Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page; use \Bitrix\Landing\Help; use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Landing\Field; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; class Cookies extends \Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page { /** * Work modes. */ const MODE_A = 'A'; const MODE_I = 'I'; /** * Cookies server is enabled. * @var bool */ public static $enabled = false; /** * Map of the field. * @return array */ protected function getMap(): array { $helpUrl = Help::getHelpUrl('COOKIES_EDIT'); return [ 'USE' => new Field\Checkbox('USE', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_USE') ]), 'AGREEMENT_ID' => new Field\Checkbox('AGREEMENT_ID', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_AGREEMENT_ID') ]), 'COLOR_BG' => new Field\Text('COLOR_BG', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_COLOR_BG'), 'default' => '#03c1fe' ]), 'COLOR_TEXT' => new Field\Text('COLOR_TEXT', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_COLOR_TEXT'), 'default' => '#fff' ]), 'POSITION' => new Field\Select('POSITION', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_POSITION'), 'default' => 'bottom_left', 'options' => [ 'bottom_left' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_POSITION_BL'), 'bottom_right' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_POSITION_BR'), ] ]), 'MODE' => new Field\Select('MODE', [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_MODE'), 'default' => 'A', 'options' => [ self::MODE_A => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_MODE_A'), self::MODE_I => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_MODE_I'), ], 'help' => $helpUrl ? '<a href="' . $helpUrl . '" target="_blank">' . Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_MODE_HELP') . '</a>' : '' ]) ]; } /** * Hook title. * @return string */ public function getTitle(): string { return Loc::getMessage('LANDING_HOOK_COOKIES_TITLE'); } /** * Exec or not hook in edit mode. * @return boolean */ public function enabledInEditMode(): bool { return false; } /** * Get sort of block (execute order). * @return int */ public function getSort() { return 50; } /** * Enable or not the hook. * @return boolean */ public function enabled(): bool { // this hook are enabled always return !$this->isPage(); } /** * Returns true if current mode is information only. * @return bool */ public function isInformationMode(): bool { $mode = $this->fields['MODE']->getValue(); return $mode == self::MODE_I || (!$mode && Manager::availableOnlyForZone('ru')); } /** * Exec hook. * @return void */ public function exec(): void { if ($this->execCustom()) { return; } if ($this->fields['USE']->getValue() == 'Y') { $infoMode = $this->isInformationMode(); if (!$infoMode) { self::$enabled = true; Manager::clearPageView('Noscript'); } ob_start(); Manager::getApplication()->includeComponent( 'bitrix:landing.cookies', '', [ 'USE' => $this->fields['USE']->getValue(), 'POSITION' => $this->fields['POSITION']->getValue(), 'COLOR_BG' => $this->fields['COLOR_BG']->getValue(), 'COLOR_TEXT' => $this->fields['COLOR_TEXT']->getValue(), 'AGREEMENT_ID' => $this->fields['AGREEMENT_ID']->getValue(), 'INFORMATION' => $infoMode ? 'Y' : 'N' ], false ); $hookContent = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $hookContent; } } /** * Set cookies js code on the page. Immediately if service off and after load otherwise. * @param string $cookieCode Cookie unique code. * @param string $functionBody JS function body. * @return void */ public static function addCookieScript(string $cookieCode, string $functionBody): void { if (self::$enabled) { Manager::setPageView('AfterHeadOpen', '<script data-skip-moving="true"> window["bxCookies"] = window["bxCookies"] || {}; window["bxCookies"]["' . $cookieCode . '"] = false; window.addEventListener("load", function() { BX.addCustomEvent( "BX.Landing.Cookies:onAccept", function(acceptedCookies) { if ( !window["bxCookies"]["' . $cookieCode . '"] && BX.util.in_array("' . $cookieCode . '", acceptedCookies) ) { window["bxCookies"]["' . $cookieCode . '"] = true; ' . $functionBody . ' } } ); }); </script>' ); } else { Manager::setPageView('AfterHeadOpen', '<script data-skip-moving="true"> ' . $functionBody . ' </script>' ); } } /** * Returns agreement id by site id. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return int|null */ public static function getAgreementIdBySiteId(int $siteId): ?int { Rights::setOff(); $fields = Site::getAdditionalFields($siteId); Rights::setOn(); $mode = $fields['COOKIES_MODE']->getValue(); $informationMode = $mode == self::MODE_I || (!$mode && Manager::availableOnlyForZone('ru')); if ($informationMode) { return null; } return isset($fields['COOKIES_AGREEMENT_ID']) ? $fields['COOKIES_AGREEMENT_ID']->getValue() : null; } }