Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\MessageService; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\EventManager; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Query; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\MessageService\Internal\Entity\MessageTable; use Bitrix\MessageService\Sender\Result\SendMessage; use Bitrix\MessageService\Sender\SmsManager; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; class Queue { public const EVENT_SEND_RESULT = 'messageSendResult'; public static function hasMessages(): bool { $result = MessageTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => [ '=SUCCESS_EXEC' => 'N', [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '<NEXT_EXEC' => new DateTime(), '=NEXT_EXEC' => null, ] ], 'limit' => 1, ]); return !empty($result->fetch()); } /** * @return string */ public static function run() { if ( defined('DisableMessageServiceCheck') && DisableMessageServiceCheck === true || ( !defined('DisableMessageServiceCheck') && defined("DisableEventsCheck") && DisableEventsCheck === true ) ) { return null; } if (!static::hasMessages()) { return ""; } Application::getInstance()->addBackgroundJob([static::class, "sendMessages"]); return ""; } /** * @return string */ public static function sendMessages() { $lockTag = 'b_messageservice_message'; if (!Application::getConnection()->lock($lockTag)) { return ""; } $counts = Internal\Entity\MessageTable::getAllDailyCount(); $limit = abs((int)Config\Option::get("messageservice", "queue_limit", 5)); if (!$limit) { $limit = 5; } $query = MessageTable::query() ->addSelect('ID') ->addSelect('TYPE') ->addSelect('SENDER_ID') ->addSelect('AUTHOR_ID') ->addSelect('MESSAGE_FROM') ->addSelect('MESSAGE_TO') ->addSelect('MESSAGE_HEADERS') ->addSelect('MESSAGE_BODY') ->addSelect('EXTERNAL_ID') ->where(Query::filter() ->logic('or') ->where(Query::filter() ->logic('and') ->where('SUCCESS_EXEC', 'N') ->where(Query::filter() ->logic('or') ->where('NEXT_EXEC', '<', new DateTime()) ->whereNull('NEXT_EXEC') ) ) ->where(Query::filter() ->logic('and') ->where('SUCCESS_EXEC', 'P') ->where('NEXT_EXEC', '<', (new DateTime())->add('-2 MINUTE')) ) ) ->addOrder('ID') ->setLimit($limit) ; if (defined('BX_CLUSTER_GROUP')) { $query->where('CLUSTER_GROUP', \BX_CLUSTER_GROUP); } $messageFieldsList = $query->fetchAll(); if (!empty($messageFieldsList)) { $idList = array_column($messageFieldsList, 'ID'); MessageTable::updateMulti( $idList, [ 'SUCCESS_EXEC' => 'P', 'NEXT_EXEC' => (new DateTime())->add('+2 MINUTE'), ], true ); } $nextDay = static::getNextExecTime(); foreach ($messageFieldsList as $messageFields) { $serviceId = $messageFields['SENDER_ID'] . ':' . $messageFields['MESSAGE_FROM']; $message = Message::createFromFields($messageFields); if (!isset($counts[$serviceId])) { $counts[$serviceId] = 0; } $sender = $message->getSender(); if ($sender) { $limit = Sender\Limitation::getDailyLimit($sender->getId(), $messageFields['MESSAGE_FROM']); $current = $counts[$serviceId]; if ($limit > 0 && $current >= $limit) { $message->update([ 'STATUS_ID' => MessageStatus::DEFERRED, 'NEXT_EXEC' => $nextDay, ]); continue; } ++$counts[$serviceId]; } try { $result = static::sendMessage($messageFields); $message->updateWithSendResult($result, $nextDay); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Application::getInstance()->getExceptionHandler()->writeToLog($e); $message->update([ 'STATUS_ID' => MessageStatus::EXCEPTION, 'SUCCESS_EXEC' => 'E', 'DATE_EXEC' => new DateTime(), 'EXEC_ERROR' => $e->getMessage(), ]); break; } } Application::getConnection()->unlock($lockTag); return null; } /** * @param array $messageFields * @return SendMessage */ private static function sendMessage(array $messageFields) { $type = $messageFields['TYPE']; if ($type === MessageType::SMS) { $sender = SmsManager::getSenderById($messageFields['SENDER_ID']); if (!$sender) { $sendResult = new SendMessage(); $sendResult->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("MESSAGESERVICE_QUEUE_SENDER_NOT_FOUND"))); } else { $sender->setSocketTimeout(6); $sender->setStreamTimeout(18); $sendResult = $sender->sendMessage($messageFields); } } else { $sendResult = new SendMessage(); $sendResult->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("MESSAGESERVICE_QUEUE_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR"))); } EventManager::getInstance()->send(new Event("messageservice", static::EVENT_SEND_RESULT, [ 'message' => $messageFields, 'sendResult' => $sendResult, ])); return $sendResult; } /** * Returns next date to exec message, if it will be deferred due to the send limits. * * @return DateTime */ private static function getNextExecTime(): DateTime { $nextDay = DateTime::createFromTimestamp(time() + 86400); $retryTime = Sender\Limitation::getRetryTime(); if (!$retryTime['auto']) { if ($nextDay->getTimeZone()->getName() !== $retryTime['tz']) { try //if TZ is incorrect { $nextDay->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($retryTime['tz'])); } catch (\Exception $e) {} } $nextDay->setTime($retryTime['h'], $retryTime['i'], 0); } return $nextDay; } /** * @return string */ public static function cleanUpAgent(): string { $period = abs(intval(Config\Option::get("messageservice", "clean_up_period", 14))); $periodInSeconds = $period * 24 * 3600; if ($periodInSeconds > 0) { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $datetime = $connection->getSqlHelper()->addSecondsToDateTime('-' . $periodInSeconds); $connection->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_messageservice_message WHERE DATE_EXEC <= {$datetime}"); } return __METHOD__.'();'; } }