Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Scale; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class ActionsData * @package Bitrix\Scale */ class ActionsData { protected static $logLevel = Logger::LOG_LEVEL_INFO; /** * @param $actionId * @return array Action's parameters * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function getAction($actionId) { if($actionId == '') throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("actionId"); $actionsDefinitions = static::getList(); $result = []; if(isset($actionsDefinitions[$actionId])) $result = $actionsDefinitions[$actionId]; return $result; } /** * @param string $actionId - action idetifyer * @param string $serverHostname - server hostname * @param array $userParams - params filled by user * @param array $freeParams - params filled somewere in code * @param array $actionParams - acrion parameters * @return Action|ActionsChain|bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Exception */ public static function getActionObject( $actionId, $serverHostname = "", array $userParams = [], array $freeParams = [], array $actionParams = [] ) { if($actionId == '') throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("actionId"); if(!is_array($userParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("userParams", "array"); if(!is_array($userParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("freeParams", "array"); if(!is_array($actionParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("actionParams", "array"); $action = false; if(!isset($actionParams["TYPE"]) || $actionParams["TYPE"] !== "MODIFYED") $actionParams = static::getAction($actionId); if(empty($actionParams)) throw new \Exception("Can't find params of action ".$actionId); if(isset($actionParams["TYPE"]) && $actionParams["TYPE"] === "CHAIN") $action = new ActionsChain($actionId, $actionParams, $serverHostname, $userParams, $freeParams); else if(!empty($actionParams)) $action = new Action($actionId, $actionParams, $serverHostname, $userParams, $freeParams); return $action; } /** * Returns action state * @param string $bid - action bitrix idetifyer * @return array */ public static function getActionState($bid) { $result = []; $shellAdapter = new ShellAdapter(); $execRes = $shellAdapter->syncExec("sudo -u root /opt/webdir/bin/bx-process -a status -t ".$bid." -o json"); $data = $shellAdapter->getLastOutput(); if($execRes) { $arData = json_decode($data, true); if(isset($arData["params"][$bid])) { $result = $arData["params"][$bid]; } if($result["status"] === "finished") { Logger::addRecord( Logger::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "SCALE_ACTION_CHECK_STATE", $bid, Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ACTIONSDATA_ACTION_FINISHED") ); } elseif($result["status"] === "error") { Logger::addRecord( Logger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SCALE_ACTION_CHECK_STATE", $bid, Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ACTIONSDATA_ACTION_ERROR") ); } if(self::$logLevel >= Logger::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { Logger::addRecord(Logger::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "SCALE_ACTION_CHECK_STATE", $bid, $data); } } return $result; } /** * Returns actions list * @param bool $checkConditions - if we need to check conditions * @return array of all actions defenitions * @throws \Bitrix\Main\IO\FileNotFoundException */ public static function getList($checkConditions = false) { static $def = null; if($def == null) { $filename = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getDocumentRoot()."/bitrix/modules/scale/include/actionsdefinitions.php"; $file = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File($filename); $actionsDefinitions = []; if($file->isExists()) require_once($filename); else throw new \Bitrix\Main\IO\FileNotFoundException($filename); if(isset($actionsDefinitions)) { $def = $actionsDefinitions; if(is_array($def) && $checkConditions) { foreach($def as $actionId => $action) { if(isset($action["CONDITION"]) && !self::isConditionSatisfied($action["CONDITION"])) { unset($def[$actionId]); } } } if(getenv('BITRIX_ENV_TYPE') === 'crm') { unset( $def['MONITORING_ENABLE'], $def['SITE_CREATE'], $def['SITE_CREATE_LINK'], $def['SITE_CREATE_KERNEL'], $def['SITE_DEL'], $def['MEMCACHED_ADD_ROLE'], $def['MEMCACHED_DEL_ROLE'], $def['SPHINX_ADD_ROLE'], $def['PUSH_DEL_ROLE'] ); } } else { $def = []; } } return $def; } /** * @param array $condition * @return bool */ protected static function isConditionSatisfied($condition): bool { $result = true; if(!isset($condition["COMMAND"], $condition["PARAMS"]) || !is_array($condition["PARAMS"])) { return true; } if(!isset($condition["PARAMS"][0], $condition["PARAMS"][1], $condition["PARAMS"][2])) { return true; } $actRes = static::getConditionActionResult($condition["COMMAND"]); if(isset($actRes["condition"]["OUTPUT"]["DATA"]["params"])) { $conditionValue = static::extractConditionValue( $condition["PARAMS"][0], $actRes["condition"]["OUTPUT"]["DATA"]["params"] ); if($conditionValue) { $result = static::checkCondition( $conditionValue, $condition["PARAMS"][1], $condition["PARAMS"][2] ); } } return $result; } /** * @param string $paramName * @param array $paramsValues * @return string|null */ protected static function extractConditionValue(string $paramName, array $paramsValues): ?string { $result = null; $params = explode(":", $paramName); if(!is_array($params) || count($params) !== 2) { throw new ArgumentException('paramName must be like paramSection:paramName'); } if(isset($paramsValues[$params[0]][$params[1]])) { $result = (string)$paramsValues[$params[0]][$params[1]]; } return $result; } /** * @param string $command * @return array */ protected static function getConditionActionResult(string $command): array { $result = []; try { $action = new Action("condition", [ "START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE" => $command, "LOG_LEVEL" => Logger::LOG_LEVEL_DISABLE ], "", [] ); if($action->start()) { $result = $action->getResult(); } } catch(\Exception $excpt) {} return $result; } /** * For data defined in \actionsDefinitions * @param string $operand1 [CONDITION][PARAMS][0] The real value is obtained from system * @param string $operator [CONDITION][PARAMS][1] For now it's only "===" * @param string $operand2 [CONDITION][PARAMS][2] * @return bool * @throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException */ protected static function checkCondition(string $operand1, string $operator, string $operand2): bool { $allowedOperators = ['===']; if(!in_array($operator, $allowedOperators)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException('This "operator" is not allowed'); }; $allowedOperandRegex = '/^[0-9a-zA-Z_:\-\'\"]+$/i'; if(!preg_match($allowedOperandRegex, $operand1)) { return false; } if(!preg_match($allowedOperandRegex, $operand2)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException('This "operand2" is wrong'); } return eval("return ('{$operand1}' {$operator} '{$operand2}');"); } /** * @param int $logLevel */ public static function setLogLevel($logLevel) { self::$logLevel = $logLevel; } /** * Checks if some action is running * after page refresh, or then smb. else come to page * during the action running. * @return array - Action params */ public static function checkRunningAction() { $result = []; $shellAdapter = new ShellAdapter(); $execRes = $shellAdapter->syncExec("sudo -u root /opt/webdir/bin/bx-process -a list -o json"); $data = $shellAdapter->getLastOutput(); if($execRes) { $arData = json_decode($data, true); $result = []; if(isset($arData["params"]) && is_array($arData["params"])) { foreach($arData["params"] as $bid => $actionParams) { if(mb_strpos($bid, 'common_') === 0) // || strpos($bid, 'monitor_') === 0) continue; if($actionParams["status"] === "running") { $result = [$bid => $actionParams]; break; } } } } return $result; } }