Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\DataLoader; use \Bitrix\Landing\Block\Cache; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Chat extends \Bitrix\Landing\Source\DataLoader { /** * Personal chat type. */ const CHAT_TYPE_PERSONAL = 'private'; /** * Group chat type. */ const CHAT_TYPE_GROUP = 'group'; /** * Prepares params and return specific init array. * @return array */ protected function getInitData(): array { if (!\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('im')) { return []; } $return = []; $blockSave = false; $type = null; $filter = $this->getSettingsValue('additional'); /** @var \Bitrix\Landing\Block $block */ $block = $this->getOptionsValue('block'); $dom = $block->getDom(); // chat type if ( isset($filter['type']) && is_string($filter['type']) ) { $type = mb_strtolower(trim($filter['type'])); } // ID of user chat or local ID of group chat if ( isset($filter['attributeData']) && is_string($filter['attributeData']) && mb_strpos($filter['attributeData'], '@') ) { [$attrSelector, $attrCode] = explode('@', $filter['attributeData']); $attrCode = mb_strtolower($attrCode); $resultNode = $dom->querySelector($attrSelector); if ($resultNode) { if ($type == self::CHAT_TYPE_PERSONAL) { $return['CHAT_ID'] = (int) $resultNode->getAttribute($attrCode); // by default we set current user id if (!$return['CHAT_ID']) { $return['CHAT_ID'] = Manager::getUserId(); $resultNode->setAttribute($attrCode, $return['CHAT_ID']); $blockSave = true; } } else if ($type == self::CHAT_TYPE_GROUP) { $return['CHAT_ID'] = trim($resultNode->getAttribute($attrCode)); // create new one if (preg_match('/[^\d]+/', $return['CHAT_ID'])) { $chantEntity = json_decode(htmlspecialcharsback($return['CHAT_ID']), true); if (is_array($chantEntity)) { if (isset($chantEntity['ID'])) { $chatId = $chantEntity['ID']; unset($chantEntity['ID']); $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Chat\Chat::update( $chatId, $chantEntity ); } else { $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Chat\Chat::add( $chantEntity ); } if ($res->isSuccess()) { $return['CHAT_ID'] = $res->getId(); $resultNode->setAttribute( $attrCode, $return['CHAT_ID'] ); $blockSave = true; } } } else if (!$return['CHAT_ID']) { unset($return['CHAT_ID']); } $return['CHAT_ID'] = (int)$return['CHAT_ID']; if ($return['CHAT_ID']) { \Bitrix\Landing\Chat\Binding::bindingBlock( $return['CHAT_ID'], $block->getId() ); } } } } // button title we recive from attribute too if ( $return && isset($filter['attributeButton']) && is_string($filter['attributeButton']) && mb_strpos($filter['attributeButton'], '@') ) { [$attrSelector, $attrCode] = explode('@', $filter['attributeButton']); $attrCode = mb_strtolower($attrCode); $resultNode = $dom->querySelector($attrSelector); if ($resultNode) { $return['SEND_TITLE'] = $resultNode->getAttribute($attrCode); if (!$return['SEND_TITLE']) { $return['SEND_TITLE'] = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_SUBTYPE_BUTTON_SEND'); $resultNode->setAttribute($attrCode, $return['SEND_TITLE']); $blockSave = true; } } } // chat type if ($return && $type) { $return['TYPE'] = $type; } // save attributes to the block if necessary if ($blockSave) { $block->saveContent($dom->saveHTML()); $block->save(); } return $return; } /** * Returns user list for chat id. * @param array $initData All init data. * @return array */ protected function getUserList(array $initData): array { $data = []; $userFilter = ['=ACTIVE' => 'Y']; $chatId = $initData['CHAT_ID']; $chatType = $initData['TYPE']; $sendButton = [ 'href' => '#', 'text' => $initData['SEND_TITLE'] ]; // for private chat chat Id = user Id if ($chatType == $this::CHAT_TYPE_PERSONAL) { $sendButton['href'] = '#chat' . $chatId; $userFilter['ID'] = $chatId; } else if ($chatType == $this::CHAT_TYPE_GROUP) { $sendButton['href'] = '#join' . $chatId; $userFilter['ID'] = \Bitrix\Landing\Chat\Chat::getMembersId( $chatId ); if (!$userFilter['ID']) { $userFilter['ID'] = -1; } //{"TITLE":"Test chat 666","AVATAR":55639,"ID":24} } else { return []; } // select users $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'LOGIN', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'WORK_POSITION', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' ], 'filter' => $userFilter ]); while ($user = $res->fetch()) { if (Cache::isCaching()) { Manager::getCacheManager()->registerTag( 'intranet_user_' . $user['ID'] ); } $data[] = [ 'ID' => $user['ID'], 'WORK_POSITION' => \htmlspecialcharsbx($user['WORK_POSITION']), 'NAME' => $name = \htmlspecialcharsbx(\CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(), $user, true, false )), 'AVATAR' => [ 'src' => \CIMChat::getAvatarImage($user['PERSONAL_PHOTO']), 'alt' => $name ], 'SEND' => $sendButton ]; } return $data; } /** * Gets data for dynamic blocks. * @return array */ public function getElementListData() { $initData = $this->getInitData(); if (!$initData) { return []; } return $this->getUserList($initData); } /** * Gets data item of dynamic blocks. * @param int $element Element's key. * @return array */ public function getElementData($element) { return [[]]; } }