Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CFormValidatorINN { public static function GetDescription() { return array( "NAME" => "INN", // validator string ID "DESCRIPTION" => GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_VAL_INN_DESCRIPTION"), // validator description "TYPES" => array("text", "textarea"), // list of types validator can be applied. "SETTINGS" => array("CFormValidatorINN", "GetSettings"), // method returning array of validator settings, optional "CONVERT_TO_DB" => array("CFormValidatorINN", "ToDB"), // method, processing validator settings to string to put to db, optional "CONVERT_FROM_DB" => array("CFormValidatorINN", "FromDB"), // method, processing validator settings from string from db, optional "HANDLER" => array("CFormValidatorINN", "DoValidate") // main validation method ); } public static function GetSettings() { return array( "TYPE" => array( "TITLE" => GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_VAL_INN_SETTINGS_TYPE"), "TYPE" => "DROPDOWN", "VALUES" => array( "jur" => GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_VAL_INN_SETTINGS_TYPE_JUR"), "phys" => GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_VAL_INN_SETTINGS_TYPE_PHYS"), "both" => GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_VAL_INN_SETTINGS_TYPE_BOTH"), ), "DEFAULT" => "both", ), ); } public static function ToDB($arParams) { $arPar = array( "TYPE" => $arParams["TYPE"] == "phys" || $arParams["TYPE"] == "jur"? $arParams["TYPE"] : "both" ); return serialize($arPar); } public static function FromDB($strParams) { return unserialize($strParams, ['allowed_classes' => false]); } public static function DoValidate($arParams, $arQuestion, $arAnswers, $arValues) { global $APPLICATION; foreach ($arValues as $value) { $value = strval($value); if ($value == '') continue; // check inn $lenValue = mb_strlen($value); if ($lenValue > 0) { $res = true; if ((double)$value == 0) { $res = false; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $lenValue; $i++) { if ($value[$i] !== "0" && intval($value[$i]) == 0) { $res = false; break; } } } if ($res) { if ( $arParams['TYPE'] == "jur" && $lenValue != 10 || $arParams['TYPE'] == "phys" && $lenValue != 12 || $arParams['TYPE'] == "both" && $lenValue != 12 && $lenValue != 10 ) { $res = false; } elseif (!CFormValidatorINN::__checkINN($value)) { $res = false; } } if (!$res) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("FORM_VALIDATOR_INN_ERROR")); return false; } } } return true; } public static function __checkINN($value) { $arCheck = array(41,37,31,29,23,19,17,13,7,5,3); $lenValue = mb_strlen($value); if ($lenValue == 10) { $arCheckArrays = array( array_values(array_slice($arCheck, 2)), ); } elseif ($lenValue == 12) { $arCheckArrays = array( $arCheck, array_values(array_slice($arCheck, 1)), ); } else { return false; } foreach ($arCheckArrays as $checkKey => $arCheck) { $checkSum = 0; foreach ($arCheck as $key => $num) { $checkSum += $num * intval($value[$key]); } $checkNum = 11 - $checkSum % 11; if ($checkNum == 10 || $checkNum == 11) $checkNum = 0; if ($checkNum != intval(mb_substr($value, -$checkKey - 1, 1))) return false; } return true; } } AddEventHandler("form", "onFormValidatorBuildList", array("CFormValidatorINN", "GetDescription"));