Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\SiteTable; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\IO; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Internals\SitemapTable; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Internals\RuntimeTable; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Type\Step; use Bitrix\Seo\RobotsFile; Loc::loadMessages(__DIR__ . '/../../admin/seo_sitemap.php'); /** * Class for create sitemap files */ class Generator { /** * Max time of run one step, in seconds */ protected const STEP_DURATION = 13; /** * Current sitemap * @var int */ protected int $sitemapId; /** * Data of current sitemap * @var array */ protected array $sitemapData = []; /** * Current Can be init by not first step * @var int - @see Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Type\Step */ protected int $step; /** * State params for current step. Can be init by not start state * @var array */ protected array $state; /** * Text message about current state * @var string */ protected string $statusMessage = ''; public function __construct(int $sitemapId) { if ($sitemapId <= 0) { // todo: err } $this->sitemapId = $sitemapId; $this->sitemapData = (SitemapTable::getById($this->sitemapId))->fetch(); if (empty($this->sitemapData)) { // todo: error } $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS'] = unserialize($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS'], ['allowed_classes' => false]); $this->sitemapData['SITE'] = (SiteTable::getByPrimary($this->sitemapData['SITE_ID']))->fetch(); $this->init(Step::getFirstStep(), []); } /** * Init current parameter for generator run * @param int $step * @param array $state * @return void */ public function init(int $step, array $state): void { // todo: check state by whitelist $this->step = $step; $this->state = $state; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SEO_SITEMAP_RUN_INIT'); } /** * Set current step (by value, not name) * @param int $step * @return Generator */ public function setStep(int $step): static { if ( $step >= Step::getFirstStep() && $step <= Step::getLastStep() ) { $this->step = $step; } return $this; } /** * Return current step (int value, not name) * @return int */ public function getStep(): int { return $this->step; } /** * Initialize current state * @param array $state * @return Generator */ public function setState(array $state): static { $this->state = $state; return $this; } /** * Return current state * @return array */ public function getState(): array { return $this->state; } /** * Text message about current progress * @return string */ public function getStatusMessage(): string { return $this->statusMessage; } /** * @return bool - false if error in process */ public function run(): bool { $result = false; if ($this->step === Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_INIT]) { $result = $this->runInit(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FILES]) { $result = $this->runFiles(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK_INDEX]) { $result = $this->runIblockIndex(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK]) { $result = $this->runIblock(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM_INDEX]) { $result = $this->runForumIndex(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM]) { $result = $this->runForum(); } elseif ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_INDEX]) { if ($this->runIndex()) { $result = $this->finish(); } } return $result; } /** * Clear previously, and init new Runtime * @return bool */ protected function runInit(): bool { RuntimeTable::clearByPid($this->sitemapId); $isRootChecked = isset($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR']['/']) && $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR']['/'] == 'Y'; $runtimeData = [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_DIR, 'ITEM_PATH' => '/', 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, 'ACTIVE' => $isRootChecked ? RuntimeTable::ACTIVE : RuntimeTable::INACTIVE, ]; try { $resAdd = RuntimeTable::add($runtimeData); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } if ($resAdd->isSuccess()) { $this->step++; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FILES', ['#PATH#' => '/']); } return $resAdd->isSuccess(); } protected function runFiles(): bool { $sitemapFile = new File\Runtime( $this->sitemapId, $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_FILES'], $this->getSitemapSettings() ); $timeFinish = self::getTimeFinish(); $isFinished = false; $isCheckFinished = false; $dbRes = null; while (!$isFinished && microtime(true) <= $timeFinish) { if (!$dbRes) { $dbRes = RuntimeTable::getList([ 'order' => ['ITEM_PATH' => 'ASC'], 'filter' => [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_DIR, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, ], 'limit' => 1000, ]); } if ($dirData = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $this->processDirectory($dirData, $sitemapFile); $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FILES', ['#PATH#' => $dirData['ITEM_PATH']]); $isCheckFinished = false; } elseif (!$isCheckFinished) { $dbRes = null; $isCheckFinished = true; } else { $isFinished = true; } } if (!$isFinished) { if ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FILES] - 1) { $this->step++; } } else { // todo: check state by whitelist if (!is_array($this->state['XML_FILES'])) { $this->state['XML_FILES'] = []; } if ($sitemapFile->isNotEmpty()) { if ($sitemapFile->isCurrentPartNotEmpty()) { $sitemapFile->finish(); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } $xmlFiles = $sitemapFile->getNameList(); $directory = $sitemapFile->getPathDirectory(); foreach ($xmlFiles as &$xmlFile) { $xmlFile = $directory . $xmlFile; } $this->state['XML_FILES'] = array_unique(array_merge($this->state['XML_FILES'], $xmlFiles)); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FILES]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage( 'SITEMAP_RUN_FILE_COMPLETE', ['#FILE#' => $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_FILES']] ); } return true; } /** * Add files from directory to sitemap * @param $dirData * @param File\Base $sitemapFile * @return void */ protected function processDirectory($dirData, File\Base $sitemapFile): void { $processedDirs = []; if ($dirData['ACTIVE'] == RuntimeTable::ACTIVE) { $directories = \CSeoUtils::getDirStructure( $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['logical'] == 'Y', $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'], $dirData['ITEM_PATH'] ); foreach ($directories as $dir) { $dirKey = "/" . ltrim($dir['DATA']['ABS_PATH'], "/"); if ($dir['TYPE'] == 'F') { if ( !isset($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE'][$dirKey]) || $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE'][$dirKey] == 'Y' ) { if (preg_match($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE_MASK_REGEXP'], $dir['FILE'])) { $f = new IO\File($dir['DATA']['PATH'], $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID']); $sitemapFile->addFileEntry($f); } } } else { if (!isset($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR'][$dirKey]) || $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR'][$dirKey] == 'Y') { $processedDirs[] = $dirKey; } } } } else { $len = mb_strlen($dirData['ITEM_PATH']); if (!empty($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR'])) { foreach ($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DIR'] as $dirKey => $checked) { if ($checked == 'Y') { if (strncmp($dirData['ITEM_PATH'], $dirKey, $len) === 0) { $processedDirs[] = $dirKey; } } } } if (!empty($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE'])) { foreach ($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE'] as $dirKey => $checked) { if ($checked == 'Y') { if (strncmp($dirData['ITEM_PATH'], $dirKey, $len) === 0) { $fileName = IO\Path::combine( SiteTable::getDocumentRoot($this->sitemapData['SITE_ID']), $dirKey ); if (!is_dir($fileName)) { $f = new IO\File($fileName, $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID']); if ( $f->isExists() && !$f->isSystem() && preg_match($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILE_MASK_REGEXP'], $f->getName()) ) { $sitemapFile->addFileEntry($f); } } } } } } } if (count($processedDirs) > 0) { foreach ($processedDirs as $dirKey) { $runtimeData = [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_PATH' => $dirKey, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, 'ACTIVE' => RuntimeTable::ACTIVE, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_DIR, ]; RuntimeTable::add($runtimeData); } } RuntimeTable::update($dirData['ID'], [ 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]); } protected function runIblockIndex(): bool { $result = true; $arIBlockList = []; if (Loader::includeModule('iblock')) { $arIBlockList = $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_ACTIVE']; if (is_array($arIBlockList) && count($arIBlockList) > 0) { $arIBlocks = []; $dbIBlock = \CIBlock::GetList([], ['ID' => array_keys($arIBlockList)]); while ($arIBlock = $dbIBlock->Fetch()) { $arIBlocks[$arIBlock['ID']] = $arIBlock; } foreach ($arIBlockList as $iblockId => $iblockActive) { if ($iblockActive !== 'Y' || !array_key_exists($iblockId, $arIBlocks)) { unset($arIBlockList[$iblockId]); } else { RuntimeTable::add([ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, 'ITEM_ID' => $iblockId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_IBLOCK, ]); } } } } $this->state['LEFT_MARGIN'] = 0; $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = 0; $this->state['IBLOCK'] = []; $this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'] = []; if (count($arIBlockList) <= 0) { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_IBLOCK_EMPTY'); } else { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK_INDEX]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_IBLOCK'); } return $result; } protected function runIblock(): bool { $result = true; $timeFinish = self::getTimeFinish(); $isFinished = false; $bCheckFinished = false; $runtimeIblock = false; $currentIBlock = false; $sitemapFile = null; $iblockId = 0; $dbOldIblockResult = null; $dbIblockResult = null; if (isset($_SESSION["SEO_SITEMAP_" . $this->sitemapId])) { $this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'] = $_SESSION["SEO_SITEMAP_" . $this->sitemapId]; unset($_SESSION["SEO_SITEMAP_" . $this->sitemapId]); } while (!$isFinished && microtime(true) <= $timeFinish && Loader::includeModule('iblock')) { if (!$runtimeIblock) { $dbRes = RuntimeTable::getList([ 'order' => ['ID' => 'ASC'], 'filter' => [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_IBLOCK, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, ], 'limit' => 1, ]); $runtimeIblock = $dbRes->fetch(); if ($runtimeIblock) { $iblockId = intval($runtimeIblock['ITEM_ID']); $dbIBlock = \CIBlock::GetByID($iblockId); $currentIBlock = $dbIBlock->Fetch(); if (!$currentIBlock) { RuntimeTable::update($runtimeIblock['ID'], [ 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]); $this->state['LEFT_MARGIN'] = 0; $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = 0; $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = 0; unset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION']); $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage( 'SITEMAP_RUN_IBLOCK_NAME', ['#IBLOCK_NAME#' => $currentIBlock['NAME']] ); } else { if ($currentIBlock['LIST_PAGE_URL'] == '') { $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_LIST'][$iblockId] = 'N'; } if ($currentIBlock['SECTION_PAGE_URL'] == '') { $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_SECTION'][$iblockId] = 'N'; } if ($currentIBlock['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] == '') { $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_ELEMENT'][$iblockId] = 'N'; } $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = max($this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'], MakeTimeStamp($currentIBlock['TIMESTAMP_X'])); if ($this->state['LEFT_MARGIN'] <= 0 && $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_ELEMENT'][$iblockId] != 'N') { $this->state['CURRENT_SECTION'] = 0; } $fileName = str_replace( ['#IBLOCK_ID#', '#IBLOCK_CODE#', '#IBLOCK_XML_ID#'], [$iblockId, $currentIBlock['CODE'], $currentIBlock['XML_ID']], $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_IBLOCK'] ); $sitemapFile = new File\Runtime( $this->sitemapId, $fileName, $this->getSitemapSettings() ); } } } if (!$runtimeIblock || !$sitemapFile) { $isFinished = true; } elseif (is_array($currentIBlock)) { if ($dbIblockResult == null) { if (isset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION'])) { $dbIblockResult = \CIBlockElement::GetList( ['ID' => 'ASC'], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'SECTION_ID' => intval($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION']), '>ID' => intval($this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID']), 'SITE_ID' => $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'], "ACTIVE_DATE" => "Y", ], false, ['nTopCount' => 1000], ['ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] ); } else { $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = 0; $dbIblockResult = \CIBlockSection::GetList( ['LEFT_MARGIN' => 'ASC'], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, 'GLOBAL_ACTIVE' => 'Y', '>LEFT_BORDER' => intval($this->state['LEFT_MARGIN']), ], false, ['ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'SECTION_PAGE_URL', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'], ['nTopCount' => 100] ); } } if (isset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION'])) { $arElement = $dbIblockResult->fetch(); if ($arElement) { if (!is_array($this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'][$iblockId])) { $this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'][$iblockId] = []; } if (!array_key_exists($arElement['ID'], $this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'][$iblockId])) { $arElement['LANG_DIR'] = $this->sitemapData['SITE']['DIR']; $bCheckFinished = false; $elementLastmod = MakeTimeStamp($arElement['TIMESTAMP_X']); $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = max($this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'], $elementLastmod); $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = $arElement['ID']; $this->state['IBLOCK'][$iblockId]['E']++; $this->state['IBLOCK_MAP'][$iblockId][$arElement["ID"]] = 1; // remove or replace SERVER_NAME $url = Source\Iblock::prepareUrlToReplace( $arElement['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'], $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'] ); $url = \CIBlock::ReplaceDetailUrl($url, $arElement, false, "E"); $sitemapFile->addIBlockEntry($url, $elementLastmod); } } elseif (!$bCheckFinished) { $bCheckFinished = true; $dbIblockResult = null; } else { $bCheckFinished = false; unset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION']); $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = 0; $dbIblockResult = null; if ($dbOldIblockResult) { $dbIblockResult = $dbOldIblockResult; $dbOldIblockResult = null; } } } else { $arSection = $dbIblockResult->fetch(); if ($arSection) { $bCheckFinished = false; $sectionLastmod = MakeTimeStamp($arSection['TIMESTAMP_X']); $this->state['LEFT_MARGIN'] = $arSection['LEFT_MARGIN']; $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = max($this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'], $sectionLastmod); $bActive = false; $bActiveElement = false; if (isset($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_SECTION_SECTION'][$iblockId][$arSection['ID']])) { $bActive = $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_SECTION_SECTION'][$iblockId][$arSection['ID']] == 'Y'; $bActiveElement = $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_SECTION_ELEMENT'][$iblockId][$arSection['ID']] == 'Y'; } elseif ($arSection['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] > 0) { $dbRes = RuntimeTable::getList([ 'filter' => [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_SECTION, 'ITEM_ID' => $arSection['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'], 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ], 'select' => ['ACTIVE', 'ACTIVE_ELEMENT'], 'limit' => 1, ]); $parentSection = $dbRes->fetch(); if ($parentSection) { $bActive = $parentSection['ACTIVE'] == RuntimeTable::ACTIVE; $bActiveElement = $parentSection['ACTIVE_ELEMENT'] == RuntimeTable::ACTIVE; } } else { $bActive = $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_SECTION'][$iblockId] == 'Y'; $bActiveElement = $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_ELEMENT'][$iblockId] == 'Y'; } $arRuntimeData = [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_ID' => $arSection['ID'], 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_SECTION, 'ACTIVE' => $bActive ? RuntimeTable::ACTIVE : RuntimeTable::INACTIVE, 'ACTIVE_ELEMENT' => $bActiveElement ? RuntimeTable::ACTIVE : RuntimeTable::INACTIVE, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]; if ($bActive) { $this->state['IBLOCK'][$iblockId]['S']++; $arSection['LANG_DIR'] = $this->sitemapData['SITE']['DIR']; // remove or replace SERVER_NAME $url = Source\Iblock::prepareUrlToReplace( $arSection['SECTION_PAGE_URL'], $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'] ); $url = \CIBlock::ReplaceDetailUrl($url, $arSection, false, "S"); $sitemapFile->addIBlockEntry($url, $sectionLastmod); } RuntimeTable::add($arRuntimeData); if ($bActiveElement) { $this->state['CURRENT_SECTION'] = $arSection['ID']; $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = 0; $dbOldIblockResult = $dbIblockResult; $dbIblockResult = null; } } elseif (!$bCheckFinished) { unset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION']); $bCheckFinished = true; $dbIblockResult = null; } else { $bCheckFinished = false; // we have finished current iblock RuntimeTable::update($runtimeIblock['ID'], [ 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]); if ($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['IBLOCK_LIST'][$iblockId] == 'Y' && $currentIBlock['LIST_PAGE_URL'] <> '') { $this->state['IBLOCK'][$iblockId]['I']++; $currentIBlock['IBLOCK_ID'] = $currentIBlock['ID']; $currentIBlock['LANG_DIR'] = $this->sitemapData['SITE']['DIR']; // remove or replace SERVER_NAME $url = Source\Iblock::prepareUrlToReplace( $currentIBlock['LIST_PAGE_URL'], $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'] ); $url = \CIBlock::ReplaceDetailUrl($url, $currentIBlock, false, ""); $sitemapFile->addIBlockEntry($url, $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD']); } if ($sitemapFile->isNotEmpty()) { if ($sitemapFile->isCurrentPartNotEmpty()) { $sitemapFile->finish(); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } if (!is_array($this->state['XML_FILES'])) { $this->state['XML_FILES'] = []; } $xmlFiles = $sitemapFile->getNameList(); $directory = $sitemapFile->getPathDirectory(); foreach ($xmlFiles as &$xmlFile) $xmlFile = $directory . $xmlFile; $this->state['XML_FILES'] = array_unique(array_merge($this->state['XML_FILES'], $xmlFiles)); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } $runtimeIblock = false; $this->state['LEFT_MARGIN'] = 0; $this->state['IBLOCK_LASTMOD'] = 0; unset($this->state['CURRENT_SECTION']); $this->state['LAST_ELEMENT_ID'] = 0; } } } } if ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK] - 1) { $this->step++; } if ($isFinished) { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_IBLOCK]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FINALIZE'); } return $result; } protected function runForumIndex(): bool { $result = true; $forumList = []; if (!empty($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FORUM_ACTIVE'])) { foreach ($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FORUM_ACTIVE'] as $forumId => $active) { if ($active == "Y") { $forumList[$forumId] = "Y"; } } } if (count($forumList) > 0 && Loader::includeModule('forum')) { $arForums = []; $db_res = \CForumNew::GetListEx( [], [ '@ID' => array_keys($forumList), "ACTIVE" => "Y", "SITE_ID" => $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'], "!TOPICS" => 0, ] ); while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $arForums[$res['ID']] = $res; } $forumList = array_intersect_key($arForums, $forumList); foreach ($forumList as $id => $forum) { RuntimeTable::add([ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, 'ITEM_ID' => $id, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_FORUM, ] ); // $fileName = str_replace('#FORUM_ID#', $forumId, $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_FORUM']); // $sitemapFile = new File\Runtime($this->sitemapId, $fileName, $this->sitemapDataSettings); } } $this->state['FORUM_CURRENT_TOPIC'] = 0; if (count($forumList) <= 0) { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FORUM_EMPTY'); } else { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM_INDEX]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FORUM'); } return $result; } protected function runForum(): bool { $result = true; $timeFinish = self::getTimeFinish(); $isFinished = false; $runtimeForum = false; $currentForum = null; $forumId = 0; $sitemapFile = null; $dbTopicResult = null; $arTopic = null; while (!$isFinished && microtime(true) <= $timeFinish && \CModule::IncludeModule("forum")) { if (!$runtimeForum) { $dbRes = RuntimeTable::getList([ 'order' => ['ID' => 'ASC'], 'filter' => [ 'PID' => $this->sitemapId, 'ITEM_TYPE' => RuntimeTable::ITEM_TYPE_FORUM, 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::UNPROCESSED, ], 'limit' => 1, ]); $runtimeForum = $dbRes->fetch(); if ($runtimeForum) { $forumId = intval($runtimeForum['ITEM_ID']); $db_res = \CForumNew::GetListEx( [], [ 'ID' => $forumId, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "SITE_ID" => $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'], "!TOPICS" => 0, ] ); $currentForum = $db_res->Fetch(); if (!$currentForum) { RuntimeTable::update($runtimeForum['ID'], [ 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]); $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage( 'SITEMAP_RUN_FORUM_NAME', ['#FORUM_NAME#' => $currentForum['NAME']] ); } else { $fileName = str_replace('#FORUM_ID#', $forumId, $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_FORUM']); $sitemapFile = new File\Runtime($this->sitemapId, $fileName, $this->getSitemapSettings()); } } } if (!$runtimeForum || !$sitemapFile) { $isFinished = true; } elseif (is_array($currentForum)) { $isActive = array_key_exists($forumId, $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FORUM_TOPIC']) && $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FORUM_TOPIC'][$forumId] == "Y" ; if ($isActive) { if ($dbTopicResult == null) { $dbTopicResult = \CForumTopic::GetList( ["LAST_POST_DATE" => "DESC"], array_merge( [ "FORUM_ID" => $forumId, "APPROVED" => "Y", ], ( $this->state['FORUM_CURRENT_TOPIC'] > 0 ? [">ID" => $this->state["FORUM_CURRENT_TOPIC"]] : [] ) ), false, 0, ['nTopCount' => 100] ); } if (($arTopic = $dbTopicResult->fetch()) && $arTopic) { $this->state["FORUM_CURRENT_TOPIC"] = $arTopic["ID"]; $url = \CForumNew::PreparePath2Message( $currentForum["PATH2FORUM_MESSAGE"], [ "FORUM_ID" => $currentForum["ID"], "TOPIC_ID" => $arTopic["ID"], "TITLE_SEO" => $arTopic["TITLE_SEO"], "MESSAGE_ID" => "s", "SOCNET_GROUP_ID" => $arTopic["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "OWNER_ID" => $arTopic["OWNER_ID"], "PARAM1" => $arTopic["PARAM1"], "PARAM2" => $arTopic["PARAM2"], ] ); $sitemapFile->addIBlockEntry($url, MakeTimeStamp($arTopic['LAST_POST_DATE'])); } } else { $url = \CForumNew::PreparePath2Message( $currentForum["PATH2FORUM_MESSAGE"], [ "FORUM_ID" => $currentForum["ID"], "TOPIC_ID" => $currentForum["TID"], "TITLE_SEO" => $currentForum["TITLE_SEO"], "MESSAGE_ID" => "s", "SOCNET_GROUP_ID" => $currentForum["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "OWNER_ID" => $currentForum["OWNER_ID"], "PARAM1" => $currentForum["PARAM1"], "PARAM2" => $currentForum["PARAM2"], ] ); $sitemapFile->addIBlockEntry($url, MakeTimeStamp($currentForum['LAST_POST_DATE'])); } if (empty($arTopic)) { RuntimeTable::update($runtimeForum['ID'], [ 'PROCESSED' => RuntimeTable::PROCESSED, ]); if ($sitemapFile->isNotEmpty()) { if ($sitemapFile->isCurrentPartNotEmpty()) { $sitemapFile->finish(); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } if (!is_array($this->state['XML_FILES'])) { $this->state['XML_FILES'] = []; } $xmlFiles = $sitemapFile->getNameList(); $directory = $sitemapFile->getPathDirectory(); foreach ($xmlFiles as &$xmlFile) { $xmlFile = $directory . $xmlFile; } $this->state['XML_FILES'] = array_unique(array_merge($this->state['XML_FILES'], $xmlFiles)); } else { $sitemapFile->delete(); } $runtimeForum = false; $dbTopicResult = null; $this->state['FORUM_CURRENT_TOPIC'] = 0; } } } if ($this->step < Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM] - 1) { $this->step++; } if ($isFinished) { $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_FORUM]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FINALIZE'); } return $result; } protected function runIndex(): bool { $result = true; RuntimeTable::clearByPid($this->sitemapId); $sitemapFile = new File\Index($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['FILENAME_INDEX'], $this->getSitemapSettings()); $xmlFiles = []; if (count($this->state['XML_FILES']) > 0) { foreach ($this->state['XML_FILES'] as $xmlFile) { $xmlFiles[] = new IO\File( IO\Path::combine( $sitemapFile->getSiteRoot(), $xmlFile ), $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'] ); } } $sitemapFile->createIndex($xmlFiles); $existedSitemaps = []; if ($this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['ROBOTS'] == 'Y') { $sitemapUrl = $sitemapFile->getUrl(); $robotsFile = new RobotsFile($this->sitemapData['SITE_ID']); $robotsFile->addRule([ RobotsFile::SITEMAP_RULE, $sitemapUrl ]); $sitemapLinks = $robotsFile->getRules(RobotsFile::SITEMAP_RULE); if (count($sitemapLinks) > 1) // 1 - just added rule { foreach ($sitemapLinks as $rule) { if ($rule[1] != $sitemapUrl) { $existedSitemaps[] = $rule[1]; } } } } // todo: need show message about robots.txt // if (isset($arExistedSitemaps) && count($arExistedSitemaps) > 0) // { // echo BeginNote(), Loc::getMessage('SEO_SITEMAP_RUN_ROBOTS_WARNING', array( // "#SITEMAPS#" => "<li>" . implode("</li><li>", $arExistedSitemaps) . "</li>", // "#LANGUAGE_ID#" => LANGUAGE_ID, // "#SITE_ID#" => $arSitemap['SITE_ID'], // )); // } $this->step = Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_INDEX]; $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FINISH'); return $result; } protected function finish(): bool { $this->statusMessage = Loc::getMessage('SITEMAP_RUN_FINISH'); SitemapTable::update($this->sitemapId, ['DATE_RUN' => new DateTime()]); return true; } /** * For save in Sitemap table * @return array */ protected function getSitemapSettings(): array { return [ 'SITE_ID' => $this->sitemapData['SITE_ID'], 'PROTOCOL' => $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['PROTO'] == 1 ? 'https' : 'http', 'DOMAIN' => $this->sitemapData['SETTINGS']['DOMAIN'], ]; } /** * Return microtime, when current step must be stopped * @return float */ protected static function getTimeFinish(): float { return microtime(true) + self::STEP_DURATION * 0.95; } }