Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
// @flow import {Type, Text, Loc} from 'main.core'; import { BaseEvent, EventEmitter } from ''; import type { ProcessOptions, OptionsField, QueueAction, ProcessResult, ControllerResponse } from './process-types'; import { ProcessResultStatus, ProcessState } from './process-types'; import { Dialog } from './dialog'; /** * @namespace {BX.UI.StepProcessing} */ export const ProcessEvent = { StateChanged: 'BX.UI.StepProcessing.StateChanged', BeforeRequest: 'BX.UI.StepProcessing.BeforeRequest' } /** * @namespace {BX.UI.StepProcessing} */ export const ProcessCallback = { StateChanged: 'StateChanged', RequestStart: 'RequestStart', RequestStop: 'RequestStop', RequestFinalize: 'RequestFinalize', StepCompleted: 'StepCompleted' } export const ProcessDefaultLabels = { AuthError: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_AUTH_ERROR'), RequestError: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_REQUEST_ERR'), DialogStartButton: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_BTN_START'), DialogStopButton: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_BTN_STOP'), DialogCloseButton: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_BTN_CLOSE'), RequestCanceling: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_CANCELING'), RequestCanceled: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_CANCELED'), RequestCompleted: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_COMPLETED'), DialogExportDownloadButton: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_FILE_DOWNLOAD'), DialogExportClearButton: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_FILE_DELETE'), WaitingResponse: Loc.getMessage('UI_STEP_PROCESSING_WAITING'), }; const EndpointType = { Controller: 'controller', Component: 'component' }; /** * Long running process. * * @namespace {BX.UI.StepProcessing} * @event BX.UI.StepProcessing.StateChanged * @event BX.UI.StepProcessing.BeforeRequest */ export class Process { options: ProcessOptions; id: string; // Ajax endpoint endpointType: EndpointType.Controller|EndpointType.Component; controller: string; controllerDefault: string; component: string; componentMode: 'class'|'ajax'; hash: string; action: string = ''; method: 'POST'|'GET' = 'POST'; params: {[name: string]: any} = {}; /** * @private */ xhr: ?XMLHttpRequest; ajaxPromise: ?Promise; isRequestRunning: boolean = false; networkErrorCount: 0; // Queue queue: Array<QueueAction> = []; currentStep: number = -1; state: $Values<ProcessState> = ProcessState.intermediate; // Dialog dialog: Dialog; initialOptionValues: {[id: string]: any} = {}; optionsFields: {[id: string]: OptionsField} = {}; // Events handlers: {[event: string]: any => {}} = {}; // Messages messages: Map<string, string> = new Map; constructor(options: ProcessOptions) { this.options = Type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; = this.getOption('id', ''); if (!Type.isStringFilled( { = 'Process_' + Text.getRandom().toLowerCase(); } const controller = this.getOption('controller', ''); const component = this.getOption('component', ''); if (Type.isStringFilled(controller)) { this.controller = controller; this.controllerDefault = controller; this.endpointType = EndpointType.Controller; } else if (Type.isStringFilled(component)) { this.component = component; this.endpointType = EndpointType.Component; this.componentMode = this.getOption('componentMode', 'class'); } if (!Type.isStringFilled(this.controller)) { if (!Type.isStringFilled(this.component)) { throw new TypeError("BX.UI.StepProcessing: There no any ajax endpoint was defined."); } } this .setQueue(this.getOption('queue', [])) .setParams(this.getOption('params', {})) .setOptionsFields(this.getOption('optionsFields', {})) .setHandlers(this.getOption('handlers', {})) .setMessages(ProcessDefaultLabels) .setMessages(this.getOption('messages', {})) ; } destroy() { if (this.dialog instanceof Dialog) { this.dialog.close().destroy(); this.dialog = null; } this._closeConnection(); } //region Run start(startStep?: number = 1) { this._refreshHash(); startStep = startStep || 1; if ( this.state === ProcessState.intermediate || this.state === ProcessState.stopped || this.state === ProcessState.completed ) { if (!this.getDialog().checkOptionFields()) { return; } this.getDialog().clearErrors().clearWarnings(); this.networkErrorCount = 0; if (this.getQueueLength() > 0) { this.currentStep = 0; if (startStep > 1) { this.currentStep = startStep - 1; } if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { if (Type.isStringFilled(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller)) { this.setController(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller); } } if (!Type.isStringFilled(this.queue[this.currentStep].action)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.StepProcessing: Could not find controller action at the queue position."); } this.setAction(this.queue[this.currentStep].action); this.startRequest(); if (this.queue[this.currentStep].title) { this.getDialog().setSummary(this.queue[this.currentStep].title); } else { this.getDialog().setSummary(this.getMessage('WaitingResponse')); } } else { this.startRequest(); } } return this; } stop() { if (this.state === ProcessState.running) { this.stopRequest(); this.currentStep = -1; } return this; } //endregion //region Request startRequest(): ?Promise { if (this.isRequestRunning || this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { return this.ajaxPromise; } this.isRequestRunning = true; this.ajaxPromise = null; let actionData = new FormData(); let appendData = (data, prefix) => { if (Type.isPlainObject(data)) { Object.keys(data).forEach(name => { let id = name; if (prefix) { id = prefix+'['+name+']'; } if (Type.isArray(data[name]) || Type.isPlainObject(data[name])) { appendData(data[name], id); } else { actionData.append(id, data[name]); } }); } else if (Type.isArray(data)) { data.forEach(element => actionData.append(prefix+'[]', element)); } }; appendData(this.params); if (this.queue[this.currentStep].params) { appendData(this.queue[this.currentStep].params); } let initialOptions = this.getDialog().getOptionFieldValues(); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyObject(initialOptions)) { appendData(initialOptions); this.initialOptionValues = initialOptions; this.storeOptionFieldValues(initialOptions); } else { Object.keys(this.initialOptionValues).forEach(name => { // don't repeat file uploading if (this.initialOptionValues[name] instanceof File) { delete (this.initialOptionValues[name]); } }); appendData(this.initialOptionValues); } this.setState(ProcessState.running); if (this.hasActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStart)) { this.callActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStart, [actionData]); } else if (this.hasHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStart)) { this.callHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStart, [actionData]); } EventEmitter.emit(ProcessEvent.BeforeRequest, new BaseEvent({data: {process: this, actionData: actionData}})); let params = { data: actionData, method: this.method, onrequeststart: this._onRequestStart.bind(this) }; if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runAction(this.controller + '.' + this.getAction(), params) .then( this._onRequestSuccess.bind(this), this._onRequestFailure.bind(this) ); } else if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Component) { = this.componentMode; if ('signedParameters' in { params.signedParameters =; delete; } this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runComponentAction(this.component, this.getAction(), params) .then( this._onRequestSuccess.bind(this), this._onRequestFailure.bind(this) ); } return this.ajaxPromise; } stopRequest(): ?Promise { if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { return this.ajaxPromise; } this.setState(ProcessState.canceling); this._closeConnection(); let actionData = BX.clone(this.params); actionData.cancelingAction = this.getAction(); this.getDialog().setSummary(this.getMessage("RequestCanceling")); let proceedAction = true; if (this.hasActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStop)) { proceedAction = false; this.callActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStop, [actionData]); } else if (this.hasHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStop)) { proceedAction = false; this.callHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestStop, [actionData]); } EventEmitter.emit(ProcessEvent.BeforeRequest, new BaseEvent({data: {process: this, actionData: actionData}})); this.ajaxPromise = null; if (proceedAction) { let params = { data: actionData, method: this.method, onrequeststart: this._onRequestStart.bind(this) }; if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { this.setController(this.controllerDefault); this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runAction(this.controller + '.cancel', params) .then( this._onRequestSuccess.bind(this), this._onRequestFailure.bind(this) ); } else if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Component) { = this.componentMode; if ('signedParameters' in { params.signedParameters =; delete; } this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runComponentAction(this.component, 'cancel', params) .then( this._onRequestSuccess.bind(this), this._onRequestFailure.bind(this) ); } } return this.ajaxPromise; } finalizeRequest(): ?Promise { if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { return this.ajaxPromise; } let actionData = BX.clone(this.params); let proceedAction = true; if (this.hasActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestFinalize)) { proceedAction = false; this.callActionHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestFinalize, [actionData]); } else if (this.hasHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestFinalize)) { proceedAction = false; this.callHandler(ProcessCallback.RequestFinalize, [actionData]); } EventEmitter.emit(ProcessEvent.BeforeRequest, new BaseEvent({data: {process: this, actionData: actionData}})); this.ajaxPromise = null; if (proceedAction) { let params = { data: actionData, method: this.method, onrequeststart: this._onRequestStart.bind(this) }; if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { this.setController(this.controllerDefault); this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runAction(this.controller + '.finalize', params); } else if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Component) { = this.componentMode; if ('signedParameters' in { params.signedParameters =; delete; } this.ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.runComponentAction(this.component, 'finalize', params); } } return this.ajaxPromise; } /** * @private */ _refreshHash() { this.hash = +; this.setParam("PROCESS_TOKEN", this.hash); return this; } /** * @private */ _onRequestSuccess(response: ControllerResponse) { this.isRequestRunning = false; this.xhr = null; this.ajaxPromise = null; if (!response) { this.getDialog().setError(this.getMessage('RequestError')); this.setState(ProcessState.error); return; } if (Type.isArrayFilled(response.errors)) { const errors = response.errors.slice(-10); let errMessages = []; errors.forEach(err => errMessages.push(err.message)); this.getDialog().setErrors(errMessages, true); this.setState(ProcessState.error); return; } this.networkErrorCount = 0; const result =; const status = Type.isStringFilled(result.STATUS) ? result.STATUS : ""; let summary = ""; if (Type.isStringFilled(result.SUMMARY)) { summary = result.SUMMARY; } else if (Type.isStringFilled(result.SUMMARY_HTML)) { summary = result.SUMMARY_HTML; } const processedItems = Type.isNumber(result.PROCESSED_ITEMS) ? result.PROCESSED_ITEMS : 0; const totalItems = Type.isNumber(result.TOTAL_ITEMS) ? result.TOTAL_ITEMS : 0; let finalize = !!result.FINALIZE; if (this.hasActionHandler(ProcessCallback.StepCompleted)) { this.callActionHandler(ProcessCallback.StepCompleted, [status, result]); } if (Type.isStringFilled(result.WARNING)) { this.getDialog().setWarning(result.WARNING); } if (status === ProcessResultStatus.progress || status === ProcessResultStatus.completed) { if (totalItems > 0) { if (this.queue[this.currentStep].progressBarTitle) { this.getDialog() .setProgressBar(totalItems, processedItems, this.queue[this.currentStep].progressBarTitle); } else { this.getDialog() .setProgressBar(totalItems, processedItems); } } else { this.getDialog().hideProgressBar(); } } if (status === ProcessResultStatus.progress) { if (summary !== "") { this.getDialog().setSummary(summary, true); } if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { this.setState(ProcessState.stopped); } else { if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { const nextController = Type.isStringFilled(result.NEXT_CONTROLLER) ? result.NEXT_CONTROLLER : ""; if (nextController !== "") { this.setController(nextController); } else if (Type.isStringFilled(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller)) { this.setController(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller); } else { this.setController(this.controllerDefault); } } const nextAction = Type.isStringFilled(result.NEXT_ACTION) ? result.NEXT_ACTION : ""; if (nextAction !== "") { this.setAction(nextAction); } setTimeout( BX.delegate(this.startRequest, this), 100 ); } return; } if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { this.getDialog().setSummary(this.getMessage("RequestCanceled")); this.setState(ProcessState.completed); } else if (status === ProcessResultStatus.completed) { if (this.getQueueLength() > 0 && this.currentStep + 1 < this.getQueueLength()) { // next this.currentStep ++; if (this.endpointType === EndpointType.Controller) { if (Type.isStringFilled(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller)) { this.setController(this.queue[this.currentStep].controller); } else { this.setController(this.controllerDefault); } } if (!Type.isStringFilled(this.queue[this.currentStep].action)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.StepProcessing: Could not find controller action at the queue position."); } if ('finalize' in this.queue[this.currentStep]) { finalize = true; this.setAction(this.queue[this.currentStep].action); } else { this.setAction(this.queue[this.currentStep].action); this.getDialog().setSummary(this.queue[this.currentStep].title); setTimeout( BX.delegate(this.startRequest, this), 100 ); return; } } if (summary !== "") { this.getDialog().setSummary(summary, true); } else { this.getDialog().setSummary(this.getMessage("RequestCompleted")); } if (Type.isStringFilled(result.DOWNLOAD_LINK)) { if (Type.isStringFilled(result.DOWNLOAD_LINK_NAME)) { this.getDialog().setMessage('downloadButton', result.DOWNLOAD_LINK_NAME); } if (Type.isStringFilled(result.CLEAR_LINK_NAME)) { this.getDialog().setMessage('clearButton', result.CLEAR_LINK_NAME); } this.getDialog().setDownloadButtons( result.DOWNLOAD_LINK, result.FILE_NAME, BX.delegate(function(){ this.getDialog().resetButtons({stop: true, close: true}); this.callAction('clear'); //.then setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.getDialog().resetButtons({close: true}); }, this), 1000); }, this) ); } this.setState(ProcessState.completed, result); if (finalize) { setTimeout( BX.delegate(this.finalizeRequest, this), 100 ); } } else { this.getDialog().setSummary("").setError(this.getMessage("RequestError")); this.setState(ProcessState.error); } } /** * @private */ _onRequestFailure (response: ControllerResponse) { /* // check if it's manual aborting if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { return; } */ this.isRequestRunning = false; this.ajaxPromise = null; // check non auth if ( Type.isPlainObject(response) && ('data' in response) && Type.isPlainObject( && ('ajaxRejectData' in && Type.isPlainObject( && ('reason' in && ( === 'status') && ('data' in && ( === 401) ) { this.getDialog().setError(this.getMessage('AuthError')); } // check errors else if ( Type.isPlainObject(response) && ('errors' in response) && Type.isArrayFilled(response.errors) ) { let abortingState = false; let networkError = false; response.errors.forEach(err => { if (err.code === 'NETWORK_ERROR') { if (this.state === ProcessState.canceling) { abortingState = true; } else { networkError = true; } } }); // ignoring error of manual aborting if (abortingState) { return; } if (networkError) { this.networkErrorCount ++; // Let's give it more chance to complete if (this.networkErrorCount <= 2) { setTimeout( BX.delegate(this.startRequest, this), 15000 ); return; } } const errors = response.errors.slice(-10); let errMessages = []; errors.forEach(err => { if (err.code === 'NETWORK_ERROR') { errMessages.push(this.getMessage('RequestError')) } else { errMessages.push(err.message) } }); this.getDialog().setErrors(errMessages, true); } else { this.getDialog().setError(this.getMessage('RequestError')); } this.xhr = null; this.currentStep = -1; this.setState(ProcessState.error); } //endregion //region Connection /** * @private */ _closeConnection() { if (this.xhr instanceof XMLHttpRequest) { try { this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr = null; } catch (e){} } } /** * @private */ _onRequestStart(xhr: XMLHttpRequest) { this.xhr = xhr; } //endregion //region Set & Get setId(id: string) { = id; return this; } getId(): string { return; } //region Queue actions setQueue(queue: Array<QueueAction>) { queue.forEach((action: QueueAction) => this.addQueueAction(action)); return this; } addQueueAction(action: QueueAction) { this.queue.push(action); return this; } getQueueLength(): number { return this.queue.length; } //endregion //region Process options setOption(name: $Keys<ProcessOptions>, value: any) { this.options[name] = value; return this; } getOption(name: $Keys<ProcessOptions>, defaultValue?: any = null): any { return this.options.hasOwnProperty(name) ? this.options[name] : defaultValue; } //endregion //region Initial fields setOptionsFields(optionsFields: {[id: string]: OptionsField}) { Object.keys(optionsFields).forEach(id => this.addOptionsField(id, optionsFields[id])); return this; } addOptionsField(id: string, field: OptionsField) { this.optionsFields[id] = field; return this; } storeOptionFieldValues(values: {[name: string]: any}) { if ('sessionStorage' in window) { let valuesToStore = {}; Object.keys(this.optionsFields).forEach((name: string) => { let field: OptionsField = this.optionsFields[name]; switch (field.type) { case 'checkbox': case 'select': case 'radio': if ( in values) { valuesToStore[] = values[]; } break; } }); window.sessionStorage.setItem('bx.' + this.getId(), JSON.stringify(valuesToStore)); } return this; } restoreOptionFieldValues() { let values = {}; if ('sessionStorage' in window) { values = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('bx.' + this.getId())); if (!Type.isPlainObject(values)) { values = {}; } } return values; } //endregion //region Request parameters setParams(params: {[name: string]: any}) { this.params = {}; Object.keys(params).forEach(name => this.setParam(name, params[name])); return this; } getParams(): {[string]:any} { return this.params; } setParam(key: string, value: any) { this.params[key] = value; return this; } getParam(key: string): any | null { return this.params[key] ? this.params[key] : null; } //endregion //region Process state setState(state: $Values<ProcessState>, result?: ProcessResult = {}) { if (this.state === state) { return this; } this.state = state; if (state === ProcessState.intermediate || state === ProcessState.stopped) { this.getDialog() .lockButton('start', false) .lockButton('stop', true) .showButton('close', true); } else if (state === ProcessState.running) { this.getDialog() .lockButton('start', true, true) .lockButton('stop', false) .showButton('close', false); } else if (state === ProcessState.canceling) { this.getDialog() .lockButton('start', true) .lockButton('stop', true, true) .showButton('close', false) .hideProgressBar(); } else if (state === ProcessState.error) { this.getDialog() .lockButton('start', true) .lockButton('stop', true) .showButton('close', true); } else if (state === ProcessState.completed) { this.getDialog() .lockButton('start', true) .lockButton('stop', true) .showButton('close', true) .hideProgressBar(); } if (this.hasActionHandler(ProcessCallback.StateChanged)) { this.callActionHandler(ProcessCallback.StateChanged, [state, result]); } else if (this.hasHandler(ProcessCallback.StateChanged)) { this.callHandler(ProcessCallback.StateChanged, [state, result]); } EventEmitter.emit(ProcessEvent.StateChanged, new BaseEvent({data: {state: state, result: result}})); return this; } getState(): $Values<ProcessState> { return this.state; } //endregion //region Controller setController(controller: string) { this.controller = controller; return this; } getController(): string { return this.controller; } setComponent(component: string, componentMode: 'class'|'ajax' = 'class') { this.component = component; this.componentMode = componentMode; return this; } getComponent(): string { return this.component; } setAction(action: string) { this.action = action; return this; } getAction(): string { return this.action; } callAction(action: string): ?Promise { this.setAction(action)._refreshHash(); return this.startRequest(); } //endregion //region Event handlers setHandlers(handlers: {[$Keys<ProcessCallback>]: any => {}}) { Object.keys(handlers).forEach(type => this.setHandler(type, handlers[type])); return this; } setHandler(type: $Keys<ProcessCallback>, handler: any => {}) { if (Type.isFunction(handler)) { this.handlers[type] = handler; } return this; } hasHandler(type: $Keys<ProcessCallback>) { return Type.isFunction(this.handlers[type]); } callHandler(type: $Keys<ProcessCallback>, args: any) { if (this.hasHandler(type)) { this.handlers[type].apply(this, args); } } hasActionHandler(type: $Keys<ProcessCallback>) { if (this.queue[this.currentStep]) { if ('handlers' in this.queue[this.currentStep]) { return Type.isFunction(this.queue[this.currentStep].handlers[type]); } } return false; } callActionHandler(type: $Keys<ProcessCallback>, args: any) { if (this.hasActionHandler(type)) { this.queue[this.currentStep].handlers[type].apply(this, args); } } //endregion //region lang messages setMessages(messages: {[string]: string}) { Object.keys(messages).forEach((id) => this.setMessage(id, messages[id])); return this; } setMessage(id: string, text: string) { this.messages.set(id, text); return this; } getMessage(id: string, placeholders?: {[string]: string} = null): string { let phrase = this.messages.has(id) ? this.messages.get(id) : ''; if (Type.isStringFilled(phrase) && Type.isPlainObject(placeholders)) { Object.keys(placeholders).forEach((placeholder: string) => { phrase = phrase.replace('#'+placeholder+'#', placeholders[placeholder]); }); } return phrase; } //endregion //endregion //region Dialog getDialog(): Dialog { if (!this.dialog) { this.dialog = new Dialog({ id:, optionsFields: this.getOption('optionsFields', {}), minWidth: Number.parseInt(this.getOption('dialogMinWidth', 500)), maxWidth: Number.parseInt(this.getOption('dialogMaxWidth', 1000)), optionsFieldsValue: this.restoreOptionFieldValues(), messages: { title: this.getMessage('DialogTitle'), summary: this.getMessage('DialogSummary'), startButton: this.getMessage('DialogStartButton'), stopButton: this.getMessage('DialogStopButton'), closeButton: this.getMessage('DialogCloseButton'), downloadButton: this.getMessage('DialogExportDownloadButton'), clearButton: this.getMessage('DialogExportClearButton') }, showButtons: this.getOption('showButtons'), handlers: { start: BX.delegate(this.start, this), stop: BX.delegate(this.stop, this), dialogShown: (typeof(this.handlers.dialogShown) == 'function' ? this.handlers.dialogShown : null), dialogClosed: (typeof(this.handlers.dialogClosed) == 'function' ? this.handlers.dialogClosed : null) } }); } return this.dialog; } showDialog () { this.getDialog() .setSetting('optionsFieldsValue', this.restoreOptionFieldValues()) .resetButtons(this.getOption('optionsFields')) .show(); if (!this.isRequestRunning) { this.setState(ProcessState.intermediate); } return this; } closeDialog () { if (this.isRequestRunning) { this.stop(); } this.getDialog().close(); return this; } //endregion }