Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
(function (exports,main_polyfill_core,ui_vue_vendor_v2) { 'use strict'; /** * Bitrix Vue wrapper * * @package bitrix * @subpackage ui * @copyright 2001-2019 Bitrix */ var BitrixVue = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function BitrixVue() { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, BitrixVue); this._components = {}; this._mutations = {}; this._clones = {}; this.event = new ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2({}); } /** * Create new Vue instance * * @param {Object} params - definition * * @see */ babelHelpers.createClass(BitrixVue, [{ key: "create", value: function create(params) { return new ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2(params); } /** * Register Vue component * * @param {String} id * @param {Object} params * * @see */ }, { key: "component", value: function component(id, params) { this._components[id] = Object.assign({}, params); if (typeof this._clones[id] !== 'undefined') { this._registerCloneComponent(id); } return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.component(id, this._getComponentParamsWithMutation(id, this._mutations[id])); } /** * Modify Vue component * * @param {String} id * @param {Object} mutations * * @returns {Function} - function for remove this modification */ }, { key: "mutateComponent", value: function mutateComponent(id, mutations) { var _this = this; if (typeof this._mutations[id] === 'undefined') { this._mutations[id] = []; } this._mutations[id].push(mutations); if (typeof this._components[id] !== 'undefined') { this.component(id, this._components[id]); } return function () { _this._mutations[id] = _this._mutations[id].filter(function (element) { return element !== mutations; }); }; } /** * Clone Vue component * * @param {string} id * @param {string} sourceId * @param {object} mutations * @returns {boolean} */ }, { key: "cloneComponent", value: function cloneComponent(id, sourceId, mutations) { if (typeof this._clones[sourceId] === 'undefined') { this._clones[sourceId] = {}; } this._clones[sourceId][id] = { id: id, sourceId: sourceId, mutations: mutations }; if (typeof this._components[sourceId] !== 'undefined') { this._registerCloneComponent(sourceId, id); } return true; } }, { key: "isComponent", value: function isComponent(id) { return typeof this._components[id] !== 'undefined'; } /** * Create a "subclass" of the base Vue constructor. * * @param options * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "extend", value: function extend(options) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.extend(options); } /** * Defer the callback to be executed after the next DOM update cycle. Use it immediately after you have changed some data to wait for the DOM update. * * @param {Function} callback * @param {Object} context * @returns {Promise|void} * * @see */ }, { key: "nextTick", value: function nextTick(callback, context) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.nextTick(callback, context); } /** * Adds a property to a reactive object, ensuring the new property is also reactive, so triggers view updates. * * @param {Object|Array} target * @param {String|Number} key * @param {*} value * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "set", value: function set(target, key, value) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.set(target, key, value); } /** * Delete a property on an object. If the object is reactive, ensure the deletion triggers view updates. * * @param {Object|Array} target * @param {String|Number} key * @returns {*} */ }, { key: "delete", value: function _delete(target, key) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.delete(target, key); } /** * Register or retrieve a global directive. * * @param {String} id * @param {Object|Function} definition * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "directive", value: function directive(id, definition) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.directive(id, definition); } /** * Register or retrieve a global filter. * * @param id * @param definition * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "filter", value: function filter(id, definition) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.filter(id, definition); } /** * Install a Vue.js plugin. * * @param {Object|Function} plugin * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "use", value: function use(plugin) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.use(plugin); } /** * Apply a mixin globally, which affects every Vue instance created afterwards. * * @param {Object} mixin * @returns {*|Function|Object} * * @see */ }, { key: "mixin", value: function mixin(_mixin) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.mixin(_mixin); } /** * Make an object reactive. Internally, Vue uses this on the object returned by the data function. * * @param object * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "observable", value: function observable(object) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.observable(object); } /** * Compiles a template string into a render function. * * @param template * @returns {*} * * @see */ }, { key: "compile", value: function compile(template) { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.compile(template); } /** * Provides the installed version of Vue as a string. * * @returns {String} * * @see */ }, { key: "version", value: function version() { return ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2.version; } /** * * @param {String} phrasePrefix * @param {Object|null} phrases * @returns {ReadonlyArray<any>} */ }, { key: "getFilteredPhrases", value: function getFilteredPhrases(phrasePrefix) { var phrases = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var result = {}; if (!phrases && typeof BX.message !== 'undefined') { phrases = BX.message; } if (Array.isArray(phrasePrefix)) { var _loop = function _loop(message) { if (!phrases.hasOwnProperty(message)) { return "continue"; } if (!phrasePrefix.find(function (element) { return message.toString().startsWith(element); })) { return "continue"; } result[message] = phrases[message]; }; for (var message in phrases) { var _ret = _loop(message); if (_ret === "continue") continue; } } else { for (var _message in phrases) { if (!phrases.hasOwnProperty(_message)) { continue; } if (!_message.startsWith(phrasePrefix)) { continue; } result[_message] = phrases[_message]; } } return Object.freeze(result); } /** * Return component params with mutation * * @param {String} componentId * @param {Object} mutations * @returns {null|Object} * * @private */ }, { key: "_getComponentParamsWithMutation", value: function _getComponentParamsWithMutation(componentId, mutations) { var _this2 = this; if (typeof this._components[componentId] === 'undefined') { return null; } var componentParams = Object.assign({}, this._components[componentId]); if (typeof mutations === 'undefined') { return componentParams; } mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { componentParams = _this2._applyMutation(_this2._cloneObjectWithoutDuplicateFunction(componentParams, mutation), mutation); }); return componentParams; } /** * Register clone of components * * @param {String} sourceId * @param {String|null} [id] * * @private */ }, { key: "_registerCloneComponent", value: function _registerCloneComponent(sourceId) { var _this3 = this; var id = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var components = []; if (id) { if (typeof this._clones[sourceId][id] !== 'undefined') { components.push(this._clones[sourceId][id]); } } else { for (var cloneId in this._clones[sourceId]) { if (!this._clones[sourceId].hasOwnProperty(cloneId)) { continue; } components.push(this._clones[sourceId][cloneId]); } } components.forEach(function (element) { var mutations = []; if (typeof _this3._mutations[element.sourceId] !== 'undefined') { mutations = mutations.concat(_this3._mutations[element.sourceId]); } mutations.push(element.mutations); var componentParams = _this3._getComponentParamsWithMutation(element.sourceId, mutations); if (!componentParams) { return false; } _this3.component(, componentParams); }); } /** * Clone object without duplicate function for apply mutation * * @param objectParams * @param mutation * @param level * @private */ }, { key: "_cloneObjectWithoutDuplicateFunction", value: function _cloneObjectWithoutDuplicateFunction() { var objectParams = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var mutation = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var level = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1; var object = {}; for (var param in objectParams) { if (!objectParams.hasOwnProperty(param)) { continue; } if (typeof objectParams[param] === 'string') { object[param] = objectParams[param]; } else if ([param]) === '[object Array]') { object[param] = [].concat(objectParams[param]); } else if (babelHelpers.typeof(objectParams[param]) === 'object') { if (objectParams[param] === null) { object[param] = null; } else if (babelHelpers.typeof(mutation[param]) === 'object') { object[param] = this._cloneObjectWithoutDuplicateFunction(objectParams[param], mutation[param], level + 1); } else { object[param] = Object.assign({}, objectParams[param]); } } else if (typeof objectParams[param] === 'function') { if (typeof mutation[param] !== 'function') { object[param] = objectParams[param]; } else if (level > 1) { object['parent' + param[0].toUpperCase() + param.substr(1)] = objectParams[param]; } else { if (typeof object['methods'] === 'undefined') { object['methods'] = {}; } object['methods']['parent' + param[0].toUpperCase() + param.substr(1)] = objectParams[param]; if (typeof objectParams['methods'] === 'undefined') { objectParams['methods'] = {}; } objectParams['methods']['parent' + param[0].toUpperCase() + param.substr(1)] = objectParams[param]; } } else if (typeof objectParams[param] !== 'undefined') { object[param] = objectParams[param]; } } return object; } /** * Apply mutation * * @param clonedObject * @param mutation * @private */ }, { key: "_applyMutation", value: function _applyMutation() { var clonedObject = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var mutation = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var object = Object.assign({}, clonedObject); for (var param in mutation) { if (!mutation.hasOwnProperty(param)) { continue; } if (typeof mutation[param] === 'string') { if (typeof object[param] === 'string') { object[param] = mutation[param].replace("#PARENT_".concat(param.toUpperCase(), "#"), object[param]); } else { object[param] = mutation[param].replace("#PARENT_".concat(param.toUpperCase(), "#"), ''); } } else if ([param]) === '[object Array]') { object[param] = [].concat(mutation[param]); } else if (babelHelpers.typeof(mutation[param]) === 'object') { if (babelHelpers.typeof(object[param]) === 'object') { object[param] = this._applyMutation(object[param], mutation[param]); } else { object[param] = mutation[param]; } } else { object[param] = mutation[param]; } } return object; } /** * Test node for compliance with parameters * * @param obj * @param params * @returns {boolean} */ }, { key: "testNode", value: function testNode(obj, params) { if (!params || babelHelpers.typeof(params) !== 'object') { return true; } var i, j, len; for (i in params) { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } switch (i) { case 'tag': case 'tagName': if (typeof params[i] === "string") { if (obj.tagName.toUpperCase() !== params[i].toUpperCase()) { return false; } } else if (params[i] instanceof RegExp) { if (!params[i].test(obj.tagName)) { return false; } } break; case 'class': case 'className': if (typeof params[i] === "string") { if (!obj.classList.contains(params[i].trim())) { return false; } } else if (params[i] instanceof RegExp) { if (typeof obj.className !== "string" || !params[i].test(obj.className)) { return false; } } break; case 'attr': case 'attrs': case 'attribute': if (typeof params[i] === "string") { if (!obj.getAttribute(params[i])) { return false; } } else if (params[i] &&[i]) === "[object Array]") { for (j = 0, len = params[i].length; j < len; j++) { if (params[i][j] && !obj.getAttribute(params[i][j])) { return false; } } } else { for (j in params[i]) { if (!params[i].hasOwnProperty(j)) { continue; } var value = obj.getAttribute(j); if (typeof value !== "string") { return false; } if (params[i][j] instanceof RegExp) { if (!params[i][j].test(value)) { return false; } } else if (value !== '' + params[i][j]) { return false; } } } break; case 'property': case 'props': if (typeof params[i] === "string") { if (!obj[params[i]]) { return false; } } else if (params[i] &&[i]) == "[object Array]") { for (j = 0, len = params[i].length; j < len; j++) { if (params[i][j] && !obj[params[i][j]]) { return false; } } } else { for (j in params[i]) { if (!params[i].hasOwnProperty(j)) { continue; } if (typeof params[i][j] === "string") { if (obj[j] != params[i][j]) { return false; } } else if (params[i][j] instanceof RegExp) { if (typeof obj[j] !== "string" || !params[i][j].test(obj[j])) { return false; } } } } break; } } return true; } }]); return BitrixVue; }(); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' && typeof exports.Vue !== 'undefined') { exports.Vue = exports.Vue; exports.VueVendor = exports.VueVendor; } else { exports.Vue = new BitrixVue(); exports.VueVendor = ui_vue_vendor_v2.VueVendorV2; } }((this.BX = this.BX || {}),window,BX)); //#