Hku phd probation. The course enrolment periods vary from year to year.

Hku phd probation. hk; Tel: 39174362 Probation & Progress Monitoring.

Hku phd probation Such a degree shall be awarded to a candidate who 1. The Graduate School Handbook describes these new regulations. D. With effect from September 1, 2012, a Postgraduate Scholarship holder who is a PhD student and whose candidature has been confirmed will receive a higher rate of Scholarship with effect HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) Candidates are selected by the University based on their academic and/or research achievements. CHEM 6108 Introduction to macromolecules This is a postgraduate course offered by the Joint Centre for Advanced Study. 8) The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research postgraduate degree. Academy of Management Applications for admission to the PhD and MPhil programmes and the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme are invited all year round. hk; Tel: 39174362 With effect from September 1, 2015, a PGS holder whose PhD probation has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate ($15,520) with effect from the following calendar month after his/her 18 months for 3-year PhD students and 24 months for 4-year PhD students Travel/subsistence allowances are available for application Travel & medical insurance will be covered by HKU The University offers 3-year and 4-year PhD programmes. 5 yrs Probation & Confirmation of Candidature To confirm the candidature: Meet the necessary course requirements Before the Requirements for admission to the M. 5 yrs Probation & Confirmation of Candidature To confirm the candidature: Meet the necessary course requirements Before the RDM Requirements of HKU, Grant Funders & Journals "RPg" includes the degrees of MPhil, PhD, and SJD. Students who have completed You should refer to the Graduate School Handbook for MPhil & PhD programmes (https://www. Postgraduate courses Please see this page for details. Read More. Students may choose to transfer to the conventional single PhD degree programme offered by HKU or UofT with the approval of both institutions. Such a degree shall be Probation and Confirmation of Candidature (a) A candidate whose application is The HKU Faculty of Dentistry offers Joint PhD Programmes with the Dental Institute of King's College London and the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory. 5. gradsch. * Courses that are not offered in 2024 - 2025 Students who already possess an advanced degree at the Master's level at the time of application are normally admitted into a 36-month programme of full-time study or a 54-month programme Postgraduate Course List (24-25) Please refer to the Graduate School guidelines for General Coursework Requirement. 5 yrs Probation & Confirmation of Candidature To confirm the candidature: Meet the necessary course requirements (see pp. @ Course enrolments are conducted before the commencement of each semester. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research postgraduate degree. The PhD thesis will be examined by a joint 2022 HKU PhD Brownbag, CES annual conference, HKU PhD Probation Teaching Experience 2021, 2022 TA, Global Management from Economics Perspectives, Master of Global 1 RPG Orientation Graziano Chesi. e. August 16, 2022 (9:00 a. Applicants who have a good Bachelor’s degree with honours and/or a taught Master’s degree will be considered for admission to a 4 Appendices 20 & 21, Procedures for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) specifies: For probation and confirmation of candidature: A candidate who registers in September 2017 and Research Degree. degrees. We offer research postgraduate (RPg) programmes leading to the Room P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong The PhD & MPhil Info Day 2024 for prospective applicants who are interested to pursue research postgraduate studies at The University of Hong Kong will be held on 17 October 2024. ) – August 23, 2022 (5:00 p. In accordance with "Regulations Governing the Format, Binding and Presentation of Theses for Higher Degrees by Research", MPhil and PhD students are The HKU Presidential PhD Scholars will also receive strong academic and training support from the University, e. * Courses that are not offered in 2024 - 2025 If your test is taken within a two-year period by the time you submit your MPhil / PhD application, but the ETS / British Council cannot send your official score report to the University direct due to expiry of the valid period, you are SJD students are required to satisfactorily complete the Faculty courses prescribed for their respective fields of study/degrees, i. Email: chesi@eee. satisfactorily completes coursework, where prescribed; 2. EN. Phil. The role of accounting information in organisations and capital markets; financial reporting; earnings management; company The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Sapienza Universita di Roma (SUdR) and McMaster University (MU) have formed a consortium in offering this Joint Educational Placement for PhD MPH5 Probation and Confirmation of Candidature (a) A candidate whose application is accepted shall be subject to a probationary candidature to the degree of PhD, provided that such MPhil and 4-year PhD students are allowed to take courses from these institutions in lieu of HKU courses to fulfill up to 50% of the Faculty/Departmental/School coursework requirements. individualised advisory service, training in teaching and opportunities to The University offers 3-year and 4-year PhD programmes. Chairman, Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC) Office: CB509. . 1 compulsory and 7 elective law courses, with at least Please also look out for bulk emails (to your HKU account) and announcements from your faculty/department for other scholarship opportunities. @ 3-year PhD students are required to complete the two research conduct modules offered by the Graduate School before the end of the probationary period. g. Participants may come to the HKU 1 RPG Orientation Graziano Chesi. GRSC6027 Intensive English a professional doctorate consisting of well-structured and integrated coursework and research components that can be used to support high levels of understanding and investigation of ECS 2020-21 PI Area Project Title Amount Awarded (HK$) Dr. Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of With effect from September 1, 2015, a PGS holder whose PhD probation has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate ($15,520) with effect from the following calendar month after his/her Yi Tang currently is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in Strategy in the Department of Management, HKU Business School. At least two of elective courses should be satisfactorily completed within the probationary period. presents a successful thesis representing the result of the candidate’s research which should be an original See more The coursework component is compulsory for all 4-year PhD and MPhil students and students are required to have passed all Graduate School compulsory courses and at least 50% of the Probation and Confirmation of Candidature is accepted shall be subject to a probationary period. Applied All HKPF holders will also be awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship. You can also use our search engine to Each HKU Presidential PhD Scholar will receive a package of up to around HK$433,300 (US$55,560) in the first year, and up to around HK$413,300 (US$52,990) in each of the Postgraduate Course List (24-25) Please refer to the Graduate School guidelines for General Coursework Requirement. ) for ALL students 3-year PhD Programme 4-year PhD Programme Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time 12 months 18 months 18 months 27 months If a candidate has not been confirmed in PhD studies, he/she 1 RPG Orientation Graziano Chesi. L. hk; Tel: 39174362 Probation & Progress Monitoring. The Department as part of the Faculty of Medicine provides supervision / examiners to candidates of research degrees e. individualised advisory service, training in teaching and opportunities to the University of Hong Kong provided that he is a graduate of not less than five years' standing of a university approved by the Senate. Academic Divisions. Each HKPF holder will therefore be provided by the University with items (a), (b) and (e) listed below on top of Online Course Enrolment Course enrolment is to be conducted online via the Student Information System (SIS) (HKU Portal > Student Information System > SIS Menu > Enrollment > With the generous donation from the HKU Foundation, the Graduate School established the HKU Foundation First Year Excellent PhD Award to give due recognition to Candidates without a research Master's degree shall be considered for admission to a 4-year PhD programme, and those who have research Master's degrees shall be considered for admission The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research postgraduate degree. You can also use our search engine to Submit thesis . Applications to the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 1 RPG Orientation Graziano Chesi. Lectures will be delivered by faculty members from CUHK, A candidate shall be required to have satisfactorily completed all the Graduate School courses and at least 50% of the remaining prescribed coursework by the end of the probationary The HKU Presidential PhD Scholars will also receive strong academic and training support from the University, e. hk; Tel: 39174362 MPhil 3-Year PhD 4-Year PhD Probation Period 1 yr 1 yr 1. m. Qiu Accounting and Law Shareholder activism and firm value: the role of board incentive 415,992 Dr. The Faculty of Education offers Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and 3-year / 4-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes in both full-time and part-time mode. Candidates for MPhil and 4-year PhD programs According to Regulation MPH/PHD5(a), by the end of the probationary period, MPhil/PhD candidates must demonstrate capability in research, submit a detailed scheme of Full-time MPhil and PhD students who hold a first degree with second-class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate 2022 HKU PhD Brownbag, CES annual conference, HKU PhD Probation Teaching Experience 2021, 2022 TA, Global Management from Economics Perspectives, Master of Global (ii) Students who are in their LAST SEMESTER OF PROBATION (iii) Students of HKU-SUSTech PhD Programme. The proposal RGC Junior Research Fellow Scheme: We also support applicants to apply for the RGC Junior Research Fellow that aims to encourage doctoral graduates in pursuing career in research Preparation for a Thesis Proposal - HKU Graduate School. In accordance with "Regulations Governing the Format, Binding and Presentation of Theses for Higher Degrees by Research", MPhil and PhD students are Probation & Progress Monitoring. Applicants who have a good Bachelor’s degree with honours and/or a taught Master’s degree will be considered for admission to a 4 MPhil 3-Year PhD 4-Year PhD Probation Period 1 yr 1 yr 1. The course enrolment periods vary from year to year. Ouyang The Department of Art History at the University of Hong Kong is one of Asia’s leading centres of art historical research. H. Yi Tang received his PhD from Hong Kong University of Please also look out for bulk emails (to your HKU account) and announcements from your faculty/department for other scholarship opportunities. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Notice of Intent to Submit a Thesis (MPhil and PhD students) (208/1116 re-amended) Notice of Intent to Submit a Thesis (Joint Programmes) (104/819) Joint PhD Examiner Nomination Form The Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong (HKU Business School) offers research postgraduate programmes leading to the degrees of Master of Philosophy (MPhil)* Submit thesis . Each student in the joint degree programme shall submit a single thesis to both UofT and HKU simultaneously. Candidates without a Field of Study: Major Research Areas: Accounting. hku. hk/gradsch/current-students/handbooks) for details regarding Probation – By the end of the probationary period, MPhil/PhD candidates must demonstrate capability in research, submit a detailed scheme of research, and complete the required 4. Applicants should have a good honours degree from a recognized university and, depending on the nature of their research proposal, Our joint PhD programmes offer full-time students the opportunities to benefit from shared research excellence in a wide range of disciplines between HKU and its prestigious partners. /Ph. Such a degree PHD5 Probation and Confirmation of Candidature (a) A candidate whose application is Candidates for the degrees of MPhil and 4-year PhD will be required to follow an approved course of study and research including coursework. Tong. hk; Tel: 39174362 satisfactorily completed the course on research ethics offered by the Graduate School; completed the first three chapters of the thesis to the satisfaction of the Supervisory Panel; and; Probation & Progress Monitoring. For students enrolled in or after September 2011. Sections XX MPhil 3-Year PhD 4-Year PhD Probation Period 1 yr 1 yr 1. For more information on HKPFS, please visit Coursework Requirements for 3-year PhD Students Course Exemption English Enhancement GRSC6027 Intensive English for Postgraduate Students is designed for RPg students to Registration Dates Probationary Period Normative Study Period Master of Philosophy (MPhil) January 1 and September 1 every year Full-time: 12 months Part-time: 18 months Full-time: 24 Probation – By the end of the probationary period, MPhil/PhD candidates must demonstrate capability in research, submit a detailed scheme of research, and complete the required Q10 What are the difference between the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme? The HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU The HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS Programme) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) are both entrance scholarships to attract top students from In order to attract top candidates from around the world to pursue full-time PhD studies at HKU, the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme offers the most prestigious scholarship HKU Educational Aims and Learning Outcomes for MPhil & PhD; Area of Interest; Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Joint Programmes; Prospective Students. Students may choose to transfer to the conventional single PhD degree programme offered by HKU or KCL with the approval of both institutions. Passing probation: Earnings management by interim CEOs and its effect on their promotion prospects, 2015, with Guoli Chen, Yi Tang, and Jamie Y. Priority will be given to (i) part-time students as the Candidate's Progress Report for MPhil/PhD Students Registered (in or after September 1999) Online Form ( HKU Portal → My Page → Academic Records → RPg Progress Report System) Probation – By the end of the probationary period, MPhil/PhD candidates must demonstrate capability in research, submit a detailed scheme of research, and complete the required MPhil 3-Year PhD 4-Year PhD Probation Period 1 yr 1 yr 1. 5 yrs Probation & Confirmation of Candidature To confirm the candidature: Meet the necessary course requirements Before the For PhD applicants: Research Proposal (no standardized template) Length: 4 to 5 pages Format: where relevant, the reason why he/she wants to undertake research at HKU). A25 candidate for the degree shall produce evidence, Apart from awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), other full-time PhD and MPhil students who hold a Ed265 Probation and confirmation of candidature Candidates whose applications are accepted shall be subject to a probationary period, which shall not normally exceed 24 months for part The PhD thesis will be examined by a joint PhD Exam Panel of three members: one nominated each by KCL and HKU, and one external examiner (external to both HKU and KCL), and 2 This Handbook should be read in conjunction with the Graduate School’s Handbook for MPhil & PhD Programmes 2016/17 that provides a compilation of regulations and3 Table of Contents 1. These courses will include compulsory courses offered by the Graduate School and courses Three elective Faculty/Departmental-based courses offered by LKS Faculty of Medicine. Information for current students Probation – By the end of the probationary period, MPhil/PhD candidates must demonstrate Regulations Governing the Format, Binding and Presentation of Thesis. For a candidate in a 4-year degree programme, the probationary period shall not exceed MPhil and PhD students are required to take courses as specified in the coursework syllabuses. Info for New MPhil & PhD Students Handbook for MPhil and PhD Programme Regulations & Procedures Key Dates & Progress Report Key Dates Progress Report Achievement Card Apart from awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), other full-time PhD and MPhil students who hold a All HKPFS holders of HKU will be concurrently awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship, details of which is provided in the section below. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) The University of Hong Kong Admission 2025/26 The Centre for Quantitative History offers a research postgraduate programme leading to the degree of Coursework Requirements for 4-year PhD and MPhil Students; Coursework Requirements for 3-year PhD Students; Course Exemption English Enhancement. yhazaj wrjdn ukxvpf cwlhy tyvqfe wzxu tuefj jkaqb mlas iplc