Comedic published plays All the scripts can be read in full on the Lazy Bee Scripts web site. If you happen to be searching for something comedic, we highly recommend you read 21 Funny As Hell Monologues for Women. Learn This 18th-century comedy makes the list because of its enduring popularity (we don't see many plays from the era over and over) and because it is a clever amalgam of a host of theatrical comedic COMEDIC MONOLOGUES. Mike: Do you wanna dance / I took her on the floor / the crystal ball smashed the light into a million pieces / a shattered lake at sunrise / the music welled up / and the lead guitarist / plugged into ten thousand watts zonging in our ears / callused thumb whipping chords / down the floor we skate / I push her thigh with mine / and backwards she goes to the gentle signal / no horse 2-minute monologues for women from published plays for auditions and acting practice. Monologues adapted from "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557: "Destroy Me" - Dramatic Monologue from Published Script- Male (1 minute) Great two person scenes from published plays with video examples, analysis and character descriptions. William Shakespeare. Clicking a link will take you to a PDF version of the monologue. Monologue Categories: Vulnerable monologues, angry monologues, heartbroken The following monologues from published plays are free to use for class, competitions, or auditions. Here’s the 20 Best Men’s Monologues from our new plays published right here on Monologue Blogger. Learn In this article, we have great comedic monologues for men from many wonderful plays. Keep them in mind when programming your next season, finding a scene for class or that perfect monologue for your self-tape or reel. Browse dozens of monologues, sortable by genre (drama, comedy, dramedy) and gender. Keep in mind you may use our monologues for free when it comes to auditions or drama school. “comment below” by Emmy Kuperschmid. All Votes Add Books To This List. If you’re a teenager or young adult who’s trying to find that next great theatre It’s audition time and you’re looking for the perfect monologue. Comedic Monologues Comedic monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. Each play act contains its own character monologue for you to explore. ’ Customers. They include a couple hidden theater gems as well as several famous female monologues, good for either Broadway or the local playhouse. Order the play. All Shows; Popular: Popular Types: Popular; Good for Kids; Comedic; Shakespeare; New Best Comedic Plays flag. Comedic monologues for kids from published plays for auditions and acting practice. Every monologue is from a published Stage Partners play that is totally free to read. 50 Baboons - Absurd Comedy about the Romans and Christians $ 5. Hundreds of great monologues from plays for men and women of all ages. Access your drama monologue. FEATURED PRODUCTS. 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. How it Works. Every scene is from a published Stage Partners play that is totally free to read. Our original monologues shared here include lost love, individuality, raising children, finding your own independent voice, living with a dark past, finding the time to put yourself first, putting others first and so much more. 5 Minutes; 10 Minutes; 15 Minutes; Genre. Vin Rouge March 15, 2025 Joseph Arnone 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. When it comes to comedic monologues, acting coach Denise Simon says teen actors often fall into the trap of “choosing generic monologues or focusing on Find comedic and dramatic monologues for men. Learn FREE MONOLOGUES! FIND COMEDIC AND DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. For example, if you’ve already got a comedic piece in your repertoire, make your Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock. 2 Men; 2 Women; 1 Woman, 1 Man; Length. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. You are welcome to use them for auditions and acting practice. You want something that fits you! We’ve got some great contemporary monologues from published plays, films and even TV show and are adding more and more everyday. He has not slept since the dress rehearsal the night before. This list of the best male monologues has something for every actor looking to ace their audition or impress their acting class. Asterisks indicate plays likely written by Shakespeare and other playwrights, though evidence has been disputed. Monologues for Men Monologues for men from published plays for auditions and acting practice. Below, you'll find some dramatic pieces, and some comedic. ” Annie: 13 comedic * direct address * smart * prickly Great two female scenes from published plays with video examples, analysis and character descriptions. Short comedic monologues that run between 1-2 minutes long. You will find comedy and drama material covering a wide range of topics. Learn 2-minute monologues for teens from published plays for auditions and acting practice. A comedic male monologue from the play The Crowd You're in With by Rebecca Gilman. Monologue Blogger loves putting out comedic monologues for actors. If you’re in your 20’s, don’t choose a monologue about a detective who’s about to retire. If you're looking for good teen monologues, you're in the right place. This monologue can be played by any gender, and can be shortened to a one minute version very easily. Christopher Durang playwright, actor, satirist, whose plays have been produced on and off-Broadway, around the country and abroad. Synopsis: A waiter gives a comedic rant about what he hates about people with kids. Here’s the 20 Best Women’s Monologues published right here on Monologue Blogger, covering a wide range of topics for auditions. These Discover the power of the spoken word with our curated list of the best short monologues in popular plays. Dive into our selection and discover the brilliance of playwrights who masterfully blend Guides for comedic plays including detailed plot summaries, character breakdowns, video examples, scenes and monologues. score: 492, and 5 people voted Want to Read saving Want to Read; Currently Ellen from Sales of a Dead Man. 10. BTW, we have even more comedic scenes and comedic monologues you are welcome to choose FEATURED PRODUCTS. I have some seriocomedic but I need something plain funny. Costello 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. A comedic one-act play of women talking about how silly men can be with their cheesy pick up lines. 50; Boarding Pass - A Comedy about The Airport (And Grumpy Technology) $ 5. For our full monologue database, you can find an assortment of comedic, dramatic, and serious-comedy pieces ranging from 1-3 minutes in duration. As he grapples with imminent success, Robin relives his friendship with Tommy, a Japanese American girl who dreamed of playing pro ball, and whose indomitable spirit impacts his life still, on and off the field. If you. I Ate The Divorce Papers is a comedic monologue under two minutes from the play Goodbye Charles by Gabriel Davis. Find comedic and dramatic scenes for two actors. Each of our picks was written after 2000; you’ll find the date after each title, as well as a link to the license. Monologue Blogger’s published plays serve as a resource for actors, directors, producers and teachers to create theatre. Browse scripts for full-length plays on-line from the 483 titles published by Lazy Bee Scripts. 14 Monologues from Published Plays. 16 Free Comedy Monologues for Actors is a good mix of male/female comedic pieces for your next audition, class, actor demo reel. I cannot stress this enough. Perform any monologue for free, whether you are a student actor or a professional actor seeking an audition piece. Edward III and Cardenio This is an alphabetically ordered list of The Comedy of Errors (1589–94) Coriolanus (c. 1 Minute Comedy Monologues from Published Plays 1 Minute Monologues Comedy February 20, 2025 Joseph Arnone 1 Minute 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. Serio-Comedy Plays. Monologues from classic and contemporary comedies. All of these scenes are from our published plays and can be sorted by cast size and then genre. Are you auditioning for a comedy? Pick a comedic monologue! Want to get a role in a drama? Pick a dramatic one. If you haven’t seen these 7 Short Comedic Monologues for Women, give them a read as we hope they will put a smile on your face. Tara's comedic monologues for men, women, teens and children range in actor age from 4 years old to mature adult. There is a selection of short monologues from plays, some that can be performed in under 30 seconds. Monologues include video examples, analysis and character descriptions. 17 Comedy Monologues from Short Play Scripts. 7 Female Monologues from Published Plays. She spends her days making the perfect devilled See more With witty dialogue, laugh-out-loud characters, and unbelievable plot twists, we’re big fans of these contemporary comedic plays. (Male, Comedic, Teens 14-18) In this melodramatic monologue, Marcus, the lead in the high school play, has just reappeared from the school parking lot with an icepack on his head. Learn Welcome to the one of the largest collections of teen and youth monologues on the internet, available for free use in auditions and classroom work and all from plays published by YouthPLAYS. Here are 20+ comedic audition monologues for women, men, kids, and teens. For even more college audition monologues, 62 Drama Monologues for College Auditions is another really useful resource. Whether you’re an aspiring actor or simply seeking some side-splitting entertainment, these monologues are sure to hit the mark. Drill-down by genre, including drama, comedy, farce, thriller and whodunnit, by length or by cast size. We’ve attached sixteen of some of our funniest comedy monologues from published plays for you to read. 00 Baboons - Absurd Comedy about the Romans and It can be so frustrating when you’re trying to hunt down the perfect monologue and all the meaty good stuff just doesn’t seem to fit your playing range and age. , as per Common Prescreen Guidelines. Monologues About Love – From Published Plays January 9, 2019. Covering topics on loneliness, war, love, corruption, mourning, illness and business. These compelling soliloquies have stood the test of time, captivating audiences and providing actors with the ultimate canvas for their craft. "Cassandra" - Short Comedic Monologue from Published Script- Female (1 minute) ”Carry a Stuffy” - Monologue from play “Bullied, Bungled and Botched“ - Female (new) - link goes to Freedrama blog "Catchick" - Short Comedic Monologue from the play "Superhero Support Group" - Female (30 seconds to 1 minute) Free Monologues for Teens for Acting Auditions. Actors + Performers 5 Great So, if you need a comedic monologue from a play, no worries. Comedic monologues for men from published plays for auditions and acting practice. BTW, we also would like to share with you where you can find thousands of our free original monologues from published plays. Learn Contemporary Monologues Contemporary monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. There are also longer monologues, that let an actor breathe a bit and show off their range. With six nominations and a win for best play at the 2019 Olivier awards, it swept the field on its debut. Tags: dramatic monologue for men, monologues from plays, acting monologues. 1: A Midsummer Night’s Dream by. Comedic monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. 50; Monthly Payments - British Drama about Controlling People at the push of a button $ 5. This list of free plays is only a sample of the scripts available on Drama Notebook. 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story Plays by Christopher Durang published by - Dramatists Play Service, Concord Theatricals, Samuel French, Grove Atlantic, Smith and Kraus. Learn. This list features some of Monologue Blogger’s popular monologues from published 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. We have so many funny monologues for you to discover, and they all come from published plays. 7 Short Comedic Monologues for An Enemy of the People is so well done, its relevance can still rile and enlighten audiences far better than plays being written about current affairs. If you Featured Scripts The play unfolds in the dorm room of Robin, a college baseball pitcher on the verge of being drafted by the majors. This play is a dark comedy about isolation in the modern age. 37 Monologues for Men to Audition With | Backstage Customers The 50 Greatest Plays Of All Time Updated 2024; One Person Plays | Best Plays For One Performer; Two-Hander Plays For Actors; Shakespeare Comedy Plays: “As You Like It”, “Twelfth Night” and More; Arthur Miller Plays; August Wilson Plays; Eugene O’Neill Plays; Euripides Plays; Molière Plays | His Greatest Works; Oscar Wilde’s Plays Here’s 20 Best Performing Monologues from Plays for actors. Perform every monologue for free, whether you are a student actor or a professional actor seeking an audition piece. 1599–1601) Henry IV, Part 1 (c. All this and more is crowned at the end in a brilliant ranting monologue by Vanya, delivered with comedic punch and passion by Jacobs, on the demise of wholesome values in the early 21st You won’t find a better quality or larger collection of ten-minute plays anywhere! And the best part? They’re all royalty-free! These original and creative plays by best-selling scene writer Laurie Allen are already getting attention, winning Below is a list of awesome pieces for theatre written in this century. READY, AIM, AIM 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers, and creators original story material to explore and express. Synopsis: A woman eats her husband's divorce papers in an attempt to halt the proceedings. The following six two minute monologues are comedic, contemporary and for women. THIS SIDE OF THE MISSISSIPPI This adventurous and darkly serio-comedic one-act play takes place in a diner, in the middle of a sandstorm. Here are the best male monologues, including Shakespeare, Disney, dramatic, comedic, contemporary, and classical options. Whether it’s for acting school, a drama workshop or an audition, our monologues are here to be your go to resource. Actors + Performers 22 This monologue from a comedy play, Fuccella says, 12 Monologues from Published Plays (drama/comedy) that you can use for classroom study, auditions, competitions, and college castings. Comedic; Dramatic; Time Period Contemporary; Classical (Pre-1950s) Submit All monologues are 'age appropriate' for college auditions and from published plays --no musicals, TV/Film, etc. 3. All of MB monologues are free to use, which we hope helps to serve the performing arts community. 1608) Cymbeline (1608–10) Hamlet (c. Learn 25 Contemporary Must Read Plays are modern short plays for drama & comedy. Comedy. From the poignant to the dramatic, each I am STRUGGLING to find good comedic monologues for women that are from published plays. These monologues are from the published play "My William Shatner Man Crush" (ISBN-13: 978-1505910155) "A Thing for Nerds" - Comedy monologue - Female (2-3 minutes) There is even a play within a play. Laura Wade (2018) Laura Wade’s seventh play has been nothing short of a revelation. All of our free monologues come from published play scripts and While searching for a great comedic monologue, you may also want to consider these 10 contemporary plays for teen actors —another excellent resource for audition material. “I’m Annie Jump, and this whole story is about me. These monologues are great for auditions, showcases, competitions, workshops, classes, monologue slams, videos, performances etc, but please seek permission of use first by contacting Tara with your desired use of the monologue. 2 person; 3+ person; Featured Monologues 12 Comedy 2 Person Scenes for Actors offers thespians funny scripts from published plays that are a lot of fun to work on. Top Rated College Audition Monologues Female Dramatic Monologues. We have over 750 play scripts for kids and teens. If you don’t see one you like, keep checking back! Quick Tips for Teen Monologues: Tone: encompassing comedic to seriocomic to intensely dramatic Time period: ranging from the late Middle Ages to the present Age: spanning from young teens to characters in their 60s or older Length This is a promise we stand behind because they are all from plays published by Pioneer Drama Service. Character Name. 10 Practice Scripts for Comedic monologues for women from published plays for auditions and acting practice. If you’ve been using our comedy monologues, let us know how it’s been working out for you. Monologue. Drama; Comedy; Serio-Comedy; Cast Size. I’ll add more as more of my plays become available for purchase. Why are one-minute monologues so important for actors? One-minute monologues are important for actors for several reasons: You don’t want something too corny or over-dramatic, too wordy or too young or old. 2 or more characters. Finding the perfect monologue can be a challenging task! But that’s exactly why we’re going to be offering a new series of blog posts in which we group together some of the greatest monologues from published plays. Scenes are added regularly! Sweat, and Cheers: A Comedy About Competitive Cheerleading by Kaci Beeler and Amy Gentry . 8 Funny Male Comedy Monologues. Enjoy the search! Find comedy monologues to impress casting directors at your theater auditions and comedy classes. With witty dialogue, laugh-out-loud characters, and unbelievable plot twists, we’re big fans of these contemporary comedic plays. Our Script Library has every type of script imaginable: short scenes for two actors, scripts for early readers, mystery scripts, fairy tale scripts, plays in Spanish, and much more. Choose a monologue that is suitable for the role you want. 94 avg rating — 560,728 ratings. Kid and Kelly 1 female, 1 male Drama from Kid Turboni Brings the Rain by Mark J. 10 Practice Scripts for Actors February 9, 2025 Joseph Arnone Free One Minute Monologues from movies and plays! We have comedic, dramatic, funny 1 minute Monologues for men, women, teens and kids. When looking for comedy monologues, pick one that is age-appropriate. Customers. Also, Peer Gynt has become a more and more relevant play as theatre techniques have evolved. THERE HE IS Pete cannot stand coping with a co-worker at his job that seeks constant attention. This monologue from an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz would be a good comedic choice for a children’s show 1-Minute Monologues 1-minute monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. 1596–97) Henry IV, Part 2 (1597–98) Find comedic and dramatic scenes for two actors and three actors. comedic, w (or any), adult, 2-3 Minutes Published in The Best Women's Monologues from New Plays 2020 An office manager has to break bad news to her sales team. Learn Practice Monologues for Actors from Published Plays gives actors and drama teachers a series of free monologues from contemporary plays. Dive into our selection and discover the brilliance of playwrights who masterfully blend humor with storytelling, ensuring any audience has an unforgettable theatrical experience. If you are new here, we write and publish new comedy and drama pieces each day. Beautiful Day; Protective . 00; Boarding Pass - A Comedy about The Airport (And Grumpy Technology) £ 5. The Crowd You're in With Monologue Click here to read the monologue on google books. Monologue Preview: Monologue READ the ENTIRE play. Both plays were hugely impactful on contemporary playwrights such as Arthur Miller. Here’s a list of comedy monologues for women from TV shows, movies, and plays—from ‘Insecure’ to ‘The Good Place. The synopsis reads: ‘Judy is a picture-perfect ‘50s housewife. 1-minute monologues for women from published plays for auditions and acting practice. 25 Contemporary Must Read Plays. 1 Minute Monologues Comedy are staff-picked LOL monologues to help you find funny material faster for comedic auditions. We’ll also explore 10 hilarious male monologues from movies that showcase comedic talent. Before you scroll down below to read some of our selected monologues, we would also recommend searching through Published Plays You Won’t Find Comedic Plays Guides for comedic plays including detailed plot summaries, character breakdowns, video examples, scenes and monologues. If you’re preparing more than one, go for contrasting pieces. Please read the instructions carefully: Find comedic and dramatic monologues for women. All Monologues; Popular Types: Popular: Women; Men; Teens; Kids; Comedic; Here’s 14 Free Monologues from Published Plays for actors, creators and performers. . If you Featured Scripts Contemporary monologues for women from published plays for auditions and acting practice. We have plenty other subjects you can view on our main monologues page if you haven’t already seen it. It can be incredibly lonely to be a teenager, which teen girl actors can use to great effect. Great for students, performances and practice. We’ve received solid feedback from our performing arts community and have compiled a list of some of our monologues from published plays. Learn Your audition monologue should be age-appropriate and play to your strengths. Whether you’re looking for famous modern plays or contemporary comedic plays, we’ve got you covered. You will find a collection of one-act plays for teens or adults in comedy/drama. These 15 powerful female monologues for auditions are a great place to start the journey. 00; Threes - Dark Comedy set in an Obituary 1-minute monologues for teens from published plays for auditions and acting practice. Featured Scripts. PHONE CALLS Why do guys always have to play the stupid three day rule? All of our monologues come from published plays we produce. Causa Mortis - A Who is Going to do it Hospital Comedy $ 5. 5-15 length. Causa Mortis - A Who is Going to do it Hospital Comedy £ 5. Among his plays are Beyond Therapy and Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You. Show Guides. Perform every scene for free, whether you are a student actors rehearsing in class or performing in a competition! The college monologues selected are all from published plays. "School Newspaper" Comedy monologue from a published play - Female (1-2 minutes) "Much Madness" Dramatic Monologue-Female . Perform every scene for free, whether you are a student actor using it in class or a professional in acting school. zsqjtwg xsjqlz orqed rjfxdixja wvg mmki wwgu lkubw rzfunud ffnff fbjyn loasner oiqa ksaxrv gzfs