Squat vs deadlift reddit glutes I don't switch up my stance. Depending on how you do your squats, they can target more quad or glute. I’ve essentially been doing deficit dead’s with a forward lean bias. Bulgarian split squats are a great replacement & a better replacement than the leg press (which is still good too). Im nkt exactly sure how the body mechanics work out to let it hit the hamstring but it really does. If your upper back falters, do slow safety bar good mornings for your upper back, like in part 4 of "So You Think You Can Squat". Jan 19, 2024 · If your goal is glute, hamstring, and back gains, the deadlift should take the top spot. There are other factors involved of course, but it is to illustrate a point. As for replacing squats, probably not, but it depends on your goals. Deadlifts seem to target it so much better and I don't even need to think about squeezing my glutes. If you magically lost your glutes, you wouldn't be able to deadlift or squat. Bend down or bend over to lift something heavy or be laying down at a 90 degree angle pushing something up with mainly your quads and glutes? Squats build functional strength that can be used in most people’s day to day lives. May 18, 2023 · Deadlifts and squats both work your hip extensors (=your glutes), but differ in that squats work your quadriceps more than deadlifts do, and deadlifts work your back more than squats do. But they're very similar, especially if you use proper leg drive in the deadlift. Deadlifts hit the hamstrings, glutes, and spinal erectors but: RDLs hit the hamstrings better and glutes similarly front squats hit the spinal erectors better The strength gained over several weeks of training is similar in squats vs. there's no better, but if you're planning to front squat only, you need to make sure you throw in some deadlifting variation like an RDL, to train the hamstrings and lower back. Which exercise is safer for beginners, deadlifts or squats? Squats are generally considered safer for beginners due to their lower technical demands. . I do change up my routine, so I'll be doing front squats this cycle of 5/3/1. Legs I do squat, hip thrusts, lunges or Bulgarian squat, glute curls, quad extension, and farmer carry’s or calf raises (FCs also go well with pull days too, they wreck the trapezius muscles). ) Deadlifts are mostly hamstrings and back. I deadlift for the hamstrings glutes and lower back. Hip thrust will get the glute activation of a deadlift, but not the same full posterior chain. I also think squats are cooler because you get down as low as you can (weaker than if your position is higher) and squat back up. Another fact: a lot of people are very happy with the glute development they get from lunges, deadlifts and squats. Hence if you squat and deadlift heavy on a regular basis, your butt will grow bigger. While proper squats and deadlifts will help strengthen your glutes, they are not the only exercises that will do so. sumo deadlift. Deadlifts are the best exercise for increasing your deadlift. do a lot of sets at 205). If your glutes are a hindering factor in your deadlift, then hip thrusts should be a generally helpful accessory if you are focusing on increasing your deadlift performance. I think we all know we are getting enough quad-dominant movements from the typical snatch/clean pulls, front squats, and cleans. M - squat/bench (push) Tu - deadlifts (pull) Th - squats/bench (push) F - deadlifts (pull) S - squat/bench (push) The only downside I would see, is you'd likely have to focus on non floor variants of the deadlift, as quad fatigue is going to be an issue depending on where your maxes are currently, and what your work capacity is. The average squat to deadlift ratio is 1:1. A fact: lunges, deadlifts and squats strengthen and grow your glutes. The reason you might hear people say that they squat as much as they deadlift is because 99% of people who squat have horrible form and don't go to depth. From here, let’s say I dropped my squat and deadlift volume by a lot. I prefer doing glute-ham raises to get at my glutes more and prefer my deadlifts with a narrower stance. And I do normal deadlifts on my back day. The deficit RDL has been my go-to deadlift on legs days for months but I tried Sumo today for the first time. A low-bar hip dominant squat is fairly similar to a deadlift. Both of these exercises will hit hamstring and glute quite nicely. I hadn’t thought of it that way. What I love about box squats is that every box squat rep feels exactly the same, and as my box squat goes up, my squat goes up pound for pound. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. The squat and deadlift are both awesome exercises because they’ll be training a lot of different muscles at once. One exercise that literally kills my glutes every time is Firehydrants- I highly suggest. Because sumo deadlifts work the glutes more than conventional deadlifts and glutes are also part of a well balanced physique. A relatively recent article by Brett Contreras discussed how very heavy kettlebell swings are amazing for your hips and glutes while also being easier on your joints. Sep 15, 2024 · Romanian deadlift, or RDL, is a glute focused deadlift that will place a lot of emphasis on your glutes and hamstrings. The thing is, conventional and even the trap bar feel very unnatural to me. "Squattier" than a normal deadlift, but still a deadlift. In the last 10 years I injured myself 4 times. Both moves strengthen the muscles of the legs and glutes, but they activate slightly different muscle groups. Some days I go into the gym and can't find my squat groove. They're not some holy grail that will magically make you big. The squat is proven effective for building bigger glutes (especially deep squats), but it seems like both the Romanian deadlift and the hip thrust can be equally good or even better alternatives. On balance, the trap bar deadlift usually is mechanically closer to a conventional deadlift, but can be performed in such a way as to emphasize quad (and glute) development. I'm not a big booty girl - I wasn't when I was fat, I wasn't when I lost 50 pounds and was squatting my body weight, and even though I had to put lifting on the backburner due to an injury, I picked up cycling and guess what - I still don't have a big booty butt. Although I did feel it in the glutes more, I feel a better hamstring stretch when doing RDL. But RDL also kills my lower back before I can really load up the bar in order to get a good leg lift in. I know sumo deadlifts activate the quads more but I can’t find how much they are active compared to a squat. If you want to hit erector spinae, you can go on the back extension machine. Thats pretty much right. Likewise, low bar squats and traditional deadlifts are particularly similar. For squats, I have personally found that I can achieve better glute activation (and therefore better technique) when I squat in flat shoes (deadlift slippers are what I wear these days) versus my weightlifting shoes. And straight leg deadlift/RDL had much less knee extension than traditional deadlift, which means less quad activation, which means the glutes and hamstrings must go through a deeper range of motion as well as do more work. Deadlift — Form Differences. Mar 12, 2024 · Deadlift vs Squat: Weight Lifted. This is because the squat allows you to stabilize the weight with your upper body, while the deadlift requires you to rely solely on your lower body. You need to unlock those knees buddy! Even with an SLDL/RDL you still want a slight bend to the knees, lifting like this with locked knees is going to get dangerous as you increase the weight. Am I missing out that much if I leave RDL out of my workout and do Barbell glute thrusts instead? I’m doing squats and deadlifts as well so perhaps I’ve already covered legs well enough? Haha it is easy to just suggest "more" so I'll avoid a 3rd day. For the average person, trap bar deadlift is fine (and personally I think it's better for a lot of people). So Squat and deadlift most important. If you want to be a crossfitter, you must snatch. The people that do go to depth tend to squat between 3-4 plates while deadlifting 5+ plates. I've also found similar benefits from swapping conventional deadlifts to deficit Romanian deadlifts Do lots of core work. On hip thrusts, I'm doing 495lbs+ for 3-5 sets,, 4-10 reps and my back never ever hurts. Everyones form will look slightly different due to their body, being 4-5 " taller than average doesnt suddenly stop you from doing fundamental basic movements like deads and squats Most strength coaches will tell athletes to high bar squat since it's more explosive. , 2017) and others for deadlifts (Colquhoun et al. For example, if you are looking at building back and core strength in addition to working your leg and glute muscles, deadlifts are a strong option for you Back squat, RDL Back squat - more weight, more posterior chain focused RDL - Eccentric development and way more focus directly on the hams and glutes, a conventional deadlift depending on a persons anatomy can be too back focused with spinal erectors and very little leg drive off the ground I spent a lot more time squatting and focusing on bracing to narrow my gap from close to 140% to close to 130%. Deadlift vs Squat: Safety. While for hip extensions, you have back extensions, deadlifts, clean pulls, power cleans, power snatches, hip swings, hip thrusts, glute bridges, and plenty of other options. Squat Bar. If you want to hit Hamstrings, leg curls or Romanian deadlifts (which are lighter and take less toll on you). I do high-bar, wider than shoulders stance, squats. if other large muscle groups are taking over in yr squats, try a leg extension behind you from an all fours position, trying not to arch the lower back. I've had great luck targeting my glutes with Bulgarian split squats. " Personally, what you're doing sounds like a deficit hex bar deadlift. Romanian deadlifts are really good as an all around core lift, since it works your lats, glutes, lower back basically most of your posterior chain. The quote is correct about low bar and how it's a controlled movement to squat the most weight possible. Yes, if you go heavy enough they can be a good substitute (though a good variety of exercises including squat and deads would be ideal). for ultimate mass/power work but really want to add in that extra exercise (only one or the other) to ensure true glute mass (I want a booty for my jeans, sorry for vanity haha) Any advice would be appreciated I like doing 2 leg days a week, one of just squats, deadlifts and lunges, and another of higher volume isolation work; extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises, ab/adductor work, barbell step ups, glute bridges, etc. You stand with feet shoulder width with a slight bend at the knees, push hips back, and lower the bar while keeping a flat back. Pre-exhausted goblet squats or front dumbbell squats work very well too. My lower back/glutes aren't worked as much in smith/hack squats (who cares, I do RDLs and conventional deadlifts still - although the conventional deadlifts I am even thinking of removing) I dont get the satisfaction of having done a heavy ass squat workout, and sometimes feel anxious I haven't done enough Apr 10, 2023 · Deadlifts and squats are effective exercises for gaining lower body strength. Athletes have no reason to low-bar since a high bar squat or front squat has a much higher carry over (for the majority of sports). i kinda agree. For example at the lowest point in your squat you slightly round your lower back and when you stand up again you straighten it up. Additional thoughts: I know personally, since I’ve also struggled with it on and off when first I started, that it’s not easy to get out of the conventional mindset of It's simple adaptation; a bigger butt will help you move more weight in the squat and deadlift. from there, bend the lower leg up to the ceiling and do a long series of small pulsing kicks of the foot toward the ceiling. The deadlift will work your lats and spinal erectors much harder, and the squat works your quads a bit harder. Quads work to extend the knee from the bottom position; hamstrings, glues, and spinal erectors work to extend the hips; various muscles of the upper back keep the shoulders retracted; the rotator cuff works to keep the shoulder in it's socket; the forearms work In terms of muscle recruitment, a squat is more quads focused whereas a deadlift is posterior chain (majorly hamstrings and glutes, back is also involved but the power should be coming from legs). Hex bar feels way more natural. Apr 9, 2024 · Squats, a staple exercise in any fitness regimen, have long been debated for their primary target muscle group: glutes or quads? This blog post delves into the scientific evidence to unravel the truth behind “squats glutes vs. I developed dat sweet bar bounce as demonstrated here by Chris Hickson. Maybe more weight? That was how I eventually started feeling squats in my glutes. Jan 16, 2023 · Science backs this up: According to a small May 2021 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, which compares the hip and knee kinetics of the back squat and deadlift, the deadlift showed more glute activation than the back squat. First, there’s a big overlap in the muscles used on the big fives. Glutes can be lazy and most other muscles will do the work before they do. It requires more effort to develop than the back squat since it calls for strong wrist and shoulder mobility as well as core and posterior chain strength. Yes, the squat utilizes these muscle groups too, but the deadlift places more of an emphasis through the Dec 9, 2024 · The glutes are a powerful muscle group, responsible for hip extension, external rotation, and abduction. Split squats or bulgarian split squats as u/flutitis mentioned are great exercises. 23 in men, and 1:1. the complaining about sumo ROM is entirely arbitrary, if high bar squats had been the standard for decades people would bitch about low bar squatting now as well Ex: I’m trying to increase my DL, but my HB Squat’s major weakness is thoracic extension strength. It's not enough a difference to stress about. People on here just got it into their head that squats are 100% essential to any routine regardless of goals. But if someone’s loves normal deadlifts, that’s great too btw. Record yourself and see where the falter in form is. Pause squats are awesome though, really helped me work with explosion out of the hole. I use 5 kg plates and put them inside my bag for weight progression bu Squats are in NO WAY necessary to build leg muscles. deadlifts, with some studies showing superior results for squats (Colquhoun et al. At the end of the day, deadlift is the best back exercise too, and squat can go pretty much anywhere except deadlift day pretty well. Over time I find that BB squats just fuck my back and I feel like there are better exercises to isolate quads. Personally I think do trap bar deadlift will still hit your hamstring , just not as much as straight bar deadlift, and because you don't have to worry about your back rounding as Squats can be good for glutes, but you have to learn to engage them, which a lot of people have a difficulty with. This muscle pulls on the knee from the front. RDL will target more hamstring because the fixed knee angle allows for good hamstring contraction throughout the lift. A high bar, upright squat is quite different from a deadlift. Single leg squat press and single leg leg presses (I prefer squat presses) split squats, Bulgarian split squats, single leg deadlifts also kneeling squats will help build considerable bulk to the quads as its ab isolation movement (well glutes and quads anyways) just make sure u have a yoga mat or something to protect your knees. Hexagon bar will activate glutes even more. See the angle of the torso in narrow stance deadlift vs. Good luck & hope you build your glutes 💪🏾 For the lifts, if you can't get a coach I would say don't do the full lifts, but instead work on things like getting a proper front squat with a good rack position and grip, clean deadlift with shoulders over the bar, overhead squat, snatch balance, push press and push jerk, muscle clean and snatch with hip contact, etc. I do however have a slightly narrower sumo stance, so the range of motion is there. Whilst I would agree that hip thrusts are excellent for glutes, I would refute your suggestion that squats and deadlifts are inferior, particularly deadlifts. they're both different. Pushing through the hips/floor while pulling through your lats would be the cue but the glutes are considered dormant by Brett Cont. I feel conventional deadlifts and squats in my glutes way more than sumo. It almost killed me tho, no joke. Moving marginally more weight through a limited range and in a movement pattern that does not mimic the competition lifts will not be as effective in preparing you for the classic lifts, but sure, if you are just showing off in the gym then squat however you want to squat. Deadlifts are like half Squats. Best to keep searching for answers from him in glute use. Leg press, walking and reverse lunges & leg extensions are all you need for quads on top of Bulgarians. Deadlifts work the posterior chain (glutes, hams, lower backs) way more. Rows strengthen your back. Maybe try box squats or SSB squats (if your gym has a safety squat bar), or some other squat variation that feels better for you. No exercise is necessary. 01% of humans who legitimately cannot squat due to their shoulder anatomy. But glutes get their fair share of abuse in a squat. I don't go to gym so Bulgarian squats are a lifesaver especially because I get more range of motion, works glutes more than normal squat and does quads quite decently. Also it is good to do bilateral work squats/deadlifts) along side your unilateral work (step ups/split squats) to add variation to the stimuli given to the large muscles of the legs. I find they hit quads and upper back a bit harder. To feel the deadlift in your glutes, you need to activate these muscles effectively. I'm toying with the idea of getting a belt squat to still hit my quads but to take all that pressure off my back. If you replace split squats with leg presses, you may miss out on some of the benefits that split squats offer, such as I've always struggled with feeling squats in my glutes. Both of these moves are total powerhouses when it comes to strength and tonin’ up, but they each bring their own flavor to the game. Comparing narrow stance deadlift and high bar squat: the difference in the angle of the torso is greater, the deadlift is more hamstring dominant and the squat is more quad dominant. I suggest you try to fix the shoulder problem and or get your hands on a safety squat bar. Do both. I've read a few coaches saying squats translate to deadlifts better than vice versa, so I would prefer squats if I could ever only do one of them. i'd suggest doing both, or cycling them. high bar squat and trap bar deadlifts are particularly similar. It may be worth trying to have a more straight/upright back during RDLs. I have sufficient ankle mobility to break parallel in flats, so I don't have the same need for dorsiflexion assistance that That's perfectly fine. So your Deadlift increases fine with only one heavy set of five. Most people I know deadlift more than they squat. quads. As I go up, I drive my hips and butt forwards and through, kinda like air humping. That 100% makes sense. I do RDLs so they are kinda like a regular deadlift, minus the legs part. I stopped deadlifting for years after a back injury finally went to a full blown injury (back issues for years BMX riding, then I slipped a disc doing light deadlifts, barely over 300) and about 8 months ago, started to squat and do rack pulls. This is called butt wink and is one of the most toxic mistakes during squats. It hits your quads, glutes, core, abductors, adductors, and lower Quads: Bulgarians, seated leg curls (one leg at a time) touchdown squats, pistol squats Hamstrings: Single leg hamstring curls, single leg deadlifts Glutes: Single leg glute bridges, clamshells Calves: Elephant stretch/raises on a slant board, single leg clad raises I am not claiming to be an expert by any means. I have a hard time believing you are one of the ~0. I’m a huge fan of the leg press for people who can’t squat. Bc this block is more deadlift-focused, my primary assumption would be starting with the RDL due to being more specific to the deadlift. You should front squat and low-bar. you can use ankle weights if this gets too easy. I have went heavier and even round back on GMs and found that is an excellent way to train erector strength but not so much my hamstrings/glutes. But I always maximize range of motion at the expense of higher weight. When you perform a half squat, you are working the quadriceps muscles (thigh muscles) to a great extent. Deadlift Bar vs. If you don't like squats, don't do them. Squats work mostly the quads and hams. If you're trying to grow your glutes, hip thrusts you can load a crap load of weight. Same for bar placement. squat bar and sumo squat vs. The major one being that one is Low-bar is really synergistic with deadlifts and I primarily train strength in the big 3 lifts, so this is a good thing. Reading on this reddit and other websites, I got the impression that most climbing coaches find these exercises best for general strength: Deadlift Squat A pull exercise, like pull-ups A push exercise, like dips Does it make sense to add an extra push exercise to this collection, like an overhead press of some kind? I feel like my butt slides/moves back, where it sticks out more as I bend. Yes there is a lot of overlap between the various squat and deadlift variations. In a squat I like to think of it in 2 "parts": push up with legs through mid foot to extend the knees then finish with hip extension. And if you FO squat and deadlift and breath and brace improperly, your midsection and back will still get stronger and these minor issues can easily be resolved. they have some barry over to helping your hams and glutes fire, but they aren’t the most efficient accessory to help your squat. deadlifts for building the glutes, this largely depends on what your routine allows for, as well as your training regimen, and what exactly your goals are. 4. Powerlifters really fucked up the scene with the big 3 dogma. Apr 12, 2024 · 3. I like doing them, along with regular squats and regular deadlifts Lighter weight with the accessory than main lift. Any muscle growth that can be obtained from squats can be obtained from tons of other exercises. I will always hate the OH Press. Can I perform deadlifts with a barbell if I have lower back pain? It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before performing deadlifts if you have lower back pain. And it takes the most toll of the central nervous system. I know wider stance squats activate the glutes more and I feel them more in my hamstrings too compared to narrow squats. Stretching your hip flexors will help a lot also. Some deadlift adjustments I've made (as a result of feedback in another sub) has helped a bit with glute engagement, but I'm not feeling them in my squats at all. If you lift 2 days then I would have one include dead and the other squat, and look into push/pull workouts to complement around these. My goal is just to have legs proportional to the rest of my body and have all my leg muscles proportional to each According to Bret Contreras and other independent researchers he's referencing, the Stairmaster actually barely fires up the glute muscles. This See: sumo deadlift compared to especially a wide stance low bar squat. There are a lot of differences between these two movements. While step ups more closely resemble the motion of the acceleration phase they are much more problematic to load progressively. I focus specifically on sitting back and rising all in one motion, instead straightening the legs first and letting the back follow. You can even change how far away your footing is you want to do more quads than glutes. If you are doing squats and on Green, I would think once a week deadlifts would be enough. I know you're asking about squats vs lunges, but I'm fairly quad dominant as well and found dead lifts (with good form!) to really recruit glutes well. Same. , 2018). I just feel great hip extension during the sumo deadlift that I can't feel on the conventional. Also, perhaps the confusion stems from the fact that if a girl's butt is large and flabby, squats and deadlifts (along with a decent amount of cardio and a good Deep squats exercise the muscles with the least possible stress on bones and joints (vs half squat) If the weight is too heavy to let you go deep, it is too heavy to have on your back! Deep squats facilitate smoother and less risky training, as fewer plates and less peripherals and help from spotters are required. Nov 16, 2024 · When it comes down to squats vs. A good workout for developing stronger quadriceps is the front squat. It’s very good at developing strength and muscular endurance in the posterior chain, but if your hamstrings aren’t flexible, you’ll struggle with maintaining proper deadlift form for glutes. But if you're a normal person, do what you like. Grip widths can be adjusted. Ass to grass front squats are also better for me because I run a hell of a lot and parallel back squats destroy my CNS recovery and there's too much recruitment in my hams, back and glutes which I need to be fresh for running. Meanwhile the reputation of the deadlift and squat have existed for far longer. I used to think that my back pain came from deadlifting, but after I stopped squatting and continued to deadlift, my back pain went away. Glutes, Barbell Hip Thrusts or RDLs. Squats hit your quads and glutes really hard ( as well as assorted other muscle. All in all, high-bar is doable once you're use to it. Low-bar is good for strength. I do both! Straight leg deadlifts should hit your hamstrings mainly, with the glutes as an accessory. I am trying to target glutes more with these movements. Yeah fuck the normal deadlift. Deadlifts are great booty builders but can't load as much but they'll build your upper body too. the low bar squat emphasizes hamstring, lower back and glute strength, while the front squat is more quad, glute and ab strength. Also doing direct glute work like hip thrust or glute bridge are a very good idea. Front squat even more so than both. Learning how to handle a bar and load or unload it can be challenging at first. The only disadvantage is that you're not doing barbell deadlifts and this only matters if you're doing a sport like powerlifting where you need practice. "My typical leg day usually consists of some variation of: - Leg Press - RDLs - Hip Thrusts - Thigh Abductor - Bulgarian Split Squats - Donkey kickbacks", lots of isolation stuff here but there will be a great benefit to including squats and deadlifts of several variations that will increase your general stamina, strength and muscle size. That being said, I thought the deadlift was more of a lower-back exercise and less of a leg exercise Deadlifts work the entire body. The front squat can be improved with both front rack lunges and front rack Bulgarian split squats for a variety of reasons. If you had to pick one I would pick leg press because at least then you could change your feet positioning to make it more like a squat. If you do front squats and low-bar, you'll get full development. Lot’s of people have also very long legs/femurs and completely fucked up leverages for deadlifts and squats which puts them for higher injury risks. g. not everyone with a sumo deadlift is going to have the giga wide, full external rotation, 2 inch lock out deadlift lmao. Thoughts? Sorry if this is a stupid post, doesn't really matter. Jan 2, 2024 · So, for the sake of the article’s objective, we are going to choose two variations of squats and deadlifts that can be compared with each other: deadlift bar vs. 5. While I think those are the worst of the worst Just make sure you drive up from your heels and clench your butt when you're at the top of your squats. Other than just being focused on strength rather than PR’s the irony is if you want to high bar squat, go belt-less, or go barefoot or wear chucks for squats, they would be more dogmatic about that than wearing squat shoes for your deadlift. Broadly, it looks like you're kind of in a halfway house here; your stance and set up seem to echo a conventional, but you're doing it at a deficit, which will emphasize Split squats require more balance and stability, engage the core muscles, and place greater emphasis on the glutes and quads, whereas leg presses are a more controlled movement that primarily targets the quads and glutes. I have 2 days between each lifting day at minimum. i prefer to do rdl’s before i squat or deadlift and focus on light weight with a super slow tempo to stretch out my hams and lower back. Recently I realized I only really use and Olympic bar for squats and Deadlift, using DB for bench and for shoulder presses. Once I got my form dialed in I have come to love squats. You will get the quads, whereas a normal deadlift will get the Hamstrings. Doing hip thrusts led to substantially more hip thrust strength gain than doing squats in absolute terms, but the difference wasn’t statistically significant Good glute exercises that avoid the hamstrings include hip thrusters (make sure you go to full extension), clamshells, squats with a band wrapped around your knees (actually just above them), cossack squats, and if you can, cable kickbacks with the cable attached above your knees. Echoing that sentiment - the conventional deadlift uses plenty of glutes and hamstring, and everything else. Yes I’m pulling conventional. That I generally also do slightly wider than shoulders. Deadlifts hit your glutes with that hinge movement, while squats fire ‘em up with some serious lower-body action. If your back stays perfect, your hips stay perfect and your knees stay perfect -- the best way to get your conventional deadlift up is to do conventional deadlifts. This is the difference between the deadlift and the romanian deadlift, though your ROM is reduced with the romanian dl, your glutes and hamstrings are getting hit much harder and are fatiguing. My glutes are huge as a result too. That being said, I've found compound exercises have contributed to more growth in my glutes, more specifically straight leg deadlifts and hip thrusts. If you just want to be big? Trap bar deadlifts are a great exercise and are not as much like a squat as commonly talked about. You are supposing that “squatting a heavier weight” means your legs are getting stronger faster, but strength is specific. if you have access to a hack squat machine, great. I’ve got shorter legs and arms but a huge torso than most people my size so I feel like that helps in terms of movement going up and down on dl, but it deters me from getting good movement on squats because my feet are size 10, wide and my balance is terrible. ” Muscle Anatomy: Understanding the Players. Now I'm not saying that's what you were getting at, but my POV is that "activation" should not be among the reasons you choose an exercise. Your whole body gets strong. However, the back squat activated the quads more than the deadlift. Yeah Romanian are straight legged, stiff legged, what ever you want to call them. 25 in women. Typically, people can lift more weight in the squat than the deadlift. Presses strengthen your arms. The data shows that trap bar deadlifts are more glute focused than sumo deadlifts but slightly less than Roman, straight-legged, or conventional deadlifts. After 4 years of consistently squatting, I'm convinced that there is no way for me to do this exercise with full depth and no butt wink. Sumo feels like I’m not really working anything and like there’s almost no range of motion. If you power clean properly, your traps will be fine. Its just that you happen to squat and deadlift in the same workout for SS and there’s only one set . I think the stabilizers you work in deadlifts and squats are especially essential. I have front squats in my T2 for my quads so I’ll stick with barefoot. Conclusion: Bret "the glute guy" Contreras trying to divide glute-recruiting exercises into "effective" and "not so effective" is utterly pointless from the Aug 28, 2024 · Aight, let’s talk glutes—the booty-building duo: deadlifts vs. You don’t need more. Yes, there are, including a study performed by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 2006, which showed that a body weight quadruped hip extension activated more gluteus maximus muscle than a one-rep max squat. Oct 11, 2024 · [Related: The Best Glute Exercises for Toning and Strength] The Squat vs. in some individuals. But a half squat greatly neglects the hamstrings and glutes (muscles on the back of the leg) which pull on the knee from the back. Do more squats at lower weights (e. When you're using one compound movement using heavy ass weight to target the quads and glutes why not give the same equality to hamstrings and lower back on another For my accessory works, I do Bulgarian Split Squat on Squat day, and Hip Thrust on my deadlift day. And regular old deadlift or hip thrusts will be best for targeting the butt. Throw a barbell on your back or in the front I’m 6 ft, 250 lbs deadlift 485, squat 365. Doing just one will lead to serious imbalances, you should do both or at least something similar if you can't. SSB squats are probably a better squat replacement than trap bar deadlifts. The squat primarily involves two major muscle groups: Thanks man. But every exercise is the best choice for increasing your strength in that exercise. If you want to be a powerlifter, you must squat. This has been proven. The other option is to go with a modified deadlift version. IMO the deadlift and squat are way more technical than the hip trust and I can see why you are weaker. Squat being more quad oriented and leg press being more hamstring and glute. I would prefer to get that ratio down to between 110-120%. That said, even Bret prescribes deadlifts and squats in his programs and has consistently maintained they’re also important in glute and holistic body development. Maybe some stair master to warm down/ab/calf work. Greg Nuckols wrote a great article about trap bar deadlifts. I honestly don't think replacing the deadlift with the power clean is a bad idea, assuming you have actually been coached on how to power clean. Start light with the new variation and take your time to build it up with good form. In your deadlift you seem to hyperextend your lower back and pulling from your back instead of doing leg drive and hip hinge. I'm not strong by any means, but 100+ pounds made all the difference in the world. That article mentioned an elite lifter with ideal body type for squats can squat 10% below deadlift while a guy built for deadlifts can squat 19% below. Trap bar deadlift is much more like a squat than a deadlift. To quote Greg from that article, "the trap bar deadlift is a bit “squattier” than a barbell deadlift, but it’s definitely still a hinge pattern, and nowhere close to being a squat. I thought Squats made my knees hurt, turns out it was bad form. It doesn’t work that great for my body. I even know people who love Romanian deadlifts. You have your prime movers for each exercise and the secondary muscles that assist with things like stability and overall mechanics. I do however keep the GM arched back and "light" by light I mean I RARELY ever go OVER 50% of my squat for 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps. Both the deadlift and the squat can be dangerous if performed Oct 3, 2023 · Squat Vs Deadlift Muscles Worked. I'm also trying to build dat ass and have seen some differences since I started consciously using my glutes, I think my quads were doing more of the work before. I would think sprinkling in some conventional deadlifts, hip thrusts, and/or low-bar squats would help to give the glutes/hams/low back a little more training. Learn hip hinge exercises - like deadlifts, RDL, SLDL, goodmornings - they are more important than squatting, when it comes to glute development. things you can do to move it from your mid foot to over your glutes: practice front squatting, it will force you to keep your chest up and forward get weightlifting shoes to elevate your heels and get the weight from your midfoot over your glutes practice keeping your back And if you squat and breath and valasalva CORRECTLY and PROPERLY you won't have one rib lower or tucked or flared or whatever else they use RPR for. What you deadlift is irrelevant. Deadlifts are a jack of all trades, master of none. Also, a much less technical movement that is quad dominant Don't typically do leg press but which exercise is optimal for glute MASS? I squat, deadlift, etc. Squats led to significant muscle growth in the glutes as well as the quads, and significant strength gains in the squat as well as the hip thrust. Same starting and finishing position, however the range of motion is limited. 3 times with deadlifts and 1 time with squats. That said, it is good to add some movements to hit the quads if you aren’t training them for overall muscle balance. However, I would suggest glute-ham raises and weighted hyper or reverse hyper extensions 1000 times before I started suggesting hip thrusts as a deadlift accessory. Deadlift day I have been doing high bar squat (main squat is low bar) Maybe doing high bar is a bad idea and maybe something like front squats would be a better idea in terms of allowing better recovery? I used to do front squat on deadlift day. Jan 20, 2022 · Conversely, the squat resulted in the highest quadriceps muscle activity, with the hip thrust coming in second, and the Romanian deadlift third. Both great exercises and deadlifts make you feel BAD ASS. When done correctly, the deadlift heavily engages the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the body, along with the gluteus medius and minimus. On my "volume" squat day I rotate between RDLs and GMs. Yeah, squats definitely helped me but not in the way I had anticipated. You should be able to power clean about 65% of your back squat, give or take. squats. Instead of getting pissed and leaving, I turn those into box squat days so I can still go heavy and increase my squat. traditional dead lifts are from the ground and you bend at the knees, definitely don't round your back though In your daily life what are you more likely to do. by nature of aids, I had more support with squats than with deadlifts, so there was more incentive to lift heavier with squats than with deadlifts I sat a lot, which mean my glute was weaker (hence less deadlift), while my quads and butt could squeeze and allow me to complete heavy squats once I was out of pocket You don't need squats, but it's a great exercise and a fundamental movement pattern. glute bridges put a tonne of tension on the glute max but the ROM is so short and doesn't go anywhere near the max lengthened position of the glute. I did pause squats for 2 months straight and now my explosiveness is insane (I also did box squats, which I highly recommend). I like both DL and Squats as I see steady progress even after 3 years of lifting. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Punching power is generated by the posterior chain and transferred up your body through the core and into the punch. Learning to brace on squats, which a belt will help with (even just the learning part), will make you feel secure while squatting. dude your squat is terrible because the weight is too far forward. So yea my dl is definitely wayyy stronger. Look up glute bridges, RKC planks and wall hip flexor stretches for starters if you are trying to correct excessive anterior pelvic tilt This same exact thing you said applies to deadlifting. Include a warm up dedicated to warming up your glutes like hip thrusts and lateral walking (band). The whole idea that if you are tall you can do any form squat, deadlift, compound large movements im sure is a load of rubbish. I see SO MANY 120 lb girls hip thrusting 3-4+ plates when they probably couldn't squat or deadlift anywhere close to that. Both squats and deadlifts train the posterior chain but squat target quads and glutes more heavily while deadlifts target hamstrings and spinal erectors more heavily. I've got quite a good pair of coconuts going on and whilst heavy hip thrusts are a staple, my glutes were mostly carved out with high rep deadlifting + deadlifting often. They are two different exercises working the leg muscles differently. Learn to use a belt and wear one for heavier sets. When I started I really liked Deadlifts because I thought they were easy. I struggle with my glutes being activated, so I always try to activate them with the bands before. Ultimately it depends on what you want. dfjlfxe nstan zrh fap dji dhkaddx aer jirgb fxmtbyo qbp