Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? function stemming_init($sLang="ru") { static $arStemFunc = false; //Init all languages if($arStemFunc === false) { $arStemFunc = array(); $rsLanguages = CLanguage::GetList(); while($arLanguage = $rsLanguages->Fetch()) stemming_init($arLanguage["LID"]); } //Check if language was not used if ($sLang !== false && !isset($arStemFunc[$sLang])) { $stemming_function_suf = $sLang; if (!function_exists("stemming_".$sLang)) { $strFileName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/".$sLang."/search/stemming.php"; if (file_exists($strFileName)) { @include($strFileName); } if (!function_exists("stemming_".$sLang)) { $strFileName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/search/tools/".$sLang."/stemming.php"; if (file_exists($strFileName)) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Localization\Translation::allowConvertEncoding()) { \Bitrix\Main\Localization\StreamConverter::include($strFileName, $sLang); } else { @include($strFileName); } } if (!function_exists("stemming_".$sLang)) { $stemming_function_suf = "default"; } } } $stemming_stop_function = "stemming_stop_".$sLang; if(!function_exists($stemming_stop_function)) $stemming_stop_function = "stemming_stop_default"; $stemming_upper_function = "stemming_upper_".$sLang; if(!function_exists($stemming_upper_function)) $stemming_upper_function = "stemming_upper_default"; $letters = stemming_letter_default(); $stemming_letter_function = "stemming_letter_".$sLang; if(function_exists($stemming_letter_function)) $letters .= $stemming_letter_function(); $letters .= COption::GetOptionString("search", "letters"); if(function_exists($stemming_letter_function)) $abc = $stemming_letter_function(); else $abc = ""; if($abc == '') $abc = stemming_letter_default(); $arStemFunc[$sLang] = array( "stem" => "stemming_".$stemming_function_suf, "stop" => $stemming_stop_function, "upper" => $stemming_upper_function, "letters" => $letters, "pcre_letters" => "\\w\\d".str_replace( array("\\" , "-" , "^" , "]" , "/"), array("\\\\", "\\-", "\\^", "\\]", "\\/"), $letters ), "abc" => $abc, "pcre_abc" => "\\w\\d".str_replace( array("\\" , "-" , "^" , "]" , "/"), array("\\\\", "\\-", "\\^", "\\]", "\\/"), $abc ), ); } if($sLang === false) return $arStemFunc; else return $arStemFunc[$sLang]; } function stemming_upper($sText, $sLang="ru") { $arStemFunc = stemming_init($sLang); $upper_function = $arStemFunc["upper"]; return $upper_function($sText); } function stemming_split($sText, $sLang="ru") { $arStemFunc = stemming_init($sLang); $words = array(); $tok = " "; $sText = stemming_upper($sText, $sLang); $sText = preg_replace("/[^".$arStemFunc["pcre_letters"]."]/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $tok, $sText); $word = strtok($sText, $tok); while($word !== false) { $word = mb_substr($word, 0, 100); if(!isset($words[$word])) $words[$word] = mb_strpos($sText, $word); $word = strtok($tok); } return $words; } function stemming($sText, $sLang="ru", $bIgnoreStopWords = false, $bReturnPositions = false) { static $STOP_CACHE=array(); if(!isset($STOP_CACHE[$sLang])) $STOP_CACHE[$sLang] = array(); $stop_cache = &$STOP_CACHE[$sLang]; //Result $stems = array(); //Get info about all languages $arStemInfo = stemming_init(false); //Add default functions if language was not defined if(!isset($arStemInfo[$sLang])) $arStemInfo[$sLang] = stemming_init($sLang); $stem_func = $arStemInfo[$sLang]["stem"]; $pcre_abc = "/[^".$arStemInfo[$sLang]["pcre_abc"]."]+/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; //Delimiter of the words $tok = " "; $sText = stemming_upper($sText, $sLang); if($bReturnPositions) { $sText = preg_replace("/[^".$arStemInfo[$sLang]["pcre_letters"].".!?]+/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $tok, $sText); $sText = preg_replace("/[!?]+/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, ".", $sText); } else { $sText = preg_replace("/[^".$arStemInfo[$sLang]["pcre_letters"]."]+/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $tok, $sText); } //Parse text $words = strtok($sText, $tok); $pos = 1; while($words !== false) { if($bReturnPositions) $words = explode(".", $words); else $words = array($words); foreach($words as $i => $word) { $word = mb_substr($word, 0, 50); if($bReturnPositions) { if($i > 0) $pos += 5; //Sentence distance if($word == '') continue; } //Try to stem starting with desired language //1 - stemming may return more than one word $stem = $stem_func($word, 1); $stop_lang = $sLang; //If word equals it's stemming //and has letters not from ABC if( !is_array($stem) && $stem === $word && preg_match($pcre_abc, $word) ) { //Do the best to detect correct one $guess = stemming_detect($word, $arStemInfo, $sLang); if($guess[0] <> '') { $stem = $guess[0]; $stop_lang = $guess[1]; } } if($bIgnoreStopWords) { if(is_array($stem)) { foreach($stem as $st) $stems[$st] = isset($stems[$st])? $stems[$st] + $pos: $pos; } else { $stems[$stem] = isset($stems[$stem])? $stems[$stem] + $pos: $pos; } } else { $stop_func = $arStemInfo[$stop_lang]["stop"]; if(is_array($stem)) { foreach($stem as $st) { if(!isset($stop_cache[$st])) $stop_cache[$st] = $stop_func($st); if($stop_cache[$st]) $stems[$st] = isset($stems[$st])? $stems[$st] + $pos: $pos; } } else { if(!isset($stop_cache[$stem])) $stop_cache[$stem] = $stop_func($stem); if($stop_cache[$stem]) $stems[$stem] = isset($stems[$stem])? $stems[$stem] + $pos: $pos; } } if($bReturnPositions) $pos++; } //Next word $words = strtok($tok); } return $stems; } function stemming_detect($word, $arStemInfo, $skipLang) { $stem = ""; $lang = ""; foreach($arStemInfo as $sGuessLang => $arInfo) { if($sGuessLang === $skipLang) continue; //Word has letters not from ABC, so skip to next language if(preg_match("/[^".$arInfo["pcre_abc"]."]+/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $word)) continue; $stem = $arInfo["stem"]($word); $lang = $sGuessLang; //It looks like stemming succseeded if($stem !== $word) break; //Check if stop function flag word as stop $stop_func = $arInfo["stop"]; if(!$stop_func($stem)) break; } //It' s the best we can do //return word and lang to use as stop return array($stem, $lang); } function stemming_upper_default($sText) { return ToUpper($sText); } function stemming_default($sText) { return $sText; } function stemming_stop_default($sWord) { if(mb_strlen($sWord) < 2) return false; else return true; } function stemming_letter_default() { return "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789"; } ?>