Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php ############################################## # Bitrix Site Manager Forum # # Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Bitrix # # # # # ############################################## IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); /**********************************************************************/ /************** POINTS ************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ class CAllForumPoints { //---------------> Points insert, update, delete public static function CanUserAddPoints($arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CanUserUpdatePoints($ID, $arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CanUserDeletePoints($ID, $arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { $aMsg = array(); if (is_set($arFields, "LANG") || $ACTION=="ADD") { if (!isset($arFields["LANG"]) || !is_array($arFields["LANG"])) $arFields["LANG"] = array(); $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { $bFound = False; foreach ($arFields["LANG"] as $key => $res) { if (is_array($res) && $res["LID"] == $arLang["LID"]) { $arFields["LANG"][$key]["NAME"] = trim($res["NAME"]); if (isset($arFields["LANG"][$key]) && $arFields["LANG"][$key]["NAME"] <> '') { $bFound = True; break; } } } if (!$bFound) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS[NAME][LID]['.$arLang["LID"].']', "text" => str_replace("#LANG#", $arLang["NAME"]." [".$arLang["LID"]."]", GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_NONAME"))); } } } if (is_set($arFields, "MIN_POINTS") || $ACTION=="ADD") { $arFields["MIN_POINTS"] = trim($arFields["MIN_POINTS"]); if ($arFields["MIN_POINTS"] == '') { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS[MIN_POINTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_POINTS_EMPTY")); } elseif (preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $arFields["MIN_POINTS"])) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS[MIN_POINTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_POINTS_BAD")); } else { $arFields["MIN_POINTS"] = intval($arFields["MIN_POINTS"]); $db_res = CForumPoints::GetList(array(), array("MIN_POINTS" => $arFields["MIN_POINTS"])); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->GetNext()) { if ($ACTION=="ADD" || $ID == 0 || $ID != $res["ID"]) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS[MIN_POINTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_POINTS_EXIST")); } } } } $arFields["VOTES"] = isset($arFields["VOTES"]) ? intval($arFields["VOTES"]) : null; if(!empty($aMsg)) { $e = new CAdminException(array_reverse($aMsg)); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } public static function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0) return False; if (!CForumPoints::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields, $ID)) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_forum_points", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_forum_points SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID; $DB->Query($strSql); if (is_set($arFields, "LANG")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_forum_points_lang WHERE POINTS_ID = ".$ID.""); for ($i = 0; $i<count($arFields["LANG"]); $i++) { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_forum_points_lang", $arFields["LANG"][$i]); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_forum_points_lang(POINTS_ID, ".$arInsert[0].") VALUES(".$ID.", ".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql); } } return $ID; } public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_forum_points_lang WHERE POINTS_ID = ".$ID, True); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_forum_points WHERE ID = ".$ID, True); return true; } public static function GetList($arOrder = array("MIN_POINTS"=>"ASC"), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; $arSqlOrder = Array(); $strSqlOrder = ""; $arFilter = (is_array($arFilter) ? $arFilter : array()); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { $key_res = CForumNew::GetFilterOperation($key); $key = mb_strtoupper($key_res["FIELD"]); $strNegative = $key_res["NEGATIVE"]; $strOperation = $key_res["OPERATION"]; switch ($key) { case "ID": case "MIN_POINTS": if (intval($val)<=0) $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.".$key." IS NULL OR FR.".$key."<=0)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.".$key." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.".$key." ".$strOperation." ".intval($val)." )"; break; case "CODE": if ($val == '') $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.CODE IS NULL)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.CODE IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.CODE ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."' )"; break; } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) $strSqlSearch = "WHERE (".implode(") AND (", $arSqlSearch).")"; foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = mb_strtoupper($by); $order = mb_strtoupper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "CODE") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.CODE ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "VOTES") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.VOTES ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.MIN_POINTS ".$order." "; $by = "MIN_POINTS"; } } DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); if (!empty($arSqlOrder)) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $arSqlOrder); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_POINTS, FR.CODE, FR.VOTES ". "FROM b_forum_points FR ". $strSqlSearch. $strSqlOrder; //echo htmlspecialcharsbx($strSql); return $DB->Query($strSql); } public static function GetListEx($arOrder = array("MIN_POINTS"=>"ASC"), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; $arSqlOrder = Array(); $strSqlOrder = ""; $arFilter = (is_array($arFilter) ? $arFilter : array()); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { $key_res = CForumNew::GetFilterOperation($key); $key = mb_strtoupper($key_res["FIELD"]); $strNegative = $key_res["NEGATIVE"]; $strOperation = $key_res["OPERATION"]; switch ($key) { case "ID": case "MIN_POINTS": if (intval($val)<=0) $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.".$key." IS NULL OR FR.".$key."<=0)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.".$key." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.".$key." ".$strOperation." ".intval($val)." )"; break; case "CODE": if ($val == '') $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.CODE IS NULL)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.CODE IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.CODE ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."' )"; break; case "LID": if ($val == '') $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FRL.LID IS NULL OR ".($DB->type == "MSSQL" ? "LEN" : "LENGTH")."(FRL.LID)<=0)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FRL.LID IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FRL.LID ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."' )"; break; } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) $strSqlSearch = " WHERE (".implode(") AND (", $arSqlSearch).") "; foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = mb_strtoupper($by); $order = mb_strtoupper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "LID") $arSqlOrder[] = " FRL.LID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "NAME") $arSqlOrder[] = " FRL.NAME ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "CODE") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.CODE ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "VOTES") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.VOTES ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.MIN_POINTS ".$order." "; $by = "MIN_POINTS"; } } DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); if (!empty($arSqlOrder)) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $arSqlOrder); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_POINTS, FR.CODE, FR.VOTES, FRL.LID, FRL.NAME ". "FROM b_forum_points FR ". " LEFT JOIN b_forum_points_lang FRL ON FR.ID = FRL.POINTS_ID ". $strSqlSearch." ". $strSqlOrder; //echo htmlspecialcharsbx($strSql); return $DB->Query($strSql); } public static function GetByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_POINTS, FR.CODE, FR.VOTES ". "FROM b_forum_points FR ". "WHERE FR.ID = ".$ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } public static function GetByIDEx($ID, $strLang) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_POINTS, FR.CODE, FR.VOTES, FRL.LID, FRL.NAME ". "FROM b_forum_points FR ". " LEFT JOIN b_forum_points_lang FRL ON (FR.ID = FRL.POINTS_ID AND FRL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."') ". "WHERE FR.ID = ".$ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } public static function GetLangByID($POINTS_ID, $strLang) { global $DB; $POINTS_ID = intval($POINTS_ID); $strSql = "SELECT FRL.POINTS_ID, FRL.LID, FRL.NAME ". "FROM b_forum_points_lang FRL ". "WHERE FRL.POINTS_ID = ".$POINTS_ID." ". " AND FRL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."' "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } /**********************************************************************/ /************** POINTS2POST *******************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ class CAllForumPoints2Post { //---------------> Insert, update, delete public static function CanUserAddPoints2Post($arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CanUserUpdatePoints2Post($ID, $arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CanUserDeletePoints2Post($ID, $arUserGroups) { if (in_array(1, $arUserGroups)) return True; return False; } public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { $aMsg = array(); if (is_set($arFields, "MIN_NUM_POSTS") || $ACTION=="ADD") { $arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"] = trim($arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"]); if (empty($arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"])) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS2POST[MIN_NUM_POSTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_NUM_POSTS_EMPTY")); } elseif (mb_strlen($arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"]) > 18 || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"])) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS2POST[MIN_NUM_POSTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_NUM_POSTS_BAD")); } else { $arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"] = intval($arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"]); $db_res = CForumPoints2Post::GetList(array(), array("MIN_NUM_POSTS" => $arFields["MIN_NUM_POSTS"])); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->GetNext()) { if ($ACTION=="ADD" || $ID == 0 || $ID != $res["ID"]) { $aMsg[] = array( "id"=>'POINTS2POST[MIN_NUM_POSTS]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_NUM_POSTS_EXIST")); } } } } if ((is_set($arFields, "POINTS_PER_POST") || $ACTION=="ADD") && DoubleVal($arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"])<=0) $arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"] = 0; else { $arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"] = round(doubleval($arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"]), 4); if (mb_strlen(round($arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"], 0)) > 14 || mb_strlen(mb_strstr($arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"], ".")) > 5 || preg_match("/[^0-9.]/", $arFields["POINTS_PER_POST"])) $aMsg[] = array( "id" => 'POINTS2POST[POINTS_PER_POST]', "text" => GetMessage("FORUM_PE_ERROR_MIN_POINTS_BAD")); } if(!empty($aMsg)) { $e = new CAdminException(array_reverse($aMsg)); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; return True; } // User points is not recount. public static function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID<=0) return False; if (!CForumPoints2Post::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields, $ID)) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_forum_points2post", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_forum_points2post SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID; $DB->Query($strSql); return $ID; } // User points is not recount. public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_forum_points2post WHERE ID = ".$ID, True); return true; } public static function GetList($arOrder = array("MIN_NUM_POSTS"=>"ASC"), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = array(); $arSqlOrder = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; $strSqlOrder = ""; $arFilter = (is_array($arFilter) ? $arFilter : array()); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { $key_res = CForumNew::GetFilterOperation($key); $key = mb_strtoupper($key_res["FIELD"]); $strNegative = $key_res["NEGATIVE"]; $strOperation = $key_res["OPERATION"]; switch ($key) { case "ID": case "MIN_NUM_POSTS": if (intval($val)<=0) $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.".$key." IS NULL OR FR.".$key."<=0)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.".$key." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.".$key." ".$strOperation." ".intval($val)." )"; break; } } if (count($arSqlSearch) > 0) $strSqlSearch = "WHERE (".implode(") AND (", $arSqlSearch).") "; foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = mb_strtoupper($by); $order = mb_strtoupper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "MIN_NUM_POSTS") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.MIN_NUM_POSTS ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.POINTS_PER_POST ".$order." "; $by = "POINTS_PER_POST"; } } DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); if (count($arSqlOrder) > 0) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $arSqlOrder); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FR.POINTS_PER_POST FROM b_forum_points2post FR ".$strSqlSearch." ".$strSqlOrder; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); return $db_res; } public static function GetByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); $strSql = "SELECT FR.ID, FR.MIN_NUM_POSTS, FR.POINTS_PER_POST ". "FROM b_forum_points2post FR ". "WHERE FR.ID = ".$ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } /**********************************************************************/ /************** FORUM USER POINTS *************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ class CAllForumUserPoints { //---------------> Insert, update, delete public static function CanUserAddUserPoints($iUserID) { if (CForumUser::IsLocked($iUserID)) return False; return True; } public static function CanUserUpdateUserPoints($iUserID) { if (CForumUser::IsLocked($iUserID)) return False; return True; } public static function CanUserDeleteUserPoints($iUserID) { if (CForumUser::IsLocked($iUserID)) return False; return True; } public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { if ((is_set($arFields, "FROM_USER_ID") || $ACTION=="ADD") && intval($arFields["FROM_USER_ID"])<=0) return false; if ((is_set($arFields, "TO_USER_ID") || $ACTION=="ADD") && intval($arFields["TO_USER_ID"])<=0) return false; if ((is_set($arFields, "POINTS") || $ACTION=="ADD") && intval($arFields["POINTS"])<=0) return false; return True; } public static function Update($FROM_USER_ID, $TO_USER_ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $FROM_USER_ID = intval($FROM_USER_ID); if ($FROM_USER_ID<=0) return False; $TO_USER_ID = intval($TO_USER_ID); if ($TO_USER_ID<=0) return False; if (!CForumUserPoints::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_forum_user_points", $arFields); $strDatePostValue = ""; if (!is_set($arFields, "DATE_UPDATE")) { $strDatePostValue .= ", DATE_UPDATE = ".$DB->GetNowFunction()." "; } $strSql = "UPDATE b_forum_user_points SET ".$strUpdate.$strDatePostValue." WHERE FROM_USER_ID = ".$FROM_USER_ID." AND TO_USER_ID = ".$TO_USER_ID; $DB->Query($strSql); // Recount user points. $arUserFields = array(); $arUserFields["POINTS"] = CForumUser::CountUserPoints($TO_USER_ID); $arUser = CForumUser::GetByUSER_ID($TO_USER_ID); if ($arUser) { CForumUser::Update($arUser["ID"], $arUserFields); } else { $arUserFields["USER_ID"] = $TO_USER_ID; $ID_tmp = CForumUser::Add($arUserFields); } return true; } public static function Delete($FROM_USER_ID, $TO_USER_ID) { global $DB; $FROM_USER_ID = intval($FROM_USER_ID); if ($FROM_USER_ID<=0) return False; $TO_USER_ID = intval($TO_USER_ID); if ($TO_USER_ID<=0) return False; $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_forum_user_points WHERE FROM_USER_ID = ".$FROM_USER_ID." AND TO_USER_ID = ".$TO_USER_ID); // Recount user points. $arUserFields = array(); $arUserFields["POINTS"] = CForumUser::CountUserPoints($TO_USER_ID); $arUser = CForumUser::GetByUSER_ID($TO_USER_ID); if ($arUser) { CForumUser::Update($arUser["ID"], $arUserFields); } else { $arUserFields["USER_ID"] = $TO_USER_ID; $ID_tmp = CForumUser::Add($arUserFields); } return true; } public static function GetList($arOrder = array("TO_USER_ID"=>"ASC"), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; $arSqlOrder = Array(); $strSqlOrder = ""; $arFilter = (is_array($arFilter) ? $arFilter : array()); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { $key_res = CForumNew::GetFilterOperation($key); $key = mb_strtoupper($key_res["FIELD"]); $strNegative = $key_res["NEGATIVE"]; $strOperation = $key_res["OPERATION"]; switch ($key) { case "FROM_USER_ID": case "TO_USER_ID": if (intval($val)<=0) $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(FR.".$key." IS NULL OR FR.".$key."<=0)"; else $arSqlSearch[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" FR.".$key." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(FR.".$key." ".$strOperation." ".intval($val)." )"; break; } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) $strSqlSearch = " WHERE (".implode(") AND (", $arSqlSearch).") "; foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = mb_strtoupper($by); $order = mb_strtoupper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "FROM_USER_ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.FROM_USER_ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "POINTS") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.POINTS ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "DATE_UPDATE") $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.DATE_UPDATE ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " FR.TO_USER_ID ".$order." "; $by = "TO_USER_ID"; } } DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); if (!empty($arSqlOrder)) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $arSqlOrder); $strSql = "SELECT FR.FROM_USER_ID, FR.TO_USER_ID, FR.POINTS, FR.DATE_UPDATE ". "FROM b_forum_user_points FR ". $strSqlSearch." ". $strSqlOrder; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); return $db_res; } public static function GetByID($FROM_USER_ID, $TO_USER_ID) { global $DB; $FROM_USER_ID = intval($FROM_USER_ID); if ($FROM_USER_ID<=0) return False; $TO_USER_ID = intval($TO_USER_ID); if ($TO_USER_ID<=0) return False; $strSql = "SELECT FR.FROM_USER_ID, FR.TO_USER_ID, FR.POINTS, FR.DATE_UPDATE FROM b_forum_user_points FR WHERE FR.FROM_USER_ID = ".$FROM_USER_ID." AND FR.TO_USER_ID = ".$TO_USER_ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) return $res; return False; } public static function CountSumPoints($TO_USER_ID) { global $DB; $TO_USER_ID = intval($TO_USER_ID); if ($TO_USER_ID<=0) return 0; $strSql = "SELECT SUM(FR.POINTS) as SM ". "FROM b_forum_user_points FR ". "WHERE FR.TO_USER_ID = ".$TO_USER_ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return intval($res["SM"]); } return 0; } }