Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
this.BX = this.BX || {}; this.BX.Landing = this.BX.Landing || {}; (function (exports,landing_node_base,landing_env) { 'use strict'; const attr = BX.Landing.Utils.attr; const data =; const encodeDataValue = BX.Landing.Utils.encodeDataValue; const decodeDataValue = BX.Landing.Utils.decodeDataValue; class Img extends landing_node_base.Base { constructor(options) { super(options); this.type = 'img'; this.editPanel = null; this.lastValue = null; this.field = null; this.uploadParams = options.uploadParams; if (!this.isGrouped()) { this.node.addEventListener('click', this.onClick.bind(this)); } if (this.isAllowInlineEdit()) { this.node.setAttribute('title', BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('LANDING_TITLE_OF_IMAGE_NODE')); } } /** * Click on field - edit mode. * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onClick(event) { BX.Event.EventEmitter.emit('BX.Landing.Node.Img:onClick'); if (this.manifest.allowInlineEdit !== false && BX.Landing.Main.getInstance().isControlsEnabled() && (!BX.Landing.Node.Text.currentNode || !BX.Landing.Node.Text.currentNode.isEditable()) && !BX.Landing.UI.Panel.StylePanel.getInstance().isShown()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); BX.Landing.UI.Button.ColorAction.hideAll(); if (!this.editPanel) { this.editPanel = new BX.Landing.UI.Panel.Content(this.selector, { title: BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('LANDING_IMAGE_PANEL_TITLE'), className: 'landing-ui-panel-edit-image' }); this.editPanel.appendFooterButton(new BX.Landing.UI.Button.BaseButton('save_block_content', { text: BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('BLOCK_SAVE'), onClick:, className: 'landing-ui-button-content-save' })); this.editPanel.appendFooterButton(new BX.Landing.UI.Button.BaseButton('cancel_block_content', { text: BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('BLOCK_CANCEL'), onClick: this.editPanel.hide.bind(this.editPanel), className: 'landing-ui-button-content-cancel' })); window.parent.document.body.appendChild(this.editPanel.layout); } const form = new BX.Landing.UI.Form.BaseForm({ title: }); form.addField(this.getField()); this.editPanel.clear(); this.editPanel.appendForm(form);; BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); } } /** * Saves value changes */ save() { const value = this.editPanel.forms[0].fields[0].getValue(); if (JSON.stringify(this.getValue()) !== JSON.stringify(value)) { this.setValue(value); } this.editPanel.hide(); } /** * Gets form field * @return {?BX.Landing.UI.Field.BaseField} */ getField() { if (this.field) { this.field.setValue(this.getValue()); this.field.content = this.getValue(); requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.field.adjustPreviewBackgroundSize(); }); } else { let description = ''; if (this.manifest.dimensions) { const dimensions = this.manifest.dimensions; const width = dimensions.width || dimensions.maxWidth || dimensions.minWidth; const height = dimensions.height || dimensions.maxHeight || dimensions.minHeight; if (width && !height) { description = `${BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('LANDING_CONTENT_IMAGE_RECOMMENDED_WIDTH')} `; description += `${width}px`; } else if (height && !width) { description = `${BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('LANDING_CONTENT_IMAGE_RECOMMENDED_HEIGHT')} `; description += `${height}px`; } else if (width && height) { description = `${BX.Landing.Loc.getMessage('LANDING_CONTENT_IMAGE_RECOMMENDED_SIZE')} `; description += `${width}px / `; description += `${height}px`; } } const value = this.getValue(); if (value.url) { value.url = decodeDataValue(value.url); } const disableLink = !!this.node.closest('a') || !!this.manifest.disableLink; if (this.manifest.editInStyle !== true) { var _this$manifest$dimens; this.field = new BX.Landing.UI.Field.Image({ selector: this.selector, title:, description: description, disableLink: disableLink, isAiImageAvailable: landing_env.Env.getInstance().getOptions()['ai_image_available'], isAiImageActive: landing_env.Env.getInstance().getOptions()['ai_image_active'], aiUnactiveInfoCode: landing_env.Env.getInstance().getOptions()['ai_unactive_info_code'], content: value, dimensions: (_this$manifest$dimens = this.manifest.dimensions) != null ? _this$manifest$dimens : {}, create2xByDefault: this.manifest.create2xByDefault, disableAltField: isBackground(this.node), uploadParams: this.uploadParams }); } } return this.field; } /** * Sets node value * @param value - Path to image * @param {?boolean} [preventSave = false] * @param {?boolean} [preventHistory = false] */ setValue(value, preventSave, preventHistory) { this.lastValue = this.lastValue || this.getValue(); this.preventSave(preventSave); if (value && value.src) { value.src = decodeURIComponent(value.src); } if (isImage(this.node)) { setImageValue(this.node, value); } if (isBackground(this.node)) { setBackgroundValue(this.node, value); } if (value.url) { const url = this.preparePseudoUrl(value.url); if (url !== null) { attr(this.node, 'data-pseudo-url', url); } } this.onChange(preventHistory); if (!preventHistory) { BX.Landing.History.getInstance().push(); } this.lastValue = this.getValue(); } /** * Gets node value * @return {{src: string}} */ getValue() { const value = { type: '', src: '', alt: '', url: '' }; const fileId = parseInt(this.node.dataset.fileid, 10); if (fileId > 0) { = fileId; } const fileId2x = parseInt(this.node.dataset.fileid2x, 10); if (fileId2x > 0) { value.id2x = fileId2x; } if (isBackground(this.node)) { value.type = 'background'; value.src = getBackgroundUrl(this.node); const src2x = getBackgroundUrl2x(this.node); if (src2x) { value.src2x = src2x; } } if (isImage(this.node)) { value.type = 'image'; value.alt = getAlt(this); value.src = getImageSrc(this.node); const src2x = getImageSrc2x(this.node); if (src2x) { value.src2x = src2x; } } value.url = encodeDataValue(getPseudoUrl(this)) || { text: '', href: '', target: '_self', enabled: false }; return value; } /** * Prepare pseudo url if needed * @param {object} url * @return {null|object} */ preparePseudoUrl(url) { let urlIsChange = false; if (!(url.href === '#' && === '')) { urlIsChange = true; } if (url.href === 'selectActions:') { url.href = ''; url.enabled = false; urlIsChange = true; } if (url.href.startsWith('product:')) { = '_self'; urlIsChange = true; } if (url.enabled !== false && (url.href === '' || url.href === '#')) { url.enabled = false; urlIsChange = true; } if ( === '') { = '_blank'; urlIsChange = true; } if (urlIsChange === true) { return url; } return null; } } BX.Landing.Node.Img = Img; /** * Checks that node use backgroundImage * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {boolean} */ function isBackground(node) { return node.nodeName !== 'IMG'; } /** * Checks that node is imaged * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {boolean} */ function isImage(node) { return node.nodeName === 'IMG'; } /** * Gets background url * @param {BX.Landing.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function getBackgroundUrl(node) { const bg ='background-image'); if (bg) { const res = bg.match(/url\((.*?)\)/); if (res && res[1]) { return res[1].replace(/["'|]/g, ''); } } return ''; } /** * Gets background url 2x * @param {BX.Landing.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function getBackgroundUrl2x(node) { const bg ='background-image'); if (bg) { const res = bg.match(/1x, url\(["'|](.*)["'|]\) 2x\)/); if (res && res[1]) { return res[1].replace(/["'|]/g, ''); } } return ''; } /** * Gets image alt * @param {BX.Landing.Node.Img} node * @return {string} */ function getAlt(node) { const alt = attr(node.node, 'alt'); return alt || ''; } function getPseudoUrl(node) { const url = data(node.node, 'data-pseudo-url'); return url || ''; } /** * Gets image src * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {string} */ function getImageSrc(node) { const src = attr(node, 'src'); return src || ''; } /** * Gets image src 2x * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {string} */ function getImageSrc2x(node) { const src = attr(node, 'srcset'); return src ? src.replace(' 2x', '') : ''; } /** * Sets image value or converts to image and sets value * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {object} value */ function setImageValue(node, value) { if (isImage(node)) { node.src = value.src; node.alt = value.alt || ''; node.dataset.fileid = || -1; node.srcset = value.src2x ? `${value.src2x} 2x` : ''; node.dataset.fileid2x = value.id2x || -1; } else { const newNode = BX.create('img', { attrs: { src: value.src, alt: value.alt, 'data-fileid': } }); BX.Dom.insertBefore(newNode, node); BX.remove(node); } } /** * Sets background value or converts to div and sets value * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {object} value */ function setBackgroundValue(node, value) { if (isBackground(node)) { if (value.src) { const style = [`background-image: url("${value.src}");`]; if (value.src2x) { style.push(`background-image: -webkit-image-set(url("${value.src}") 1x, url("${value.src2x}") 2x);`, `background-image: image-set(url("${value.src}") 1x, url("${value.src2x}") 2x);`); } // save css-vars and other styles const oldStyleObj =; const oldStyle = {}; [...oldStyleObj].forEach(prop => { oldStyle[prop] = oldStyleObj.getPropertyValue(prop); }); node.setAttribute('style', style.join(' ')); for (const prop in oldStyle) { if (prop !== 'background-image') {, prop, oldStyle[prop]); } } } else if ( {, 'background-image', null); } node.dataset.fileid = || -1; node.dataset.fileid2x = value.id2x || -1; } else { const newNode = BX.create('div', { attrs: { style: `background-image: url("${value.src}")`, 'data-fileid': } }); BX.Dom.insertBefore(newNode, node); BX.Dom.remove(node); } } exports.Img = Img; }((this.BX.Landing.Node = this.BX.Landing.Node || {}),BX.Landing.Node,BX.Landing)); //#