Arduino pid controller programming To control the motors I am using PID, but have had some confusion about the subject. The goal is to set a value on the dial and have the ball balance along a beam, with values - in inches - reading from 1-12 (from left to right). h> const int inPD0 = A0; const int inPD1 So in manual control, I control the duty cycle (somehow that is not defined in the PID library). This I encounter the following problems: 1)I need just a bit more precision. I'm sure I'm missing something simple but could use some help. I am using an LM393 speed sensor module to sense the speed. If my system output > 100, then the motor will start running. The gol of the project is to implement a PID voltage controller and a PI current controller. When it's running, the motors seem to pulse (I'm not talking about PWM here). Set the set point and read the SHT temperature as the PID input. Arduino PID controller tutorial. Brett Beauregard. We have seen that it is quite easy to implement a PID controller on a microprocessor like Arduino. It reads an input from analog pin A0, computes the PID output, and writes it to pin 9. Till now I succeeded in controlling a AC desk lamp with a circuit I bought from Ebay using a TRIAC and a MOSFET, also I am not using the ACPWM I'm doing a control engineering project, implementing a PID motor position control for automatic antenna tracking system. Thats the plan anyway. I am implementing speed control with a PID for continuously varying setpoints since this motor (along with 3 others) is to be employed in a 4 wheel robot car. I'm using I have a car chassis with L298N motor controller . My programming skills are next to zero so I'm surprised I made it as far as I have on m,y own. Recents viewed. At the beginning, without the flying pencil, I measure the magnetic field and then I give this value to the PID controller as the Hello everyone, I have had success in controlling position of my motor using PD controller. hi, is the code above in this website (under beginner’s PID) a code for arduino I can use for PID controller for DC motor. I have build 1 test actuator as a proof of concept and I have it tracking 1 of 6 outputs from BFF motion software very smoothly but when I add another PID code block with shared variables it still works sort of, but it becomes VERY rough. I'm using timer 1 for the PID control. I'm particularly perplexed by the "units" of a PID controller, if I could work these out it would make Hi I am gradually building a sketch to control my submarine. Can somebody help to gimme a reference of arduino code to autotuning like that? . So I can enter a value between 0 and 100% using my rotary encoder and using some code mojo which I have not thought out yet, I can control the pulse Use CTRL-T in the Arduino IDE to autoformat your complete code. I have used the Sous Vide Controller code Hello to everyone, I have a problem about a PID controller. So there is no reason to have excuses or fears when PID controllers are essential to modern technology, offering precise control over various systems. Basic understanding of Control systems. h> #define DOUT 3 #define CLK 2 //#define kp I am also able to read acceleration data in m/s^2 from my MPU6050 accelerometer. system August 6, 2013, 7:45am 1. Basically im trying to create something of a cruise control for a simulator. As pulseIn returns an unsigned long, storing the result in an int could be part of the problem. You seem to be using Pin 3 for both an encoder input and a PWM output for the motor. h> // Quadrature encoders // Hello, I'm trying to control the position of a EMG 30 DC motor using a PID control loop and the feedback given by the optical encoder. Only thing that is left is to set the PID control variables to be just right, but I don't know much about these variables. Paste the complete autoformatted code between code tags Stepper motor speed control with PID programming doubt. From my understanding, I thought PID only brings back the quad-copter to the desired angle, but doesn't keep it there. I am creating a Thrust Vector Controlled model rocket, and I am using a PID controller to do so. First, we start by including all the required libraries. Right now, I am only focusing on the Y servo so I can make sure that I can implement a working PID controller. You can even write your own PID routine. Who knows the paramater of setpint means what,Voltage? If I I am trying to control two DC motors with PID control. It is worth the OP reading around the subject of control and PID . I've searched but haven't come up with the best answer. So far I have the Bosch throttle body Hello everyone. A simple on-off type control is not sufficient for my experiment and I want to use PID control. So I'm trying to learn PID controllers for another project and to do so I decided to make a simple 'auto-stabilising' platform. A PID controller seeks to keep some input variable close to a desired setpoint by adjusting an output. What I want to do as a finality is to make the motor oscillate between to positions with a sinusoidal trajectory (that will recquire speed control too I believe). Here is the code /***** PID Basic Example Reading analog input 0 to control analog PWM output 3 *****/ #include <Wire Download PID Controller Library for Arduino; The explanation of the code in the ino. Okay, let’s learn how to create a PID control system with Arduino step by step. I have a mosfet driver circuit for that. If you need very precise temperature control, then I could help with an enhanced version of the output control Agree about the none linearity of the sensor/led and PWM . For the speed control I need to use a pid algorithm. Arduino PID examples are plenty, and they shed light on how the Arduino PID controller code is used in real-life applications. Im making a project which uses compressor to cool some kinda laser diode. So is PID not an option? I really would like to get this to the desired discharge current faster (I know I can make an initial calc based on battery voltage to start at a value closer to the end zz, but the load can also change, which would then require another variable for the user to enter). setSpeed(150); Motor2. im wanting to write a code to use a PID loop to target a specific rpm (2600) with a servo motor controlling the physical throttle. but i want to set pid controller for motors, i tried PID_v1. Then I found out that the platform is shaky, I did a little bit research on this, resulting in PID controller probably is a good alternative for me. For instance, a Hi, i have problem with my arduino code . run(FORWARD); Motor2. I edit it, but it doesn't work for LeftEncoderASet. The output from PID is directly sent as power (PWM) to the left and Implementing a PID Controller with Arduino Uno. Seems that it works quite good but during the work there are casual spikes on the output characteristics that in this case is an output voltage of a three phase SCR. 0; Arduino and VSCode; VSCode and PlatformIO; Atom and PlatformIO; Arduino with Eclipse; Ftdi FT232R converter; If a potentiometer can't control the speed below too much with your setup, then PID won't be able to control it any better. 6: 1827: May 6, 2021 MPU6050 Use a PID to improve the stabilization of a platform. Hey guys, I am working on a project to control a throttle flap using the PID library. The problem is that the In this article we decided to make a PID Controller based Heater that can be used to control the temperature of the hot end of the 3D printer or by slightly modifying the device it can control the temperature of a DC Soldering I have already written and tested the pid control part of the code( speed control of the DC motor), and it is working fine. To set the PID constants I am using a mobile app I created that communicates with esp32 via bluetooth, but I can't find the values at which the robot can balance. I'm planning on using PID to control a heating element with SSR using MAX31855 as input. Does anyone know how I'm still a bit of a newb at this. My goal is to teach you closed loop control systems and how to implement such systems by using PID controllers using Arduino and microcontrollers in a very practical way (You don’t need to understand Yes, the Arduino's serial command is the simplest way to debug or use as a temporary user interface to test out the basic application, then later you can can add the LCD UI stuff. How to write the code for PID control to detect the desired force ? I want the the hand robot follow the 200 of desire force . To demonstrate the PID controller implementation, we use a ball beam system and an Arduino microcontroller. 10kOhm potentiometer. The non linearity of this setup will , for example, mean a different Kp value is needed at different brightness levels as the loop “ gain” varies - an interesting exercise is to try “ gain scheduling”, but that’s much further on . I want to understand the effect of sampling time on a PID, and whether there is a clean relationship as to how sampling time affects the Ki and Kd constants. You should pick a different PWM pin for the motor speed. 5K Potentiometer. I'm trying to rig up a PID controller for a mash tun using a DS18b20 temp sensor on pin 3 and a n SSR on pin 11. Projects. I have already found all the equations and i will soon have found the gains to use for the controller , my only problem left is to code it on my arduino board. The DC motors have optical encoders on the shaft with 20 divisions per rotation. medeslip November 9, 2016, 7:42pm 1. Here's my code: Setpoint is 100 which is fine, as input is around 16 right We continue with this mini-series of posts dedicated to control systems in Arduino. We emphasize that, without being the perfect controller, the PID is What i want to do? I want to control the current through peltier cell beyond a certain set point temperature(spt). pid control with arduino. Thanks for the reply. h> //Input pins int ref_pot_pin = A0; int Programming. . Using the example called: "PID_RelayOutput" from the PID-v1 library, i'm trying to change the sensor input from an analog input to using a DS18B20 temperature sensor on a digital pin on the arduino UNO board. #include "HX711. Hi, I programmed a PID for a MPU6050 and a servo. If I want 75% power, I have the element on for 3. I have a dual shaft motor with a slotted disc attached on one of the shafts. Sebelum masuk ke program, silakan download dan include library PID (KLIK DI SINI). File is as follows. The control works well. You can use the Arduino's serial monitor or a PC serial terminal program to monitor system performance and even send setpoint and mode commands to the your Arduino Hey guys, Quick background. hama96 May 29, 2020, 5:35pm 1. I choose to use the servo library instead of a PWM signal (analogWrite) to control the frequency of the pulses that are Hello, Im building a car simulator with ac-motors, and in the code there is a pid controller for setting the speed on the motors, and slow them down when they are getting close to the target position. 2. However my control process is very slow so I want to change the flap position only every 60 seconds (maximum movement 10 degrees per loop). I realize that most people don't want to help with this because of liability reasons, but don't worry because we have a fail-safe button that the driver can press to cut power if anything goes wrong. However, I figured I would give it a try before making my own PID controller if I have to (which I've done before, just never with C++, I've used LabView in combination with Matlab and simulink to develop a temp controller). The required components are as follows. In the s-domain the PID controller has the following form (1) where is the control action that is sent to the actuator, E(s) is Hi. I have the code for one motor with is pretty accurate. and provide PWM. ii. So i want to count 1/2 ticks. So my pid setpoint must be exactly same with 100 or must over than 100 ? How to determine Pid Controller Setpoint. CC. Go to Wikipedia for more information. For the speed control I am using the PID_v1 libra Arduino Forum Motor speed controller and PID library. The system contain a dc motor, absolute encoder, and a motor driver. General Guidance. That being said I am Hi. #define MAXDO 3 Hello, I am working on a project to control the water temperature, so the project contains 4x6kw heaters, I am thinking if it is better to control them through Pid control using ssr relay, I welcome your thoughts ps, if anyone has any code or project with pid control and thermistor, send me if you can, thanks e. Many hand-crafted pids can’t switch smoothly. Now I am in the phase of PID debugging. Help with ultrasonic sensor. 3: 1136: May 6, 2021 Accelerometer+DC motor PID We continue with the theory of controllers, seeing how to implement a PID controller on Arduino manually, or with the help of the Arduino PID library. The idea being a gyro/accel (MPU-6050) measures the angle the system is at, runs the PID controller based on a target setpoint (i. At this stage in my drone development, I need to be able to input quaternion values into a PID loop to control the motors. ammarak2009 April 21, 2023, i only know the basic of using an Arduino and controlling the PWM the thing that this is very low speed as u said and i cant use a low PWM just to reach it , but i need a PID controller but i need a PID controller. (i'm building a temperature regulator for driving a SSR by the means of a temperature feedback from a DS18B20 sensor) My problem is that i can't get Forgot to mention that QuickPID is actually an updated fork of the Arduino PID Library. jremington April 21, 2023, 2:20am 12. 1 second, which in turn calculates the required PWM for a DC motor. The code for my controller is the following: #include <PID_v1. h> #include "Adafruit_MAX31855. If this doesn't adjust fan speed between zero I'm trying to control a humidifier using a relay shield and a RH sensor (BME280). One of the most prevalent and useful is the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. PID controller . Use that to control your actual heater, not the one on the sensor. I'm trying to spin both motors up to the same RPM using a couple of PID loops. The HTML/JavaScript-based GUI enables easy optimization of the Kd start at zero and adjust after you get a good control with Kp Kd will help your device slow as it reaches the destination. You forgot to set 'input' to the current position ('angle'?) before passing it to the PID. Here is my code: #define encoder0PinA_M1 2 #define encoder0PinB_M1 22 int EnablePin = 8; int PWMPin1 = 3; int PWMPin2 = 11; volatile signed int encoder0Pos = 0; unsigned long LastTime; signed int Input; Hi. I want to use the PID library to control a stepper motor's position. My project aims to implement a PID temperature control to run a heating element, using a thermistor (NTC 100k) for sensing in A0. . for example setpoint =1,10,1000, in additional,when no sensor connect the arduino,what setpoint=5 means? //#include <PID_v1. I have been to numerous websites about PID controllers, and they do say how Hi I am trying to PID control the Arduino-Quadcopter. Howevevr, I am not sure how to about having it controlling two motors to reach two different angles? Programming. 10: 5284: May 6, 2021 So I'm trying to control the speed of dc motor using the joystick data received wirelessly from another esp32, in addition it is pid speed control. I am trying to input flow, provide target flow, and then output a new position for the stepper motor. 06/20/2017. V1. This project focuses on PID-position-control experiments with Arduino. Im driving compressor with arduino and made a spimple dac to convert digital signal to analog signal(via port manuplation). It also explains how the PID controller works using a simple example. The motor cannot stop at set point value near 0 degree (350 - 359, 0 - 10 degree). All of it is being controlled by an Arduino Uno. Manuel_o July 5, 2018, 10:21am 1. However I have some programming related problem. // PID library from Arduino Playground#include // I2Cdev and MPU - Pastebin. When temp goes below 30 i want the current through the peltier cell to be zero. Express each term in your code Unlocking the potential of your Arduino device requires a keen understanding of how to implement various control mechanisms. My code is as follows: #include <PID_v1. 4: 2342: May 5, 2021 We are trying complete our ball and beam code. I currently working on PID control to move the hand robot . h. 25 seconds (assuming I am using a 5 second window). At the beginning, I just used the value directly from what I have got from gyroscope to control the servos. run(FORWARD); That is not defining any pins. 15: Hi, so I am building an apparatus which consists of a ceramic AC heater which will heat up a solid surface. For that, described how to make a ball balancing PID controller The example shown here makes it easy to optimize your own PID control application. Obviously I am experiencing some problem with the Output. The tricky bit is choosing the three PID coefficients. Go Back. It has a pulse counter placed underneath which measures how fast the disc is (and therefore the motor) is rotating. com Programming. The math looks good in your link or consider using the PID_v1 library google "PID_v1 arduino github" Z Hello everyone, I have recently tried making a drone using an Arduino Uno as the brain. Programming Questions. We are using a dial potentiometer and soft membrane potentiometer to balance a steel ball at a given value set on the dial. Everything work as expected, but one thing. When the level is up the the pump must reduce the flow rate of water until setpoint achieved, then the Hi. Basically I’m trying to get PID values of a spinning DC motor and I’m using IR sensor to get the rpm of the DC motor whenever I put my finger on the DC motor, the rpm values will change thus allowing to get outputs of PID values to control the DC Also, obtaining the three constants kp, ki, and kd are called tuning a PID control system. The correct three values must be found by entering different values. Everything works fine but now I am having trouble in PID control of my quad. For those who are new, a brand new way of thinking about programming and electronics with Arduino. int Duration; The measurement is too slow? Could specifying a timeout in pulseIn help? 1 /* 2 * File name: PID_LF_example 3 * 4 * Hardware requirements: an Arduino Pro Mini 5 * a QTR-8RC Reflectance Sensor Array 6 * a DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Carrier 7 * 8 * Description: The basic PID control system implemented Hi, I'm trying to understand the PID library and I'm a noob so its a little rough. Programming and ides; Arduino IDE 2. We cant seem to get the ball to balance at the set point PID controller uses millis function which related to timer0 I guess. 6: 4267: May 5, 2021 2 pid controllers on same arduino. system January 30, 2014, 6:25pm 1. 1 second. Berikut ini merupakan program yang dapat di gunakan untuk membuat metode PID controller di Arduino IDE. I have to assume that the ATtiny core of your choice is at least as capable. I Hello everyone, I'm trying to control the RPMs of my 24 DC motor with a HB-25 motor controller and with an optical LM393 encoder to maintain constant speeds (1000rpm, 1500rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500 rpm and 3000 rpm) for a testing period of 1hr. Maybe if I map the pwm range Any PID example should be adaptable. 3)How can i find the dead zone of the dc motor and embed it in the code. In many situations, it's expedient to plug in a dedicated PID controller to your process, but you can make your own with an Arduino or other similar dev board. I'm driving 2 DC motors with a dual H-Bridge board. Also I would like this to not oscillate so much. Hey guys! and the input is drifting away from its Setpoint. PID r0utput(&compAngleX,&roll, &droll, rkp, rki, rkd, DIRECT); written that as according to: PID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, Direction) but the problem is, Using Arduino. In previous posts, we have seen what a controller is, hysteresis control, and we have introduced the powerful PID controller. So far I have programmed an AltIMU-10 v5 to give me Quaternion values using an AHRS program I found online. So I'm wondering if everything is correct in my code, design and components used. #include <digitalWriteFast. My code results in huge errors In this post, we explain how to discretize and implement a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), controller. Signal Input/Output . The output is not a pin. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to I want to ask about the arduino pid control setpoint value. My code results in huge errors Hello, for my school project I am doing a self-balancing robot. In this program, we are only using the PID controller library, so we need to include that first. I'm using mpu6050 to Hi guys, I am using a Adafruit Thermocouple Sensor w/MAX31855K and require to control temperature at a setpoint of 30 degrees. 7: I've written some PID controller functions, and I'm trying to make my code more reusable for future applications. That's how it works on an Arduino UNO. To implement a PID controller on Arduino Uno, you will need the following: Arduino Uno; LED; Momentary button; Resistors (330 Ω for the LED and 10 KΩ for the button) Breadboard and wires; Wire the LED so that it turns on and pin 9 is HIGH, and the button so that pin 2 reads HIGH when pressed. I can read the temp probe but I'm having trouble handing off it's input to the PID library. In the code there is PWM that is the speed (0-255) and GAP is the distance Hi all, very new to programming. If your advisor knows how to proceed Hello guys, i've questions about pid. I tried SetSampleTime from the library but it doesn't work (I guess it only re-evaluates the PID values every 60 seconds now, but the flap Programming. However in this code the reverse is happening,ie current is passing when temp goes below 30degree. I used the example code provided on the Please read my PID control code ,why I set different paramaters of ki kp kd setpoint ,there is no change in output,?I use a function generator as an input to Arduino Due, then measure output in oscilloscope, I find the output signal change nothing when I set different paramaters of ki kp kd setpoint. The stepper motor operates from 0 to 360 steps adjusting flow. For that I use an Arduino Uno and a motor shield. I want to temperature control system where the setpoint can be adjustable from 15 to 5 degree celsius. 20x4 LCD Display with Typically you would use the output of your PID to control both the speed and direction of the motor. At zero, the pwm should be zero and the motor should be off. Hi In PID controller code for relay output or generating a PWM for switching control , My question is ,How to change Hi all, I'm part of the MSOE SAE Formula Hybrid Team and I need to interface and electronic throttle pedal to an electronic throttle body. from the main program so that it PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT); DIRECT means higher Output causes a higher Input but since your fan is facing up and your distance sensor is facing down, a higher Output will push the ball Hi, I am fairly unfamiliar with the Arduino PID library, I have just been going off of the few examples in the Arduino Library. 2)How can i set a value of ticks and goes exactly in that value. For example, if the quad . h> #include <SPI. Which core are you Programming. So could you give a sample code of what your approach would be to calculate the rpm without pulseIn function? Or any other alternative approach to achieve my final Objective? Hi Geeks, I have made a code, I don't connect any sensor, just use a function generator and oscilloscope sumlated the PID control,but I find when I set different setpoint ,there is no change in output. So at first, I just used a fixed setpoint (rpm) in the setup function and used to give a starting pwm of hi everyone, i use adafruit motor control shield and i defined some pins like, Motor1. i need the ability to not only deactivate it with a switch (easy enough to do with Hello, I'm using an Arduino Mega to control stepper motors and close a PID loop. I am only controlling throttle roll and pitch movement of my quadcopter. Arduino Nano. I have to position the stepper at 60 degrees each. PID Controller on Arduino with an ultrasonic sensor. I have attached my long sketch so far, but would love it if someone could provide an Yami89: What I noticed was that sensor wasn't measuring the distance fast enough and the second thing I noticed was that sometime it shows negative values. 0 steps = 100% flow, 360 steps = 0% flow. Unfortunately after having Hi My project is to control level of the tank by PID library which the float level sensor sends analog signal to the Arduino and the PID Arduino should give an output, this output goes to a enhancement mosfet which it controls the current flow through the pump. PID. My code will be based on the one shown in "Arduino robotics" published by Apress, but my plan is to improve the stabilizing process by using a PID controller (in facts a PI). The heating element is controled by Arduino's pin 13 using a D4184 MOSFET module to I am having a stepper motor and a rotary encoder. Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC. Dear Forum Can you please check my code because the ouput value shows 0. I'm starting from scratch basically but with the library so I wanted to test out the relay output example included in the library. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; 1133: May 6, 2021 PID for Motor control. The way in which it does this can be 'tuned' by adjusting Hi, I am current working on a project which I am gonna built a 2-D self stabilization platform with 2 servos. I have it nearly working. I decided to implement a PID controller that controls a Bosch electronic throttle body with an L298N H-bridge intergrated circuit. The PID-controller is now adjusting the output (via the kp,ki,kd) to drive the input to the setpoint and the output is the "real" (the closest/best) value to the setpoint. 0. I am almost finished. I have attached code for basic PID for one single set point ,I dont know how to add push button to add and decrease setpoints. h but i couldnt set output pin to motors. Code in the next message I have been developing an IR temperature controller for induction heating, with two operating modes as On/Off and PID. Here's the The automatic /manual feature in the Arduino PID library doesn’t do automatic tuning, instead it does a bumpless transition between control with PID and manual control, like the manual/auto switch on a commercial controller. This Arduino PID controller code sets up a PID controller with constants kp, ki, and kd. h" #define RelayPin 8 // Example creating a thermocouple instance with software SPI on any three // digital IO pins. h" #include <Servo. setSpeed(100); Motor1. Below you can find the code that I'm using and the Hey, I have a final project to make a Buckboost converter with PID controller. 01 Celcuis. My The PID Temperature Control System is an ideal way to learn the fundamentals of process control using a real process in a lab environment. However, if you only need coarse temperature control, you may not need to use PID at all and the suggestion as in @gcjr post#2 could work well. Program. Does this mean that the Arduino's pin 3 is controlling the motor speed? here's a piece of code I wrote AGES ago using the same PID library, it was to control a FBW throttle using a manual pot in a completely non Hi! I am a member of a Formula Student team and we decided to implement an electronic throttle control system for our new car. I have 2 servos controlling the x and y axes of the rocket using a TVC mount. 4: 754: May 5, 2021 PID controller, levitating pin pong ball. Reading the temperature will be a IR temperature sensor which takes reading at an accuracy of 0. Binding Posts. Arduino PID Examples. 13: 6529: May 5, 2021 Stepper motor as encoder [RESOLVED] General Electronics. 1. I have a pressure gauge that is perfect for the job. Programming. By understanding and implementing a PID controller with Arduino Uno, you can gain practical insight into this fascinating In this post, we explain how to discretize and implement a Proportional Integral This repository contains example projects demonstrating the implementation of PID In this tutorial, we will learn what is a PID controller and how does it work with an Arduino platform. Home / Programming / Library / PID . doreamon11 December 30, 2021, 3:29pm 1. The most feared moment for many arrives, making the adjustment or tuning of the PID. This is some code that i have being try but it did not work. Compressor has a special driver which has a input 5V analog input. They need to slow down so they dont go past the target point and have to go backwards again. I can take a snapshot of the pressure I want but now I want to write in a PID program that can control the hydroplane in the bow to control the depth. Run the PID compute and you have an output. In this code my spt is 30. I got the code from here post 21. ARDUINO. e 90 degrees) and then writes a new position to the servo. The setpoint is the turning frequency and the measurement is the encoder count. I want to make a buckboost with 24v in the output. I want to ask about the arduino pid In PID controller code for relay output or generating a PWM for switching control , How to change the switching frequency ? Arduino Forum About PID controller. The On/Off mode works pretty good, however since some of the induction heating projects deal with high overshoots, we need to add the PID feature. After that, we define all the necessary pins that are required to read the encoder and Hello. My cause to use pid is the compressor will be used Hello everyone, That you can get a picture of what I am trying to achieve, I'll quickly describe my project: I want to achieve magnetic levitation with this design: So to control the magnet's direction, I have put a motor driver into the circuit. i want the system to only activate above 2300rpm. As stated, this ISR runs every 0. And it is even easier with the little gem of an Arduino PID library. Example, when the input is 12 v, the Buckboost working for boost mode to 24v. I have Hello, I have been building a custom arduino quad-copter that uses an MPU-6050 for the gyro/accel and a nrf24l01+ as a transceiver. Using the standard arduino pid library. When the input is 50v, the buckboost working for buck mode to 24v. I'm eventually going to try to control 6 linear actuators as part of a Stewart platform. It sets of the ISR every 0. How do i fix Hello, I'm working on a self-balancing robot. wuhpa yojxo jiemohc fzsl khf rxxdsp kwkpa qpxt giae iagpi