Cs 312 cornell. You will have 90 minutes in which to work on the problems.

Cs 312 cornell. None of these implementations were state-of-the-art.

Cs 312 cornell 23: Course overview and background on ML (PS1 issued) Rec. You will likely find some A project-based course in which programmers and designers collaborate to make a computer game. If you did not pick up yours, Alan has it. But does it really work? You need a validation process: a way to gain confidence (or obtain assurance) that the program works. CS 312 Lecture ?? Implementing ordered sets using treaps. One important use of hash tables is for memoization, in which a previously computed result is stored in the table and retrieved later. We returned homework 1 in sections yesterday. The notes linked below are required reading, but they are not a substitute for attending lecture and recitation. Then they took CS 410 Data Structures. Lambda calculus is a notation for describing mathematical functions and programs. Cookie CS 312 Problem Set 6: Abalone Assigned: April 11, 2008 Final submission due: May 1, 2008, 11:59 PM Design meetings: April 16–20, 2008 1 Introduction In the previous assignment (Problem Set 5), you developed an interpreter for a concurrent programming language. Several people used tuple projections such as: #2 (2. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 11 March 2004 1. The notes linked below are not a substitute for attending lecture and recitation. Sets are a very important and useful abstraction. This problem set What is CS312 About? CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. edu for the name of the news server, check Installing CS 312 Software on Linux ## Download smlnj: ## For Debian or Redhat: wget ftp Computer Science 312, Cornell University 20 April 2004 1. 28: Course overview and background on ML : Rec. So, you have implemented your program using the specification methodology outlined in the last couple of lectures. If you do not see CS 312 as one of your courses in the system, please contact the course staff to be added. Motivation CS 312 Spring 2002 Lecture 16 The Environment Model Substitution Model • Represents computation as doing substitutions for bound variables at reduction of let, application: let val x = v in e e{v/x} (fn(x:t)=>e)(v) e{v/x} letvalx=fnz:’a=>z in x(x(x)) end (fn z=>z)((fn z=>z)(fn z=>z)) Problems • Not a realistic implementation: substitution Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. So far in this class we've been talking about sequential programs. Cornell University Computer Science 312 Environment Model Diagrams. Code built using hash tables often does not get anywhere near the possible performance. Common mistakes on problem set #1. CS 312 Lecture 17: An ML Interpreter For the next few lectures, and in Problem Set 5, we will investigate programming languages more deeply. For example CS 312 Recitation 9: SML Input/Output. 1: 25: Basic SML types and expressions: Lec. We can also also implement sets (or maps) using binary search trees CS 312 Recitation 4: Lists, Map, Fold and Tail Recursion Lists in SML. CS 312 Tournament. edu CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. In this lecture we'll look at verification of code in the presence of abstractions. Administrivia. Our simple model of how the computer memory works was that the processor generates requests to the memory that include a memory address. There are 5 problems on this exam. L1: 08/26: Course overview and background on SML: R1: 08/30: Introduction to SML: L2: 08/31: SML Basics: R2: 09/01: More SML: L3: 09/02: Tuples. 22: Course overview and background on ML: Rec. March 05 - Code for LZ encode (exercise 6) is now provided. We have studied various ways to implement an abstract data type for sets. CS 312 Lecture 24 Locality and Splay Trees. e. True/False [10 pts] (parts a–e; 4 points off for each wrong answer, 2 points off for each blank answer, minimum problem score 0. 0, "hello"). CS 312 Lecture 1 Course overview Andrew Myers Cornell University Computer Science Spring 2007 2 What this course is about Helping you become expert software system designers and programmers 1) Programming paradigms Programming language concepts and constructs 2) Reasoning about programs •Correctness •Performance •Designing for reasoning 3 CS 312 Lecture 15 Modular Verification. On the next page, use the browse button to select the files you would like to submit, and hit upload to submit the files. A common problem in text editing, DNA sequence analysis, and web crawling: finding strings inside other strings. CS 312 Fall 2004. CS 312 Lecture 27 Concurrency in ML. An example programming assignment, including an overview document, is available on the course web site for your consideration. People were not breaking their lines at 80 columns. CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. Locality in this context is a tendency to look for the same element multiple times. Preliminary Examination I Computer Science 312, Cornell University 8 March 2007 Solutions Overall, students did pretty well on the exam. In SML, unbound variables are always detected at CS 312 Schedule Spring 2008 The notes linked below are required reading, but they are not a substitute for attending lecture and recitation. It captures some of the essential, common features of a wide variety of programming languages. You must read the instructions before proceeding to the submission site. The goal of the course is to help students become excellent programmers and software designers who can design and implement software that is elegant, efficient, and correct, and whose code can be maintained and reused. 5 CS 312 Final Score median CS 312 Lecture 22 Memoization. CS 312 Lecture 26 Debugging Techniques. We now look at two issues in code verification that we've ignored till now: the issues of nontermination and of data abstraction. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 20 April 2004 1. Since we have only six distinct characters to encode, we can represent each one with three bits rather than the eight bits normally used to store characters: CS 312 Lecture 14 Red-Black Trees. You will likely find some CS 312 Lecture 1 Course overview Dan Huttenlocher Cornell University Computer Science Spring 2009. 8 1 1. In a data abstraction, a given abstract value may be represented by more than one concrete value. The lectures and recitation sections are tightly coupled: Lectures will assume knowledge from previous sections, and vice-versa. The smoothed histogram of scores looked like this (vertical axis is Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Solutions 1. Solutions 1. 2: 26 CS 312 Lecture 5 Identifiers, Scope, Binding. talk has become popular, so feel free to post general discussions less relevant to 312 there. CS 312 Lecture 18 Substitution method for recurrence relations. Artists and designers must take the INFO listing. CS 312 Recitation 27 Finite automata Regular expressions provide an expressive language for describing patterns. 1: 23: Introduction to SML syntax: Lec. CS 312 Lecture 5: Folding and tail recursion Folding. However, this should be a helpful reference after you have seen examples in lecture and recitation. 2: February 2 CS 312 Problem Set 6: λ Ball Assigned: April 10, 2003 Due: 11:59PM, May 2, 2003 Spec Change: April 19, 2003 Design Reviews: April 16-19, 2003 1 Introduction Welcome to λ Ball! You will be using the RCL interpreter you wrote in PS5 to implement a robot soccer game. The smoothed histogram of scores looked like this (vertical axis is number of students per unit score): 20 40 60 80 100 0 0. Execution of a sequential program proceeds one step at a time according to the evaluation rules, with no choice about which step to take next. Short answers (15 pts, a–c) CS 312 Lecture 27 Debugging Techniques. Topic. CS 312 Lecture 5 The Substitution Model of Evaluation. There are 89 total points on the exam CS 312 Schedule Spring 2006. This is called type inference or type reconstruction; In this lecture we'll see how it Computer Science 312, Cornell University 17 April 2007 Solutions Overall, student performance was mixed, but generally lower than the first prelim. What is a functional stack, or a functional queue? CS 312 Problem Set 5: Concurrent Language Interpreter Assigned: March 29, 2003 Due: 11:59PM, April 15, 2004 Partner sign-up deadline: 11:59PM, April 3, 2004 1 Introduction You have just won a contract to build self-replicating robots. That is, we've been working with the parts of the language that do not include computational effects (or side effects) other than printing and exceptions. In this lecture, we examine how SML programs evaluate more closely, building a more formal and precise description of the evaluation process. b. The ability to define new identifiers is central to every high-level programming language. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 May 2003 1. You will likely find some problems CS 312 Lecture 15 Red-Black Trees. They are a mutable data abstraction: enqueues and dequeues are destructive. Environment Model [27 pts] (parts a–d) Consider the following code: let val y = (ref "hello", "goodbye") If you do not see CS 312 as one of your courses in the system, please contact the course staff to be added. True/False [20 pts] (parts a–j; 2 points off for each wrong or blank answer) (a) Mark-and-sweep garbage collection can collect cyclic garbage. true (b) The red-black tree invariant ensures that every path from the root to the leaf has the Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. Code built using hash tables often falls far short of achievable performance. Environment Model [27 pts] (parts a–d) Consider the following code: let val y = (ref "hello There are often other appropriate groups in the cornell. Read them. Often, what we want to show is that a concrete implementation correctly matches an abstract type. They are particularly useful because, like the simple string patterns we saw earlier, they can be efficiently searched for in a larger string. This is the most important and least bendable rule. ) Posting code. But if we leave the types off, the SML type-checker is able to figure out what the right type annotations should have been. CS 312 Project (Part II): ML-Man Assigned: November 21, 2005 Final submission due: 9:00AM, December 14, 2005 Checkpoint submission: 11:59PM, November 30, 2005 1 Introduction In the previous part of the project, you were asked to develop an interpreter for a concurrent programming language. edu for the name of the news server, check Installing CS 312 Software on Linux ## Download smlnj: ## For Debian or Redhat: wget ftp Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. You will likely find some CS 312 Lecture 25 Priority Queues, Heaps, Shortest Paths (We started this lecture by finishing the analysis of splay trees) Priority Queues. Once we add refs and arrays to SML, we can no longer reason about evaluation of programs as simply. You will likely find some problems CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. CS 312 Lecture 19 Hash functions and memory management Hash functions. Cornell University March 7, 2002. cs. . Last time we saw how to prove that a function satisfies its specifications. SML has singly-linked lists built-in. Every programming assignment that you submit should be accompanied by an overview document, which will be graded. There are two reasons for this: 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 14 May 2004 Solutions 1. True Computer Science 312, Cornell University 20 April 2004 Solutions 1. You will have 90 minutes in which to work on the problems. We can write: CS 312 Submission System Instructions It is very important to read this paragraph: The instructions below are important. For course announcements, please see the Course Management System. Each CS 312 Lecture 5 Identifiers, substitution, and scope Identifiers. 1: 26: Basic types and expressions: Lec. Identifiers are the way that programmers refer to constructs they create; different uses of identifiers correspond to the different abstraction mechanisms provided by the programming language. It is 11 pages long; make sure you have the whole exam. 1: January 25: Course overview: Rec. True/False [10 pts] (parts a–e; 4 points off for each wrong answer, 2 points off for each blank answer, minimum problem score 0. CS 312 Lecture 12 Modular Verification. By looking at what happens we can see whether the guess was correct or whether it needs to be increased to a higher order of CS 312 Lecture 10 Rep invariants and program correctness. Harper; Notes on CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. Name: ID number: CS 312, Fall 2003 Exam 1 October 16, 2003 Problem 1 2 3 4 Total Grader Grade 18 24 28 30 Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. Short answers (15 pts, a–c) Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most misused. You have most likely spent many years in secondary school learning style with respect to the English language -- programming should be no different. By looking at what happens we can see whether the guess was correct or whether it needs to be increased to a higher order of CS 312 Schedule Spring 2004. Suppose we want to compress a 100,000-byte data file that we know contains only the lowercase letters A through F. Style Issues. We've added some operations to show the added power of ordered sets. Here is an ordered set signature that is designed to support implementation of both set and map abstractions. In Lecture 8 we saw various ways to implement an abstract data type for sets. , expression). In addition to often producing short, elegant code for problems involving lists or collections, this model has proven very useful for large-scale highly parallel data processing. CS 312 Lecture 16 Mutable data abstractions Evaluation with a store. It was easy to make mistakes on Part 4, however. Short answers (15 pts, a–c) CS 312 Lecture 24, Recitation 24 Locality, B-Trees, and Splay Trees Caches and locality. The type of a list is specified as t list where t is the type of the list elements. This will be accomplished by implementing a new world and its actions. 2: 25 CS 312 Schedule Spring 2002. With copying garbage collection, half of the heap storage is unused while the program executes. 1: 28: Introduction to SML syntax: Lec. You will have 90 CS 312 Problem Set 4 Stream Operations Issued: March 5, 2004 Due: March 18, 11:59 pm. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Solutions 1. 2: 24 CS 312 Lecture 20 Amortized Algorithms (See: Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest and Stein, Chap 17 of 2nd ed. Do not skim the instructions. This course satisfies the Engineering communication requirement in the School of Engineering via the companion course ENGRC 3152 . We have identified two pieces of implementation-side specification: the abstraction function and the representation invariant. 5 2 2. 6 0. At this point we have seen several mutable data structures using refs and arrays. In SML, unbound variables are always detected at CS 312 Specifications and modular programming Andrew Myers December 4, 2003 CS 312 Dec 4 2003 2 Modular design • Hard to develop medium-to-large programs (>10k LOC) – Too complex to understand – May require domain-specific knowledge • Must break into subsystems (modules) that can be designed separately CS 312 Specifications and modular programming Andrew Myers December 4, 2003 CS 312 Dec 4 2003 2 Modular design • Hard to develop medium-to-large programs (>10k LOC) – Too complex to understand – May require domain-specific knowledge • Must break into subsystems (modules) that can be designed separately Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. This handout alone will not teach you how to draw environment model diagrams. You will likely find some problems CS 312 Recitation 21 Let Expressions & the Environment Model CS312: November 10, 2004 Harlan Crystal <hpc4@cornell. CS 312 Project 2: λ-Quidditch Assigned: November 15, 2007 Final submission due: 11:00PM, December 4, 2007 Checkpoint meetings: November 26 and 27, 2007 1 Introduction In the previous part of the project, you were asked to develop an interpreter for a concurrent programming language. Today we will look at hash tables. We show that stacks and queues can be implemented efficiently in a functional style. The primary goal of the course is to give students a firm foundation in the fundamental principles of programming and computer science. First, however, a word from our sponsor CS 312 Lecture 18 Substitution method for recurrence relations. An RCL program has multiple, parallel threads of execution, with each thread typically controlling a separate robot. There are 89 total points on the exam Sep 28, 2000 · Enter newsstand. You have 90 minutes to complete this exam. Enter newsstand. Suppose we have a text T consisting of an array of characters from some alphabet S. Please see the Basis Library for full specifications. They will be able to move, sense the world around them, and communicate with each other. 21 CS 312 Lecture 13 Assignment and Side Effects. You will likely find some problems CS 312 Lecture 25: Priority Queues and Binary Heaps Priority queues. Total Correctness Computer Science Department Cornell University: Notes on using the SML/NJ Library in 312; Programming in Standard ML, by R. Hash tables are one of the most useful data structures ever invented. Part of the goal of this assignment is to make you familiar with the basis library, so read over it to look for functions which are useful to you. cornell. We saw this in the various SML semantics that we explored earlier. Aesthetic and CS 312 Lecture 16 Hash Tables. CS 312 Recitation 7 Stacks and queues, exceptions Some functional data structures. Check this page often for CS 312 Lecture 21 Hash functions Hash functions. 2 Prelim 2 scores, CS 312 Spring 2007 median 1. 1: January 27: Course overview and background on ML (PS1 issued) Rec. A splay tree is an efficient implementation of a balanced binary search tree that takes advantage of locality in the keys used in incoming lookup requests. Testing a program against a well-chosen set of input tests gives the programmer confidence that the program is correct. Name: ID number: CS 312, Fall 2002 Exam 2 November 19, 2002 Problem 1 2 3 4 5 Total Grader Grade 20 20 20 20 20 Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. 2 0. Suppose we want to write a function to sum a list of integers. CS 312 Schedule Spring 2007. 2: 31 CS 312 Lecture 1 Course overview Andrew Myers Cornell University Computer Science Spring 2007 2 What this course is about Helping you become expert software system designers and programmers 1) Programming paradigms Programming language concepts and constructs 2) Reasoning about programs •Correctness •Performance •Designing for reasoning 3 Sep 28, 2000 · Enter newsstand. The earliest surviving online record of CS 410 seems to be from Spring 1998. You will likely find some problems CS 312 Lecture 15 Modular Verification. Memoization is a powerful technique for building CS 312 Problem Set 6: Multi-Ball Assigned: April 16, 2005 Final submission due: 11PM, May 6, 2005 Checkpoint submission: 11PM, April 27, 2005 1 Introduction In problem set 5, you were asked to develop an interpreter for a concurrent programming language. CS 312 Schedule Spring 2005. Completely. CS 312 Lecture 1 Course overview Andrew Myers Cornell University Computer Science Spring 2007 2 What this course is about Helping you become expert software system designers and programmers 1) Programming paradigms Programming language concepts and constructs 2) Reasoning about programs •Correctness •Performance •Designing for reasoning 3 Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Solutions 1. True (b) Boxed values in the environment model correspond to heap-allocated storage. CS 312 PS5: Concurrent Language Interpreter Final submission: 11:59 PM, April 11, 2007 1 Introduction In this assignment you will build an interpreter for a concurrent functional language called RCL, the Robot Control Language. A splay tree is an efficient implementation of binary search trees that takes advantage of locality in the incoming lookup requests. Priority queues are a kind of queue in which the elements are dequeued in priority order. CS 312 Lecture 14 Mutable Data Structures. See full list on cs. CS 312 Schedule Spring 2003. This turns out not to be even approximately true. Read the regrade policy on the course web page and make sure you submit your regrade request within two weeks from the return of the homework. You will likely find some CS 312 Recitation 26 Huffman Coding Fixed-Length Codes. Short answers (15 pts, a–c) CS 312 Lecture 26 Implementing ordered sets using treaps. edu>, with sections taken from Harlan, and 2004 Spring Recitation #3. Also, be sure to take a cookie because you will need it for the exam. edu for the name of the news server, check Installing CS 312 Software on Linux ## Download smlnj: ## For Debian or Redhat: wget ftp Authors: CS 312 staff (your names and netids would go here) Summary. ) a. true (b) The red-black tree invariant ensures that every path from the root to the leaf has the CS 312 Lecture 25 Program Testing The validation problem. This course investigates the theory and practice of developing computer games from a blend of technical, aesthetic, and cultural perspectives. Recursive Datatypes. What is CS312 About? CS312 is the third programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, following CS100 and CS211. edu> Let-Expressions When any single SML let-expression has multiple declarations in it, the declarations are evaluated and bound sequentially. Each element has a priority, an element of a totally ordered set (usually a number) Computer Science 312, Cornell University 11 March 2004 1. None of these implementations were state-of-the-art. Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. Lists. Computer Science Department Cornell University: Course announcements. Pattern CS 312 Lecture 21-22 Type inference and unification In our SML programming we've been writing down types in function declarations. Here is another way to compute the asymptotic complexity: guess the answer (In this case, O(n lg n)), and plug it directly into the recurrence relation. talk. Lec. Students interested in the programming aspects of game development may take either the CS or the INFO listing of this course. Let's look at another way to implement ordered sets. Students took one or the other, similar to how students today take either CS 2110 or CS 2112. You will likely find some CS 312 Recitation 26 The Lambda Calculus. In this recitation, we look at examples of structures and signatures that implement data structures. Refer to the CS 312 style guide and lecture notes. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 17 April 2007 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. Meeting Date Topic; Lec. 1 CS 312: Overview Documentation for Programming Assignments. We've seen various implementations for building sets or map abstractions. It CS 312 Fall 2004 Alan Shieh <ashieh@cs. This assignment involved a few programming problems and also tested our understanding of the substitution model. ) Amortized analysis refers to determining the time-averaged running time for a sequence of operations. During the testing process, the programmer observes input-output relationships, that is, the output that the program produces for each input test case. Previously we could think about evaluation as involving a series of changes to a system configuration that consisted of just a single program term (i. Our primary goal in this class is to teach you how to program elegantly. true (b) The red-black tree invariant ensures that every path from the root to the leaf has the Computer Science 312, Cornell University 6 March 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. Environment Model [27 pts] (parts a–d) Consider the following code: let val y = (ref "hello", "goodbye") Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. CS 312 Recitation 20 Splay Trees, Amortized Analysis. There are two reasons for this: CS 312 Lecture 4: Map, Fold and the Map-reduce Paradigm The Map-Reduce Paradigm. True/False [12 pts] (parts a–f; 4 points off for each wrong answer, 2 points off for each blank answer, minimum problem score 0. Challenges. Today we are going to look at some common data structures using imperative style (mutable data), contrasting with the purely functional data structures we have seen thus far in the course. There are 89 total points on the exam Dec 14, 2002 · Computer Science Department Cornell University: New Announcements: Please note that all dates, locations, and lecture topics are tentative. It is a mathematical system for studying the interaction of functional abstraction and functional application. Note: due dates of unreleased assignments are tentative. You will likely find some CS 312 Schedule Spring 2008 The notes linked below are required reading, but they are not a substitute for attending lecture and recitation. Topics CS 312 Lecture 27 String matching. 4 0. By now you should be able to write the following code: fun sum (l:int list):int = case l of [] => 0 | x::xs => x + (sum xs) Now suppose we want to concatenate a list of strings. This is a model of evaluation based on the basic notion of substitution. Last time we saw the use of refs for mutable data. The SML BasisLibrary willprovide youfunctions forsimplifying many ofthese problems. (Well, more recently, cornell. ) (a) Imperative data abstractions have mutators. Major issues. It to style. You will likely find some problems CS312 SML Style Guide. A good example is a network router. It is 6 pages long; make sure you have the whole exam. For many applications, there is excellent key locality. We have talked about what the various constructs of SML mean and how they are evaluated. So far we've been programming as though all pointers between boxes are equally expensive to follow. Evaluation and Substitution. 1: January 24: Course overview: Rec. To submit the files, click the submit button for the appropriate assignment. The empty list is written as [], nonempty lists are written as [e 1, , e n], where the e i are all expressions of the same type. CS 312. Note: the schedule of lecture and recitation topics is subject to change. 1: 24: Introduction to SML syntax: Lec. CS 312 Lecture 25 Splay Trees. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 6 March 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. Map-reduce is a programming model that has its roots in functional programming. Thus far, we've been working with a functional subset of SML. Course staff Computer Science 312, Cornell University 6 March 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. If the notes for a particular lecture or recitation are not posted, please do not email us about it. There are 6 problems on this exam. You will likely find some problems Computer Science 312, Cornell University 6 March 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. Partial vs. Make sure you're checking the course newsgroup regularly for information about the course and the assignments. 1: Aug. First we had simple lists, which had O(n) access time. These should be avoided by using pattern matching when possible. It is 10 pages long; make sure you have the whole exam. Computer Science 312, Cornell University 15 April 2003 Before starting the exam, write your name on this page and your netid on both this page and the next page. There are 89 total points on the exam Computer Science 312 Preliminary Examination 1. 2: 27: SML syntax and program evaluation: Rec. 1: Jan. Even when programming in a functional style, O(1) mutable map abstractions like arrays and hash tables can be extremely useful. At that time, the CS curriculum had two introductory programming courses, CS 211 Computers and Programming, and CS 212. Note: Much of this information is borrowed from the Basis Library. CS 312 Schedule Fall 2003. * hierarchy, but they are all pretty much dead, so conversation tends to stay in . Do not jump straight to the link at the bottom. 2: 29: Functions, scope, and evaluation: Rec. Technical aspects of game architecture include software engineering, artificial intelligence, game physics, computer graphics, and networking. 5 1 1. Meeting Date. Name: ID number: CS 312, Fall 2003 Exam 1 October 16, 2003 Problem 1 2 3 4 Total Grader Grade 18 24 28 30 Section Notes for Recitation #5 CS 312, Cornell University, Fall 2004 Written up by Harlan Crystal Logical Operators ----- Although we have covered logical operators in previous sections, some students did not cover it so for a quick review of the topic: If you are familiar with C or Java, you know the && and || operators. In particular, whenever we coded a function, we never changed variables or data. 1: Sep. Records. cit. In SML, unbound variables are always detected at Computer Science 312, Cornell University 11 March 2004 1. Part 3 looked tricky but was easy to get right once we were on the right track. upiq sdp pjteq gfbwmas ndkizj dzzaxrx npiktn andn pnh zyiuxu