Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding; class CDataXMLNode { var $name; var $content; /** @var CDataXMLNode[] */ var $children = []; /** @var CDataXMLNode[] */ var $attributes; var $_parent; public function name() { return $this->name; } public function children() { return $this->children; } public function textContent() { return $this->content; } public function getAttribute($attribute) { if (is_array($this->attributes)) { foreach ($this->attributes as $anode) { if ($anode->name == $attribute) { return $anode->content; } } } return ""; } public function getAttributes() { return $this->attributes; } public function namespaceURI() { return $this->getAttribute("xmlns"); } /** * @param $tagname * @return CDataXMLNode[] */ public function elementsByName($tagname) { $result = array(); if ($this->name == $tagname) { $result[] = $this; } if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $node) { $more = $node->elementsByName($tagname); if (is_array($more)) { foreach ($more as $mnode) { $result[] = $mnode; } } } } return $result; } function _SaveDataType_OnDecode(&$result, $name, $value) { if (isset($result[$name])) { $i = 1; while (isset($result[$i.":".$name])) $i++; $result[$i.":".$name] = $value; return "indexed"; } else { $result[$name] = $value; return "common"; } } function decodeDataTypes($attrAsNodeDecode = false) { $result = array(); if (!$this->children) { $this->_SaveDataType_OnDecode($result, $this->name(), $this->textContent()); } else { foreach ($this->children() as $child) { $cheese = $child->children(); if (!$cheese or !count($cheese)) { $this->_SaveDataType_OnDecode($result, $child->name(), $child->textContent()); } else { $cheresult = $child->decodeDataTypes(); if (is_array($cheresult)) $this->_SaveDataType_OnDecode($result, $child->name(), $cheresult); } } } if ($attrAsNodeDecode) { foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $child) { $this->_SaveDataType_OnDecode($result, $child->name(), $child->textContent()); } } return $result; } function __toString() { switch ($this->name) { case "cdata-section": $ret = "<![CDATA["; $ret .= $this->content; $ret .= "]]>"; break; default: $isOneLiner = false; if (empty($this->children) && $this->content == '') $isOneLiner = true; $attrStr = ""; if (is_array($this->attributes)) { foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) { $attrStr .= " ".$attr->name."=\"".CDataXML::xmlspecialchars($attr->content)."\" "; } } if ($isOneLiner) $oneLinerEnd = " /"; else $oneLinerEnd = ""; $ret = "<".$this->name.$attrStr.$oneLinerEnd.">"; if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $ret .= $child->__toString(); } } if (!$isOneLiner) { if ($this->content <> '') $ret .= CDataXML::xmlspecialchars($this->content); $ret .= "</".$this->name.">"; } break; } return $ret; } public function __toArray() { $retHash = array( "@" => array(), ); if (is_array($this->attributes)) { foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) { $retHash["@"][$attr->name] = $attr->content; } } if ($this->content != "") { $retHash["#"] = $this->content; } elseif (!empty($this->children)) { $ar = array(); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $ar[$child->name][] = $child->__toArray(); } $retHash["#"] = $ar; } else { $retHash["#"] = ""; } return $retHash; } public function toSimpleArray() { if (!empty($this->children)) { $ar = []; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $ar[$child->name][] = $child->toSimpleArray(); } // simplify the array foreach ($ar as $name => $value) { if (count($value) == 1) { $ar[$name] = $value[0]; } } return $ar; } return $this->content; } } class CDataXMLDocument { var $version = ''; var $encoding = ''; /** @var CDataXMLNode[] */ var $children; var $root; function elementsByName($tagname) { $result = array(); if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $node) { $more = $node->elementsByName($tagname); if (is_array($more)) { foreach ($more as $mnode) { $result[] = $mnode; } } } } return $result; } public static function encodeDataTypes($name, $value) { static $Xsd = array( "string"=>"string", "bool"=>"boolean", "boolean"=>"boolean", "int"=>"integer", "integer"=>"integer", "double"=>"double", "float"=>"float", "number"=>"float", "array"=>"anyType", "resource"=>"anyType", "mixed"=>"anyType", "unknown_type"=>"anyType", "anyType"=>"anyType" ); $node = new CDataXMLNode(); $node->name = $name; if (is_object($value)) { $ovars = get_object_vars($value); foreach ($ovars as $pn => $pv) { $decode = static::encodeDataTypes($pn, $pv); if ($decode) { $node->children[] = $decode; } } } else if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $pn => $pv) { $decode = static::encodeDataTypes( $pn, $pv); if ($decode) { $node->children[] = $decode; } } } else { if (isset($Xsd[gettype($value)])) { $node->content = $value; } } return $node; } /* Returns an XML string of the DOM document */ public function __toString() { $ret = "<"."?xml"; if ($this->version <> '') { $ret .= " version=\"".$this->version."\""; } if ($this->encoding <> '') { $ret .= " encoding=\"".$this->encoding."\""; } $ret .= "?".">"; if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $ret .= $child->__toString(); } } return $ret; } /* Returns an array of the DOM document */ public function __toArray() { $arRetArray = array(); if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $arRetArray[$child->name] = $child->__toArray(); } } return $arRetArray; } /** * Returns a simplified array without attributes, with only nodes content. * @return array */ public function toSimpleArray(): array { $arRetArray = []; if (is_array($this->children)) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $arRetArray[$child->name] = $child->toSimpleArray(); } } return $arRetArray; } } class CDataXML { /** @var CDataXMLDocument */ var $tree; var $TrimWhiteSpace; var $delete_ns = true; public function __construct($TrimWhiteSpace = true) { $this->TrimWhiteSpace = (bool)$TrimWhiteSpace; $this->tree = false; } public function Load($file) { $this->tree = false; if (file_exists($file)) { $content = file_get_contents($file); if (defined('SITE_CHARSET')) { $charset = (defined("BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET")? BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET : "windows-1251"); if (preg_match("/<"."\\?XML[^>]+encoding=[\"']([^>\"']+)[\"'][^>]*\\?".">/i", $content, $matches)) { $charset = trim($matches[1]); } $content = Encoding::convertEncoding($content, $charset, SITE_CHARSET); } $this->tree = $this->__parse($content); return $this->tree !== false; } return false; } public function LoadString($text) { $this->tree = false; if ($text <> '') { $this->tree = $this->__parse($text); return ($this->tree !== false); } return false; } public function GetTree() { return $this->tree; } public function GetArray() { if (!is_object($this->tree)) { return false; } return $this->tree->__toArray(); } public function GetString() { if (!is_object($this->tree)) { return false; } return $this->tree->__toString(); } public function SelectNodes($strNode) { if (!is_object($this->tree)) { return false; } $result = $this->tree; $tmp = explode("/", $strNode); $tmpCount = count($tmp); for ($i = 1; $i < $tmpCount; $i++) { if ($tmp[$i] != "") { if (!is_array($result->children)) return false; $bFound = false; for ($j = 0, $c = count($result->children); $j < $c; $j++) { if ($result->children[$j]->name==$tmp[$i]) { $result = $result->children[$j]; $bFound = true; break; } } if (!$bFound) { return false; } } } return $result; } public static function xmlspecialchars($str) { static $search = array("&","<",">","\"","'"); static $replace = array("&","<",">",""","'"); return str_replace($search, $replace, $str); } public static function xmlspecialcharsback($str) { static $search = array("<",">",""","'","&"); static $replace = array("<",">","\"","'","&"); return str_replace($search, $replace, $str); } /** * Will return an DOM object tree from the well-formed XML. * * @param string $strXMLText * @return CDataXMLDocument | false */ protected function __parse(&$strXMLText) { static $search = array(">","<","'",""","&"); static $replace = array(">","<","'",'"',"&"); $oXMLDocument = new CDataXMLDocument(); // strip comments $strXMLText = CDataXML::__stripComments($strXMLText); // stip the !doctype // The DOCTYPE declaration can consist of an internal DTD in square brackets $cnt = 0; $strXMLText = preg_replace("%<!DOCTYPE[^\\[>]*\\[.*?]>%is", "", $strXMLText, -1, $cnt); if ($cnt == 0) { $strXMLText = preg_replace("%<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>%i", "", $strXMLText); } // get document version and encoding from header preg_match_all("#<\\?(.*?)\\?>#i", $strXMLText, $arXMLHeader_tmp); foreach ($arXMLHeader_tmp[0] as $strXMLHeader_tmp) { preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z:]+=\".*?\")/i", $strXMLHeader_tmp, $arXMLParam_tmp); foreach ($arXMLParam_tmp[0] as $strXMLParam_tmp) { if ($strXMLParam_tmp <> '') { $arXMLAttribute_tmp = explode("=\"", $strXMLParam_tmp); if ($arXMLAttribute_tmp[0] == "version") $oXMLDocument->version = mb_substr($arXMLAttribute_tmp[1], 0, mb_strlen($arXMLAttribute_tmp[1]) - 1); elseif ($arXMLAttribute_tmp[0] == "encoding") $oXMLDocument->encoding = mb_substr($arXMLAttribute_tmp[1], 0, mb_strlen($arXMLAttribute_tmp[1]) - 1); } } } // strip header $strXMLText = preg_replace("#<\\?.*?\\?>#", "", $strXMLText); $oXMLDocument->root = &$oXMLDocument->children; /** @var CDataXMLNode $currentNode */ $currentNode = &$oXMLDocument; $tok = strtok($strXMLText, "<"); $arTag = explode(">", $tok); if (count($arTag) < 2) { //There was whitespace before <, so make another try $tok = strtok("<"); $arTag = explode(">", $tok); if (count($arTag) < 2) { //It's a broken XML return false; } } while ($tok !== false) { $tagName = $arTag[0]; $tagContent = $arTag[1]; // find tag name with attributes // check if it's an endtag </tagname> if ($tagName[0] == "/") { $tagName = mb_substr($tagName, 1); // strip out namespace; nameSpace:Name if ($this->delete_ns) { $colonPos = mb_strpos($tagName, ":"); if ($colonPos > 0) $tagName = mb_substr($tagName, $colonPos + 1); } if ($currentNode->name != $tagName) { // Error parsing XML, unmatched tags $tagName return false; } $currentNode = $currentNode->_parent; // convert special chars if ((!$this->TrimWhiteSpace) || (trim($tagContent) != "")) $currentNode->content = str_replace($search, $replace, $tagContent); } elseif (strncmp($tagName, "![CDATA[", 8) === 0) { //because cdata may contain > and < chars //it is special processing needed $cdata = ""; for($i = 0, $c = count($arTag); $i < $c; $i++) { $cdata .= $arTag[$i].">"; if (mb_substr($cdata, -3) == "]]>") { $tagContent = $arTag[$i+1]; break; } } if (mb_substr($cdata, -3) != "]]>") { $cdata = mb_substr($cdata, 0, -1)."<"; do { $tok = strtok(">");//unfortunatly strtok eats > followed by > $cdata .= $tok.">"; //util end of string or end of cdata found } while ($tok !== false && mb_substr($tok, -2) != "]]"); //$tagName = substr($tagName, 0, -1); } $cdataSection = mb_substr($cdata, 8, -3); // new CDATA node $subNode = new CDataXMLNode(); $subNode->name = "cdata-section"; $subNode->content = $cdataSection; $currentNode->children[] = $subNode; $currentNode->content .= $subNode->content; // convert special chars if ((!$this->TrimWhiteSpace) || (trim($tagContent) != "")) $currentNode->content = str_replace($search, $replace, $tagContent); } else { // normal start tag if (preg_match('/^(\S+)(.*)$/s', $tagName, $match)) { $justName = $match[1]; $attributePart = $match[2]; } else { $justName = $tagName; $attributePart = ''; } // strip out namespace; nameSpace:Name if ($this->delete_ns) { $colonPos = mb_strpos($justName, ":"); if ($colonPos > 0) $justName = mb_substr($justName, $colonPos + 1); } // remove trailing / from the name if exists $justName = rtrim($justName, "/"); $subNode = new CDataXMLNode(); $subNode->_parent = $currentNode; $subNode->name = $justName; // find attributes if ($attributePart) { // attributes $attr = $this->__parseAttributes($attributePart); if ($attr) { $subNode->attributes = $attr; } } // convert special chars if ((!$this->TrimWhiteSpace) || (trim($tagContent) != "")) { $subNode->content = str_replace($search, $replace, $tagContent); } $currentNode->children[] = $subNode; if (mb_substr($tagName, -1) != "/") { $currentNode = $subNode; } } //Next iteration $tok = strtok("<"); $arTag = explode(">", $tok); //There was whitespace before < just after CDATA section, so make another try if (count($arTag) < 2 && (strncmp($tagName, "![CDATA[", 8) === 0)) { $currentNode->content .= $arTag[0]; // convert special chars if ((!$this->TrimWhiteSpace) || (trim($tagContent) != "")) $currentNode->content = str_replace($search, $replace, $tagContent); $tok = strtok("<"); $arTag = explode(">", $tok); } } return $oXMLDocument; } protected static function __stripComments($str) { $str = preg_replace("#<!--.*?-->#s", "", $str); return $str; } /* Parses the attributes. Returns false if no attributes in the supplied string is found */ protected function __parseAttributes($attributeString) { $ret = false; preg_match_all("/(\\S+)\\s*=\\s*([\"'])(.*?)\\2/s".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attributeString, $attributeArray); foreach ($attributeArray[0] as $i => $attributePart) { $attributePart = trim($attributePart); if ($attributePart != "" && $attributePart != "/") { $attributeName = $attributeArray[1][$i]; // strip out namespace; nameSpace:Name if ($this->delete_ns) { $colonPos = mb_strpos($attributeName, ":"); if ($colonPos > 0) { // exclusion: xmlns attribute is xmlns:nameSpace if ($colonPos == 5 && (mb_substr($attributeName, 0, $colonPos) == 'xmlns')) { $attributeName = 'xmlns'; } else { $attributeName = mb_substr($attributeName, $colonPos + 1); } } } $attributeValue = $attributeArray[3][$i]; $attrNode = new CDataXMLNode(); $attrNode->name = $attributeName; $attrNode->content = CDataXML::xmlspecialcharsback($attributeValue); $ret[] = $attrNode; } } return $ret; } } /* Usage: class OrderLoader { var $errors = array(); function elementHandler($path, $attr) { AddMessage2Log(print_r(array($path, $attr), true)); } function nodeHandler(CDataXML $xmlObject) { AddMessage2Log(print_r($xmlObject, true)); } } $position = false; $loader = new OrderLoader; while(true) //this while is cross hit emulation { $o = new CXMLFileStream; $o->registerElementHandler("/������������������", array($loader, "elementHandler")); $o->registerNodeHandler("/������������������/�������/�����/�����", array($loader, "nodeHandler")); $o->setPosition($position); if ($o->openFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/upload/081_books_books-books_ru.xml")) { while($o->findNext()) { //if (time() > $endTime) break; } if ($o->endOfFile()) { break; } else { $position = $o->getPosition(); } } } */ class CXMLFileStream { private $fileCharset = false; private $filePosition = 0; private $xmlPosition = ""; private $nodeHandlers = array(); private $elementHandlers = array(); private $endNodes = array(); private $fileHandler = null; private $eof = false; private $readSize = 1024; private $buf = ""; private $bufPosition = 0; private $bufLen = 0; private $positionStack = array(); private $elementStack = array(); /** * Registers a handler function which will be called on xml parsed path with CDataXML object as a parameter * * @param string $nodePath * @param mixed $callableHandler * @return void * */ public function registerNodeHandler($nodePath, $callableHandler) { if (is_callable($callableHandler)) { if (!isset($this->nodeHandlers[$nodePath])) $this->nodeHandlers[$nodePath] = array(); $this->nodeHandlers[$nodePath][] = $callableHandler; $pathComponents = explode("/", $nodePath); $this->endNodes[end($pathComponents)] = true; } } /** * Registers a handler function which will be called on xml parsed path with path and attributes * * @param string $nodePath * @param mixed $callableHandler * @return void * */ public function registerElementHandler($nodePath, $callableHandler) { if (is_callable($callableHandler)) { if (!isset($this->elementHandlers[$nodePath])) $this->elementHandlers[$nodePath] = array(); $this->elementHandlers[$nodePath][] = $callableHandler; $pathComponents = explode("/", $nodePath); $this->endNodes[end($pathComponents)] = true; } } /** * Opens file by its absolute path. Returns true on success. * * @param string $filePath * @return bool * */ public function openFile($filePath) { $this->fileHandler = null; $io = CBXVirtualIo::getInstance(); $file = $io->getFile($filePath); $this->fileHandler = $file->open("rb"); if (is_resource($this->fileHandler)) { if ($this->filePosition > 0) fseek($this->fileHandler, $this->filePosition); $this->elementStack = array(); $this->positionStack = array(); foreach (explode("/", $this->xmlPosition) as $pathPart) { @list($elementPosition, $elementName) = explode("@", $pathPart, 2); $this->elementStack[] = $elementName; $this->positionStack[] = $elementPosition; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true when end of the file is reached. * * @return bool * */ public function endOfFile() { if ($this->fileHandler === null) return true; else return $this->eof; } /** * Returns current position state needed to continue file parsing process on the next hit. * * @return array[int]string * */ public function getPosition() { $this->xmlPosition = array(); foreach ($this->elementStack as $i => $elementName) { $this->xmlPosition[] = $this->positionStack[$i]."@".$elementName; } $this->xmlPosition = implode("/", $this->xmlPosition); return array( $this->fileCharset, $this->filePosition, $this->xmlPosition, ); } /** * Sets the position state returned by getPosition method. * * @param string[][] $position * @return void * */ public function setPosition($position) { if (is_array($position)) { if (isset($position[0])) $this->fileCharset = $position[0]; if (isset($position[1])) $this->filePosition = $position[1]; if (isset($position[2])) $this->xmlPosition = $position[2]; } } /** * Processes file futher. Returns true when there is more work to do. False on the end of file. * * @return bool * */ public function findNext() { $cs = $this->fileCharset; if ($this->fileHandler === null) return false; $this->eof = false; while (($xmlChunk = $this->getXmlChunk()) !== false) { $origChunk = $xmlChunk; if ($cs) { $xmlChunk = Encoding::convertEncoding($origChunk, $cs, LANG_CHARSET); } if ($xmlChunk[0] == "/") { $this->endElement(); return true; } elseif ($xmlChunk[0] == "!" || $xmlChunk[0] == "?") { if (mb_substr($xmlChunk, 0, 4) === "?xml") { if (preg_match('#encoding\s*=\s*"(.*?)"#i', $xmlChunk, $arMatch)) { $this->fileCharset = $arMatch[1]; if (mb_strtoupper($this->fileCharset) === mb_strtoupper(LANG_CHARSET)) { $this->fileCharset = false; } $cs = $this->fileCharset; } } } else { $this->startElement($xmlChunk, $origChunk); //check for self-closing tag $p = mb_strpos($xmlChunk, ">"); if (($p !== false) && (mb_substr($xmlChunk, $p - 1, 1) == "/")) { $this->endElement(); return true; } } } $this->eof = true; return false; } /** * Used to read an XML by chunks started with "<" and endex with "<" * * @return bool * */ private function getXmlChunk() { if ($this->bufPosition >= $this->bufLen) { if (is_resource($this->fileHandler) && !feof($this->fileHandler)) { $this->buf = fread($this->fileHandler, $this->readSize); $this->bufPosition = 0; $this->bufLen = strlen($this->buf); } else { return false; } } //Skip line delimiters (ltrim) $xml_position = strpos($this->buf, "<", $this->bufPosition); while ($xml_position === $this->bufPosition) { $this->bufPosition++; $this->filePosition++; //Buffer ended with white space so we can refill it if ($this->bufPosition >= $this->bufLen) { if (!feof($this->fileHandler)) { $this->buf = fread($this->fileHandler, $this->readSize); $this->bufPosition = 0; $this->bufLen = strlen($this->buf); } else { return false; } } $xml_position = strpos($this->buf, "<", $this->bufPosition); } //Let's find next line delimiter while ($xml_position===false) { $next_search = $this->bufLen; //Delimiter not in buffer so try to add more data to it if (!feof($this->fileHandler)) { $this->buf .= fread($this->fileHandler, $this->readSize); $this->bufLen = strlen($this->buf); } else { break; } //Let's find xml tag start $xml_position = strpos($this->buf, "<", $next_search); } if ($xml_position===false) { $xml_position = $this->bufLen+1; } $len = $xml_position-$this->bufPosition; $this->filePosition += $len; $result = substr($this->buf, $this->bufPosition, $len); $this->bufPosition = $xml_position; return $result; } /** * Stores an element into xml path stack. * * @param string $xmlChunk * @param string $origChunk * @return void * */ private function startElement($xmlChunk, $origChunk) { static $search = array( "'&(quot|#34);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(amp|#38);'i", ); static $replace = array( "\"", "<", ">", "&", ); $p = mb_strpos($xmlChunk, ">"); if ($p !== false) { if (mb_substr($xmlChunk, $p - 1, 1) == "/") { $elementName = mb_substr($xmlChunk, 0, $p - 1); } else { $elementName = mb_substr($xmlChunk, 0, $p); } if (($ps = mb_strpos($elementName, " "))!==false) { $elementAttrs = mb_substr($elementName, $ps + 1); $elementName = mb_substr($elementName, 0, $ps); } else { $elementAttrs = ""; } $this->elementStack[] = $elementName; $this->positionStack[] = $this->filePosition - strlen($origChunk) - 1; if (isset($this->endNodes[$elementName])) { $xmlPath = implode("/", $this->elementStack); if (isset($this->elementHandlers[$xmlPath])) { $attributes = array(); if ($elementAttrs !== "") { preg_match_all("/(\\S+)\\s*=\\s*\"(.*?)\"/s", $elementAttrs, $attrs_tmp); if (strpos($elementAttrs, "&") === false) { foreach ($attrs_tmp[1] as $i=>$attrs_tmp_1) { $attributes[$attrs_tmp_1] = $attrs_tmp[2][$i]; } } else { foreach ($attrs_tmp[1] as $i=>$attrs_tmp_1) { $attributes[$attrs_tmp_1] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $attrs_tmp[2][$i]); } } } foreach ($this->elementHandlers[$xmlPath] as $callableHandler) { call_user_func_array($callableHandler, array( $xmlPath, $attributes, )); } } } } } /** * Winds tree stack back. Calls (if neccessary) node handlers. * * @return void * */ private function endElement() { $elementName = array_pop($this->elementStack); $elementPosition = array_pop($this->positionStack); if (isset($this->endNodes[$elementName])) { $xmlPath = implode("/", $this->elementStack)."/".$elementName; if (isset($this->nodeHandlers[$xmlPath])) { $xmlObject = $this->readXml($elementPosition, $this->filePosition); if (is_object($xmlObject)) { foreach ($this->nodeHandlers[$xmlPath] as $callableHandler) { call_user_func_array($callableHandler, array( $xmlObject, )); } } } } } /** * Reads xml chunk from the file preserving its position * * @param int $startPosition * @param int $endPosition * @return CDataXML|false */ private function readXml($startPosition, $endPosition) { $xmlChunk = $this->readFilePart($startPosition, $endPosition); if ($xmlChunk && $this->fileCharset) { $xmlChunk = Encoding::convertEncoding($xmlChunk, $this->fileCharset, LANG_CHARSET); } $xmlObject = new CDataXML; if ($xmlObject->loadString($xmlChunk)) { return $xmlObject; } return false; } /** * Reads part of the file preserving its position * * @param int $startPosition * @param int $endPosition * @return string|false */ public function readFilePart($startPosition, $endPosition) { if (is_resource($this->fileHandler)) { $savedPosition = ftell($this->fileHandler); fseek($this->fileHandler, $startPosition); $xmlChunk = fread($this->fileHandler, $endPosition - $startPosition); fseek($this->fileHandler, $savedPosition); return $xmlChunk; } return false; } }