Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/

$MESS["ACT_KEY"] = "I want to register my copy of the program and get updates";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_BAD_EMAIL"] = "Email is incorrect.";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_BAD_LAST_NAME"] = "Last Name is not specified.";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_BAD_NAME"] = "Name is not specified.";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_LAST_NAME"] = "Your Last Name";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_NAME"] = "Your Name";
$MESS["ACT_KEY_REQUEST_ERROR"] = "An error occurred while requesting a license key. Please contact our <a href=''>Helpdesk</a>.";
$MESS["ADMIN_PARAMS"] = "Database administrator parameters";
$MESS["BAD_LICENSE_KEY"] = "Incorrect license number.";
$MESS["COPYRIGHT"] = "Copyright &copy; 2001-#CURRENT_YEAR# Bitrix24";
$MESS["COULD_NOT_CONNECT"] = "Cannot connect to the database.<br>Please check the parameters.";
$MESS["DEMO_INST"] = "Install demo data";
$MESS["DEMO_INST_PROMT"] = "Demo data";
$MESS["ERR_ADMIN_CREATE"] = "Administrator not created: ";
$MESS["ERR_AGREE_LICENSE"] = "To continue the program installation please read the license agreement carefully. ";
$MESS["ERR_ALREADY_INST1"] = "The database #DB# already contains \"Bitrix Site Manager\" installation. To create a new copy, please enter another value in the \"Database\" field. ";
$MESS["ERR_ALTER_DB"] = "Selected charset could not be set";
$MESS["ERR_CONNECT2MYSQL"] = "Error connecting to the database server. Please check parameters. Please check that the database server is started. ";
$MESS["ERR_CONNECT_DB1"] = "Error connecting to the database \"#DB#\". Please check connection parameters. ";
$MESS["ERR_CREATE_DB1"] = "Error creating database \"#DB#\". ";
$MESS["ERR_CREATE_USER"] = "Username creation failed";
$MESS["ERR_C_ALTER_TBL"] = "Unable to modify the table in the database. Please ensure that you have enough permissions to modify tables and their structure. ";
$MESS["ERR_C_CREATE_TBL"] = "Unable to create the table in the database. Please ensure that you have enough permissions to create tables. ";
$MESS["ERR_C_DROP_TBL"] = "Unable to delete the table from the database. Please ensure that you have enough permissions to delete tables. ";
$MESS["ERR_C_SAVE_DBCONN"] = "Cannot save the database connection parameters. Please ensure that the PHP is given permissions to write to any subfolder of the folder #ROOT#. ";
$MESS["ERR_DATABASE_NAME"] = "Incorrect database name.";
$MESS["ERR_DB_MIN_VERSION_MYSQL"] = "MySQL version #MIN_VERSION# or higher is required to install this module.";
$MESS["ERR_DB_MYSQL_DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE"] = "default_storage_engine=#VALUE#, InnoDB is required";
$MESS["ERR_DB_MYSQL_INNODB_DEFAULT_ROW_FORMAT"] = "innodb_default_row_format=#VALUE#, DYNAMIC is required";
$MESS["ERR_DB_MYSQL_INNODB_LARGE_PREFIX"] = "innodb_large_prefix=#VALUE#, ON is required";
$MESS["ERR_EXISTS_DB1"] = "Database \"#DB#\" already exists. Please clear the checkbox \"Create database\" or provide another value in the \"Database\" field. ";
$MESS["ERR_GRANT_USER"] = "Error grant privileges to user. ";
$MESS["ERR_INTERNAL_NODEF"] = "Internal error: database not specified. ";
$MESS["ERR_MBSTRING_EXISTS1"] = "To install the system in any encoding other than UTF-8 you have to set default_charset to anything but UTF-8. Otherwise it is recommended to install the system in UTF-8 encoding.";
$MESS["ERR_NO_DATABSEL"] = "Database is not selected. ";
$MESS["ERR_NO_USER"] = "Username to connect to database cannot be empty. ";
$MESS["ERR_SAVE_LICENSE"] = "Cannot save the license key. Please ensure that the PHP has write permissions for any subfolder of the #ROOT# folder. ";
$MESS["FIRST_PAGE"] = "<font class=\"text\">The setup wizard will test your software compatibility and install Bitrix Site Manager.<br><br>After the installation is complete, you can start using your site.<br><br>Using the SiteUpdate system you can update your copy and use the up-to-date version of Bitrix Site Manager.<br><br>You can get more details on Bitrix Site Manager here: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br><br>Should you have any questions on the installation process, please do not hesitate to contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bitrix Helpdesk department</a>.</font>";
$MESS["GOTO_ADMIN"] = "Launch Bitrix Site Manager";
$MESS["GOTO_ADMIN_NOTES"] = "Go to the administrative section to adjust more settings, manage content, add news etc. You can access the administrative section anytime using the link in the top toolbar of the public section (the toolbar will become visible after authorization), or going to <nobr>http://&lt;your_site&gt;/bitrix/</nobr>.";
$MESS["GOTO_BITRIX"] = "Go to Bitrix web site";
$MESS["GOTO_BITRIX_NOTES"] = "Go to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bitrix web site</a> (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>) and learn the latest news on the product. Please feel free to ask questions on Bitrix Site Manager at our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">forum</a> or use the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">automated Helpdesk service</a>.";
$MESS["GOTO_DESIGN"] = "Change site design ";
$MESS["GOTO_DESIGN_NOTES"] = "Go to the administrative section and adjust templates for your site. This page will help you to install or delete site design layouts.";
$MESS["GOTO_IF_ERROR"] = "Should you have any problems installing \"Bitrix Site Manager\", please do not hesitate to contact the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">customer support service</a>. Highly qualified specialists of the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\"Bitrix\"</a> company are always at your service. ";
$MESS["GOTO_PUBLIC"] = "Go to the public section";
$MESS["GOTO_PUBLIC_NOTES"] = "Go to the public section of your site visible to your visitors.";
$MESS["GOTO_README"] = "Installation instructions";
$MESS["GOTO_UPDATES"] = "Go to System Update";
$MESS["GOTO_UPDATES_NOTES"] = "Go to System Update page of the administrative site section. This page allows you to register your copy of the \"Bitrix Site Manager\" and update the software modules.";
$MESS["HELP_INST"] = "Install help section";
$MESS["HELP_INST_PROMT"] = "Documentation";
$MESS["INSTALL_DEVSRV"] = "Development only:";
$MESS["INSTALL_DEVSRV_NOTE"] = "This installation will be used only for development purpose; no real visitors will see it.";
$MESS["INSTALL_IN_UTF8"] = "Install with UTF-8 encoding";
$MESS["INST_ALLOW_CALL_REFERENCE"] = "The allow_call_time_pass_reference parameter should be set to 1";
$MESS["INST_CREATE_ADMIN"] = "Create Administrator Account";
$MESS["INST_ERROR_ACCESS_FILES"] = "Cannot read from or write to the following files/folders:";
$MESS["INST_ERROR_NOTICE"] = "Please retry the current installation step. Skip the current step if error repeats.";
$MESS["INST_ERROR_OCCURED"] = "Warning! Installation failed at the current step.";
$MESS["INST_INDEX_ACCESS_ERROR2"] = "Error: Cannot write to /index.php";
$MESS["INST_INSTALL_COMPLETE"] = "Installation has been completed";
$MESS["INST_INSTALL_MODULE"] = "Installing the module";
$MESS["INST_JAVASCRIPT_DISABLED"] = "JavaScript support is required to install Bitrix Site Manager. Apparently, JavaScript is not supported by browser or disabled. Change your browser settings and <a href=\"\">try again</a>.";
$MESS["INST_LOAD_WAIT"] = "Loading data...";
$MESS["INST_MAIN_INSTALL_ERROR"] = "The Kernel installation has failed.";
$MESS["INST_MAIN_MODULE"] = "Installing the Kernel module";
$MESS["INST_NO"] = "No";
$MESS["INST_ORACLE_CHARSET_ERROR"] = "Error detecting database encoding";
$MESS["INST_ORACLE_NLS_LANG_ERROR"] = "NLS_LANG environment variable should be set to UTF-8 (e.g. NLS_LANG=english.utf8).";
$MESS["INST_ORACLE_UTF_ERROR"] = "To install the system with UTF-8 encoding, you need to have the following database settings: NLS_CHARACTERSET=AL32UTF8, NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=UTF8";
$MESS["INST_PRODUCT_INSTALL"] = "System Installation";
$MESS["INST_REMOVE_HELP"] = "Deleting help files";
$MESS["INST_REMOVE_TEMP_FILES"] = "Deleting temporary files";
$MESS["INST_RETRY_BUTTON"] = "Retry this step";
$MESS["INST_SELECT_WIZARD"] = "Select Solution to Install";
$MESS["INST_SELECT_WIZARD1"] = "Solution Installation";
$MESS["INST_SESSION_NOT_SUPPORT"] = "Probably the directory used to store session data is not writable";
$MESS["INST_SESSION_SUPPORT"] = "session support";
$MESS["INST_SHORT_INSTALL_ERROR"] = "Error checking system requirements";
$MESS["INST_SHOW_WIZARD"] = "Run site creation wizard";
$MESS["INST_SKIP_BUTTON"] = "Skip this step";
$MESS["INST_TEXT_ERROR"] = "Error text";
$MESS["INST_UTF8_DEFAULT_ENCODING"] = "The values of the default_charset and mbstring.internal_encoding parameters don't match. It is recommended that you delete the mbstring.internal_encoding parameter.";
$MESS["INST_UTF8_NOT_SUPPORT"] = "UTF-8 is not supported by PHP (mbstring library is not configured)";
$MESS["INST_UTF8_RECOMENDATION2"] = "To install the system in UTF-8 encoding, you have to install the mbstring library and add the parameter default_charset=UTF-8.";
$MESS["INST_WAIT"] = "Please wait...";
$MESS["INST_WIZARD_INDEX_ACCESS_ERROR"] = "Wizard Startup Error: Cannot write to /index.php";
$MESS["INST_YES"] = "Yes";
$MESS["INS_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS"] = "Additional parameters";
$MESS["INS_ADMIN_PASSWORD"] = "Password (min. 6 characters):";
$MESS["INS_ADMIN_SETTINGS"] = "Site administrator settings";
$MESS["INS_AP_FAP"] = "File access permissions";
$MESS["INS_AP_FAP_DESCR"] = "Enter a permission setting that allows write access to server files";
$MESS["INS_AP_MEM_LIMIT"] = "Memory limit";
$MESS["INS_AP_MEM_LIMIT_DESC"] = "The maximum amount of memory in Mb that a script is allowed to allocate (can be ignored on some hostings)";
$MESS["INS_AP_PAP"] = "Folder access permissions";
$MESS["INS_AP_PAP_DESCR"] = "Enter a permission setting that allows write access to server folders";
$MESS["INS_BEFORE_USER_EXIT"] = "Attention! Closing browser window or refreshing a page can cause installation failures. Click Cancel button to continue installation.";
$MESS["INS_CREATE_DB"] = "Database:";
$MESS["INS_CREATE_DB_CHAR_NOTE"] = "MySQL supports UTF-8 since version 4.1.2.";
$MESS["INS_CREATE_DB_TYPE"] = "Database tables type:";
$MESS["INS_CREATE_DB_TYPE_NOTE"] = "Types of tables different from the standard type are available from MySql 4.0";
$MESS["INS_CREATE_USER"] = "Database user:";
$MESS["INS_C_DB_TYPE_STAND"] = "standard";
$MESS["INS_DATABASE"] = "Existing database:";
$MESS["INS_DATABASE_MY_DESC"] = "Database name where Bitrix will be installed";
$MESS["INS_DATABASE_NEW"] = "New database:";
$MESS["INS_DATABASE_OR"] = "Connection string:";
$MESS["INS_DATABASE_SETTINGS"] = "Database settings";
$MESS["INS_DB_CHARSET"] = "Database character set:";
$MESS["INS_DB_DEFAULT"] = "default";
$MESS["INS_DB_EXISTS"] = "Existing";
$MESS["INS_DB_NEW"] = "New";
$MESS["INS_DB_ORACLE"] = "This field should contain either local Oracle instance name, or name of the record to connect to in the tnsnames.ora file. An example of local Oracle instance: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL)))";
$MESS["INS_DB_PROMT"] = "Database";
$MESS["INS_DB_PROMT_ALT"] = "Database to be installed";
$MESS["INS_DB_PROMT_HINT"] = "The type of database that you select must conform with the type of your license key. Selecting wrong database type violates the license agreement and may result in partial or full malfunction of the site.<br>If you install the trial version of the product (the DEMO key), you can choose any type of database.";
$MESS["INS_DB_SELECTION"] = "Select the type of database";
$MESS["INS_DEMO_HINT"] = "Only highly experienced users should choose to install without demo data";
$MESS["INS_EMAIL"] = "E-mail:";
$MESS["INS_FORGOT_EMAIL"] = "Please provide site administrator e-mail in the \"E-mail\" field";
$MESS["INS_FORGOT_LASTNAME"] = "Please provide the \"Last name\" field";
$MESS["INS_FORGOT_LOGIN"] = "Please provide site administrator login in the \"Login\" field";
$MESS["INS_FORGOT_NAME"] = "Please provide the \"Name\" field";
$MESS["INS_FORGOT_PASSWORD"] = "Please provide site administrator password in the \"Password\" field";
$MESS["INS_HOST"] = "Server:";
$MESS["INS_HOST_DESCR"] = "Server where database system is working";
$MESS["INS_HOST_DESCR_MSSQL"] = "For example: DRIVER=SQL Native Client; SERVER=BX";
$MESS["INS_HOST_DESCR_MSSQL_NATIVE"] = "IP\\instance or Hostname\\instance";
$MESS["INS_INSTALL"] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;Next&nbsp;&nbsp;Step&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$MESS["INS_INSTALL1"] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;Start&nbsp;&nbsp;Installation&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$MESS["INS_LAST_NAME"] = "Last name:";
$MESS["INS_LICENSE"] = "License key:";
$MESS["INS_LICENSE_HEAD"] = "Product Registration";
$MESS["INS_LICENSE_NOTE_SOURCE"] = "If you have purchased the system, please enter the license key that you have received by e-mail.";
$MESS["INS_LOAD_FROM_MARKETPLACE"] = "Download From Marketplace";
$MESS["INS_LOAD_FROM_MARKETPLACE_DESCR"] = "Download From Marketplace";
$MESS["INS_LOGIN"] = "Login (min. 3 characters):";
$MESS["INS_LOGIN_MIN"] = "\"Login\" must be at least 3 characters in length";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_CANNOT_BE_INSTALLED"] = "The module cannot be installed";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_DATABASE_ERROR"] = "Error installing the module database";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_FILES_ERROR"] = "Error installing the module files";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_INSTALLING"] = "Module Installation";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_IS_ALREADY_LOADED"] = "This module is already loaded";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_IS_BUYED"] = "Solution purchased";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_LOADING"] = "Select Module";
$MESS["INS_MODULE_LOADING1"] = "Download Module";
$MESS["INS_NAME"] = "Name:";
$MESS["INS_PASSWORD"] = "Password:";
$MESS["INS_PASSWORD_CONF"] = "Confirm password:";
$MESS["INS_PASSWORD_DESCR"] = "Password to connect to database";
$MESS["INS_PASSWORD_MIN"] = "\"Admin password\" must be at least 6 characters in length";
$MESS["INS_PASSWORD_OR_DESCR"] = "Password of Oracle database user";
$MESS["INS_RESET"] = "Reset";
$MESS["INS_ROOT_PASSWORD"] = "Admin password:";
$MESS["INS_ROOT_PASSWORD_DESCR"] = "Password of databases admin";
$MESS["INS_ROOT_USER"] = "Admin:";
$MESS["INS_ROOT_USER_DESCR"] = "Username of databases admin";
$MESS["INS_SELECT_LANG"] = "Interface language";
$MESS["INS_SETUP_SELECT"] = "Installation options";
$MESS["INS_SKIP_MODULE_LOADING"] = "Don't Download";
$MESS["INS_STEP1_TITLE"] = "Start installation";
$MESS["INS_STEP2_TITLE"] = "License agreement";
$MESS["INS_STEP3_TITLE"] = "Select database";
$MESS["INS_STEP4_TITLE"] = "Checking system requirements";
$MESS["INS_STEP5_TITLE"] = "Database creation";
$MESS["INS_STEP6_TITLE"] = "Site setup";
$MESS["INS_TITLE"] = "Bitrix Site Manager Installation";
$MESS["INS_TITLE1"] = "<font class=\"bitrixtitle\">Bitrix Site Manager #VERS#</font> <font class=\"install\">Installation</font>";
$MESS["INS_TITLE2"] = "System Installation";
$MESS["INS_TITLE3"] = "Bitrix Site Manager";
$MESS["INS_USER"] = "Existing user";
$MESS["INS_USERNAME"] = "User name:";
$MESS["INS_USER_DESCR"] = "Login to connect to database";
$MESS["INS_USER_NEW"] = "New user";
$MESS["INS_USER_OR_DESCR"] = "Oracle database username";
$MESS["INS_UTF_PARAMS"] = "UTF-8 Installation of Bitrix Site Manager";
$MESS["INS_WIZARD_LOADING"] = "Downloading the wizard";
$MESS["INS_WIZARD_NOT_FOUND"] = "The wizard was not found";
$MESS["INS_WRONG_CONFIRM"] = "The \"Confirm password\" field contents does not match that of the \"Password\" field";
$MESS["INS_WRONG_EMAIL"] = "Incorrect \"E-mail\"";
$MESS["INS_WRONG_WIZARD"] = "The installation wizard is missing";
$MESS["IS1_BIT"] = "Bitrix Site Manager";
$MESS["IS1_BIT_LOZ"] = "Thank you for choosing Bitrix Site Manager";
$MESS["LICENSE_AGREE_PROMT"] = "I accept the terms of the license agreement";
$MESS["LICENSE_SUBTITLE"] = "License agreement";
$MESS["MP_ACTIVATE"] = "Activate";
$MESS["MP_COUPON"] = "Coupon";
$MESS["MP_COUPON_ACTIVATION_OK"] = "Coupon has been activated. Please select the required solution from the list.";
$MESS["MP_COUPON_ACT_ERROR"] = "Error activating the coupon";
$MESS["MP_MORE"] = "Details";
$MESS["NEXT_BUTTON"] = "Next";
$MESS["NLS_LANGUAGE_TERRITORY"] = "language_territory";
$MESS["NOTE_NOT_REFRESH"] = "Do not use the 'refresh' or 'back' buttons on your browser.";
$MESS["POWERED_BY"] = "Powered by \"Bitrix\"";
$MESS["PREVIOUS_BUTTON"] = "Previous";
$MESS["SC_ALLOW_UPLOAD"] = "allow file upload";
$MESS["SC_AND"] = "and";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_DISK_SPACE"] = "Site available disk space";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_DISK_SPACE_TMP"] = "Temporary folder available disk space";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_MEMORY"] = "available memory";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_MEMORY_MIN"] = "more than #SIZE# MB";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_MEMORY_REC"] = "#SIZE# Mb or more recommended";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_MEMORY_WARN"] = "Not enough available memory";
$MESS["SC_AVAIL_SPACE_WARN"] = "Not enough free disk space";
$MESS["SC_CAN_NOT_READ"] = "inaccessible for reading";
$MESS["SC_CAN_NOT_WRITE"] = "inaccessible for writing";
$MESS["SC_CAN_NOT_WRITE1"] = "inaccessible for writing";
$MESS["SC_CAN_WRITE"] = "accessible for writing";
$MESS["SC_CAN_WRITE1"] = "accessible for writing";
$MESS["SC_CATALOG"] = "Folder";
$MESS["SC_CURRENT"] = "Current value";
$MESS["SC_DB_PGSQL_DATABASE_CTYPE_ER"] = "The database you selected has incompatible LC_TYPE (C.UTF-8 is required).";
$MESS["SC_DB_PGSQL_PGCRYPTO_ER"] = "The pgcrypto extension has to be installed to the database.";
$MESS["SC_DB_PGSQL_VERSION_ER"] = "Your version of PostgreSQL is outdated and does not meet the minimum system requirements.";
$MESS["SC_DB_VERS"] = "Database version <b>#DB#</b>";
$MESS["SC_DB_VERS_MYSQL"] = "MySql version";
$MESS["SC_DB_VERS_MYSQL_ER"] = "Your MySql version does not meet the Bitrix requirements";
$MESS["SC_DISK_AVAIL_READ_WRITE"] = "Accessible for reading and writing";
$MESS["SC_DISK_AVAIL_READ_WRITE1"] = "Accessible for reading and writing";
$MESS["SC_DISK_AVAIL_READ_WRITE2"] = "Accessible for reading and writing";
$MESS["SC_DISK_BITRIX"] = "Site kernel";
$MESS["SC_DISK_MORE_20"] = "Displaying #NUM# errors";
$MESS["SC_DISK_PUBLIC"] = "Public section";
$MESS["SC_DISK_UPLOAD"] = "Upload folder";
$MESS["SC_EA_ER"] = "PHP eAccelerator is not supported.";
$MESS["SC_ERR_NO_ODBC"] = "ODBC Functions (Unified) are not available in PHP. ";
$MESS["SC_ERR_QUERY_VERS"] = "Version request error";
$MESS["SC_FBITRIX_NOWRITE"] = "Folder /bitrix/ is inaccessible for writing and/or reading";
$MESS["SC_FILE"] = "File";
$MESS["SC_FSITE_NOWRITE"] = "Public folders of the site are inaccessible for writing and/or reading";
$MESS["SC_FUNC_OVERLOAD_ER1"] = "Please delete legacy parameter mbstring.func_overload.";
$MESS["SC_FUPLOAD_NOWRITE"] = "Folder /upload/ is inaccessible for writing and/or reading";
$MESS["SC_HTACCESS"] = "Processing .htaccess";
$MESS["SC_HTERR"] = "JavaScript error";
$MESS["SC_MOD_GD"] = "GD Library (graphic library)";
$MESS["SC_MOD_HASH"] = "hash functions support";
$MESS["SC_MOD_JSON"] = "JSON function support";
$MESS["SC_MOD_MYSQL"] = "MySQL functions";
$MESS["SC_MOD_ORACLE"] = "Oracle 8 functions";
$MESS["SC_MOD_PERL_REG"] = "Regular Expression support (Perl-Compatible)";
$MESS["SC_MOD_POSIX_REG"] = "Regular Expression support (POSIX)";
$MESS["SC_MOD_XML"] = "XML support";
$MESS["SC_NOTES1"] = "<font color=\"#009900\"><b>Green text</b></font> indicate values that meet the system requirements.<br><font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Red text</b></font> indicate values that <b>do not</b> meet the system requirements.";
$MESS["SC_NOT_EXISTS"] = "does not exist";
$MESS["SC_NOT_SETTED"] = "Not set";
$MESS["SC_NO_FT_LIB_ER"] = "Free Type Library is not installed with PHP";
$MESS["SC_NO_GD_LIB_ER"] = "GD Library is not enabled";
$MESS["SC_NO_HASH"] = "Hash functions are not supported in PHP";
$MESS["SC_NO_JSON_LIB_ER"] = "This installation of PHP does not support JSON.";
$MESS["SC_NO_MBSTRING_LIB_ER"] = "mbstring is not available in the current PHP installation.";
$MESS["SC_NO_MYS_LIB_ER"] = "MySQL functions are not enabled";
$MESS["SC_NO_OPENSSL_LIB_ER"] = "OpenSSL is not available on your PHP.";
$MESS["SC_NO_ORA_LIB_ER"] = "Oracle 8 functions are not enabled";
$MESS["SC_NO_PERE_LIB_ER"] = "Regular Expression support is not enabled";
$MESS["SC_NO_TEMP_FOLDER"] = "temporary folder not specified";
$MESS["SC_NO_XML_LIB_ER"] = "XML support is not enabled";
$MESS["SC_NO_ZLIB_LIB_ER"] = "Zlib Compression is not enabled";
$MESS["SC_ODBC_FUNCTIONS"] = "ODBC Functions (Unified)";
$MESS["SC_OR"] = "or";
$MESS["SC_PARAM"] = "Parameter";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_EXISTS"] = "Folder does not exist";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_EXISTS1"] = "Folder #FOLDER# does not exist";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_READABLE"] = "File is not readable";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_READABLE1"] = "File #FOLDER# is not readable";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_WRITEABLE"] = "File is not writable";
$MESS["SC_PF_NOT_WRITEABLE1"] = "File #FOLDER# is not writable";
$MESS["SC_PHP_SETTINGS"] = "PHP settings:";
$MESS["SC_PHP_VERS"] = "<b>PHP</b> version";
$MESS["SC_PHP_VER_ER"] = "Your PHP version does not meet the Bitrix requirements";
$MESS["SC_RECOMMEND"] = "Recommended";
$MESS["SC_RECOM_PHP_MODULES"] = "Recommended PHP modules:";
$MESS["SC_RECOM_PHP_SETTINGS"] = "Recommended settings for PHP:";
$MESS["SC_REGISTER_GLOBALS"] = "register globals";
$MESS["SC_REQUIED"] = "Required";
$MESS["SC_REQUIED_PHP_MODS"] = "Required PHP modules:";
$MESS["SC_SAFE_MODE_ER"] = "Your PHP is working in safe mode";
$MESS["SC_SERVER_VERS"] = "Web server version <b>#SERVER#</b>";
$MESS["SC_SESS_PATH"] = "path to store the session parameters";
$MESS["SC_SESS_PATH_EMP_ER"] = "The directory used to save session data is not set";
$MESS["SC_SESS_PATH_NO_ER"] = "The directory used to save session data does not exist";
$MESS["SC_SESS_PATH_WRITE_ER"] = "The directory used to save session data is not writable";
$MESS["SC_SETTED"] = "Set";
$MESS["SC_SHOW_ERRORS"] = "show errors";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_DISK"] = "Checking the disk access";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_DISK_DESC"] = "The site scripts must have write access to site files. This is required for proper functioning of the file manager, file upload and the update system that is used to keep the site kernel up-to-date.";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_RECOMMEND"] = "Recommended settings";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_RECOMMEND_DESC"] = "These parameters are required to be set to their proper values to ensure your site is fully compatible with requirements.<br>Your site will be up and working even if some settings are incorrect. But if this is the case, some of the site features may become inaccessible.";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_REQUIED"] = "Required system parameters";
$MESS["SC_SUBTITLE_REQUIED_DESC"] = "Your system must meet the mandatory conditions. If any parameter displays in red, you have to check and fix it. Otherwise, proper functioning of the site is not guaranteed.";
$MESS["SC_TEMP_FOLDER"] = "temporary folder";
$MESS["SC_TESTING"] = "Undefined";
$MESS["SC_TIME_ZONE_ER"] = "The initialization file does not specify the date.timezone parameter.";
$MESS["SC_TURN_OFF"] = "Off";
$MESS["SC_TURN_OFF1"] = "Off";
$MESS["SC_TURN_OFF2"] = "Disabled";
$MESS["SC_TURN_ON"] = "On";
$MESS["SC_TURN_ON1"] = "On";
$MESS["SC_TURN_ON2"] = "Enabled";
$MESS["SC_UNKNOWN"] = "unknown";
$MESS["SC_UNKNOWN1"] = "Unknown";
$MESS["SC_UPDATE"] = "Connecting to update server";
$MESS["SC_UPDATE_FAIL"] = "Failed";
$MESS["SC_UPDATE_OK"] = "Success";
$MESS["SC_UPL_PATH_EMP_ER"] = "The directory used to upload files is not set";
$MESS["SC_UPL_PATH_NO_ER"] = "The directory used to upload files does not exist";
$MESS["SC_UPL_PATH_WRITE_ER"] = "The directory used to upload files is not writable";
$MESS["SC_VALUE"] = "Value";
$MESS["SC_VER_VILKA1"] = "#VER# and higher";
$MESS["SC_VER_VILKA2"] = ", but ";
$MESS["SC_VER_VILKA3"] = "less or equal to #VER#";
$MESS["SC_VMBITRIX"] = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Server environment</a>";
$MESS["SC_VMBITRIX_OK"] = "Version is up-to-date";
$MESS["SC_VMBITRIX_OLD"] = "Legacy appliance version (#VER#)";
$MESS["SC_VMBITRIX_RECOMMENDED"] = "Bitrix Virtual Appliance version #VER# or higher";
$MESS["SC_VMBITRIX_UNKNOWN"] = "Unknown environment";
$MESS["SC_WEBSERVER_VER_ER"] = "Your web-server version does not meet the Bitrix requirements";
$MESS["SC_WEBSERVER_VER_NONE"] = "Cannot determine your web-server version";
$MESS["SC_magic_quotes_sybase"] = "Escaping for Sybase";
$MESS["SUPPORT"] = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <span class=\"instal-footer-separator\"></span> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Support</a>";
$MESS["SUPPORT_README"] = "<a href=\"/readme.html\" target=\"_blank\">Installation instructions</a> <span class=\"instal-footer-separator\"></span> ";
$MESS["UTF8_SUPPORT"] = "For installation with UTF-8 encoding";