Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Vote\Attachment; use Bitrix\Main\AccessDeniedException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Vote\EventTable; use Bitrix\Vote\User; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Controller extends \Bitrix\Vote\Base\Controller { /** * @var $attach \Bitrix\Vote\Attach */ var $attach; protected function listActions() { return array( "vote" => array( "need_auth" => false, "method" => array("POST") ), "getBallot" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET") ), "stop" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET") ), "resume" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET") ), "getvoted" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET") ), "getmobilevoted" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET"), "check_sessid" => false ), "exportXls" => array( "method" => array("POST", "GET") ) ); } protected function init() { if ($this->request->getQuery("attachId")) $this->attach = Manager::loadFromAttachId(intval($this->request->getQuery("attachId"))); else if ($this->request->getQuery("voteId")) $this->attach = Manager::loadFromVoteId(array( "MODULE_ID" => "vote", "ENTITY_TYPE" => "VOTE", "ENTITY_ID" => $this->request->getQuery("voteId") ), $this->request->getQuery("voteId")); else throw new ArgumentNullException("attach ID"); AddEventHandler("vote", "onVoteReset", array(&$this, "clearCache")); AddEventHandler("vote", "onAfterVoting", array(&$this, "clearCache")); } protected function processActionVote() { if ($this->checkRequiredGetParams(array("attachId"))) { if (!$this->attach->canRead($this->getUser()->getId())) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $request = $this->request->getPostList()->toArray(); //TODO decide what should we do with captcha in attaches if ($this->attach->voteFor($request)) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("pull")) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->attach["QUESTIONS"] as $question) { $result[$question["ID"]] = array( "ANSWERS" => array() ); foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answer) { $result[$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$answer["ID"]] = array( "PERCENT" => $answer["PERCENT"], "USERS" => [], "COUNTER" => $answer["COUNTER"] ); } } \CPullWatch::AddToStack("VOTE_".$this->attach["VOTE_ID"], Array( "module_id" => "vote", "command" => "voting", "params" => Array( "VOTE_ID" => $this->attach["VOTE_ID"], "AUTHOR_ID" => $this->getUser()->getId(), "COUNTER" => $this->attach["COUNTER"], "QUESTIONS" => $result ) ) ); } $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => array( "attach" => array( "ID" => $this->attach["ID"], "VOTE_ID" => $this->attach["VOTE_ID"], "COUNTER" => $this->attach["COUNTER"], "QUESTIONS" => $this->attach["QUESTIONS"] ) ) )); } elseif (($errors = $this->attach->getErrors()) && !empty($errors)) $this->errorCollection->add($errors); else throw new ArgumentException(GetMessage("V_ERROR_4501")); } } protected function processActionGetBallot() { $attach = $this->attach; $eventId = 0; $userId = 0; if ($this->getUser()->isAdmin() && $this->request->getQuery("eventId") > 0) $eventId = $this->request->getQuery("eventId"); else { $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if ($attach->canRead($userId) && ($result = $attach->canRevote($userId)) && $result->isSuccess()) { $event = reset($result->getData()); $eventId = $event["ID"]; } } $stat = array(); $extras = array(); if ($eventId > 0) { $dbRes = EventTable::getList(array( "select" => array( "V_" => "*", "Q_" => "QUESTION.*", "A_" => "QUESTION.ANSWER.*", "U_ID" => "USER.USER.ID", "U_NAME" => "USER.USER.NAME", "U_LAST_NAME" => "USER.USER.LAST_NAME", "U_SECOND_NAME" => "USER.USER.SECOND_NAME", "U_LOGIN" => "USER.USER.LOGIN", "U_PERSONAL_PHOTO" => "USER.USER.PERSONAL_PHOTO", ), "filter" => array( "ID" => $eventId, "VOTE_ID" => $attach["VOTE_ID"] ) )); $questions = $attach["QUESTIONS"]; if ($dbRes && ($res = $dbRes->fetch())) { $userId = $res["U_ID"]; $extras = array( "VISIBLE" => $res["V_VISIBLE"], "VALID" => $res["V_VALID"] ); do { if (!array_key_exists($res["Q_QUESTION_ID"], $questions) || !array_key_exists($res["A_ANSWER_ID"], $questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"])) continue; if (!array_key_exists($res["Q_QUESTION_ID"], $stat)) $stat[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]] = array(); $stat[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]] = array( "EVENT_ID" => $res["A_ID"], "EVENT_QUESTION_ID" => $res["Q_ID"], "ANSWER_ID" => $res["A_ANSWER_ID"], "ID" => $res["A_ID"], // delete this "MESSAGE" => $res["A_MESSAGE"] ); } while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()); } } $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => array( "attach" => array( "ID" => $attach["ID"], "VOTE_ID" => $attach["VOTE_ID"], "FIELD_NAME" => $attach["FIELD_NAME"], "QUESTIONS" => $attach["QUESTIONS"] ), "event" => array( "id" => $eventId, "userId" => $userId, "ballot" => $stat, "extras" => $extras ) ) )); } protected function processActionStop() { $attach = $this->attach; $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if (!$attach->canEdit($userId)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $attach->stop(); $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => array( "attach" => array( "ID" => $this->attach["ID"], "VOTE_ID" => $this->attach["VOTE_ID"], "COUNTER" => $this->attach["COUNTER"], "QUESTIONS" => $this->attach["QUESTIONS"] ) ) )); } protected function processActionResume() { $attach = $this->attach; $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if (!$attach->canEdit($userId)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $attach->resume(); $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => array( "attach" => array( "ID" => $this->attach["ID"], "VOTE_ID" => $this->attach["VOTE_ID"], "COUNTER" => $this->attach["COUNTER"], "QUESTIONS" => $this->attach["QUESTIONS"] ) ) )); } /** * Returns array of users voted for this poll. * @param array $cacheParams Array(voteId => , answerId => ). * @param array $pageParams Array(iNumPage => , nPageSize => , bShowAll => ). * @return array */ protected static function getVoted(array $cacheParams, array $pageParams) { $iNumPage = intval($pageParams["iNumPage"]); $nPageSize = intval($pageParams["nPageSize"]); $showAll = $pageParams["bShowAll"] === true; $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $result = array( "statusPage" => "done", "items" => array(), "hiddenItems" => 0 ); $cacheTtl = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3153600 : 3600*4; $cacheId = "voted_".serialize(array($cacheParams["answerId"], $nPageSize, $iNumPage)); $cacheDir = "/vote/".$cacheParams["voteId"]."/voted/"; if (\Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "component_cache_on", "Y") == "Y" && $cache->initCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $result = $cache->getVars(); } else { if ($iNumPage <= 1) { $res = EventTable::getList(array( "select" => array( "CNT" => "CNT" ), "runtime" => array( new ExpressionField("CNT", "COUNT(*)") ), "filter" => array( "VOTE_ID" => $cacheParams["voteId"], "!=VISIBLE" => "Y", "VALID" => "Y", "QUESTION.ANSWER.ANSWER_ID" => $cacheParams["answerId"], ) ))->fetch(); $result["hiddenItems"] = $res["CNT"]; } $dbRes = \CVoteEvent::getUserAnswerStat(array(), array( "ANSWER_ID" => $cacheParams["answerId"], "VALID" => "Y", "VISIBLE" => "Y", "bGetVoters" => "Y", "bGetMemoStat" => "N" ), array( "nPageSize" => $nPageSize, "bShowAll" => $showAll, "iNumPage" => $iNumPage ) ); $userIds = array(); $result["statusPage"]= (($dbRes->NavPageNomer >= $dbRes->NavPageCount || $nPageSize > $dbRes->NavRecordCount) ? "done" : "continue"); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) $userIds[] = $res["AUTH_USER_ID"]; if (empty($userIds)) $result["statusPage"] = "done"; else { $departments = array(); if (IsModuleInstalled("extranet") && ($iblockId = \COption::GetOptionInt("intranet", "iblock_structure", 0)) && $iblockId > 0) { $dbRes = \CIBlockSection::GetList( array("LEFT_MARGIN" => "DESC"), array("IBLOCK_ID" => $iblockId), false, array("ID", "NAME") ); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) $departments[$res["ID"]] = $res["NAME"]; } $dbRes = \CUser::getList( "ID", "ASC", array("ID" => implode("|", $userIds)), array( "FIELDS" => array("ID", "NAME", "LAST_NAME", "SECOND_NAME", "LOGIN", "PERSONAL_PHOTO") + (IsModuleInstalled("mail") ? array("EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID") : array()), "SELECT" => (IsModuleInstalled("extranet") ? array("UF_DEPARTMENT") : array()) ) ); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) { if (array_key_exists("PERSONAL_PHOTO", $res)) { if (!empty($res["PERSONAL_PHOTO"])) { $f = \CFile::resizeImageGet( $res["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => 64, "height" => 64), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $res["PHOTO_SRC"] = ($f["src"] ? $f["src"] : ""); $res["PHOTO"] = \CFile::showImage($f["src"], 21, 21, "border=0"); } else { $res["PHOTO"] = $res["PHOTO_SRC"] = ""; } } $res["TYPE"] = ""; if (array_key_exists("EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID", $res) && $res["EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID"] == "email") $res["TYPE"] = "mail"; elseif (array_key_exists("UF_DEPARTMENT", $res)) { if (empty($res["UF_DEPARTMENT"]) || intval($res["UF_DEPARTMENT"][0]) <= 0) $res["TYPE"] = "extranet"; else { $ds = array(); foreach ($res["UF_DEPARTMENT"] as $departmentId) { if (array_key_exists($departmentId, $departments)) $ds[] = $departments[$departmentId]; } $res["TAGS"] = empty($res["WORK_POSITION"]) ? array() : array($res["WORK_POSITION"]); $res["TAGS"] = implode(",", array_merge($res["TAGS"], $ds)); $res["WORK_DEPARTMENTS"] = $ds; } } $result["items"][$res["ID"]] = $res; } } if (!empty($result["items"]) || !empty($result["hiddenItems"])) { $cache->startDataCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir); \CVoteCacheManager::setTag($cacheDir, "V", $cacheParams["voteId"]); $cache->endDataCache($result); } } return $result; } protected function processActionGetVoted() { if (!$this->checkRequiredGetParams(array("answerId"))) return; $answerId = intval($this->request->getQuery("answerId")); if ($answerId <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("Answer ID is required."); $attach = $this->attach; $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if (!$attach->canRead($userId)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $belong = false; foreach ($attach["QUESTIONS"] as $qID => $question) { if (array_key_exists($answerId, $question["ANSWERS"])) { $belong = true; break; } } if (!$belong) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $nameTemplate = $this->request->getPost("nameTemplate") ?: \CSite::getNameFormat(null, $this->request->getPost("SITE_ID")); $iNumPage = $this->request->getPost("iNumPage"); $nPageSize = 50; $items = array(); $result = self::getVoted( array( "voteId" => $attach->getVoteId(), "answerId" => $answerId), array( "iNumPage" => $iNumPage, "nPageSize" => $nPageSize, "bShowAll" => false) ); if ($result["hiddenItems"] > 0) { $items[] = array( "ID" => "HIDDEN", "COUNT" => $result["hiddenItems"], "FULL_NAME" => Loc::getMessage("VOTE_HIDDEN_VOTES_COUNT", ["#COUNT#" => $result["hiddenItems"]]), ); } foreach ($result["items"] as $k => $res) { $items[] = array( "ID" => $res["ID"], "TYPE" => $res["TYPE"], "PHOTO" => $res["PHOTO"], "PHOTO_SRC" => $res["PHOTO_SRC"], "FULL_NAME" => \CUser::formatName($nameTemplate, $res), ); } $result["items"] = $items; $result["pageSize"] = $nPageSize; $result["iNumPage"] = $iNumPage; $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => $result )); } protected function processActionGetMobileVoted() { if (!$this->checkRequiredGetParams(array("answerId"))) return; $answerId = intval($this->request->getQuery("answerId")); if ($answerId <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("Answer ID is required."); $attach = $this->attach; $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if (!$attach->canRead($userId)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $belong = false; foreach ($attach["QUESTIONS"] as $qID => $question) { if (array_key_exists($answerId, $question["ANSWERS"])) { $belong = true; break; } } if (!$belong) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $nameTemplate = $this->request->getPost("nameTemplate") ?: \CSite::getNameFormat(null, $this->request->getPost("SITE_ID")); $result = self::getVoted( array( "voteId" => $attach->getVoteId(), "answerId" => $answerId), array( "iNumPage" => 1, "nPageSize" => 50, "bShowAll" => true) ); $items = array(); foreach ($result["items"] as $k => $res) { $url = \CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate( "/mobile/users/?user_id=#user_id#", array("UID" => $res["ID"], "user_id" => $res["ID"], "USER_ID" => $res["ID"]) ); $items[] = array( "ID" => $res["ID"], "NAME" => \CUser::FormatName($nameTemplate, $res, true, false), "IMAGE" => $res["PHOTO_SRC"], "TAGS" => $res["TAGS"], "WORK_POSITION" => $res["WORK_POSITION"], "WORK_DEPARTMENTS" => $res["WORK_DEPARTMENTS"], "URL" => $url, 'PAGE' => [ 'bx24ModernStyle' => true, 'url' => $url, 'useTitle' => true, ] ); } $result["items"] = $items; $this->sendJsonSuccessResponse(array( "action" => $this->getAction(), "data" => array( "voted" => $items ), "names" => array( "voted" => "Voted users" ) )); } /** * Exports results in xls. * @return void * @throws AccessDeniedException */ protected function processActionExportXls() { $attach = $this->attach; $userId = $this->getUser()->getId(); if (!$attach->canRead($userId)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $attach->exportExcel(); } /** * @param integer $voteId Vote ID. * @return void */ public function clearCache($voteId) { BXClearCache(true, "/vote/".$voteId."/voted/"); } }