheme = this.getTagScheme(); const childConverter = tagScheme.getChildConverter(); if (childConverter) { const scheme = this.getScheme(); return => { return childConverter(child, scheme); }); } return children; } setValue(value) { if (main_core.Type.isString(value) || main_core.Type.isNumber(value) || main_core.Type.isBoolean(value)) { this.value = value; } } getValue() { return this.value; } isVoid() { return this[voidSymbol]; } canBeEmpty() { return this.getTagScheme().canBeEmpty(); } hasGroup(groupName) { return this.getTagScheme().hasGroup(groupName); } setAttributes(attributes) { if (main_core.Type.isPlainObject(attributes)) { const entries = Object.entries(attributes).map(([key, value]) => { return [key.toLowerCase(), value]; }); this.attributes = Object.fromEntries(entries); } } setAttribute(name, value) { if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(name)) { const preparedName = name.toLowerCase(); if (main_core.Type.isNil(value)) { delete this.attributes[preparedName]; } else { this.attributes[preparedName] = value; } } } getAttribute(name) { if (main_core.Type.isString(name)) { return this.attributes[name.toLowerCase()]; } return null; } getAttributes() { return { ...this.attributes }; } appendChild(...children) { const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); const filteredChildren = this.filterChildren(flattenedChildren); const convertedChildren = this.convertChildren(filteredChildren.resolved); convertedChildren.forEach(node => { node.remove(); node.setParent(this); this.children.push(node); }); if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(filteredChildren.unresolved)) { if (this.getScheme().isAllowedUnresolvedNodesHoisting()) { this.propagateChild(...filteredChildren.unresolved); } else { filteredChildren.unresolved.forEach(node => { node.remove(); }); } } } prependChild(...children) { const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); const filteredChildren = this.filterChildren(flattenedChildren); const convertedChildren = this.convertChildren(filteredChildren.resolved); convertedChildren.forEach(node => { node.remove(); node.setParent(this); this.children.unshift(node); }); if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(filteredChildren.unresolved)) { if (this.getScheme().isAllowedUnresolvedNodesHoisting()) { this.propagateChild(...filteredChildren.unresolved); } else { filteredChildren.unresolved.forEach(node => { node.remove(); }); } } } replaceChild(targetNode, ...children) { this.children = this.children.flatMap(node => { if (node === targetNode) { node.setParent(null); const flattenedChildren = BBCodeNode.flattenChildren(children); const filteredChildren = this.filterChildren(flattenedChildren); const convertedChildren = this.convertChildren(filteredChildren.resolved); return => { child.remove(); child.setParent(this); return child; }); } return node; }); } toStringValue() { const value = this.getValue(); const encodedValue = this.getEncoder().encodeAttribute(value); return value ? `=${encodedValue}` : ''; } toStringAttributes() { return Object.entries(this.getAttributes()).map(([key, attrValue]) => { const preparedKey = this.prepareCase(key); const encodedValue = this.getEncoder().encodeAttribute(attrValue); return attrValue ? `${preparedKey}=${encodedValue}` : preparedKey; }).join(' '); } getContent() { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.toString(); }).join(''); } getOpeningTag() { const displayedName = this.getDisplayedName(); const tagValue = this.toStringValue(); const attributes = this.toStringAttributes(); const formattedAttributes = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(attributes) ? ` ${attributes}` : ''; return `[${displayedName}${tagValue}${formattedAttributes}]`; } getClosingTag() { return `[/${this.getDisplayedName()}]`; } clone(options = {}) { const children = (() => { if (options.deep) { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.clone(options); }); } return []; })(); return this.getScheme().createElement({ name: this.getName(), void: this.isVoid(), value: this.getValue(), attributes: { ...this.getAttributes() }, children }); } splitByChildIndex(index) { if (!main_core.Type.isNumber(index)) { throw new TypeError('index is not a number'); } const childrenCount = this.getChildrenCount(); if (index < 0 || index > childrenCount) { throw new TypeError(`index '${index}' is out of range ${0}-${childrenCount}`); } const leftNode = (() => { if (index === childrenCount) { return this; } if (index === 0) { return null; } const leftChildren = this.getChildren().filter((child, childIndex) => { return childIndex < index; }); const node = this.clone(); node.setChildren(leftChildren); return node; })(); const rightNode = (() => { if (index === 0) { return this; } if (index === childrenCount) { return null; } const rightChildren = this.getChildren(); const node = this.clone(); node.setChildren(rightChildren); return node; })(); if (leftNode && rightNode) { this.replace(leftNode, rightNode); } return [leftNode, rightNode]; } getTagScheme() { return super.getTagScheme(); } toString() { const tagScheme = this.getTagScheme(); const stringifier = tagScheme.getStringifier(); if (main_core.Type.isFunction(stringifier)) { const scheme = this.getScheme(); return stringifier(this, scheme); } const openingTag = this.getOpeningTag(); const content = this.getContent(); if (this.isVoid()) { return `${openingTag}${content}`; } const closingTag = this.getClosingTag(); return `${openingTag}${content}${closingTag}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.getValue(), attributes: this.getAttributes(), void: this.isVoid() }; } } class BBCodeRootNode extends BBCodeElementNode { constructor(options) { super({ ...options, name: '#root' }); privateMap.get(this).type = BBCodeNode.ROOT_NODE; BBCodeRootNode.makeNonEnumerableProperty(this, 'value'); BBCodeRootNode.makeNonEnumerableProperty(this, 'attributes'); BBCodeRootNode.freezeProperty(this, nameSymbol, '#root'); } setScheme(scheme, onUnknown) { BBCodeNode.flattenAst(this).forEach(node => { node.setScheme(scheme, onUnknown); }); super.setScheme(scheme); BBCodeNode.flattenAst(this).forEach(node => { node.adjustChildren(); }); } getParent() { return null; } clone(options = {}) { const children = (() => { if (options.deep) { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.clone(options); }); } return []; })(); return this.getScheme().createRoot({ children }); } toString() { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.toString(); }).join(''); } toJSON() { return this.getChildren().map(node => { return node.toJSON(); }); } } class BBCodeFragmentNode extends BBCodeElementNode { constructor(options) { super({ ...options, name: '#fragment' }); privateMap.get(this).type = BBCodeNode.FRAGMENT_NODE; BBCodeFragmentNode.makeNonEnumerableProperty(this, 'value'); BBCodeFragmentNode.makeNonEnumerableProperty(this, 'attributes'); BBCodeFragmentNode.freezeProperty(this, nameSymbol, '#fragment'); } clone(options = {}) { const children = (() => { if (options.deep) { return this.getChildren().map(child => { return child.clone(options); }); } return []; })(); return this.getScheme().createFragment({ children }); } } const contentSymbol = Symbol('content'); class BBCodeTextNode extends BBCodeNode { constructor(options = {}) { const nodeOptions = main_core.Type.isString(options) ? { content: options } : options; super(nodeOptions); this[nameSymbol] = '#text'; this[contentSymbol] = ''; privateMap.get(this).type = BBCodeNode.TEXT_NODE; this.setContent(nodeOptions.content); BBCodeNode.makeNonEnumerableProperty(this, 'children'); } static isTextNodeContent(value) { return main_core.Type.isString(value) || main_core.Type.isNumber(value); } setName(name) {} setContent(content) { if (BBCodeTextNode.isTextNodeContent(content)) { this[contentSymbol] = content; } } getContent() { return this[contentSymbol]; } adjustChildren() {} getLength() { return String(this[contentSymbol]).length; } isEmpty() { return this.getLength() === 0; } clone(options) { return this.getScheme().createText({ content: this.getContent() }); } split(options) { const { offset: sourceOffset, byWord = false } = options; if (!main_core.Type.isNumber(sourceOffset)) { throw new TypeError('offset is not a number'); } const contentLength = this.getLength(); if (sourceOffset < 0 || sourceOffset > contentLength) { throw new TypeError(`offset '${sourceOffset}' is out of range ${0}-${contentLength}`); } const content = this.getContent(); const offset = (() => { if (byWord && sourceOffset !== contentLength) { const lastIndex = content.lastIndexOf(' ', sourceOffset); if (lastIndex !== -1) { if (sourceOffset > lastIndex) { return lastIndex + 1; } return lastIndex; } return 0; } return sourceOffset; })(); const leftNode = (() => { if (offset === contentLength) { return this; } if (offset === 0) { return null; } const node = this.clone(); node.setContent(content.slice(0, offset)); return node; })(); const rightNode = (() => { if (offset === 0) { return this; } if (offset === contentLength) { return null; } const node = this.clone(); node.setContent(content.slice(offset, contentLength)); return node; })(); return [leftNode, rightNode]; } toString() { return this.getEncoder().encodeText(this.getContent()); } toPlainText() { return this.toString(); } toJSON() { return { name: this.getName(), content: this.toString() }; } } class BBCodeNewLineNode extends BBCodeTextNode { constructor(options = {}) { super(options); this[nameSymbol] = '#linebreak'; this[contentSymbol] = '\n'; } setContent(options) {} clone(options) { return this.getScheme().createNewLine(); } } class BBCodeTabNode extends BBCodeTextNode { constructor(options = {}) { super(options); this[nameSymbol] = '#tab'; this[contentSymbol] = '\t'; } setContent(options) {} clone(options) { return this.getScheme().createTab(); } } class BBCodeNodeScheme { constructor(options) { = []; = []; this.stringifier = null; this.serializer = null; this.allowedIn = []; if (!main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError('options is not a object'); } if (!main_core.Type.isArrayFilled( && !main_core.Type.isArrayFilled( && !main_core.Type.isStringFilled( { throw new TypeError(' is not specified'); } this.setGroup(; this.setName(; this.setAllowedIn(options.allowedIn); this.setStringifier(options.stringify); this.setSerializer(options.serialize); } setName(name) { if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(name)) { = [name]; } if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(name)) { = name; } } getName() { return []; } removeName(...names) { this.setName(this.getName().filter(name => { return !names.includes(name); })); } setGroup(name) { if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(name)) { = [name]; } if (main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(name)) { = name; } } removeGroup(...groups) { this.setGroup(this.getGroup().filter(group => { return !groups.includes(group); })); } getGroup() { return []; } hasGroup(groupName) { return this.getGroup().includes(groupName); } setStringifier(stringifier) { if (main_core.Type.isFunction(stringifier) || main_core.Type.isNull(stringifier)) { this.stringifier = stringifier; } } getStringifier() { return this.stringifier; } setSerializer(serializer) { if (main_core.Type.isFunction(serializer) || main_core.Type.isNull(serializer)) { this.serializer = serializer; } } getSerializer() { return this.serializer; } setAllowedIn(allowedParents) { if (main_core.Type.isArray(allowedParents)) { this.allowedIn = [...allowedParents]; } } getAllowedIn() { return [...this.allowedIn]; } isAllowedIn(tagName) { const allowedIn = this.getAllowedIn(); return !main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(allowedIn) || main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(allowedIn) && allowedIn.includes(tagName); } } const canBeEmptySymbol = Symbol('@canBeEmpty'); const voidSymbol$1 = Symbol('@void'); class BBCodeTagScheme extends BBCodeNodeScheme { constructor(options) { super(options); this[voidSymbol$1] = false; this[canBeEmptySymbol] = true; this.childConverter = null; this.allowedChildren = []; this.setVoid(options.void); this.setCanBeEmpty(options.canBeEmpty); this.setChildConverter(options.convertChild); this.setAllowedChildren(options.allowedChildren); } static defaultBlockStringifier(node) { const isAllowNewlineBeforeOpeningTag = (() => { const previewsSibling = node.getPreviewsSibling(); return previewsSibling && previewsSibling.getName() !== '#linebreak'; })(); const isAllowNewlineAfterOpeningTag = (() => { const firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); return firstChild && firstChild.getName() !== '#linebreak'; })(); const isAllowNewlineBeforeClosingTag = (() => { const lastChild = node.getLastChild(); return lastChild && lastChild.getName() !== '#linebreak'; })(); const isAllowNewlineAfterClosingTag = (() => { const nextSibling = node.getNextSibling(); return nextSibling && nextSibling.getName() !== '#linebreak' && !(nextSibling.getType() === BBCodeNode.ELEMENT_NODE && !nextSibling.getTagScheme().getGroup().includes('#inline')); })(); const openingTag = node.getOpeningTag(); const content = node.getContent(); const closingTag = node.getClosingTag(); return [isAllowNewlineBeforeOpeningTag ? '\n' : '', openingTag, isAllowNewlineAfterOpeningTag ? '\n' : '', content, isAllowNewlineBeforeClosingTag ? '\n' : '', closingTag, isAllowNewlineAfterClosingTag ? '\n' : ''].join(''); } setName(name) { super.setName(name); } setVoid(value) { if (main_core.Type.isBoolean(value)) { this[voidSymbol$1] = value; } } isVoid() { return this[voidSymbol$1]; } setCanBeEmpty(value) { if (main_core.Type.isBoolean(value)) { this[canBeEmptySymbol] = value; } } canBeEmpty() { return this[canBeEmptySymbol]; } setChildConverter(converter) { if (main_core.Type.isFunction(converter) || main_core.Type.isNull(converter)) { this.childConverter = converter; } } getChildConverter() { return this.childConverter; } setAllowedChildren(allowedChildren) { if (main_core.Type.isArray(allowedChildren)) { this.allowedChildren = allowedChildren; } } getAllowedChildren() { return this.allowedChildren; } isChildAllowed(tagName) { const allowedChildren = this.getAllowedChildren(); return !main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(allowedChildren) || main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(allowedChildren) && allowedChildren.includes(tagName); } } class BBCodeScheme { static isNodeScheme(value) { return value instanceof BBCodeNodeScheme; } static getTagName(node) { if (main_core.Type.isString(node)) { return node; } if (main_core.Type.isObject(node) && node instanceof BBCodeNode) { return node.getName(); } return null; } constructor(options = {}) { this.tagSchemes = []; this.outputTagCase = BBCodeScheme.Case.LOWER; this.unresolvedNodesHoisting = true; this.encoder = new ui_bbcode_encoder.BBCodeEncoder(); if (!main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError('options is not a object'); } this.setTagSchemes(options.tagSchemes); this.setOutputTagCase(options.outputTagCase); this.setUnresolvedNodesHoisting(options.unresolvedNodesHoisting); this.setEncoder(options.encoder); } setTagSchemes(tagSchemes) { if (main_core.Type.isArray(tagSchemes)) { const invalidSchemeIndex = tagSchemes.findIndex(scheme => { return !BBCodeScheme.isNodeScheme(scheme); }); if (invalidSchemeIndex > -1) { throw new TypeError(`tagScheme #${invalidSchemeIndex} is not TagScheme instance`); } this.tagSchemes = [...tagSchemes]; } } setTagScheme(...tagSchemes) { const invalidSchemeIndex = tagSchemes.findIndex(scheme => { return !BBCodeScheme.isNodeScheme(scheme); }); if (invalidSchemeIndex > -1) { throw new TypeError(`tagScheme #${invalidSchemeIndex} is not TagScheme instance`); } const newTagSchemesNames = tagSchemes.flatMap(scheme => { return scheme.getName(); }); const currentTagSchemes = this.getTagSchemes(); currentTagSchemes.forEach(scheme => { scheme.removeName(...newTagSchemesNames); }); const filteredCurrentTagSchemes = currentTagSchemes.filter(scheme => { return main_core.Type.isArrayFilled(scheme.getName()); }); this.setTagSchemes([...filteredCurrentTagSchemes, ...tagSchemes]); } getTagSchemes() { return [...this.tagSchemes]; } getTagScheme(node) { const tagName = BBCodeScheme.getTagName(node); if (main_core.Type.isString(tagName)) { return this.getTagSchemes().find(scheme => { return scheme.getName().includes(tagName.toLowerCase()); }); } return null; } setOutputTagCase(tagCase) { if (!main_core.Type.isNil(tagCase)) { const allowedCases = Object.values(BBCodeScheme.Case); if (allowedCases.includes(tagCase)) { this.outputTagCase = tagCase; } else { throw new TypeError(`'${tagCase}' is not allowed`); } } } getOutputTagCase() { return this.outputTagCase; } setUnresolvedNodesHoisting(value) { if (!main_core.Type.isNil(value)) { if (main_core.Type.isBoolean(value)) { this.unresolvedNodesHoisting = value; } else { throw new TypeError(`'${value}' is not allowed value`); } } } isAllowedUnresolvedNodesHoisting() { return this.unresolvedNodesHoisting; } setEncoder(encoder) { if (encoder instanceof ui_bbcode_encoder.BBCodeEncoder) { this.encoder = encoder; } } getEncoder() { return this.encoder; } getAllowedTags() { return this.getTagSchemes().flatMap(tagScheme => { return tagScheme.getName(); }); } isAllowedTag(node) { const allowedTags = this.getAllowedTags(); const tagName = BBCodeScheme.getTagName(node); return allowedTags.includes(String(tagName).toLowerCase()); } isVoid(node) { const tagScheme = this.getTagScheme(node); if (tagScheme) { return tagScheme.isVoid(); } return false; } isElement(node) { return node && node.getType() === BBCodeNode.ELEMENT_NODE; } isRoot(node) { return node && node.getName() === '#root'; } isFragment(node) { return node && node.getName() === '#fragment'; } isAnyText(node) { return node && node.getType() === BBCodeNode.TEXT_NODE; } isText(node) { return node && node.getName() === '#text'; } isNewLine(node) { return node && node.getName() === '#linebreak'; } isTab(node) { return node && node.getName() === '#tab'; } getParentChildMap() { const tagSchemes = this.getTagSchemes(); const map = new Map(); tagSchemes.forEach(tagScheme => { const groups = tagScheme.getGroup(); const schemeNames = [...tagScheme.getName(), ...groups, ...(tagScheme.isVoid() ? ['#void'] : [])]; const allowedChildren = tagScheme.getAllowedChildren(); const allowedIn = tagScheme.getAllowedIn(); schemeNames.forEach(name => { if (!map.has(name)) { map.set(name, { allowedChildren: new Set(), allowedIn: new Set(), aliases: new Set() }); } const entry = map.get(name); const newEntry = { allowedChildren: new Set([...entry.allowedChildren, ...allowedChildren]), allowedIn: new Set([...entry.allowedIn, ...allowedIn]), aliases: new Set([name, ...groups, ...(tagScheme.isVoid() ? ['#void'] : [])]) }; map.set(name, newEntry); }); }); return map; } isChildAllowed(parent, child) { const parentName = BBCodeScheme.getTagName(parent); const childName = BBCodeScheme.getTagName(child); if (main_core.Type.isStringFilled(parentName) && main_core.Type.isStringFilled(childName)) { if (parentName === '#fragment') { return true; } const parentChildMap = this.getParentChildMap(); const parentMap = parentChildMap.get(parentName); const childMap = parentChildMap.get(childName); if (main_core.Type.isPlainObject(parentMap) && main_core.Type.isPlainObject(childMap)) { return (parentMap.allowedChildren.size === 0 || [...childMap.aliases].some(name => { return parentMap.allowedChildren.has(name); })) && (childMap.allowedIn.size === 0 || [...parentMap.aliases].some(name => { return childMap.allowedIn.has(name); })); } } return false; } createRoot(options = {}) { return new BBCodeRootNode({ ...options, scheme: this }); } createNode(options) { if (!main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError('options is not a object'); } if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled( { throw new TypeError(' is required'); } if (!this.isAllowedTag( { throw new TypeError(`Scheme for "${}" tag is not specified.`); } return new BBCodeNode({ ...options, scheme: this }); } createElement(options = {}) { if (!main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError('options is not a object'); } if (!main_core.Type.isStringFilled( { throw new TypeError(' is required'); } if (!this.isAllowedTag( { throw new TypeError(`Scheme for "${}" tag is not specified.`); } return new BBCodeElementNode({ ...options, scheme: this }); } createText(options = {}) { const preparedOptions = main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : { content: options }; return new BBCodeTextNode({ ...preparedOptions, scheme: this }); } createNewLine(options = {}) { const preparedOptions = main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : { content: options }; return new BBCodeNewLineNode({ ...preparedOptions, scheme: this }); } createTab(options = {}) { const preparedOptions = main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : { content: options }; return new BBCodeTabNode({ ...preparedOptions, scheme: this }); } createFragment(options = {}) { return new BBCodeFragmentNode({ ...options, scheme: this }); } } BBCodeScheme.Case = { LOWER: 'lower', UPPER: 'upper' }; class BBCodeTextScheme extends BBCodeNodeScheme { constructor(options) { super({ ...options, name: ['#text'] }); } } class BBCodeNewLineScheme extends BBCodeNodeScheme { constructor(options = {}) { super({ ...options, name: ['#linebreak'] }); } } class BBCodeTabScheme extends BBCodeNodeScheme { constructor(options) { super({ ...options, name: ['#tab'] }); } } class DefaultBBCodeScheme extends BBCodeScheme { constructor(options = {}) { const tagSchemes = [new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['b', 'u', 'i', 's'], group: ['#inline', '#format'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['span'], group: ['#inline'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['img'], group: ['#inlineBlock'], allowedChildren: ['#text'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['url'], group: ['#inline'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#format', 'img'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'p', group: ['#block'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline', '#inlineBlock'], stringify: BBCodeTagScheme.defaultBlockStringifier, allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'list', group: ['#block'], allowedChildren: ['*'], stringify: BBCodeTagScheme.defaultBlockStringifier, allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['*'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline', '#inlineBlock'], stringify: node => { const openingTag = node.getOpeningTag(); const content = node.getContent().trim(); return `${openingTag}${content}`; }, allowedIn: ['list'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'table', group: ['#block'], allowedChildren: ['tr'], stringify: BBCodeTagScheme.defaultBlockStringifier, allowedIn: ['#root', 'quote', 'spoiler'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'tr', allowedChildren: ['th', 'td'], allowedIn: ['table'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['th', 'td'], group: ['#shadowRoot'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline', '#inlineBlock', '#block'], allowedIn: ['tr'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'quote', group: ['#block', '#shadowRoot'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline', '#inlineBlock', '#block'], allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'code', group: ['#block'], stringify: BBCodeTagScheme.defaultBlockStringifier, allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#tab'], allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'video', group: ['#inlineBlock'], allowedChildren: ['#text'], allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot', 'p'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: 'spoiler', group: ['#block', '#shadowRoot'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#linebreak', '#inline', '#inlineBlock', '#block'], allowedIn: ['#root', '#shadowRoot'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['user', 'project', 'department'], group: ['#inline', '#mention'], allowedChildren: ['#text', '#format'], canBeEmpty: false }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['#root'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['#fragment'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['#text'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['#linebreak'] }), new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: ['#tab'], stringify: () => { return ''; } })]; if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.fileTag) !== 'none') { tagSchemes.push(new BBCodeTagScheme({ name: (options == null ? void 0 : options.fileTag) === 'file' ? 'file' : 'disk', group: ['#inline'], void: true })); } super({ tagSchemes, outputTagCase: BBCodeScheme.Case.LOWER, unresolvedNodesHoisting: true }); if (main_core.Type.isPlainObject(options)) { this.setTagSchemes(options.tagSchemes); this.setOutputTagCase(options.outputTagCase); this.setUnresolvedNodesHoisting(options.unresolvedNodesHoisting); } } } exports.BBCodeNode = BBCodeNode; exports.BBCodeRootNode = BBCodeRootNode; exports.BBCodeElementNode = BBCodeElementNode; exports.BBCodeFragmentNode = BBCodeFragmentNode; exports.BBCodeNewLineNode = BBCodeNewLineNode; exports.BBCodeTabNode = BBCodeTabNode; exports.BBCodeTextNode = BBCodeTextNode; exports.BBCodeScheme = BBCodeScheme; exports.BBCodeTagScheme = BBCodeTagScheme; exports.BBCodeTextScheme = BBCodeTextScheme; exports.BBCodeNewLineScheme = BBCodeNewLineScheme; exports.BBCodeTabScheme = BBCodeTabScheme; exports.DefaultBBCodeScheme = DefaultBBCodeScheme; }((this.BX.UI.BBCode = this.BX.UI.BBCode || {}),BX.UI.BBCode,BX)); //#