Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing; use \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\FileTable; class File { /** * Entity type site. */ public const ENTITY_TYPE_SITE = 'S'; /** * Entity type landing. */ public const ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING = 'L'; /** * Entity type block. */ public const ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK = 'B'; /** * Entity type asset. */ public const ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET = 'A'; /** * Transliterates the Cyrillic characters in a file name to Latin characters and returns the new file name. * @param string $fileName File name. * @return string */ public static function transliterateFileName(string $fileName): string { $parts = pathinfo($fileName); $basename = $parts['filename']; $transliterateBaseName = \CUtil::translit( $basename, 'ru', [ 'replace_space' => '_', 'replace_other' => '_' ] ); return $transliterateBaseName . '.' . $parts['extension']; } /** * Returns sanitized file name. * @param string $fileName File name. * @return string */ public static function sanitizeFileName(string $fileName): string { return preg_replace( '/[\(\)\s]+/s', '_', $fileName ); } /** * Add new record. * @param int $fileId File id. * @param int $entityId Entity id. * @param string $entityType Entity type. * @param bool $temp This is temporary file. * @return void */ protected static function add(int $fileId, int $entityId, string $entityType, bool $temp = false): void { $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'FILE_ID' => $fileId, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType ) )); if (!$res->fetch()) { $res = FileTable::add(array( 'FILE_ID' => $fileId, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType, 'TEMP' => $temp ? 'Y' : 'N' )); $res->isSuccess(); } } /** * Get all files id from entity. * @param int $entityId Entity id. * @param int $entityType Entity type. * @return array */ protected static function getFiles($entityId, $entityType) { $files = []; $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'FILE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $files[] = $row['FILE_ID']; } return $files; } /** * Mark records for delete. * @param int|array $fileId File id. * @param int $entityId Entity id. * @param int $entityType Entity type. * @return void */ protected static function delete($fileId, $entityId, $entityType) { //@tmp log Debug::log( $entityId . '@' . $entityType, 'fileId: ' . print_r($fileId, true) . '@' . print_r(\Bitrix\Main\Diag\Helper::getBackTrace(15), true), 'LANDING_FILE_MARK_DELETE' ); $filter = array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType ); if ($fileId) { $filter['FILE_ID'] = $fileId; } $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'FILE_ID' ), 'filter' => $filter )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $resUpdate = FileTable::update( $row['ID'], array( 'FILE_ID' => -1 * abs($row['FILE_ID']) ) ); $resUpdate->isSuccess(); } } /** * Final delete all marked files. * @param int $limit Records limit for one iteration. * @return void */ public static function deleteFinal($limit = null) { $deletedFiles = []; $res = FileTable::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'FILE_ID' ], 'filter' => [ '<FILE_ID' => 0 ], 'limit' => $limit, 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'asc' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $row['FILE_ID'] *= -1; FileTable::delete($row['ID']); $deletedFiles[$row['FILE_ID']] = $row['FILE_ID']; } if (!empty($deletedFiles)) { // don't delete still used $res = FileTable::getList([ 'select' => [ 'FILE_ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'FILE_ID' => $deletedFiles ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { unset($deletedFiles[$row['FILE_ID']]); } foreach ($deletedFiles as $fid) { $fileData = self::getFileArray($fid); if ($fileData) { //@tmp log Debug::log( $fileData['SRC'], 'fileId: ' . $fid, 'LANDING_FILE_DELETE' ); \CFile::delete($fid); } } } } /** * Add new record for Site. * @param int $id Site id. * @param int $fileId File id. * @param bool $temp This is temporary file. * @return void */ public static function addToSite(int $id, int $fileId, bool $temp = false): void { if ($fileId > 0 && $id > 0) { self::add($fileId, $id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE, $temp); } } /** * Gets files id from site. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return array */ public static function getFilesFromSite($siteId) { return self::getFiles( $siteId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE ); } /** * Delete record from Site. * @param int $id Site id. * @param int|array $fileId File id (by default delete all files from landing). * @return void */ public static function deleteFromSite($id, $fileId = array()) { self::delete($fileId, $id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); } /** * Add new record for Landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param int $fileId File id. * @return void */ public static function addToLanding($lid, $fileId) { if ($fileId > 0 && $lid > 0) { self::add($fileId, $lid, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } } /** * Gets files id from landing. * @param int $landingId Landing id. * @return array */ public static function getFilesFromLanding($landingId) { return self::getFiles( $landingId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING ); } /** * Delete record from Landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param int|array $fileId File id (by default delete all files from landing). * @return void */ public static function deleteFromLanding($lid, $fileId = array()) { self::delete($fileId, $lid, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } /** * Add new record(s) for Block. * @param int $blockId Block id. * @param int|array $fileId File id (or file ids). * @param bool $temp This is temporary file. * @return void */ public static function addToBlock(int $blockId, $fileId, bool $temp = false): void { if ($blockId > 0) { if (!is_array($fileId)) { $fileId = array($fileId); } foreach ($fileId as $fid) { if ($fid > 0) { self::add($fid, $blockId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK, $temp); } } } } /** * Add new record(s) for Block (old records will be deleted). * @param int $blockId Block id. * @param int|array $fileId File id (or file ids). * @return void */ public static function replaceInBlock($blockId, $fileId) { if ($blockId > 0) { if (!is_array($fileId)) { $fileId = array($fileId); } $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'FILE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $blockId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (!in_array($row['FILE_ID'], $fileId)) { self::delete($row['FILE_ID'], $blockId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK); } } self::addToBlock($blockId, $fileId); } } /** * Delete record from Block. * @param int $blockId Block id. * @param int|array $fileId File id (by default delete all files from block). * @return void */ public static function deleteFromBlock($blockId, $fileId = array()) { self::delete($fileId, $blockId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK); } /** * Parse some content for search data-fileid for the block. * @param int $blockId Block id for content. * @param string $content Content. * @return array */ public static function getFilesFromBlockContent($blockId, $content) { $fileIds = array(); // parse from content if (preg_match_all('/data-fileid[2x]{0,2}="([\d]+)"/i', $content, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $fid) { $fileIds[] = $fid; } } // check if files ids set in blockId if (!empty($fileIds)) { $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'FILE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'FILE_ID' => $fileIds, 'ENTITY_ID' => $blockId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK ) )); $fileIds = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $fileIds[] = $row['FILE_ID']; } } return $fileIds; } /** * Gets files id from block. * @param int $blockId Block id. * @return array */ public static function getFilesFromBlock($blockId) { return self::getFiles( $blockId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK ); } /** * Add new record for Asset. * @param int $assetId Id of landing to which attached asset. * @param int $fileId File id. * @return void */ public static function addToAsset($assetId, $fileId): void { if ($fileId > 0 && $assetId > 0) { self::add($fileId, $assetId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET); self::markAssetRebuilded($assetId); // todo: res from add and check error } } /** * Gets asset files for current landing. * @param int $assetId Id of landing to which attached asset. * @return array */ public static function getFilesFromAsset($assetId): array { return self::getFiles( $assetId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET ); } /** * Delete asset files for current landing. * Not remove from disk immediately, just marked for agent * @param int $assetId Id of landing to which attached asset. * @param int|int[] $fileId File id (by default delete all files from Asset). * @return void */ public static function deleteFromAsset(int $assetId, $fileId = []): void { self::delete($fileId, $assetId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET); } /** * Mark file as "need rebuild", but not delete them. File will be exist until not created new file. * @param int|int[] $assetId Id of landing to which attached asset. If not set - will marked all. * @return bool */ public static function markAssetToRebuild($assetId = []): bool { $filter = [ '=ENTITY_TYPE' => self::ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET ]; if ($assetId) { $filter['ENTITY_ID'] = $assetId; } $res = FileTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'ENTITY_ID'], 'filter' => $filter ]); $files = $res->fetchAll(); $result = true; foreach ($files as $file) { $resUpdate = FileTable::update( $file['ID'], [ 'ENTITY_ID' => -1 * abs($file['ENTITY_ID']) ] ); $result = $result && $resUpdate->isSuccess(); } return count($files) > 0 ? $result : false; } /** * When file rebuilded - delete old files (marked as "need rebuild") for current asset ID (current landing) * @param int|int[] $assetId Id of landing to which attached asset. * @return void */ public static function markAssetRebuilded($assetId): void { if(!is_array($assetId)) { $assetId = [$assetId]; } foreach ($assetId as $key => $id) { self::deleteFromAsset(-1 * abs($id)); } } /** * Copy files from one entity to another. * @param int $from Entity id. * @param int $to Entity id. * @param string $entityType Entity type. * @return void */ protected static function copyEntityFiles($from, $to, $entityType) { $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'FILE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $from, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { FileTable::add(array( 'FILE_ID' => $row['FILE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $to, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType )); } } /** * Copy files from one site to another. * @param int $from Site id. * @param int $to Site id. * @return void */ public static function copySiteFiles($from, $to) { self::copyEntityFiles($from, $to, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); } /** * Copy files from one landing to another. * @param int $from Landing id. * @param int $to Landing id. * @return void */ public static function copyLandingFiles($from, $to) { self::copyEntityFiles($from, $to, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } /** * Copy files from one block to another. * @param int $from Block id. * @param int $to Block id. * @return void */ public static function copyBlockFiles($from, $to) { self::copyEntityFiles($from, $to, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK); } /** * Gets core file array. * @param int $fileId File id. * @return mixed */ public static function getFileArray($fileId) { $file = \CFile::getFileArray( $fileId ); if ( isset($file['MODULE_ID']) && $file['MODULE_ID'] == 'landing' ) { return $file; } return false; } /** * Gets core file path. * @param int $fileId File id. * @return string|null */ public static function getFilePath($fileId): ?string { $file = self::getFileArray($fileId); if (isset($file['SRC'])) { return $file['SRC']; } return null; } /** * Delete all file Id from File table. * @param int $fileId File id to delete. * @return void */ public static function releaseFile(int $fileId): void { $res = FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'FILE_ID' => $fileId ] )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { FileTable::delete($row['ID']); } } /** * Physical delete file. * @param int $fileId File id. * @return void */ public static function deletePhysical(int $fileId): void { if (self::getFileArray($fileId)) { self::releaseFile($fileId); \CFile::delete($fileId); } } }