Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Update; use \Bitrix\Main; use \Bitrix\Main\HttpApplication; use \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json; use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use \Bitrix\Main\Context; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; /** * Class Stepper * @package Bitrix\Main\Update * This class can be used if only: * 1. you do not alter tables in DB. Agent will not be executed if module is not installed. * Code to bind agent in updater: * \Bitrix\Main\Update\Stepper::bindClass('Bitrix\Tasks\Update1701', 'tasks'); * or * if($updater->CanUpdateDatabase()) { $basePath = $updater->CanUpdateKernel() ? $updater->curModulePath.'/lib/somepath' : BX_ROOT.'/modules/lists/lib/somepath'; if(include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$basePath."ecrmpropertyupdate.php")) \Bitrix\Lists\SomePath\EcrmPropertyUpdate::bind(); } */ abstract class Stepper { protected static $moduleId = "main"; protected $deleteFile = false; protected $outerParams = []; private static $filesToUnlink = array(); private static $countId = 0; const CONTINUE_EXECUTION = true; const FINISH_EXECUTION = false; /** * Returns HTML to show updates. * @param array|string $ids * @param string $title * @return string */ public static function getHtml($ids = array(), $title = "") { if (static::class !== __CLASS__) { $title = static::getTitle(); $ids = [static::$moduleId => [ static::class ]]; return call_user_func(array(__CLASS__, "getHtml"), $ids, $title); } $return = array(); $count = 0; $steps = 0; if (is_string($ids)) { $ids = array($ids => null); } foreach($ids as $moduleId => $classesId) { if (is_string($classesId)) $classesId = array($classesId); if (is_array($classesId)) { foreach($classesId as $classId) { if (($option = Option::get("main.stepper.".$moduleId, $classId, "")) !== "") { $option = unserialize($option, ['allowed_classes' => false]); if (is_array($option)) { $return[] = array( "moduleId" => $moduleId, "class" => $classId, "title" => $option["title"], "steps" => $option["steps"], "count" => $option["count"] ); $count += $option["count"]; $steps += ($option["count"] > $option["steps"] ? $option["steps"] : $option["count"]); } } } } else if (is_null($classesId)) { $options = Option::getForModule("main.stepper.".$moduleId); foreach($options as $classId => $option) { $option = unserialize($option, ['allowed_classes' => false]); if (is_array($option)) { $return[] = array( "moduleId" => $moduleId, "class" => $classId, "title" => $option["title"], "steps" => $option["steps"], "count" => $option["count"] ); $count += $option["count"]; $steps += ($option["count"] > $option["steps"] ? $option["steps"] : $option["count"]); } } } } $result = ''; if (!empty($return)) { $id = ++self::$countId; \CJSCore::Init(array('update_stepper')); $title = empty($title) ? self::getTitle() : $title; $progress = $count > 0 ? intval($steps * 100 / $count) : 0; $result .= <<<HTML <div class="main-stepper main-stepper-show" id="{$id}-container" data-bx-steps-count="{$count}"> <div class="main-stepper-info" id="{$id}-title">{$title}</div> <div class="main-stepper-inner"> <div class="main-stepper-bar"> <div class="main-stepper-bar-line" id="{$id}-bar" style="width:{$progress}%;"></div> </div> <div class="main-stepper-steps"><span id="{$id}-steps">{$steps}</span> / <span id="{$id}-count">{$count}</span></div> <div class="main-stepper-error-text" id="{$id}-error"></div> </div> </div> HTML; $return = \CUtil::PhpToJSObject($return); $result = <<<HTML <div class="main-stepper-block">{$result} <script>BX.ready(function(){ if (BX && BX["UpdateStepperRegister"]) { BX.UpdateStepperRegister({$id}, {$return}); }});</script> </div> HTML; } return $result; } public static function getTitle() { return Loc::getMessage("STEPPER_TITLE"); } /** * Execute an agent * @return string */ public static function execAgent() { $updater = self::createInstance(); $className = get_class($updater); $option = Option::get("main.stepper.".$updater->getModuleId(), $className, ""); if ($option !== "" ) $option = unserialize($option, ['allowed_classes' => false]); $option = is_array($option) ? $option : array(); $updater->setOuterParams(func_get_args()); if ($updater->execute($option) === self::CONTINUE_EXECUTION) { $option["steps"] = (array_key_exists("steps", $option) ? (int)$option["steps"] : 0); $option["count"] = (array_key_exists("count", $option) ? (int)$option["count"] : 0); $option["title"] = $updater::getTitle(); Option::set("main.stepper.".$updater->getModuleId(), $className, serialize($option)); return $className . '::execAgent('.$updater::makeArguments($updater->getOuterParams()).');'; } if ($updater->deleteFile === true && \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("bitrix24") !== true) { $res = new \ReflectionClass($updater); self::$filesToUnlink[] = $res->getFileName(); } Option::delete('main.stepper.'.$updater->getModuleId(), ['name' => $className]); Option::delete('main.stepper.'.$updater->getModuleId(), ['name' => '\\'.$className]); return ''; } public function __destruct() { if (!empty(self::$filesToUnlink)) { while ($file = array_pop(self::$filesToUnlink)) { $file = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance()->GetFile($file); $langDir = $fileName = ""; $filePath = $file->GetPathWithName(); while(($slashPos = mb_strrpos($filePath, "/")) !== false) { $filePath = mb_substr($filePath, 0, $slashPos); $langPath = $filePath."/lang"; if(is_dir($langPath)) { $langDir = $langPath; $fileName = mb_substr($file->GetPathWithName(), $slashPos); break; } } if ($langDir <> "" && ($langDir = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance()->GetDirectory($langDir)) && $langDir->IsExists()) { $languages = $langDir->GetChildren(); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language->IsDirectory() && ($f = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance()->GetFile($language->GetPathWithName().$fileName)) && $f->IsExists()) { $f->unlink(); } } unset($f); } $file->unlink(); } unset($file); } } /** * Executes some action, and if return value is false, agent will be deleted. * @param array $option Array with main data to show if it is necessary like {steps : 35, count : 7}, where steps is an amount of iterations, count - current position. * @return boolean */ abstract function execute(array &$option); public function setOuterParams(array $outerParams): void { $this->outerParams = $outerParams; } public function getOuterParams(): array { return $this->outerParams; } /** * It is possible to pass only integer and string values for now. But you can make your own method or extend this one. * @param array $arguments * @return string */ public static function makeArguments($arguments = []): string { if (is_array($arguments)) { foreach ($arguments as $key=> $val) { if (is_string($val)) { $arguments[$key] = "'".EscapePHPString($val, "'")."'"; } else { $arguments[$key] = intval($val); } } return implode(", ", $arguments); } return ""; } /** * Just fabric method. * @return Stepper */ public static function createInstance() { return new static; } /** * Wrap-function to get moduleId. * @return string */ public static function getModuleId() { return static::$moduleId; } /** * Adds agent for current class. * @param int $delay Delay for running agent * @param array $withArguments Data that will available in $stepper->outerParams * @return void */ public static function bind($delay = 300, $withArguments = []) { /** @var Stepper $c */ $c = get_called_class(); self::bindClass($c, $c::getModuleId(), $delay, $withArguments); } /** * Adds agent for class $className for $moduleId module. Example for updater: \Bitrix\Main\Stepper::bindClass('\Bitrix\SomeModule\SomeClass', 'somemodule'). * @param string $className Class like \Bitrix\SomeModule\SomeClass extends Stepper. * @param string $moduleId Module ID like somemodule. * @param int $delay Delay for running agent * @param array $withArguments * @return void */ public static function bindClass($className, $moduleId, $delay = 300, $withArguments = []) { if (class_exists("\CAgent")) { $addAgent = true; $withArguments = is_array($withArguments) ? $withArguments : []; $delay = (int)$delay; if ($delay <= 0) { /** @var Stepper $className */ $addAgent = ('' !== call_user_func_array([$className, "execAgent"], $withArguments)); } if ($addAgent) { if (Option::get("main.stepper.".$moduleId, $className, "") === "") Option::set("main.stepper.".$moduleId, $className, serialize([])); \CTimeZone::Disable(); \CAgent::AddAgent( $className.'::execAgent('.(empty($withArguments) ? '' : call_user_func_array([$className, "makeArguments"], [$withArguments])).');', $moduleId, "Y", 1, "", "Y", date(Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(\CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL")), time() + $delay), 100, false, false ); \CTimeZone::Enable(); } } else { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $arguments = ''; if (!empty($withArguments)) { $arguments = class_exists($className) ? call_user_func_array([$className, "makeArguments"], [$withArguments]) : self::makeArguments($withArguments) ; } $name = $helper->forSql($className.'::execAgent('.$arguments.');', 2000); $className = $helper->forSql($className); $moduleId = $helper->forSql($moduleId); $agent = $connection->query("SELECT ID FROM b_agent WHERE MODULE_ID='".$moduleId."' AND NAME = '".$name."' AND USER_ID IS NULL")->fetch(); if (!$agent) { $connection->query("INSERT INTO b_agent (MODULE_ID, SORT, NAME, ACTIVE, AGENT_INTERVAL, IS_PERIOD, NEXT_EXEC) VALUES ('".$moduleId."', 100, '".$name."', 'Y', 1, 'Y', ".($delay > 0 ? $helper->addSecondsToDateTime($delay) : $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction()).")"); $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_option', ['MODULE_ID', 'NAME'], [ 'MODULE_ID' => 'main.stepper.' . $moduleId, 'NAME' => $className, 'VALUE' => 'a:0:{}', ], [ 'VALUE' => 'a:0:{}', ]); if ($merge) { $connection->Query($merge[0]); } } } } /** * Just method to check request. * @return void */ public static function checkRequest() { $result = array(); $data = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getPost("stepper"); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $stepper) { if (($option = Option::get("main.stepper.".$stepper["moduleId"], $stepper["class"], "")) !== "" && ($res = unserialize($option, ['allowed_classes' => false])) && is_array($res)) { $r = array( "moduleId" => $stepper["moduleId"], "class" => $stepper["class"], "steps" => $res["steps"], "count" => $res["count"] ); $result[] = $r; } } } self::sendJson($result); } /** * Sends json. * @param $result * @return void */ private static function sendJson($result) { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); header('Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8'); echo Json::encode($result); \CMain::finalActions(); die; } protected function writeToLog(\Exception $exception) { $application = HttpApplication::getInstance(); $exceptionHandler = $application->getExceptionHandler(); $exceptionHandler->writeToLog($exception); } }