Maths year 1 powerpoint This is designed to support. PlanIt Maths Year 1 Number and Place Value within 50 Lesson Pack 44: Finding One More and One Less Than Numbers within 50 . Year 1 Christmas Maths Mastery PowerPoint English/Mandarin Chinese . Use this weekly maths PowerPoint as a quick activity to promote fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Designed specifically for the spring term, this PowerPoint offers 5 days of Year 1 British Money PowerPoint: Maths Mastery. This maths PowerPoint contains five days of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your year 1 maths lessons or the start of the day. With over 70 slides (most of which are editable), this resource is intended to be completed with students in a 1:1 assessment situation, with the [] Year 1 • Maths. Fun and interesting, featuring a range of Year 1 Maths Mastery Counting PowerPoint [PDF] Twinkl England 2014 National Curriculum Resources Maths Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 Year 1 Number - Number and Place Value Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number. Counting to and from 20. Geometry takes a playful turn with a PowerPoint resource aimed at Year 1 students, introducing them to the properties of shapes, specifically 2D or two-dimensional shapes. The materials focus on the multiplication and division aspect Geometry takes a playful turn with a PowerPoint resource aimed at Year 1 students, introducing them to the properties of shapes, specifically 2D or two-dimensional shapes. One of the interactive teaching tools includes a PowerPoint presentation that guides students through the process of making equal groups. We've made brand new and improved units for you. It can also be used as a revision tool once the topic has been taught and includes some mastery questions to promote deeper thinking. Featuring perfectly pitched reasoning, fluency and problem-solving skills for the Year 2 classroom, this engaging and exciting Use this spring-themed weekly starter PowerPoint to help your year 1 children practise and consolidate their maths skills. pptx. Several of the activities have a number of different possible answers to help children develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Each activity is followed by a slide with the answers to work through easily with In a Year 1 Maths lesson, children are introduced to the months of the year, a fundamental aspect of the measurement of time. Lesson 2: Splitting Numbers This bumper resource pack consists of eight weekly maths PowerPoints, each containing five days of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your year 1 maths lessons. Related Searches. Potions - Capacity. Year 1; Maths; Maths activities An online resource covering the year 1 curriculum offering lots of activities. This resource is aligned with the For Kids to find more homework ideas for Maths. pnggirl--thinking. 3. Year 1 maths quiz. Pop the Balloons – Ordering This weekly maths PowerPoint contains five days of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your year 1 maths lessons. Our Year 1 Maths Starters PowerPoint is just what you need! Perfect for live lessons, normal classroom teaching or parent-led home learning. The questions in this particular PowerPoint have been This set of educational resources is designed to help Year 1 students understand the concept of number and place value using a number line. Year 2 Number and Place Value Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint. Math In a series of educational resources aimed at Year 1 students, the concept of ordinal numbers is introduced and explored. For another handy Maths In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focusing on measurement, students are introduced to the concepts of capacity and volume. Year 1 SPaG Ppt 1 A recap of the 4 sentences types. A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 1 students across the curriculum. Tags in this resource: banana-2. Download. Through a PowerPoint presentation, they follow the daily routine of a character named Charlie. Year 1 Measurement Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint. Year 1 Number Recognition and Place Value Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint One More and One Less Activity Sheet Interactive PDF: White Rose Maths Supporting Year 1: Spring Block 2 Place Value (within 50): Tens and Ones Use this spring-inspired weekly starter PowerPoint to warm up year 1 children ready for their maths lessons. 15 lessons. Download CP1-Chp5-VolumesOfRevolution. The lesson aims to help students practice describing and comparing different capacities and volumes through engaging activities. Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource This weekly morning starter PowerPoint contains five days of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your summer Our Year 1 Maths Starters PowerPoint is just what you need! Perfect for live lessons, normal classroom teaching or parent-led home learning. To help support your children's learning about addition and subtraction, take a look at these Subtraction and Addition with Pictures Worksheets. Which containers in your house do you think would hold more water than a mug and An engaging PowerPoint presentation for Year 1 students focuses on the days of the week, aiming to enhance their writing and transcription skills. Before and After Numbers and Patterns Year 1 Powerpoint. Submit Search. misscunningham. 4 reviews . Our Fluent in Five Year 1 Maths Spring Morning Starter PowerPoint 3 is a fantastic resource designed to warm up young minds for the day ahead. Get to know us. pngsock-1. The Use this spring-themed weekly starter PowerPoint to prepare your year 1 children for their maths lessons. Y1 Maths Lesson-2-Recognising-coins. Year 1 One More and This PowerPoint can be used as a whole class or group warm-up for position and direction in Year 1. Based on the Edexcel syllabus. Encourage fluency in maths in year 1 with the Year 1 Maths Summer Morning Starter PowerPoint. ppt Ask your grown-up to help you fill a mug with water. With a variety of fun and interesting questions, this PowerPoint has This PowerPoint can be used as a mental maths warm-up for number recognition and place value. Fun and varied, featuring a range of interesting . KS1 Music Florence Price. pnglego-bricks. The PowerPoint presentation begins by introducing the concept of addition as combining two amounts together. Maths Resource Description AI generated In a comprehensive set of teaching resources, students are invited to explore and practice the concepts of comparing and ordering different lengths and heights. billinjo Year 1 maths quiz - Download as a PDF or view online for free Submit Search. 3 reviews In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focused on measurement, students are introduced to the concept of sequencing events. math morning starters year 1 and 2 - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 2020 2 Monday 23. Lesson 1: Addition and Subtraction. Download FP2-Chp3-FurtherComplexNumbers. Jun 24, 2016 Download as PPTX, PDF 2 likes 6,164 views. Featuring perfectly pitched fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills for 1 Year 1 Math Week Beginning 23. In a series of maths teaching resources aimed at Year 1 pupils, the focus is on mastering subtraction by using a number line. This technique is a fundamental skill in mathematics, which requires a solid understanding of place value to ensure accuracy. math morning starters year 1 and 2. This PowerPoint has been written to support the following national curriculum maths aims for year 1: add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including 0 solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations Use it as part of a whole-class maths lesson, small group This wonderful underwater-themed PowerPoint is ideal for developing year 1 children's understanding of number bonds within 20. Each slide is a stand-alone activity to get the children thinking and reasoning about fractions. In a series of educational resources for Year 1 mathematics, the concept of equal groups is introduced as a fundamental building block for understanding multiplication and division. You might also like This is because I know teachers are moving away from PowerPoint to YouTube and I thought it would be fun to give them the option of being able to use and share this work directly on YouTube. pngelastic-slinky. Here is a list of the different lessons in this FREE Year 1 Maths Lessons Pack. pptx This is a PowerPoint for Year 1 White Rose Maths for Autumn. The powerpoint offers questions as an opportunity to reflect on childrens’ current understanding of place value and has pictorial images to help to find one more and one less than a given amount. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! These are beautifully made and really useful A set of 100 individual mental maths lessons for Year 1 (each lesson has 5 questions). Using your interactive whiteboard share In a collection of engaging maths teaching resources aimed at Year 1 pupils, the concept of doubling is introduced through a series of interactive PowerPoint slides and worksheets. This exciting PowerPoint contains ideas for teaching fractions at greater depth to Year 1. Year 1 Number Recognition and Place Value Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint 1 More and 1 Less within 20 | KS1 Maths Concept Video Comparing Sets and Quantities in Teddy's Toy Shop PowerPoint This is a PowerPoint for Year 1 White Rose Maths for Autumn Start off your planning with an interactive PowerPoint. Number Words 1 to 20 Word Search. Designed specifically for the spring term, this PowerPoint is part of a series that offers 5 days of maths questions for In this set of teaching resources aimed at Year 1 students, the focus is on understanding addition and subtraction facts up to 10. Children will explore a range of different number bonds using pictures and representations including part Year 1 Number Recognition and Place Value Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint Interactive PDF: White Rose Maths Supporting Year 1: Spring Block 2 Place Value (within 50): Tens and Ones Year 1 Maths - One More, One Less Space-Themed Game Use this illustrated Year 1 Length PowerPoint to demonstrate how to compare the length of everyday items using concrete apparatus, such as base ten cubes and paper clips. The lesson begins with a clear objective: to practice adding numbers together using a number line, which is This is a PowerPoint for Year 1 White Rose Maths for Summer. Featuring fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills, this colourful and engaging PowerPoint will help boost pupil knowledge and confidence in maths, as well as build upon prior maths learning. pdf. One way of using these lovely resources is to have them on the board, ready This Teaching Fluency Maths PowerPoint contains fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your year 1 Maths lessons, with enough content to span 5 days. Report a Mistake. Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint. pptx Slides; Further Modelling Using this fun and engaging Year 1 Maths Spring Morning Starter with your class will help develop the children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Used daily, these problems will help children to develop their skills and build on their prior knowledge. A mix of Maths and English starters on slides for Year 1. pnglego This presentation can be used as a maths warm-up for Year 1 work on properties of shape. KS1 Music Activity. A set of 100 individual mental maths lessons for Year 1 (each lesson has 5 questions). The presentation is available as a PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation. In a collection of teaching resources designed for Year 1 students, the concept of adding equal groups is introduced to help children understand the foundations of multiplication and division. Used daily these problems will help children to develop their skills and build on their prior knowledge. Designed for Year 1 pupils, this set of Maths Teaching Resources focuses on the concept of counting one more and one less. Number Bonds within 20 Addition and Subtraction Maths Mastery Teaching Pack . Go through this PowerPoint with your grown-up to see what you remember. pptx Slides; FP2 (Old Syllabus) Chapter 3 - Further Complex Numbers. In a Year 1 Maths lesson, children are introduced to the months of the year, a fundamental aspect of the measurement of time. Year 1 One more and One less Maths Mastery IKEA Tolsby/Fiestad Frame. Alternatively, this could be used as an activity to consolidate the children's maths skills at the beginning of the day. The questions have been carefully pitched for the summer term. This is daily maths planning for the Spring term aligned with Are you looking for a way to capture your students’ number strand knowledge in the lead up to reporting or parent-teacher interviews? This resource is designed for this exact purpose. This document contains an 8 question math quiz about counting various objects like watermelons, caterpillars, apples, and bananas. This teaching resource is an interactive PowerPoint which provides a series of mathematical warm up activities that cover areas across the curriculum. Continents of the World (Years 1 This Maths Mastery PowerPoint includes 8 activities that can be used with Year 1 children in order to develop their understanding of counting. M. 20 You will need: 3 4 Monday 23. The questions have been carefully pitched to build and develop maths throughout the year. This set of educational resources is designed to help Year 1 students understand the concept of number and place value using a number line. KS1 Geography powerpoint. The PowerPoint includes terms for measurements of length, such as 'longer,' 'shorter,' and 'equal,' as well as a range of other measurement keywords to compare the different lengths on each Using this spring-based weekly starter PowerPoint is an ideal way to prepare your year 1 children for their maths lessons. The resource introduces each day, starting from Monday and ending with Sunday, encouraging young learners to The "Numbers in Words" PowerPoint is an educational resource created by Teacher of Primary, aimed at helping primary school students practice reading and matching numbers up to 100 in both numeral and word forms. Featuring fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills for the year 1 classroom, this colourful and engaging PowerPoint will help boost pupil knowledge and confidence in maths, as well as build upon This is a PowerPoint for Year 1 White Rose Maths for Autumn. Year 1 Count in Multiples Maths Mastery PowerPoint. These flat shapes, which lack thickness unlike their 3D counterparts, form the basis of early geometry learning. For only one of this set rather than the whole pack, try this handy Year 1 Fluency This PowerPoint can be used as a whole class or group warm-up for measurement in Year 1. Read More » Year 1 Supporting White Rose Maths Planning – Summer 2 Supporting White Rose Maths (WRM) Summer 2 Daily Planning for Year 1. This weekly morning starter PowerPoint contains five days of understanding, fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions for the start of your term 2 maths lessons. This weekly morning starter PowerPoint contains five days of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your summer term year 1 maths lessons. The questions have been carefully In this set of teaching resources aimed at Year 1 students, the focus is on understanding addition and subtraction facts up to 10. Using your interactive whiteboard share the questions with your class and use either the blank recording sheet, or the Year 1 Mental Maths Recording Sheet In a Maths teaching resource aimed at primary level, the concept of addition using a number line is introduced and explored. Penguin Place Value. Lesson 2: Splitting Use this resource to deepen children's understanding of reading and writing numbers to twenty through discussion, use of concrete materials and games. Use this spring-inspired weekly starter PowerPoint to warm up Year 1 children ready for their maths lessons. For another handy Maths This presentation can be used as a maths warm-up for Year 1 work on properties of shape. 2. pngrobot. It can also be used as a revision activity once the topic has been taught and includes some mastery questions to promote deeper thinking. This Teaching Fluency Maths PowerPoint contains fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions for the start of your year 1 Maths lessons, with enough content to span 5 days. Start off your planning with an interactive PowerPoint. Designed to accompany the Pearson Core Pure Year 1 textbook for Further Maths. The lesson introduces the concept by explaining that a number line is a simple and effective tool for taking away one number from another. The materials aim to enhance number and place value knowledge through a variety of engaging activities. In a mathematics teaching resource aimed at primary school children, the concept of number bonds is introduced through 'The Story of 3'. Your input is very much appreciated. The questions in this particular PowerPoint have been This powerpoint can be used as a mental maths warm-up for number recognition and place value. Download CP1-Chp2-ArgandDiagrams. Use a different slide each day (also editable in case you need to adapt it for your Here is a list of the different lessons in this FREE Year 1 Maths Lessons Pack. Counting Up to 100 (Year 1) Counting; Key Stage 1 Maths; PowerPoint; This PowerPoint helps children to practise counting forwards and backwards between two points for numbers up to one hundred. England Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 Maths Maths Mastery How does this resource excite and engage children's learning? This handy challenge powerpoint is perfect during your year one maths lessons. The questions have been carefully pitched to build and develop throughout the academic year. The lesson explores the different pairs of numbers that can be added together to total three, providing a foundational understanding of addition for young learners. The materials are designed to teach children about the terms used to denote positions in a sequence, such as first, second, third, and so on. 1-10 in Words Trace and Write Worksheet. 3. N. Children look for patterns and reason about them as they count in multiples. This resource has been created to cover all of the key concepts from the Year 1 Mathematics Curriculum. Mathematics teaching resources for Year 1 pupils place an emphasis on number and place value, alongside multiplication and division concepts. In Year 3, students are introduced to the column addition method for adding numbers up to three digits. The questions have been carefully pitched for the start of the academic year. Counting, recognising and comparing numbers 0 - 10. Math Powerpoint Final 1. pngdark-teddy-bear. pngsock-2. Y1 Maths Lesson 1 Answers-Ordering-numbers. Featuring fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills for the year 1 classroom, this varied and engaging PowerPoint will help boost pupil knowledge and confidence in maths, as well as build upon prior maths learning. Write the number in words. For more related resources, try this properties of shapes category page. It can also be used as a revision activity once the topic has been taught and includes some mastery questions to promote deeper These simple and engaging Maths Morning Starter PowerPoints are ideal for getting children focused and instantly learning when they enter the classroom. Read the help article. 1. Some of these units will soon be taken down. Tags in this resource: flat-shapes. The presentation uses More info. Tens and Ones to 20 Activity Sheet. The presentation begins by distinguishing between 2D shapes, which are flat with no thickness, and 3D shapes, which are solid and have thickness. Develop Year 1 children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in maths with these fantastic starters. 10 lessons. Exploring the world of geometry, Year 1 students are introduced to the concept of three-dimensional (3D) shapes through an engaging PowerPoint presentation. The materials are designed to teach children about the terms used to denote positions in a sequence, such as first, In a series of educational resources aimed at Year 1 students, the concept of ordinal numbers is introduced and explored. Draw This Year 1 Maths Warm-Ups PowerPoint is aligned to the Australian Curriculum and is a great way to introduce, reinforce and practise a wide range of Maths skills. nataliek23 Follow. The questions have been carefully pitched for the start of term. This PowerPoint contains both number-talks pictures and mental Maths problems designed to open mathematical discussion between students. Check out our teaching wiki on shapes in math to learn more about the This presentation can be used as a maths warm-up for Year 1 work on properties of shape. A fun, practical and progressive Maths program from Birth to the end of Year 2 supporting White Rose Maths Training videos to view at your convenience by amazing Early Years Leaders in the field A supportive community of likeminded Early Years Practitioners with free access to an exclusive vetted group with anonymous posting In a mathematics teaching resource aimed at primary school children, the concept of number bonds is introduced through 'The Story of 3'. In a Year 1 geometry lesson focused on position and direction, students are introduced to the concept of turns, specifically learning about clockwise and anti-clockwise movements. Featuring fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills for the year 1 classroom, this colourful and engaging PowerPoint will help boost pupil knowledge and confidence in maths as well as build upon prior maths learning. It includes 333 slides for you to choose from. The material begins by defining what it means for groups to be equal – that is, containing the same number of items. The questions have been carefully Designed to accompany the Pearson Core Pure Year 1 textbook for Further Maths. Oct 15, 2011 Download as PPTX, PDF 4 likes 8,923 views. The questions have been carefully pitched for the start of the summer term. This PowerPoint can be used as a mental maths warm-up for addition and subtraction. pngmonkey-with-5-bananas. Use a different slide each day (also editable in case you need to adapt it for your children/class) and ask children to use whiteboards/pens or a piece of scrap paper to write out their answers. Year 1 Read and Write Numbers from 1 to 20 Maths Mastery Challenge Sticky Labels. pngsock-3. The lesson aims to familiarise them with whole, half, quarter, and three-quarter turns. Quick View. Counting in tens - Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint can be used as a mental maths warm-up for addition and subtraction. 20 Todays number is 69 Write this number in your yellow book. png Year 1 Maths learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. The lesson begins with an engaging question, prompting students to consider how many months there are in a year, to which the answer is twelve. Featuring Use this spring-inspired weekly starter PowerPoint to warm up Year 2 children ready for their maths lessons. You can edit, duplicate 197 Top "Year 1 Maths Powerpoint" Teaching Resources curated for you. This is designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths in Year 1. Looking for more resources like this one? Check out this handy Year 1 Number Recognition and Place Value Maths Warm-Up PowerPoint! Deepen children's grasp of counting patterns with this resource. This PowerPoint, aimed at F-2 students, gives lots of different number-talks examples, building up from just simple dot images to more complex problems. png This is a maths powerpoint based on ‘place value’ for year 1 students. The materials include a PowerPoint presentation and various worksheets that engage students in interactive learning. Tags in this resource: robot. ulxldtwoffcspqipxuregaabwbnetjoluxuqhzqyewnpfaalzecjpqahicjfbbwgmtcoaapmocziz