Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
import { Type, Event, Reflection, Dom, Extension, Text, type JsonObject } from 'main.core'; import { EventEmitter, BaseEvent } from ''; import UploaderFile from './uploader-file'; import UploaderError from './uploader-error'; import Server from './backend/server'; import UploadController from './backend/upload-controller'; import Filter from './filters/filter'; import FileSizeFilter from './filters/file-size-filter'; import FileTypeFilter from './filters/file-type-filter'; import ImageSizeFilter from './filters/image-size-filter'; import ImagePreviewFilter from './filters/image-preview-filter'; import ImageResizeFilter from './filters/image-resize-filter'; import { UploaderStatus } from './enums/uploader-status'; import { UploaderEvent } from './enums/uploader-event'; import { FileStatus } from './enums/file-status'; import { FileOrigin } from './enums/file-origin'; import { FileEvent } from './enums/file-event'; import { FilterType } from './enums/filter-type'; import { getFilesFromDataTransfer, isFilePasted } from './helpers/get-files-from-data-transfer'; import canAppendFileToForm from './helpers/can-append-file-to-form'; import assignFileToInput from './helpers/assign-file-to-input'; import type { UploaderOptions } from './types/uploader-options'; import type { UploaderFileOptions } from './types/uploader-file-options'; import type { ServerOptions } from './types/server-options'; import type { RemoveFileOptions } from './types/remove-file-options'; import type { DestroyOptions } from './types/destroy-options'; const instances = new Map(); /** * @namespace BX.UI.Uploader */ export default class Uploader extends EventEmitter { #id: ?string = null; #files: UploaderFile[] = []; #multiple: boolean = false; #autoUpload: boolean = true; #allowReplaceSingle: boolean = true; #maxParallelUploads: number = 2; #maxParallelLoads: number = 10; #acceptOnlyImages: boolean = false; #acceptedFileTypes: string[] = []; #ignoredFileNames: string[] = ['.ds_store', 'thumbs.db', 'desktop.ini']; #maxFileCount: ?number = null; #server: Server = null; #hiddenFields: Map<string, HTMLInputElement> = new Map(); #hiddenFieldsContainer: HTMLElement = null; #hiddenFieldName: string = 'file'; #assignAsFile: boolean = false; #assignServerFile: boolean = true; #filters: Map<FilterType, Filter[]> = new Map(); #status: UploaderStatus = UploaderStatus.STOPPED; #onBeforeUploadHandler: Function = null; #onFileStatusChangeHandler: Function = null; #onFileStateChangeHandler: Function = null; #onInputFileChangeHandler: Function = null; #onPasteHandler: Function = null; #onDropHandler: Function = null; #browsingNodes: Map<HTMLElement, ?Function> = new Map(); #dropNodes: Set<HTMLElement> = new Set(); #pastingNodes: Set<HTMLElement> = new Set(); static getById(id: string): ?Uploader { return instances.get(id) || null; } static getInstances(): Uploader[] { return [...instances.values()]; } constructor(uploaderOptions: UploaderOptions) { super(); this.setEventNamespace('BX.UI.Uploader'); this.#onBeforeUploadHandler = this.#handleBeforeUpload.bind(this); this.#onFileStatusChangeHandler = this.#handleFileStatusChange.bind(this); this.#onFileStateChangeHandler = this.#handleFileStateChange.bind(this); this.#onInputFileChangeHandler = this.#handleInputFileChange.bind(this); this.#onPasteHandler = this.#handlePaste.bind(this); this.#onDropHandler = this.#handleDrop.bind(this); const options: UploaderOptions = Type.isPlainObject(uploaderOptions) ? ({ ...uploaderOptions }) : {}; this.#id = Type.isStringFilled( ? : `ui-uploader-${Text.getRandom().toLowerCase()}`; this.#multiple = Type.isBoolean(options.multiple) ? options.multiple : false; const acceptOnlyImages: ?boolean = Type.isBoolean(options.acceptOnlyImages) ? options.acceptOnlyImages : null; const acceptOnlyImagesGlobal: ?boolean = Uploader.getGlobalOption('acceptOnlyImages', null); this.setAcceptOnlyImages(acceptOnlyImages || acceptOnlyImagesGlobal); if (Type.isString(options.acceptedFileTypes) || Type.isArray(options.acceptedFileTypes)) { this.setAcceptedFileTypes(options.acceptedFileTypes); } else if (acceptOnlyImages !== true) { const acceptedFileTypesGlobal = Uploader.getGlobalOption('acceptedFileTypes', null); this.setAcceptedFileTypes(acceptedFileTypesGlobal); } const ignoredFileNames: ?string[] = ( Type.isArray(options.ignoredFileNames) ? options.ignoredFileNames : Uploader.getGlobalOption('ignoredFileNames', null) ); this.setIgnoredFileNames(ignoredFileNames); this.setMaxFileCount(options.maxFileCount); this.setAllowReplaceSingle(options.allowReplaceSingle); this.assignBrowse(options.browseElement); this.assignDropzone(options.dropElement); this.assignPaste(options.pasteElement); this.setHiddenFieldsContainer(options.hiddenFieldsContainer); this.setHiddenFieldName(options.hiddenFieldName); this.setAssignAsFile(options.assignAsFile); this.setAssignServerFile(options.assignServerFile); this.setAutoUpload(options.autoUpload); this.setMaxParallelUploads(options.maxParallelUploads); this.setMaxParallelLoads(options.maxParallelLoads); let serverOptions: ServerOptions = Type.isPlainObject(options.serverOptions) ? options.serverOptions : {}; serverOptions = { controller: options.controller, controllerOptions: options.controllerOptions, ...serverOptions, }; this.#server = new Server(serverOptions); this.subscribeFromOptions(; this.addFilter(FilterType.VALIDATION, new FileSizeFilter(this, options)); this.addFilter(FilterType.VALIDATION, new FileTypeFilter(this, options)); this.addFilter(FilterType.VALIDATION, new ImageSizeFilter(this, options)); this.addFilter(FilterType.VALIDATION, new ImagePreviewFilter(this, options)); this.addFilter(FilterType.PREPARATION, new ImageResizeFilter(this, options)); this.addFilters(options.filters); this.addFiles(options.files); instances.set(this.#id, this); } static getGlobalOption(path: string, defaultValue: any = null): any { const globalOptions = Extension.getSettings('ui.uploader.core'); return globalOptions.get(path, defaultValue); } addFiles(fileList: ArrayLike): UploaderFile[] { if (!Type.isArrayLike(fileList)) { return []; } const files: UploaderFile[] = []; [...fileList].forEach((item) => { if (item instanceof UploaderFile) { if (item.getStatus() === FileStatus.INIT) { files.push(item); } } else if (Type.isArrayFilled(item)) { files.push(new UploaderFile(item[0], item[1])); } else { files.push(new UploaderFile(item)); } }); const event: BaseEvent = new BaseEvent({ data: { files: [...files] } }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.BEFORE_FILES_ADD, event); if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { const { error } = event.getData(); if (error instanceof UploaderError) { this.emit(UploaderEvent.ERROR, { error }); } return []; } if (this.#exceedsMaxFileCount(files)) { return []; } const results = []; files.forEach((file) => { const result: UploaderFile | null = this.addFile(file); if (result !== null) { results.push(result); } }); return results; } addFile( source: File | Blob | string | number | UploaderFileOptions, options: UploaderFileOptions, ): UploaderFile | null { let file: UploaderFile = null; if (source instanceof UploaderFile) { if (source.getStatus() === FileStatus.INIT) { file = source; } else { return null; } } else { file = new UploaderFile(source, options); } if (this.getIgnoredFileNames().includes(file.getName().toLowerCase())) { return null; } if (this.#exceedsMaxFileCount([file])) { return null; } if (!this.isMultiple() && this.shouldReplaceSingle() && this.#files.length > 0) { const fileToReplace: UploaderFile = this.#files[0]; this.removeFile(fileToReplace); } const event: BaseEvent = new BaseEvent({ data: { file } }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_BEFORE_ADD, event); if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return null; } file.subscribe(FileEvent.STATUS_CHANGE, this.#onFileStatusChangeHandler); file.subscribe(FileEvent.STATE_CHANGE, this.#onFileStateChangeHandler); this.#setUploadEvents(file); this.#setLoadEvents(file); this.#setRemoveEvents(file); if (!file.isLoadable()) { if (file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.SERVER) { const preloaded: boolean = Type.isStringFilled(file.getName()); if (!preloaded || file.shouldForceServerLoad()) { file.setLoadController(this.getServer().createServerLoadController()); } else { file.setLoadController(this.getServer().createServerlessLoadController()); } } else { file.setLoadController(this.getServer().createClientLoadController()); } } if (!file.isUploadable() && file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.CLIENT) { const uploadController: UploadController | null = this.getServer().createUploadController(); file.setUploadController(uploadController); } if (!file.isRemoveable()) { file.setRemoveController(this.getServer().createRemoveController()); } this.#files.push(file); file.emit(FileEvent.ADD); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ADD_START, { file }); if (file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.CLIENT) { this.#loadNext(); } else { file.load(); } return file; } #setLoadEvents(file: UploaderFile): void { file.subscribeFromOptions({ [FileEvent.LOAD_START]: (): void => { this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_LOAD_START, { file }); }, [FileEvent.LOAD_PROGRESS]: (event: BaseEvent): void => { const { progress } = event.getData(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_LOAD_PROGRESS, { file, progress }); }, [FileEvent.LOAD_ERROR]: (event: BaseEvent): void => { const { error } = event.getData(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ERROR, { file, error }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ADD, { file, error }); this.#loadNext(); }, [FileEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE]: (): void => { this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ADD, { file }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_LOAD_COMPLETE, { file }); if (!file.isUploadable()) { this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_COMPLETE, { file }); this.#setHiddenField(file); } else if (this.shouldAutoUpload()) { file.upload(); } this.#loadNext(); }, [FileEvent.VALIDATE_FILE_ASYNC]: (event: BaseEvent) => { const file: UploaderFile = event.getData().file; return this.#applyFilters(FilterType.VALIDATION, file); }, [FileEvent.PREPARE_FILE_ASYNC]: (event: BaseEvent) => { const file: UploaderFile = event.getData().file; return this.#applyFilters(FilterType.PREPARATION, file); }, }); } #setUploadEvents(file: UploaderFile): void { file.subscribeFromOptions({ [FileEvent.BEFORE_UPLOAD]: this.#onBeforeUploadHandler, [FileEvent.UPLOAD_START]: (): void => { this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_START, { file }); }, [FileEvent.UPLOAD_PROGRESS]: (event: BaseEvent): void => { const { progress } = event.getData(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, { file, progress }); }, [FileEvent.UPLOAD_ERROR]: (event: BaseEvent): void => { const { error } = event.getData(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ERROR, { file, error }); this.#uploadNext(); }, [FileEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE]: (): void => { this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE, { file }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_COMPLETE, { file }); this.#setHiddenField(file); this.#uploadNext(); }, }); } #setRemoveEvents(file: UploaderFile): void { file.subscribeOnce(FileEvent.REMOVE_ERROR, (event: BaseEvent): void => { const { error } = event.getData(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_ERROR, { file, error }); }); file.subscribeOnce(FileEvent.REMOVE_COMPLETE, (): void => { this.#removeFile(file); }); } #handleBeforeUpload(event: BaseEvent): void { if (this.getStatus() === UploaderStatus.STOPPED) { event.preventDefault(); this.start(); } else if (this.getUploadingFileCount() >= this.getMaxParallelUploads()) { event.preventDefault(); } } #handleFileStatusChange(event: BaseEvent): void { const file: UploaderFile = event.getTarget(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_STATUS_CHANGE, { file }); } #handleFileStateChange(event: BaseEvent): void { const file: UploaderFile = event.getTarget(); const property: string = event.getData().property; const value: any = event.getData().value; if (property === 'serverFileId') { this.#updateHiddenField(file); } this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_STATE_CHANGE, { file, property, value }); } #exceedsMaxFileCount(fileList: Array): boolean { const totalNewFiles: number = fileList.length; const totalFiles: number = this.#files.length; if (!this.isMultiple() && totalNewFiles > 1) { return true; } let maxFileCount = null; if (this.isMultiple()) { maxFileCount = this.getMaxFileCount(); } else { maxFileCount = this.shouldReplaceSingle() ? null : 1; } if (maxFileCount !== null && totalFiles + totalNewFiles > maxFileCount) { const error: UploaderError = new UploaderError('MAX_FILE_COUNT_EXCEEDED', { maxFileCount }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.MAX_FILE_COUNT_EXCEEDED, { error }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.ERROR, { error }); return true; } return false; } #applyFilters(type: FilterType, ...args): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const filters = [...(this.#filters.get(type) || [])]; if (filters.length === 0) { resolve(); return; } const firstFilter: Filter = filters.shift(); // chain filters filters .reduce( (current: Promise, next: Filter) => { return current.then(() => next.apply(...args)); }, firstFilter.apply(...args), ) .then((result) => resolve(result)) .catch(error => reject(error)) ; }); } start(): void { if (this.getStatus() !== UploaderStatus.STARTED && this.getPendingFileCount() > 0) { this.#status = UploaderStatus.STARTED; this.emit(UploaderEvent.UPLOAD_START); this.#uploadNext(); } } // stop(): void // { // this.#status = UploaderStatus.STOPPED; // // this.getFiles().forEach((file: UploaderFile) => { // if (file.isUploading()) // { // file.abort(); // file.setStatus(FileStatus.PENDING); // } // }); // // this.emit('onStop'); // } destroy(options?: DestroyOptions): void { this.emit(UploaderEvent.DESTROY); this.unassignBrowseAll(); this.unassignDropzoneAll(); this.unassignPasteAll(); const removeFromServer: boolean = !options || options.removeFilesFromServer !== false; this.removeFiles({ removeFromServer }); this.#resetHiddenFields(); instances.delete(this.getId()); this.#files = []; this.#server = null; this.#acceptedFileTypes = null; this.#ignoredFileNames = null; this.#filters = null; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, null); } removeFiles(options?: RemoveFileOptions): void { this.getFiles().forEach((file: UploaderFile): void => { file.remove(options); }); } removeFile(fileOrId: UploaderFile | string, options?: RemoveFileOptions): void { const file: UploaderFile = Type.isString(fileOrId) ? this.getFile(fileOrId) : fileOrId; const index: number = this.#files.indexOf(file); if (index === -1) { return; } file.remove(options); } #removeFile(file: UploaderFile) { const index: number = this.#files.indexOf(file); if (index !== -1) { this.#files.splice(index, 1); } file.unsubscribeAll(); this.emit(UploaderEvent.FILE_REMOVE, { file }); this.#resetHiddenField(file); } getFile(id: string): ?UploaderFile { return this.#files.find((file: UploaderFile): boolean => file.getId() === id) || null; } getFiles(): UploaderFile[] { return [...this.#files]; } getId(): string { return this.#id; } isMultiple(): boolean { return this.#multiple; } getStatus(): UploaderStatus { return this.#status; } addFilter(type: FilterType, filterEntity: Filter | Class<Filter> | string, filterOptions: JsonObject = {}): void { let filter: Filter = null; if (Type.isFunction(filterEntity) || Type.isString(filterEntity)) { const ClassName: Class<Filter> = Type.isString(filterEntity) ? Reflection.getClass(filterEntity) : filterEntity; if (Type.isFunction(ClassName)) { filter = new ClassName(this, filterOptions); } } else { filter = filterEntity; } if (filter instanceof Filter) { let filters: Filter[] = this.#filters.get(type); if (!Type.isArray(filters)) { filters = []; this.#filters.set(type, filters); } filters.push(filter); } else { throw new TypeError('Uploader: a filter must be an instance of FileUploader.Filter.'); } } addFilters(filters: Array): void { if (Type.isArray(filters)) { filters.forEach((filter): void => { if (Type.isPlainObject(filter)) { this.addFilter(filter.type, filter.filter, filter.options); } }); } } getServer(): Server { return this.#server; } assignBrowse(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes: HTMLElement[] = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement) => { if (!Type.isElementNode(node) || this.#browsingNodes.has(node)) { return; } let input: HTMLInputElement = null; if (node.tagName === 'INPUT' && node.type === 'file') { input = node; // Add already selected files if (input.files && input.files.length > 0) { this.addFiles(input.files); } const acceptAttr = input.getAttribute('accept'); if (Type.isStringFilled(acceptAttr)) { this.setAcceptedFileTypes(acceptAttr); } this.#browsingNodes.set(node, null); } else { input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); const onBrowseClickHandler = this.#handleBrowseClick.bind(this, input, node); this.#browsingNodes.set(node, onBrowseClickHandler); Event.bind(node, 'click', onBrowseClickHandler); } if (this.isMultiple()) { input.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); } if (Type.isArrayFilled(this.getAcceptedFileTypes())) { input.setAttribute('accept', this.getAcceptedFileTypes().join(',')); } Event.bind(input, 'change', this.#onInputFileChangeHandler); }); } #handleBrowseClick(input: HTMLInputElement, node: HTMLElement): void { const event: BaseEvent = new BaseEvent({ data: { input, node } }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.BEFORE_BROWSE, event); if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }; } #handleInputFileChange(event: Event): void { const input = event.currentTarget; this.addFiles([...input.files]); // reset file input input.value = ''; } unassignBrowse(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes: HTMLElement[] = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement): void => { if (this.#browsingNodes.has(node)) { Event.unbind(node, 'click', this.#browsingNodes.get(node)); Event.unbind(node, 'change', this.#onInputFileChangeHandler); this.#browsingNodes.delete(node); } }); } unassignBrowseAll(): void { [...this.#browsingNodes.keys()].forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { this.unassignBrowse(node); }); } assignDropzone(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { if (!Type.isElementNode(node) || this.#dropNodes.has(node)) { return; } Event.bind(node, 'dragover', this.#preventDefault); Event.bind(node, 'dragenter', this.#preventDefault); Event.bind(node, 'drop', this.#onDropHandler); this.#dropNodes.add(node); }); } #handleDrop(dragEvent: DragEvent): void { dragEvent.preventDefault(); const event: BaseEvent = new BaseEvent({ data: { dragEvent } }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.BEFORE_DROP, event); if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } getFilesFromDataTransfer(dragEvent.dataTransfer).then((files: File[]): void => { this.addFiles(files); }).catch((error) => { console.error('Uploader: data transfer error', error); }); } #preventDefault(event: DragEvent): void { event.preventDefault(); } unassignDropzone(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes: HTMLElement[] = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { if (this.#dropNodes.has(node)) { Event.unbind(node, 'dragover', this.#preventDefault); Event.unbind(node, 'dragenter', this.#preventDefault); Event.unbind(node, 'drop', this.#onDropHandler); this.#dropNodes.delete(node); } }); } unassignDropzoneAll(): void { [...this.#dropNodes].forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { this.unassignDropzone(node); }); } assignPaste(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes: HTMLElement[] = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { if (!Type.isElementNode(node) || this.#pastingNodes.has(node)) { return; } Event.bind(node, 'paste', this.#onPasteHandler); this.#pastingNodes.add(node); }); } #handlePaste(clipboardEvent: ClipboardEvent): void { const clipboardData: DataTransfer = clipboardEvent.clipboardData; if (!clipboardData) { return; } const event: BaseEvent = new BaseEvent({ data: { clipboardEvent } }); this.emit(UploaderEvent.BEFORE_PASTE, event); if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } if (isFilePasted(clipboardData)) { clipboardEvent.preventDefault(); getFilesFromDataTransfer(clipboardData).then((files: File[]): void => { this.addFiles(files); }).catch((error) => { console.error('Uploader: data transfer error', error); }); } } unassignPaste(htmlElement: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void { const nodes: HTMLElement[] = Type.isElementNode(htmlElement) ? [htmlElement] : htmlElement; if (!Type.isArray(nodes)) { return; } nodes.forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { if (this.#pastingNodes.has(node)) { Event.unbind(node, 'paste', this.#onPasteHandler); this.#pastingNodes.delete(node); } }); } unassignPasteAll(): void { [...this.#pastingNodes].forEach((node: HTMLElement): void => { this.unassignPaste(node); }); } getHiddenFieldsContainer(): ?HTMLElement { let element = null; if (Type.isStringFilled(this.#hiddenFieldsContainer)) { element = document.querySelector(this.#hiddenFieldsContainer); if (!Type.isElementNode(element)) { console.error(`Uploader: a hidden field container was not found (${this.#hiddenFieldsContainer}).`); } } else if (Type.isElementNode(this.#hiddenFieldsContainer)) { element = this.#hiddenFieldsContainer; } return element; } setHiddenFieldsContainer(container: string | HTMLElement): void { if (Type.isStringFilled(container) || Type.isElementNode(container) || Type.isNull(container)) { this.#hiddenFieldsContainer = container; } } getHiddenFieldName(): string { return this.#hiddenFieldName; } setHiddenFieldName(name: string): void { if (Type.isStringFilled(name)) { this.#hiddenFieldName = name; } } shouldAssignAsFile(): boolean { return this.#assignAsFile; } setAssignAsFile(flag: boolean): void { if (Type.isBoolean(flag)) { this.#assignAsFile = flag; } } shouldAssignServerFile(): boolean { return this.#assignServerFile; } setAssignServerFile(flag: boolean): void { if (Type.isBoolean(flag)) { this.#assignServerFile = flag; } } getTotalSize(): number { return this.#files.reduce((totalSize: number, file: UploaderFile) => { return totalSize + file.getSize(); }, 0); } shouldAutoUpload(): boolean { return this.#autoUpload; } setAutoUpload(flag: boolean): void { if (Type.isBoolean(flag)) { this.#autoUpload = flag; } } getMaxParallelUploads(): number { return this.#maxParallelUploads; } setMaxParallelUploads(number: number): void { if (Type.isNumber(number) && number > 0) { this.#maxParallelUploads = number; } } getMaxParallelLoads(): number { return this.#maxParallelLoads; } setMaxParallelLoads(number: number): void { if (Type.isNumber(number) && number > 0) { this.#maxParallelLoads = number; } } getUploadingFileCount(): number { return this.#files.filter((file: UploaderFile): boolean => file.isUploading()).length; } getPendingFileCount(): number { return this.#files.filter((file: UploaderFile): boolean => file.isReadyToUpload()).length; } static getImageExtensions(): Array<string> { return this.getGlobalOption( 'imageExtensions', ['.jpg', '.bmp', '.jpeg', '.jpe', '.gif', '.png', '.webp'], ); } setAcceptOnlyImages(flag: boolean): void { if (Type.isBoolean(flag)) { this.#acceptOnlyImages = flag; if (flag) { this.acceptOnlyImages(); } } } acceptOnlyImages(): void { const imageExtensions: string[] = Uploader.getImageExtensions(); this.setAcceptedFileTypes(imageExtensions); this.#acceptOnlyImages = true; } shouldAcceptOnlyImages(): boolean { return this.#acceptOnlyImages; } getAcceptedFileTypes(): string[] { return this.#acceptedFileTypes; } setAcceptedFileTypes(fileTypes: string | string[]): void { const types: string[] = Type.isString(fileTypes) ? fileTypes.split(',') : fileTypes; if (Type.isArray(types)) { this.#acceptedFileTypes = []; this.#acceptOnlyImages = false; types.forEach((type: string) => { if (Type.isStringFilled(type)) { this.#acceptedFileTypes.push(type); } }); } } getIgnoredFileNames(): string[] { return this.#ignoredFileNames; } setIgnoredFileNames(fileNames: string[]): void { if (Type.isArray(fileNames)) { this.#ignoredFileNames = []; fileNames.forEach((fileName: string): void => { if (Type.isStringFilled(fileName)) { this.#ignoredFileNames.push(fileName.toLowerCase()); } }); } } setMaxFileCount(maxFileCount: ?number): void { if ((Type.isNumber(maxFileCount) && maxFileCount > 0) || maxFileCount === null) { this.#maxFileCount = maxFileCount; } } getMaxFileCount(): ?number { return this.#maxFileCount; } setAllowReplaceSingle(flag: boolean): void { if (Type.isBoolean(flag)) { this.#allowReplaceSingle = flag; } } shouldReplaceSingle(): boolean { return this.#allowReplaceSingle; } #uploadNext(): void { if (this.getStatus() !== UploaderStatus.STARTED) { return; } const maxParallelUploads: number = this.getMaxParallelUploads(); const currentUploads: number = this.getUploadingFileCount(); const pendingFiles: UploaderFile[] = this.#files.filter((file: UploaderFile): boolean => file.isReadyToUpload()); const pendingUploads: number = pendingFiles.length; if (currentUploads < maxParallelUploads) { const limit: number = Math.min(maxParallelUploads - currentUploads, pendingFiles.length); for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { const pendingFile: UploaderFile = pendingFiles[i]; pendingFile.upload(); } } // All files are COMPLETE or FAILED if (currentUploads === 0 && pendingUploads === 0) { this.#status = UploaderStatus.STOPPED; this.emit(UploaderEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE); } } #loadNext(): void { const maxParallelLoads: number = this.getMaxParallelLoads(); const currentLoads: number = this.#files.filter((file: UploaderFile): boolean => file.isLoading()).length; const pendingFiles: UploaderFile[] = this.#files.filter((file: UploaderFile) => { return file.getStatus() === FileStatus.ADDED && file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.CLIENT; }); if (currentLoads < maxParallelLoads) { const limit: number = Math.min(maxParallelLoads - currentLoads, pendingFiles.length); for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { const pendingFile: UploaderFile = pendingFiles[i]; pendingFile.load(); } } } #setHiddenField(file: UploaderFile): void { const container: ?HTMLElement = this.getHiddenFieldsContainer(); if (!container || this.#hiddenFields.has(file.getId())) { return; } if (file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.SERVER && !this.shouldAssignServerFile()) { return; } const assignAsFile: boolean = ( file.getOrigin() === FileOrigin.CLIENT && !file.isUploadable() && this.shouldAssignAsFile() && canAppendFileToForm() ); const input: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input'); input.type = assignAsFile ? 'file' : 'hidden'; = this.getHiddenFieldName() + (this.isMultiple() ? '[]' : ''); if (assignAsFile) {, { visibility: 'hidden', left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0, position: 'absolute', 'pointer-events': 'none', }); assignFileToInput(input, file.getBinary()); } else if (file.getServerFileId() !== null) { input.value = file.getServerFileId(); } Dom.append(input, container); this.#hiddenFields.set(file.getId(), input); this.#syncInputPositions(); } #updateHiddenField(file: UploaderFile): void { const input: ?HTMLInputElement = this.#hiddenFields.get(file.getId()); if (input && input.type === 'hidden') { if (file.getServerFileId() === null) { this.#resetHiddenField(file); } else { input.value = file.getServerFileId(); } } } #resetHiddenField(file: UploaderFile): void { const input: ?HTMLInputElement = this.#hiddenFields.get(file.getId()); if (input) { Dom.remove(input); this.#hiddenFields.delete(file.getId()); } } #resetHiddenFields(): void { [...this.#hiddenFields.values()].forEach((input: HTMLInputElement): void => { Dom.remove(input); }); this.#hiddenFields = []; } #syncInputPositions(): void { const container: ?HTMLElement = this.getHiddenFieldsContainer(); if (!container) { return; } this.getFiles().forEach((file: UploaderFile): void => { const input: ?HTMLInputElement = this.#hiddenFields.get(file.getId()); if (input) { Dom.append(input, container); } }); } }