Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php $MESS["COMPOSITE_BANNER_TEXT"] = "Faster with Bitrix"; $MESS["COMPOSITE_BANNER_URL"] = ""; $MESS["MAIN_ADD"] = "Add"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_ANONYMOUS_GROUP"] = "Unauthorized users"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_BUTTON_OFF"] = "Disable Autocomposite Mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_BUTTON_ON"] = "Enable Autocomposite Mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE"] = "Enable auto composite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_AUTOMATION"] = "You will not need to hire web developers to make your website autocomposite."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_AUTOMATION2"] = "You will see no technical mumbo-jumbo - all you get is a new reality where your site is the fastest! Just click the button - we'll do everything else for you."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_CHECKLIST_SUBTITLE"] = "Now make sure your site opens in the blink of an eye with the new Autocomposite technology. Take a look at it through the eyes of your visitors:"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_CHECKLIST_TASK1"] = "Open a new Incognito browser window."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_CHECKLIST_TASK2"] = "Visit your site's main page to see it loads in no time."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_CHECKLIST_TASK3"] = "Now follow a typical click path your visitor may take. If your site is a web store, it would be a good idea to view products, add them to the shopping cart and check out."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_CHECKLIST_TITLE"] = "Now check your site out - it works blazingly fast!"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_FAST_PING"] = "End user gets page content immediately."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_FEATURE1"] = "Site response time one hundred times faster"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_FEATURE2"] = "Better ranking position in Google"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_FEATURE3"] = "Web store conversion ratio off the charts"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_SIMPLE_TECH"] = "Autocomposite — no pain, much gain"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_SUBTITLE"] = "Technology"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_TAB_TITLE"] = "Autocomposite"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_TITLE"] = "Autocomposite Site"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_TITLE_DESC"] = "Stay ahead of your competitors.<br />Any Bitrix powered website can now take advantage of composite technology."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_COMPOSITE_UNIQUE_TECH"] = "A unique website building technology delivers high load speed typical of a static site, and all the features a dynamic site can offer."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_OFF"] = "Autocomposite mode disabled"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_AUTO_ON"] = "Autocomposite mode enabled"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_BGCOLOR"] = "Change background color"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_DISCLAIMER"] = "Activating the <b>Composite Site</b> technology will automatically add a button in the lower right corner of the page where this feature is used. The parameters for displaying the button can be configured. If you need to put the button in a different location, you can enter the location in the site template using <b>id="bx-composite-banner"</b>."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_SELECT_STYLE"] = "Button view"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_SEP"] = "Button"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_STYLE"] = "Change logo and caption"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BANNER_STYLE_WHITE"] = "White background"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BUTTON_OFF"] = "Disable composite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_BUTTON_ON"] = "Enable composite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_NO_UPDATE"] = "No background AJAX query (HTML caching)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_NO_UPDATE_DESC"] = "A cached page doesn't perform background AJAX query until it has expired. AJAX query always overwrites existing cache data."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_NO_UPDATE_TTL"] = "Page lifetime"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_STANDARD"] = "Standard"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_STANDARD_DESC"] = "A cached page always perform background AJAX query. Cache overwrites whenever page content changes."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_STANDARD_TTL"] = "Standard mode with deferred overwriting (recommended)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_STANDARD_TTL_DESC"] = "A cached page always perform background AJAX query. Cache overwrites as soon as overwrite timeout set upon page content change has expired."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_TTL"] = "Overwrite delay"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_MODE_TTL_UNIT_SEC"] = "sec"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CACHE_REWRITING"] = "Cache overwrite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CHECK_CONNECTION"] = "Test connection"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CHECK_CONNECTION_ERR1"] = "PHP memcache is not installed"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CHECK_CONNECTION_ERR2"] = "Cannot connect to memcached"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CHECK_CONNECTION_OK"] = "Connection was successful"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CLEAR_CACHE"] = "Reset cache"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CLUSTER_HINT"] = "Use the #A_START#Web Cluster#A_END# module settings page to set connection parameters for memcached."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_DESC1"] = "Migrating a website to the new technology is not complicated, however it may take some time for a large and seasoned project."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_DESC2"] = "According to our experience, a web project as large as the Bitrix24 website can be migrated within four days involving only one developer."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_DESC3"] = "Do the following to migrate your project to the Autocomposite technology:"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_ON"] = "Enable Autocomposite Technology!"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_TASK1"] = "Extensive documentation will be available soon."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_TASK2"] = "Modify component templates by adding layout tags for composite mode."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_TASK3"] = "If you experience difficulties, contact any partner to help you migrate."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_SWITCH_TASK4"] = "Click «Enable Composite Mode»."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_COMPOSITE_TITLE_DESC"] = "High speed brings about huge possibilities. <br>The new unique website technology provides fast load speed inherent to a static site <br>while keeping great flexibility and other features of a dynamic project."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_CORPORATE_PORTAL_DOMAIN_WARNING"] = "<span class=\"required\">Attention!</span> Don't add the Bitrix24 domain name to the domain name list on the Settings tab. The Bitrix24 template does not support composite mode."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_DOMAINS"] = "Domain names (start each on a new line)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_ENABLED"] = "enabled"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_EXCLUDE_BY_PARAMS"] = "Composite mode will be disabled for URL's with these parameters"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_EXC_MASK"] = "Exclusion mask"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_EXT_ERROR"] = "#EXTENSION# extension is not installed"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FIRST_SITE_RESTRICTION"] = "Composite mode is always enabled in this edition."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_DESC"] = "These parameters can be overridden in the component parameters."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_MODE"] = "Default component template vote"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_MODE_CONTRA"] = "Disable (requires manual configuration)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_MODE_PRO"] = "Enable"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_TYPE"] = "Component content"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_TYPE_DYNAMIC_WITH_STUB"] = "Dynamic content with stub"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_FRAME_TYPE_STATIC"] = "Static"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_HOST_HINT"] = "The <b>Host</b> field may specify a Unix socket, for example: <i>unix:///tmp/memcached.socket</i>,<br>in which case the <b>Port</b> field has to be set to zero (<b>0</b>)."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_IGNORED_PARAMETERS"] = "Ignore these URL parameters"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_INC_MASK"] = "Inclusion mask"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_MEMCACHED_HOST"] = "Host"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_MEMCACHED_PORT"] = "Port"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_MODULE_ERROR"] = "#MODULE# module is not installed"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_NO_PARAMETERS"] = "Save to disk only pages without parameters"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_OFF"] = "Composite mode is off"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_ON"] = "Composite mode is on"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_ONLY_PARAMETERS"] = "also save pages only with these parameters"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_OPT"] = "Settings"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_PATENT_TAB"] = "Patent"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_PATENT_TAB_DESC"] = "Patent pending"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_QUOTA"] = "Disk quote (MB)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_RESET"] = "Revert to defaults"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SAVE"] = "Save settings"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SAVE_ERROR"] = "Cannot save because an error occurred."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SELECT_GROUP"] = "(select user group)"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SETTINGS_TAB"] = "Settings"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SHORT_TITLE"] = "Composite"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_SHOW_BANNER"] = "Show "Faster with Bitrix" button"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_STAT_FILE_SIZE"] = "Current cache size:"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_STORAGE"] = "Store cache in"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_STORAGE_FILES"] = "files"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_STORAGE_TITLE"] = "Cache storage mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB"] = "Composite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB_GROUPS"] = "Groups"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB_GROUPS_TITLE_NEW"] = "Select user groups that will use composite mode"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB_SITES"] = "Websites"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB_SITES_TITLE"] = "Enable composite mode for individual websites"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TAB_TITLE"] = "Parameters and settings"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_TITLE"] = "Composite Website"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_VOTING_TITLE"] = "Composite mode voting"; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_WARNING"] = "Static cache mode is on. Please disable it."; $MESS["MAIN_COMPOSITE_WARNING_EDUCATION"] = "-";