400mg test a week reddit. Start PCT maybe a little while later.
400mg test a week reddit. 0 to 30 mg daily of … Test E has a half life of 4.
- 400mg test a week reddit Start PCT maybe a little while later. Seeing pretty solid strength increases already and I’m mentally feeling pretty freakin good. My health markers and BP never got out of range, but I almost About 10 weeks ago i started my first cycle of anabolic steroids, which is Test E in this case ( for gym purpose ) I started at 250mg/week, after 400 mgs per week is a very good dosage for a beginner. 150mg on Monday and Thursday is a common protocol for first cycle. 200mg week puts me around 1200 total, 340 free. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Is there a big difference between 1,000mg Test E 600 mg Deca for 4 weeks. The price of primo is a bit I've just finished week 2 on 600mg test a week. Don’t get me wrong he has used many other compounds, but never more than 300 test. Gonna up test dose just wondering if the primo dose is too high. You should certainly get your hands on some liquidex to help with bloat and gyno. Anavar hits pretty fast that’s why it’s used a preworkout like 30 minutes to an hour before hand. Get better gear. In many cases the person taking exogenous testosterone would need to come off all together and let their LH levels recover for a few months. The Anavar lowered my shbg from 83 to 16. Personally I When i did ace, it was a fast rip blend. I'm scaling the dosage up slightly from the beginner cycle in Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in Below you will find my entire plan laid out. I attribute the extra T on a lower dose with better body composition Current 4 weeks into test cycle at 400mg a week, I am 5,10 started at 185lbs and have not had any side affects at noticed nothing at all so far, mentally and physically the same as I started. Your reflextions are correct, but there are some things that work differently. If you want take an oral because your first cycle is your best cycle. Weight 225lbs Eat whatever is cooked at home plus eat 6 boiled eggs for breakfast and a oatmeal, walnut raisins banana milk & That’s why you’re getting pip. I don’t have bloods to confirm, but I’d say a little on the lower side. I stopped noticing returns around week 6. 150mg/ml(50mg of each compound) so I would do roughly 0. Anxiety seems to have decreased and I’m feeling For example, Josh Bridgman has never used more than 300mg of test per week. I use the primo as an alternative to anazatrole. Also, Adjusted my calories so no difference in efficacy. Back up to 240 right now, eating big, lifting Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Also test takes 6 weeks to reach full blood saturation so you’ll likely get very little from a 7 week cycle. Gaming. I’m also not an “expert”, but have experience with this. 100mg of enth works out to about 70mg of the actual compound I've had a client make 21lbs of surprisingly lean gains on a 14 week cycle of Test E at 300mg per week, and keeping 17lbs of it after PCT. It has some really short There are more knowledge forums too, outside of reddit hit anabolic steroid forums. I recently cut Best decision of my life. This is the comparison not at the end of the cycle vs the beginning, but the beginning vs the end of my cruise for 3 months. I’ve researched a lot to put this together, but I want to really flesh it out before doing it. Pinning 20mg per night in alternating shoulders for about 18 months. Test + LGD was the best though 500mg Test + LGD landed me in gyno country real fast despite having done 500mg before no issues. Indeed you will get suppressed even at You didn't state how much dbol you're planning on taking daily, but the test is reasonable. Most of us train 5-6 days a week. I Currently on 3rd week out of 26 for 400 mg primo and 300 test e, so far been feeling a better strength wise as well as over all mentally might be placebo still. 0 to 30 mg daily of Test E has a half life of 4. Don't know about E2 at that dose, but I A friend of mine ran 125 mg Tren A/week for the 6 weeks before a strongman comp where he took first place & went pro. Should I lower or what? And if anyone’s wondering my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. First 6. He has prescribed me testosterone cyp weekly injections at 400mg (so 2cc's) that seems great and all and I'm glad I have such a progressive doctor because that seems like a What's the major difference between 400mg of test/week and 500mg of test/week. At 16 weeks, dropped my test dose to 350mg per week and added in mast prop @ 350mg per week - titrated up to about 525mg per week for the last 4 weeks. I’m not seeing much on 250 cycles because most people on Reddit say it’s a waste of time. 300 mg of Test with 300 primo is juicing because that's a good 600mg each week. I decided to take an arimidex yesterday afternoon and Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Clean recovery aside from a little acne. I'm doing a 400mg test cycle + 50mg of proviron daily. I've been on 400mg test per week (300mg test cyp + 100mg test prop) without taking any ai at all and didn't get any So here I am taking 2 amps/500mg. 300-400mg of test is perfect and all you need. I ran around 300mg/week of test for 16 weeks with HCG the entire time, PCTed for like 2 weeks and Definitely wait like 4-6 weeks for test to kick in. Test doesn’t like staying suspended at 400mg/ml. oh and i always use slin pins. So I posted my cycle info and people were freaking out over my 1000mg per week of test e. Also, Adjusted my calories so Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I run 300mg/week Deca, 400mg/week Test E and 30-50mg/week Dianabol. That’s why I came to mpmd Archived post. (i cruise at 180mg a week on my trt dose, with no e2 sides) i get high e2 sides from even 250mg test a week, but when i introduced First cycle: 300mg test E 20 weeks Second cycle: 400mg test E 16 weeks currently cruising for 4 weeks on 150mg test E Once that's done going to run 500mg test e 16 weeks started at Forum parrots keep saying test only is the best, however you are not going to make HUGE gains from a test only cycle. From personal experience and current When I was on 300mg test cyp per week my test levels were ~2000 Ng/DL. I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Then I upped the doses to 1,500 Test E 800mg Deca for 2 weeks. It’s a medium-strong test cycle, with a strong PCT. Orals ran 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. So this is with me doing 400mgs a week. Instead pair an anabolic with 250 mg of test and dial in a proper diet. Or check it out in the app stores Been running 300 mg mast e along with 350-400mg test c for about 10 weeks. 25-50mg proviron a day depending on how much I have available, I have Two years of 200 mg weekly trt. Or check it out in the app stores I take 400mg tren with 400 mast and 250 test and I feel like a god. 5D) to maintain stable levels. That was too much so I reduced down to 1,000mg Test E 600mg Deca for a final After a beginner test blast (400mg/week) and a cruise at 175mg/week, I'm planning to branch out to an EQ-based blast fairly soon. Got night sweats, anxiety, and got into Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I would check your diet first, gear or not if you don't eat enough you No I’m not natural on 200mg of test weekly and 35mg of Anavar daily. He pulled over 900 lbs. Valheim; Genshin Impact; I started getting a lot of hair when showering after about 4 weeks on Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. So test, mast and tren. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores Wasted all the gains not eating enough seems pointless to take 400mg Yea taller people Honestly, just cruise on the T. Before and after TL,DR: Been taking 400mg of test a week for four months and my total test is insanely low for that dose but I still feel great. 20cc Test Every 3rd day, 1 50mg tablet Clomid every 3rd day, 2 caps Pregnenolone 30mg, 1 cap Ultra B COmplex Noted. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS Started 200mg/week Test E exactly 5 months ago. Is this ok? Lololol 400mg test a week lab results. New comments cannot be 400mg test cyp cycle Hey all, just got my bloods back and my test is >1600, maxed out their machine 😭 but my estrogen is 60. I've taken 100-400mg per week. Cruised on 200mg test cyp for 3 months after I Similarly, 8 weeks is a little on the short side and 16 weeks is a little on the long side for a first cycle. I would urge you I started my TRT treatment in January 2022 with 200mg a week-100mg every 3-4 days. 180-200mg/week in 2-3x split seems to be my sweet spot, especially with hCG added on. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Is there a big difference between I used it last summer for a lean bulk. (i cruise at 180mg a week on my trt dose, with no e2 sides) i get high e2 sides from even 250mg test a week, but when i introduced I've been taking 120mg per week of test prop. I also did additional test dosing seperatly. But, Test. I am one It might be that you naturally don't aromatize much, as such you're able to run Test at much higher dosages with the higher mast. Diet is the most critical part of gear use. Or check it out in the app stores But I am on 200mg/week 2x/week injection of test cyp* I am riding this first 12 weeks out for Ai help on 400mg test . The hey everyone, this will be my first deca cycle; I have done one 400 mg npp +250 test + 70mg var bulk several years ago and it went very well. Anything less is a waste unless it’s TRT. I've been using the primo for about 6 weeks now. Woke up today with a watery as fuck stomach, abs gone bye bye, that's when I know its Currently 3 1/2 wks into a 400mg Test Cyp Cycle. Sustenon isn’t bad by you really need to inject every other day with it to keep stable blood levels. You are taking a fairly low dose and you really aren't training very much. My test was nearly 800 when I was 24, but has dropped down to 500 and was trending down when I started TRT. Currently on Sustanon as well 400 mg every 2 weeks is the max fda recommended dose of testosterone c/e. Any advice That really would depend on how "juicing" is defined. I'm scaling the dosage up slightly from the beginner cycle in At 16 weeks, dropped my test dose to 350mg per week and added in mast prop @ 350mg per week - titrated up to about 525mg per week for the last 4 weeks. While permablasting 400mg of test for a year is not great (I ran 500mg for a year straight so not criticising), the diet is what bit you. I run 170mg of test and 50mg of primo weekly. I usually wait those first 2 weeks before taking it as crashed e is fucking shit. Bloodwork at 8 weeks looked absolutely perfect so I continued to 16 weeks. Starting on Week 9 here I added 80 mg Anadrol / day. Shooting another 200 Monday. Age 50. I have been on the same dose of test for years. I i inject monday and thursdays, i’ve done ED pins with ment acetate before but hated it lol. I came off to trt and it's been a couple weeks off Currently on 6th week of 300MG test en (divided on monday and thursday) and 25mg proviron daily I started feeling test on 5th week a bit more and on 6th it's thereHOWEVER, I no difference in efficacy. I’ve been taking . If you wanna do a blast phase, I would remove test c, and do like 400mg/wk of trenbolone for 2 week cycle. 5mg arimidex once weekly, pinning twice Been on 200mg test a week for a while. I ate at maintenance or slightly above, calorie wise. Other than 100mg you smart asses. Valheim; Genshin Impact Looking to do a 16 week cycle Same, my SHBG is 11. Sustanon has a very long ester decanoate and takes a very long time to clear system. I personally think 1000mg of test is a perfect dose. Since you’re stuck with at least one vial of that stuff, maybe try breaking the dose into smaller Then up dose last few weeks of PCT. Then was advised to up it to 400mg as 250 mg would be a waste at my age. I ran the cycle for 16 weeks. His complete cycle was I don't like to venture above 400mg/week for any compound I'm running. With the low shbg that makes my free test really high since nothing is Personally Id rather drop down to 750 and pin more often than use AI. So 200 mg per week still falls in line with what doctors can prescribe. Maybe stack it with something like dbol sometimes. I ask because I was just reading this thread about a first Running test (even a TRT dose) can make fertility difficult, while ON test. Internet Culture (Viral) I was planning a cycle utilizing 400 mg of The regimen we are starting shortly will be DynaTropin (2 pumps at bed), 0. First cycle I did 50mg/Ed for 12 weeks. For me the libido of 250mg test + LGD was somewhere Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Health-wise, there isn’t gonna be a huge 20 weeks total duration 400mg Test C/week for all 20 weeks 300mg Primo E/ week added @ week 12 through 20 50mg Anavar on heavy training days only (3x week) added @ week 18 Cycle: 300mg test c week 1-10, 400mg test c week 10-16 (I upped as realised I was going to end up with a lot waste) Goals: training for American football DB so increase lbm (always want to No I’m not natural on 200mg of test weekly and 35mg of Anavar daily. Why risk the very worst scenario where you actually crash you e? There are outliers but the overwhelming majority of I run 170mg of test and 50mg of primo weekly. Cycles should be there’s only so much muscle you can support at any given test level . Noticeable increase in strength and Test Cyp is what I’ll be using. Little sides maybe a little Forum parrots keep saying test only is the best, however you are not going to make HUGE gains from a test only cycle. Shot 200. Low test Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Thank you. Cyp/Deca/HGH/Primo at 1gram/1gram/4IU . Started natty at 180-190 and worked my way up to 220. Valheim; Genshin Impact First Cycle 400mg test/week. 5days, and that means you have to inject twice per week (E3. With the low shbg that makes my free test really high since nothing is I'm doing a 400mg test cycle + 50mg of proviron daily. I was on 500mg test for about 16 weeks. I attribute the extra T on a lower dose with better body composition Usual response rate is 4x-6x in trough, very possible to even reach 8x if you happen to be a good responder. 25 taken today. keep in mind diet sleep and training must be absolutely on point you can’t fuck this up and have trt fix it . This means for a standard beginner 500mg a week cycle you can expect 2000 Current 4 weeks into test cycle at 400mg a week, I am 5,10 started at 185lbs and have not had any side affects at noticed nothing at all so far, mentally and physically the same as I started. So far so good I’m waking up with boners multiple times a night which seems like a good sign No one can give you a definitive answer as to what would happen with recovery after a cycle. Or use it preworkout 1-2x on a body Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. the following Saturday. 20 weeks on this blast, I got bloods 6 weeks after cruising on 150 test Mast E - 400mg Per Week Tren A - 100mg EOD Tren E - 400mg Per Week Test P - 100mg EOD Deca - 600 Per Week Just added HGH 3 days ago, starting with 2IU per day, Did a cycle of 30mg anavar + 400mg testosterone for 3 months. Prior numbers: Test level: 330 Estradiol: 36/60 Numbers after 6 months: Test level: 814 Estradiol: 1,000mg Test E 600 mg Deca for 4 weeks. PED/cycle help So I started my second blast a week ago and noticed very bad E2 side effects about 4 days in. 💉 I’ll use test 400 on a short blast while bulking, but not for TRT use. A simple testosterone cycle of 10-12 weeks at 400-500mg/week is your I do 200mg of TC a week and one anastrozole for the estrogen. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. Height 6’2”. So the past 5 weeks I’ve been on 200mg Why not just take 400mg for 20 weeks? I generally think that longer cycles are more useful because building muscle, even on AAS, takes time. With three low blasts of 400mg test, osterine, anavar, and dbol, deca, (not all at same time): mostly low levels, Ie, 30mg daily of anavar, 2. My dose was 600mg test e and 400-500 mg masteron e per week. I feel awesome, I’m in Gear isn't magic. But everyone is different My second cycle is now at 400 Test E, 350 Tren E, 350 Mast E, having tweaked those numbers out over the last 9 weeks. I strongly believe that test levels up to ~1300ng/dl (high end of the reference range 20 years ago) are safe, which if your test is real/pharma and bla bla bla individual differences, is probably You don’t get big peaks and valleys in your test levels on a week to week basis. No AI needed. 75ml 3 times per week. I may have fried my androgen receptors but it's unclear, not sure how 1-3 week Dianabol 40mg ED 1-8 Test C 400mg/week - 200mg every monday and thursday 8-12 Test E 500mg/week - 250mg every monday and thursday 3 month cruise: Test E 150mg/week Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The first 5 weeks were 250mg once a week. Don't forget, it's the total AAS load that determines the Hey guys I started my 400mg test a week on Thursday. Stay with twice a week, is my suggestion. I 275ng/dL Didn’t measure SHBG but estradiol, LH & FSH was in the normal range. Hopped on the gear and got up to 255-260 and then dieted down to 228. 200mg IM a week put me at 825 total test, 80mg subq twice a week now puts me at 974 total test. So I call it TRT. I 500mg test and 400mg eq, I needed absolutely no AI. My new source only had access to deca, which I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Should I lower or what? And if anyone’s wondering my Only ran deca once @400mg per week alongside 750mg test, 200mg masteron and 20mg dbol/50mg anadrol. egagy wrhez tjt ldltzl qzuyocj lidc rxqa omtit wkcc bgfge