9dp5dt meaning pregnancy forum twins. HCG with twins? November 11, 2024 .

9dp5dt meaning pregnancy forum twins I convinced my wife that if we take a pregnancy test today it will give us a fair understanding if we’re Agree with everyone else. Twin pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks. None were late implanters either as i was getting positive frers at 5dpt. Current @9dp5dt was 29. I had a m/c in January (singleton), then had and iui in May and I just found out I am 6 weeks with twins. Could it be implantation this late? My embryo was barely hatched, so I’m hoping it’s late implantation! I’m on progesterone This is great news 😊 as far as I’ve read there isn’t a direct correlation between high early betas and twin pregnancy. 17dp5dt 282. Monozygotic and dizygotic twins are two types of offspring produced by the same pregnancy. d. What were your HCG numbers? Latest: 6 My first blood draw was at 7dp9dt which was 48 and my second blood draw was at 9dp5dt which was 93. 4 from 5 eggs mature and fertilised. Is that good? I had never heard about all the m/c and twins moms. My beta is tomorrow and I’m just so sad and worried right now. 4 wks 3 days - 196 - normal ? anyone have similar number and have a healthy pregnancy? did you end up w a boy or girl ODS @9dp5dt was 20. So yes it's possible for twins but it's also possible it isn't. I had some pain in right ovary area, mild cramps x can this be a good sign still? x anyone had similar experience x Hey everyone, I'm new here and trying not to freak myself out. My beta continued dropping, which resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I did mine 9dp5dt and it was 113. 1 Advances in reproductive technologies have been the main driver of this increase, but practitioners need to maintain a high level of suspicion when certain clinical characteristics are detected. 5mlu. Friday 9/30 TWIN PREGNANCY AND BIRTH INTRODUCTION AND BAC KGROUND Twin pregnancy occurs in approximately 2-3% 1,2,3 of pregnancies and the incidence has been increasing. Regardless though huge congrats. 12dp5dt 68. 5 I am wanting to know others levels around 12 days post transfer . My clinic wants my estradiol to be at 200. I'm not sure if I'm just one of those people that have low betas, but when I got my positive beta the second time around I thought I was out for sure (my clinic wanted to see a number I’m 9dp5dt today too and I just got my beta as 370 I’m Report as Inappropriate. My 8dp5dt was 187 and it was twins! Though HCG level isn’t a good prediction of multiples. Endosucks346. Mine was 172! Like. If I hadn't started to get positives until 7dp5dt I but still low. Getting a positive at 6dp5dt is an excellent sign of an average implementation day, which is good!. 1st - 9dp5dt 45 11dpt 55 13dpt 40. Reply reply My lines did not darken everyday and I thought thy actually got lighter one day. My home pregnancy test line doesn’t seem to be progressing either. Please advise in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site Advanced Search Cancel As the pregnancy progresses or if it is a twin/multiple pregnancy, the levels of hCG rise due to higher levels of hCG created by the placenta. I know betas don't necessarily mean twins or not, but I just anecdotally am curious: if your first beta 9dp5dt was somewhere between 400-550 and more than doubled or could be twins but at least it is a very healthy pregnancy either way. I thought chemical for sure with this pregnancy. ca Forums; → Community Blog; → We thought by the numbers we were pregnant with twins, but I am pregnant with *One* little angel We transferred 3, Grade B, 9 celled embies. My beta with my oldest was 20, second baby 41, youngest baby 29 (and she started out as twins). Report as Inappropriate. Sign Out. I have heard hopeful stories of low betas, mine was just not one Mine is 9DPT was 83 and 13DPT 382 for my current and first pregnancy. @2HappyRommels, congratulations!!! Thanks Im pregnant with twins and im on my eighth week ,, is it normal to feel extra tired and i cant breathe well specially after having food. It means 9 day post 5 day transfer. What were your guys I never had any negative pregnancy symptoms other than a few cravings on my singleton pregnancy or my twin pregnancy. I had lots of symptoms last time (bloating, food aversion, nausea) really early, but waited for my 10dp blood hcg (over 500). All of my pregnancies that had an initial beta of 85 or more ended up as a chemical or miscarriage. (All of my betas were done at 9dp5dt) So I had a 5 Day Blast FET done March 14th [with one 6AA and one 5AA Embryo] and I was so scared to test but at 6 days past transfer I tested in the morning with one of those cheap Amazon pregnancy strips and it was positive!! Both times I was pregnant I had low starting betas -- the first ended in a chemical, the second is my current, ongoing pregnancy. Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 36 of 36 Posts. I have my second test on Monday at 12dp5dt. I'm going for Ectopic pregnancy June 2011, 6 cycles of Clomid without success IVF No. And while learning that carrying more than one life under your Tell you what type of multiple pregnancy your pregnancy is; See if you may need additional care or support; Plan the care you will get throughout your pregnancy; Measure your blood pressure and test your urine; Offer you screening tests, Wednesday 9/28 - 9DP5DT BETA TEST DAY! Woke up feeling cramps like af is coming. Sign Up. Also found hydrosalpinx in my tube so had it removed. hi all, looking for some advice x I am 9dp5dt and started spotting on 7dpt however when I did do a test then on day 7 it was negative. m. And used from different boxes. By far the most common type of multiple pregnancy is a Main Difference – Monozygotic vs Dizygotic Twins. . I didn’t see much progression from day 7-8 and got worried but compared my 6dp5dt to today 9dp5dt and there’s a big difference which I think matters! Your tests look so similar to mine! My last pregnancy was a chemical and I too have had a blighted ovum. I used FRER for my 2 week wait. Getting Pregnant. I’m 9 days after transfer and have gotten negative tests so far. Moms Share Home Remedies for Pregnancy Morning Sickness. 8 Expensive Products Moms Say are Worth the Money . Exercise . That afternoon I had a faint positive (both internet cheapie tests). 9dp5dt my levels were 68. I've seen moms with really high betas only have singletons though, so high betas don't necessarily mean twins. 1st HCG 7dpt was 299dpt was 125clinic was happy and said no further testing needed. My pregnancy test this morning is now darker than the control line. This is mainly due to the use of assisted reproductive technologies and increasing maternal age 1,2,3. Bloodwork is most important. Further evaluation indicated. all of my betas were 41 or below at 9dp5dt and i was getting positives at 4/5dpt which meant all 3 of them were slow to get their act together. Others are 25 mlu, etc). 5. My first beta 9dp5dt was 38. Has anyone had twins or are you currently pregnant with twins? If so what were/are your I got my 9dp5dt transfer beta back and it was low at 19. And then I knew right away it had worked. The nurse just shared the number and didn’t say anything more. Today was a big day for me. The main difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins is that monozygotic twins are developed from one embryo, splitting into two embryos whereas dizygotic twins are developed from two different eggs, Has anyone had that blood work done yet? My results say Screen negative for open NTD. Also had twin girls that were 150 at 9dp5dt, but I miscarried them at 12 weeks. Last night I had cramps and kept checking for any spotting. *** One Vaginal and one cesarean 59510 or 59618 for twin B and 59409-59 or 59612-59 for twin A. I know they can also be attributed to the progesterone but today I It's my OTD today at 9dp5dt and I have a very very make your profile pic big enough to see on my phone. Like Report Our surrogate just completed her first FET and is currently 5w4d pregnant! We’ve had two betas (9dp5dt and 11dp5dt). I had a VERY low hcg 9dp5dt (9. I’ve had positive tests all darkening each day since 4dp5dt. At 14dpt, it was over 5000. People here will tell you that levels don't mean anything, Mine was 230 at 7dp5dt and like 450(something don't remember exactly) at Wife had her 5BA FET on 12/6/21. 3 top grade embies + 1 just behind, Blasto 24 July - 1 x 4BB and 1 x 3BC blast on board! Biochemical. Something as simple as a walk or mild exercise has been shown to improve sleep in pregnancy. A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which you are having more than one baby at the same time. Reply . We only transferred one this time, but my betas are 211@9dpt and 415 @11dpt. I'm pregnant! Beta - 146! Very strong painful cramps around midnight, had me on my knees in crazy pain. In the morning of 7dp5dt I had a good faint positive on First Response Early Response. I am so down because today would be the day of my beta if it weren’t a My current IVF pregnancy (fifth transfer, two take home babies so far), I had a negative on the morning of 6dp5dt. Ultrasound is set for the 25th. NShahila. At 12dp5dt it went to 255. I had the same symptom during a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. Also please see HPT below, the line at day 10 looks much stronger than day 9, so im hoping HCG is increasing! update: 9dp5dt hcg 20. My clinic hasn't even brought up the possibility of twins though. No appetite. Are we thinking twins? We did transfer 2 embryos. Identical twins form when a single fertilized egg splits early in pregnancy and develops into two fetuses. FET- I am 12dp6dt. I had my beta draw today! I think we chatted in the other 1/24 FET day post. meshell1977. And I have read about many people on here with lower betas than yours that go on to have completely healthy, uneventful pregnancies. Got them back 2 days ago, midwife is on vacation, no one else wants to give me the results, they are not qualifiedso I’m on the waiting game. With my first (now 22 months) my 1st beta at 10dp5dt (fresh) IVF. 19dp5dt 470. Twins now compromise more than 3% of all live births in the United States. You might have your pregnancy care in a special multiple pregnancy clinic, staffed by obstetricians, midwives and other health professionals you may need to see. My pg that ended up in m/c I didn't really have very many symptoms. Treatment support. A little cramps. I ready a couple studies that said baby aspirin after a CP can help so i decided to try it. Like Report as I am 9dp5dt and got a BFN on HPT this morning. IVF pregnancy, currently 6w5d. At 9dp5dt, I had a low beta of Unfortunately I had a chemical pregnancy and miscarried at 5weeks. Beta #2 208 on Valentine's. 17 Similar Discussions Found . We had an ultrasound this week and it’s a singleton. This time I am getting more pg symptoms, I just thought that it was because this was a healthy pregnancy. Felt strange 19dpt and Beta was 3006followed up 41 hours (21dpt) Baby #3 29 (and she started out at twins) Betas were all at 9dp5dt. I am 12dp5dt and HCG is 124. is that low? I'm pretty scared. Before the routine use of ultrasound, more than half of Here are some things to know about twin pregnancies and twin pregnancy symptoms. I was devastated. 23dp5dt 1467 Hi Mommas! I had my bloodwork done today and although I’m grateful for my Beta being 66, I am a little worried after seeing how high others have had during their first beta draw. Bgoode1014. 6) during my beta on 11/02. The beta blood draw is qualitative, and currently the only way to get a qualitative pregnancy test is through a blood draw. Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. Learn more here. I am just prayingggg that my second beta will be higher. Could this mean twins? I’m a fraternal twin btw. I tested at 5dp5dt and got a positive. Mine was 239 at 9dpt5dt and 901 at 11dpt5dt. 8 I had a first beta of 235 for my first successful transfer that was only a single embryo (unfortunately we lost that pregnancy due to trisomy) and my beta for this transfer where we transferred two was 245. Did another clear blue today at 4w2d TWINS!!! 20 week anatomy scan all is Hi everyone! I'm currently 9dp5dt (FET) and up until this point I've had lots of symptoms. Took pregnancy test today (10dp5dt) Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 10dp5dt and HCG is 156. Sending hugs, love and prayers for you. ️ After my first PGS FET was a CP i started baby aspirin a week before my second FET. Baby#2 hcg 41@9dp5dt. delhoua. On 06/11 i had my first fresh transfer (I am 44 years old, so we transferred 3 embryos, not tested). He said we’d need it to rise to ~50 over the next four days So when it was 36 at 9dp5dt I knew it was going to be a chemical. Like. Has anyone else gone through this? I got my 9dp5dt transfer beta back and it Anyone experience brown spotting around this time and have a good outcome? The nurse told me I can’t get a period while on progesterone. I have no symptoms other than what On 3dp5dt I had an upset stomach after lunch. 12dp3dt ~ 377 15dp3dt ~ 1,479 9dp5dt - 79 Twin Girls photog mom (Dawn) 15dp3dt-604 17dp3dt-1415 22dp3dt-10175 Her beta was positive and she was even pregnant with twins. Multiple pregnancy is associated with higher risks for both mother and babies. I took 2 pregnancy tests today at 10dpt and the easy@home is showing progression, but the first response tests seem to be getting lighter?? 9dp5dt means 9 days past a 5 day transfer - in IVF some embryos are transferred on day 3, while it is more typical for embryos to develop in the lab until day 5 or 6. But I tested at 6dp5dt FET and got a strong positive. I've used a FRER, a super drug 4 day early one and a cheap one from tesco My 8dp5dt was 187 and it was twins! Though HCG level isn’t a good prediction of multiples. To Honestly, a high beta doesn't necessarily indicate a problem, and yours doesn't even seem that terribly high to me. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 12dp5dt and HCG is 124. There were a few small differences in the pregnancies but everyone kept telling me every pregnancy was different lol. 142 I'm 29 weeks pregnant with didi twins. My first beta is 703! I My daughter was 69 at 9dp5dt. also i cant go on shopping for more than 1 hour , my back will hurt me alot. My numbers are a little higher than normal, so don't compare to mine! Our twin boys are 3 years old :-). It can mean you are pregnant with multiples or a molar It's referring to IVF. In my twin pregnancy, my numbers look like this: 9dp5dt = 266 11dp5dt = 600 Could you post the study, I'd really like to read it! My hcg was 398 at 9dp5dt and 960 at 11dp5dt. 2nd - 9dpt 37 11dpt 92 13dpt 247. Hcg (the pregnancy hormone) is checked through a blood test (beta) in IVF after transferring an embryo. Just had my FET with a PGS BB grade embryo that was starting to hatch the day of transfer. A tiny bit of brown watery discharge at night. Since you were getting negatives early on, i bet you just have a late implanter. I go tuesday for an ultrasound but I was looking for your experiences and opinions in the meantime 😊 Thank you! I After doing research I’ve read that at 9dp5dt you’re technically 14dpo. Reply reply Suspicious-Jicama-68 • HCG 175 on 9DP5DT - currently 27 weeks pregnant 🥰 Edit: with a singleton! Reply reply bc-canada-001 HCG levels for a twin pregnancy? Count Choculitis member. Betas are repeated every couple of days to ensure they are doubling correctly, which gives you an insight on how things are developing in Did an ERA and found out I needed an extra day of progesterone. HCG with twins? November 11, 2024 At 9dp5dt clear blue digital said 1-2 weeks I had beta done at 10dp5dt which I understand would be 4w1d pregnant and this was a healthy 186 reading. YDS @9dp5dt was 41. Short in breath. One baby growing in the womb (uterus) on its own is called a singleton pregnancy. Simple tricks like routine, exercise, and even a couple of comfy pillows can make a notable difference in your quality of slumber. Kinsey035. I convinced my wife that if we take a pregnancy test today it will give us a fair understanding if we’re pregnant or not. Like FET 5- fraternal twin girls- 10dp6dt- beta 418. All at home pregnancy tests are quantitative, just with different thresholds (FRER is 6. Are they going to do another beta? We had our FET of a 5 day frostie on 4/15. Hello guys. Like Baby #1 hcg20@9dp5dt. Currently 14 weeks with twins good luck! 9dp5dt was 119. Everyone is different. We transferred one of our PGS embryos (the lowest quality one) plus a high quality non-PGS tested embryo and are now pregnant with twins at 20w. Pregnancy. 6 Signs You May Be Pregnant With Twins. High HCG does lead to more nausea sometimes and from weeks 6- 8 it was pretty rough while I got used to it. My husband and I are doing IVF due to him being on chemo, and we lost our twins (fresh transfer) a few months ago. The doctor indicated that it’s most likely a chemical pregnancy and that there’s a ~1% chance of the embryo becoming viable. I tested this time (couldn’t take it) and didn’t get a clear positive until 9dp5dt. I really wanted a certain number to come up because it would give me more hope that twins were a reasonable possibility. Horrible headache - slept it off. Pregnant With Twins Insomnia Solutions . This is my second FET, the last one ended in miscarriage around 8w. The clinic It’s my 9dp5dt, I know it’s very very faint (Or no line at all) can any of you see this?! And any similar stories please. A twin pregnancy is no longer a novel occurrence. Identical twins might share a placenta and an amniotic and chorionic sac. Both have the same genetic material. @knp1030, 370 sounds like a twin beta! Did you transfer two?!? Congrats. Hello! I know DP stands for dear partner in some I know my clinic say they want at least level of 75 at 10dp5dt to indicate an ongoing pregnancy. I’m 19 weeks today with boy/girl twins. Mommy2aRainbow. ***According to ACOG, to add modifier 22 if delivery is significantly more difficult as compared to a single gestation pregnancy. Or the twins might share a placenta and each have separate sacs. Very tired. hi, I’m just curious for those who have had more than one pregnancy via IVF what your beta HCG levels were. Currently 24 weeks pregnant with twins now. 1 Oh my gosh huge congrats. September 2011 in Multiples. :) Congrats! Like. Let's review. I was surprised because I did not know you could start period while taking PIO injections (1ml pee day). We have our beta scheduled for 12/17/21. Thursday 9/28 - 10dp5dt. 4 weeks 2 days - 1148. Current baby boy was 94 at 8dp5dt. 1 June 2013 - DR (Buserelin) 25th June. Latest: 6 days ago If you had a beta at 14dpo or 9dp5dt, It can mean you are pregnant with multiples or a molar pregnancy, or it can mean nothing at all and be perfectly normal! How many embies did you Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS! Report 0 Reply. But at the time I was pregnant with twins that’s why I got an early bfp. IVF. So I just had my bloodwork done yesterday at 9dp5dt and my HCG was 157. I had negative HPTs until late in the day on 9dp6dt so 4-7 days still seems super early to me. Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled FET for #2 9/1/11 Beta #1 9dp5dt - 153!!! Beta #2 11dp5dt Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, hi all, looking for some advice x I am 9dp5dt and started spotting on 7dpt however when I did do a test then on day 7 it was negative. I would compare every other day. By this time, you've likely received a positive pregnancy test confirming that you're pregnant, and it's likely you'll start to have some pregnancy symptoms, if you haven't already. My results were:Estradiol- Forums. S. I miscarried twins (we’d transferred 2 blasts) in May & my betas for that pregnancy were 232 @9dpt and 355 @ 11dpt. N. Casual morning walks and evening strolls can help blood flow and improve muscle Twin molar pregnancy is a rare obstetric event, characterized by the coexistence of a hydatidiform mole and a potentially viable fetus with a normal placenta, associated with several pregnancy complications, such as spontaneous abortions, intrauterine deaths, preeclampsia, and hyperthyroidism, potentially leading to an obstetric near miss (8,9). 15dp5dt 128. So I had one embryo transferred mine was 362 day 9 and 3064 day 13 and they flagged me as possibly being pregnant with twins, but instead I was just super pregnant with one healthy boy which for me at least was a huge relief, but none the less you could very well be pregnant with twins. 8. However, if the c-section delivery is significanbtly more difficult, you might have an opportunity to add modifier 22. After doing research I’ve read that at 9dp5dt you’re technically 14dpo. byrne15 member Hi my Singleton was 157 9dp5dt, 3,700 16dp5dt, on the higher end for a singleton, check out beta base, it has all the ranges for Singleton and twin pregnancy HCG values PO for a confirmed Hello all, I had my hcg beta test today at 9dp5dt and it’s 77. Your Guide to Pregnancy Hormones. In Expecting twins/mommys of twins. The most serious risk is preterm birth, which accounts for most of the increased perinatal mortality, neonatal morbidity, and long-term morbidity of twins. I had a beta 6 days, 10 days, and 14 days after transfer of 5 day old embryos and they were 103, 978, and >5000. What helped me when I went through a CP was understanding it was It's my OTD today at 9dp5dt and I have a very very faint second line, but it is definitely there. it doesn’t mean anything at all really. More posts in "IVF Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" group Create post in "IVF Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" group. How soon can you tell you’re pregnant with twins? Your doctor won’t be able to tell for sure until your first trimester ultrasound , which is usually What can you expect at 26 weeks pregnant with twins? We’ve compiled a list of common symptoms, to-do’s this week, pregnancy tips, pregnancy concerns, questions to ask your doctor, advice from other pregnant moms of twins, and Fraternal twins can be of the same sex or different sexes. Baby#3 hcg 29@9dp5dt. Its the doubling within 48-72hrs. While there aren’t any apparent early twin pregnancy symptoms, a few telltale signs and contextual factors may suggest you are or will be more likely to carry twins. 3 more early miscarriages since What was your beta? Mine is 100 at 9dp5dt. Singleton pregnancy, currently 9 weeks in and everything on track so far. ShayJay143. B. I have no known clotting issues and our reason for IVF is MFI but my dr said it wouldn’t hurt and said it was fine to take. This morning I had some red/ pink spotting. test for pregnancy, and make sure a pregnancy is progressing well. Beta #1 was 104 on Saturday. When hCG detection is strong, the pregnancy test will turn positive almost immediately, and the test line will be dark and definite while sometimes stealing the dye from the control line. Initial number doesnt mean anything. But don't worry if you're not feeling much different – some women don't feel the side effects as much or as early as others. If a woman has high hCG levels, it could point to twins or triplets, though only a scan can confirm this. My clinic told me to continue meds and I’ll retest Friday to see if the levels double, but to prepare for a chemical pregnancy. 16dp5dt HCG shot up to 3766. I know chances are slim, but has anyone else had lower HCG on 9dp5dt and made it full term? Looking for any success stories. First I'm 9dp5dt aka 14dpo (first FET) and my beta came back 34. Twin pregnancy is associated with higher rates of almost every potential complication of singleton pregnancy, with the exceptions of postterm pregnancy and macrosomia. Home / I just got my HCG levels back and it’s 471 at 9dp5dt. As long as it's Can you share what your beta level was when you first found out you're pregnant and now expecting twins? I'm happy with 1 or 2 either way :) Like. Then 11dp5dt was 417 and finally 15dp5dt was 2432. Besides the twins, I also have had two chemical pregnancies and a naturally conceived early loss. The best I ever felt!!! I actually didn't find out I was carrying twins until 20 weeks. 9dp5dt was 485. All of my pregnancies with a beta between 20-41 resulted in take-home-babies. I am having twins though. test day tomorrow - 9dp5dt - no pregnancy sypmtoms. I started spotting at 9dp5dt, light pink, sometimes brown. If your twin pregnancy is considered higher risk, you will probably need to have a specialist obstetrician look after you. Next beta was 3 days later and was only 54. E. Basically, the post means My 9dp5dt was 159. It means that the embryo was 5 days old when it was transferred. My RE thinks that the fluid from my tube caused each chemical. fixp aaftxl quo awk zdiz ykbbi szdmffzm fwlbmgf qrmh jsog